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Western Carolinian Volume 45 Number 14

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  • Page 2/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/November 29, 1979 The Western Carolinian Member Intercollegiate Press Editorial Staff AlLagano Rob Gathings Mark Wilkins Eddie Yandle Royce Smith Steve Surles Chip Hammond Bart Bennett E.S. McDaniel Editor-in-Chief Business Manager Managing Editor Associate Editor News Editor Sports Editor "" Columnist Art Editor Photo Editor Founded 1927 Carter gets firm Jimmy Carter stated his harshest condemnation of Iran to date during his news conference last night but would not budge or even hint at the possibility of the United States going to war with Iran. Although faced with the question of the use of military force a number of times in the news conference, the President avoided directly stating that military action was a possibility and only said the U.S. had a number of options available. The President said he hoped a settlement of the situation could be reached through peaceful means. His avoidance of any reference to the use of force could only reveal that intelligence sources within the president's circle felt that threats by the U.S. may further indanger the lives of the hostages, now In their 25th day of captivity. Carter also said he felt the Iran crisis had brought support from a number of other Islamic countries that had normally held hostile feelings towards the U.S. Just to what extent this support exists is very questionable, yet, certainly no Arab countries have outright supported the actions of Iran. Carter offered no solution to the problem, none was expected. The most the news conference and the opening statement did was condemn Iran for its "inhuman'' treatment of the hostages as well as stating no religion on earth supports actions such as those taken by Iran, an obvious counter to Khomeini's attempts to hide behind his Islamic status. Although Carter did not make reference to any use of force and did state that many options were open to the U.S., he certainly must realize that few of the options taken and still available are likely to lead to the release X?vSt|Ws__t_i >_____■ L# I A TOLD YA I wain't going to put up with your chlldlth prank* much longor — Now I'm gonna whup your ASSIIII of the hostages. The deportation process of illlgal Iranian students Is slow and seems to have little impact on the militants in the Middle East. Food still seems to be an ace-in-the-hole, but he is reluctant to use food as a weapon. Iranian assets in the U.S. also create a source of Influence but again, how effective would nationalization of those assets be in relation to the actual persons involved in the takeover? As the days wear on and the options grow fewer, force becomes a greater reality. Certainly the U.S. will wait, patience seems to be our greatest virtue. Still, the U.S. must make it known that force will be used if any hostage is hurt or killed. As each side waits, and tension grows, the reality of a military confrontation becomes a more fearful possibility. Let's hope Iran "realizes the gravity of the situation IT created." Frustrated responses not answer in Iran Guest Editorial By Fred Kopp Staff Writer America is the greatest nation in the world. We are a peaceful, industrious people and do not use our power to take what is not rightfully ours. We have long ago discovered that the best way of preventing crime is by showing criminals that crime does not pay. If we are to secure our country from countless terrorist attacks in the future, we must show the world now that we will never give In to blackmail, and that we will take serious action against those who commit crimes against the people of the United States. The Western Carolinian is published every Thursday throughout the academic year and summer sessions by the students of Western Carolina University. All editorials are from the desk of the Editor-in-Chief unless signed. All opinions expressed in signed editorials, letters and column are not necessarily those of the Editor-in-Chief or the newspaper. All letters to the Western Carolinian muat be signed although names will be withheld upon request. Each letter must be typed or neatly printed, double-spaced and received by mail or delivered in person to the Western Carolinian by 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Unsigned letters will not be printed. Offices are located in Jovncr and our mailing address is Post office Box 66, Cullowhee, N.C. 28723. Telephone is |704| 227 7267. T The Iranian students and workers In our country are not responsible for the situation in Tehran. It is wrong for us to act out of frustration, releasing our hostilities by making victims out of innocent Iranians. Many of the Iranian people are under the delusion that what they are doing in Tehran is right. When they see the results of Iran's criminal behavior, they will realize that they were very wrong. At the same time, we will assure the world that America is not a "paper tiger". The situation in Iran illustrates what happens when one form of government is overthrown without something of value to replace it, and how dangerous the mixture of religion and politics can be. Religion idealizes life and blinds people to reality by making them believe that they are the chosen ones and can do no wrong. Even more unfortunately, religion sometimes gives people a false sense of Immunity. Imagine the people of Iran thinking that they can kill our people with immunity. As a nation, our primary concerns right now are safety from future terrorist attacks on our people, our dignity, and the safe return of the Americans in Iran. We must be firm If these objectives are to be achieved. We cannot compromise lest we become likely victims of future blackmail. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini is attempting to launch a political attack on the United States by Inciting all Moslems to join him In his cause and by creating internal stress in America between blacks and whites. In his attempt to cause internal stress in America, he couldn't have failed more miserably. A black platoon sergent once said to me: "During peace Americans are always fighting among each other, but when they are threatened they become one people and form the most dangerous enemy the world has ever known. When their way of life is threatened there are no blacks or whites, only mad Americans." Certainly, we are a people that no rational nation would desire to have as an enemy, and we are an enemy that any rational nation would fear. We want our people back, and we want them back now!! esternlCarolirtian Staff writers photographers Jim Buchanan Mark Asa David Hubbs Eli Walker Bob Cochran Phil Harden John Van Tassel Mark Moody Kenny Brown Carolina Perez Fred Kopp Mark Stewart Peggy D. Robertson Typesetters Denise Stefanak Kelly Hemrick Jackie Walker Bethany Baldwin Martha Hollyday Debbie Harkey Ad/Comp Design Hughes Grogan Production Jenny Hall Kay West Artists Chris Castiglia Laurie Gardner Circulation Manager Tim Thompson

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