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Western Carolinian Volume 29 Number 19

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  • Debate Team For Freshmen Is Organized Gaslight Singers: Great WCCs first Freshman Debate Team is now a reality. Following a special audition meeting held Tuesday, Bob Wilson, President of the Debate Club, announced that Margaret Cooke and Bill Upchurch had been selected as the members of the Freshman Team. The auditions consisted of a prepared First Affirmative debate speech on the speaker's choice of one of several topics selected by the Debate Club. Judging was done by members of the club and Debate Club sponsor, Gentry O. Crisp on the basis of organization, logic of arguments presented, validity of evidence used, and speaking voice and ability. Miss Cooke spoke on the topic, "Resolved that a system of unlimited cuts should not be adopted at WCC." Upchurch presented a case for the topic, "Resolved that the quarter system should not be abolished at WCC." Crisp stated that both Freshman Team members showed good debating potential and that, with experience, they should add greatly to the Varsity team next year. Wilson also announced that the new Freshman Team has challenged another Varsity Debater, Betty Sprung, and himself to a debate at the next week's meeting on the comic topic, "Resolved that Mighty Mouse is mightier than Super Man." He stated that this topic would not only provide a practice session in debate techniques and allow the new Freshman Team to participate in a debate situation, but would also challenge the ingenuity of both teams. Other events scheduled for thi* quarter Include a rematch between WCC and Lenoir Rhyne College at WCC, or another location convenient . to both, Wilson announced. The practice debate is tentatively planned for late April or early May and will feature the topic," "Resolved that clairvoyance should be accepted as a true science by the general public." Two committees have also been appointed by Wilson to plan two new annual projects of the Debate Club. Sherry Roane has been appointed Chairman of the committee to plan a Debate Club Banquet to honor Senior members. The committee to organize a system of Debate Merit Awards is being headed by Upchurch. Greeks Are Now In Midst Of Spring Rush Activities The 1964 Spring Quarter Rush Season is here. During this time the sororities and fraternities are giving many rush parties and smokers for non-Greek students. A majority of their activities have already started. The sororities, Delta Zeta and Sigma Kappa, give their rush parties during this past week. Delta Zeta had their first rush party last Tuesday evening in the Gallery; an Oriental theme was carried out. Last night the Pearl Ceremony was performed in the Home Economics Lounge. Delta Zeta will have a retreat tonight at the campsite. The new pledges will be presented at a dance to be held April 11. Sigma Kappa rush started with a party held last Monday in the Gallery; the theme was Pizza Palace. Wednesday night Sigma Kappa's Pearl Party was held in the Staff Lounge of Hunter Library. Tomorrow night, Gamma Rho chapter of Sigma Kappa will honor their new initiates at their annual Presentation Ball to be held in the Gallery at 8:00 p.m. This dance, featuring the Confederates, will be semi- formal and open to all students without charge. The highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the new initiates of Winter quarter, and at the same time the awards for the best pledge, best scholarship, and best pledge scrapbook will be given. Those being presented in-., elude Vicky Caskey, Wanda Christenbury, Judy Clontz, Trinna Lane, Grace Ledford, Marcla Olson, Jewel Robbs, Janet Smith, Gale White, and Sue Whitley. Kappa Alpha Pi held a smoker last Tuesday evening in the parlor of Robertson Dormitory. KA will hold a Combo Party at the campsite, featuring the Up Towners from Greenville, tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. This party is part of the entertainment planned for KA's weekend guests, Kappa Alpha's from Davidson College. Last Monday Kappa Alpha Thursday Night's Performance Draws Capacity Crowd Here Pi elected new officers for next year. These Include Bill Shawn Smith, President; John Crater, Vice-President; Hines Hunt, Secretary; Frederick Wright, Treasurer; and Allen McMurray, Pledge Master. Last week-end the Brother of Kappa Alpha Pi attended the Old South Ball held in Asheville. The annual affair is sponsored by the North Carolina Chapters of the Kappa Alpha Order. The week-end opened with the Sharecroppers Ball on Friday evening, continued through Saturday with a cocktail party and banquet in the afternoon, and the Old South Ball was held