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Western Carolinian Volume 46 Number 24, March 25, 1982

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  • March 25, 1982 2 LETTERS LETTERS LETTERS U LETTER POLICY 1. All letters must be typewritten. 2. All letters must be signed, with address and phone number included. 3. The editor has an option of deleting all libelous or obscene materials. 4. Special circumstances may warrant changes in the above policies by the editorial board of the "Western Carolinian." A Little T&S An open letter to Traffic & Security: OK, so you got me again, but I swear 1 don't know what's allowed anymore. I'm referring of course to parking tickets. This should come as no surprise to anyone using the parking lot directly on the southern side of Belk Building. This slab of asphalt has been in a constant state of upheaval for quite some time. 1 guess you guys think it was pretty sneakv letting everyone park anywhere they wanted in this lot for weeks and then adding in the white lines over Spring break. That way you were sure to catch a few dozen unsuspecting victims. You could have put up a sign telling everyone to observe the newly painted white lines and park there only, but then Barney Fife wouldn't have anything to do, would he? When you first started changing this lot around. 1 said. "Fine, someone has actually paid attention to the need for more spaces here and thev're gonna do something about it." But nooooooooo! You felt the need to waste our good money by adding completely useless concrete islands in a sea of blacktop w hich appear to actually cut down the number of parking spaces available. Not only that, you also put in an awkward sidewalk for God knows what reason. On second thought, let me change that. I'm sure that God has no idea what you are up to either. Maybe you could arrange for the addition of some more lovely trees along this sidewalk. Sure, it'll take them a hundred years to grow up to any size able to provide shading to any one using this sidewalk, but I'm sure it'll be at least that long before someone actually walks on it. NOW LOOK HERE BARNEY, I'M TIRED OF I HIS CRAP! Maybe we could work out some kind of deal w here my next five dollar parking fine could be used to purchase a Scrabble board so you and your buddies would have something to occupy your spare time. (Oops! Better make that a set of checkers; I know what a hard time you must have spelling. 1 don't suppose it would matter though, since Andy, Otis, and Floyd probably couldn't tell the difference anyway.) Sure, I'm an angry young man blowing off steam, but what has to be done to get this excessive ticket-giving stopped'.' NAME PRINTED BY REQUEST Zane Brock Liberal Whats? Dear Editor, Last week the ABC news show "20 20" presented a special on our Senator Jesse Helms and what they tried to make look like wrong doings he was engaged in (sic). The final result was a statement by the interviewer that she could find no wrong doings. Hft,INNER OR ADV»\ st'imtstei m a U S i (iiirij,. $2 969 I' 10 Seville from N»'A i i umplete Governme Wits .villi d Spanish tdcnily dlli'iKl ' Ids^es loul liours • tour days d week lout months f din 16 his ot lo 4 sei' The format of the interview was very unprofessional. The lady interviewer had no knowledge of how political sv stems'or people operate especially efficient ones like Senator Helms. The left in America is becoming ever so sensitive of the right. The resultant of such is press coverage that is nothing more than restatements of tired old liberal shibboleths, lt is high time that our media sources (the Carolinian is a perfect example of this attitude!) became media sources again. Sincerely William F. Hamilton, Jr. Route 66, Cullowhee. 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In other words, when people join Army ROTC they often meet people a lot like themselves. For more information, contact Major Ralph Jones at 227-7438 __m ARMY ROTC. BEALLYOUCANBE.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).