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Western Carolinian Volume 52 Number 23

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  • The Western Carolinian 5 April 10, 1987 FOCUS ON THE 1988 PRESIDENTIAL RACE A Look at Haig and Gephardt By TIM BARTON STAFF WRITER Editor's Note: This is the secona installment of the special series of reports by Tim Barton on fhe 1988 Presidential candidates. Each week Barton features a Democratic and a Republican candidate for president, Alexander Haig: Republican Haig H 'Without a healthy American economy, we cannot strengthen our leadership abroad. Without an improved American military capability, we cannot restrain the Soviet Union.' With these words, former Secretary of State Aiexa nder Haig outlined his strategies. He announced his candidacy for the presidency in mid-March Haig was Chief of Staff to Richard Nixon during the final year of the Nixon presidency, commander of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) for five years, and administrative aid to General MacArthur As a retired four-star general and president of United Technologies Corp., President Reagan asked him to be his Secretary of State, from which post he served 18 months before resigning in mid-1982. He also served in the capacity of military adviser to Henry Kissinger, according to the Wall Street Journal of Dec 17, 1980. At 63. Alexander Meigs Haig "has emerged as the dominantfigure in shaping America's foreign policy." While serving as Secretary of State, his major blunder was declaring that he "was in charge at the White House" when President Reagan was shot. Clearly, Vice-President George Bush or several other people could have made more valid cbims constitutionally, DOMESTIC ECONOMY: The restoration of economic vitality and military strength 'is as crucial to foreign policy as it is to domestic purpose,' stated Haig. In America, 'we have a unique convergence... today of a popular move which is willing to bear the sacrifices of correcting our defense deficiencies and tightening its belt to be sure our domestic economy is put back on a sound track.' ENERGY: He has a "deep concern that economic and energy problems are sapping the solidarity of NATO and undermining its ability to meet growing Soviet military strength." DEFENSE AND FOREIGN AFFAIRS: This Republican candidate has three themes for his foreign policy: the need for restored and continued confidence in America, an active role in the Third World, and the restraint of the Soviet Union, first, 'we are acting to restore confidence in American leadership through a more robust defense of US ideals and interests and a more realistic approach to the dangers and opportunities of the international situation. What we once took for granted abroad — confidence in the United States — must be reestablished through a steady accumulation of prudent and successful actions,' he stated in the Department of State Bulletin of June 1981. Alexander Haig said that, 'We want a world hospitable to our society and ideals. And our objectives can be achieved if we restore American leadership. The beginning of wisdom is to establish the consensus and confidence with our allies that has been missing in recent years' and the key is "genuine consultation." 'The renewal of American self respect, pride, and confidence is the most important development in the world today. With this Ingredient we can act fo restore American leadership. With the restoration of American leadership, the achievement of a more peaceful and prosperous world become less remote.' Foreign policy is, fhe former secretary noted, 'a consequence of day in and day out performance which contributes to an overall assessment and a sense of credibility and confidence in those with whom you deal' rather than 'a business of huckstering or packaging or rhetoric' A 'successful foreign policy anticipates problems, and it takes actions which prevent less than happy outcomes. In the July 1982 Department of State Bulletin, he claimed that 'greater cooperation in the Held of security will increase measurably the confidence that our local friends repose in the United States.' Second, it is important that we play 'an active and constructive role in the Third World.' Haig says that, 'The West has a great deal to offer (to Third Wortd countries): economic and technical assistance, cooperation in the settlement of disputes, (and) access to an international commercial and financial system.' He pointed out that 'it is sometimes far more efficient and far more beneficial through aid and securityassistance to develop the capabilities of (foreign) nations who share our values than to spend some Pillions for a nice-to- have and important unilateral military asset.' Third, he views it a s 'the first task of American leadership and the Atlantic alliance (NATO) ... to establish new restraints on Soviet behavior' After all, 'Moscow is the Sae '88 CAMPAIGN Page Ten • ZFL-181-92" • 12 lb. Lap Top PC • Supei-Twist LCD Backln Display • 640K • Rechargeable Battery Pack • Dual 3'/2" Dnves from . «*»^n $1399 call 586-8133 9:00 am - 4:00 pm CHEROKEE ROOM Hinds Univ. Center THESE PRICES NOT COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE W.C.U. BARBELL CLUB presents The Western Carolina BODYBUILDING CLASSIC 1987 SATURDAY, APRIL 11 1987 Hoey Auditorium - Western Carolina University Cullowhee, N.C. Men's Novice, Men's Open & Women's Open TIMES: Prejudging 9:00 am Night Show 7:30 pm Contestant Check-In 8:00 am TICKETS: Pre-Judging $3.00 Night Show: $5.00 TROPHIES: Awarded to top three places of each class and overall. Tickets can be purchased at the door.

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