Saturday night. After Old South, a final dance on Sunday morning ended the recreation of an old Southern event. Tau Kappa Epsilon sponsored a smoker this past Monday evening In the parlor of Reynolds Dorm. TKE will hold a Combo party tonight at 8:00 p.m. at Slagle Memorial in Franklin, featuring McArnold and the Chicks. Theta Xi started their rush last Tuesday night with a smoker in the parlor of Reynolds Dorm. Tonight they will hold a Combo party at the Normandy Restaurant in Franklin. The party, featuring the Monarchs from Forest City, will begin at 7:30 p.m. Delta Sigma Phi, although not rushing this quarter, held an open party last Friday night in the Gallery. The dance featured the B. S. Players. Last night in Reid Gymnasium the Gaslight Singers appeared before a capacity crowd of Western Carolina College students. This folksinging group entertained the campus as a replacement for the Chad Mitchell Trio in the first of two lyceums during Spring Quarter. In the past few years, the popularity of folk music has swept the country and with it many folksinging groups have been swept into the limelight and then out again. The Gaslight Singers have been able to remain in the public eye and be ranked along with the Kingston Trio, Joan Baez, Peter, Paul, and Mary, and other groups of similar reputation. This new group of singers made their first night club appearance in Washington, D. C. during the week of April 15 to 21, 1963, at the Shadows, one of the top folkrooms In the area. Folksinging fans turned out In record-breaking numbers to hear the Gaslight Singers. Before their appearance at the Shadows, the singers spent two weekends at a Greenwich Village spot, the Phase Two, and from there went to Carnegie Recital Hall to appear before fans from their stay at the Phase Two. The Singers plan to make a tour of the major cities of the United States this summer and plan to make a similar tour of the colleges this fall. The Gaslight Singers consist of three men and a girl. The group met at Forest Hill High School and Long Island University in New York and have con- A Red Cross Life Saving Class and a Water Safety Instructor course will begin on Thursday, April 2, 1964, at 7:00 p.m. at the Reid Swimming Pool, Western Carolina College. Jackson County residents and Western Carolina College students are invited. The courses are offered free of charge and without college credit. Participants must furnish their own swim suits and towels. For information contact Otto H. Spilker, Reid Pool. tinued on from there. The lone female in the group, Martha Valez, is a native of New York. Her soprano voice gave a touch of life to the group and has won her two scholarships. She attended the School of Performing Arts and L. I. U. as a major in Dramatic Arts. Before her days with the Gaslights, she was in an off-Broadway production of "Ten Nights in a Barroom" and in a summer stock production. Her performance last night made her a favorite of the WCC student body. Al Acabes, also a native of New York, Is the comic of the group. He attended Forest Hills and later L. I. U. as a Pre-Dental major. Alcabes' antics as a comedian, guitarist, and singer delighted last night's audience, as did the performance of Jeff Hyman, another New Yorker and the second guitarist of the Gaslight Singers. Also attending Forest Hill High School, he is the only member of the group not to have attended L. I. U. Earl Zimmerman is the only member of the group not from New York. A native of Ontario, Canada, Earl attended Long Island as a Philosophy major. By rounding out the group, he made the Gaslight Singers' appearance here complete. The Gaslight Singers gave the students of WCC an entertaining evening of folk music and comedy. Should anyone desire to listen to more of the group's music, their album is available in Hunter Library at the present time. Little Theatre Will Hold Tryouts For Porter Show 'Anything Goes' French Club Here To Host Speaker Miss Georgette Habourdin, a French exchange teacher who is presently employed by Roebuck High School, Spartanburg, S. C, will be on campus April 8, 1964, announced Irene Hinds, Presdient of the W. C. C. French Club early this week. Miss Habourdin will speak on the topic, "Social Customs in Modern France." The place and time of the lecture will be announced at a later date, Miss Hinds added. State Senator Stone Seeking College Professor's Dismissal North Carolina State Senator Clarence Stone is seeking the dismissal of Allard Lowenstein, Assistant Professor of Social Sciences at North Carolina State College, according to informed sources. Report of Stone's actions caused the State Student Legislature, which met in Raleigh last weekend, to pass a bill condemning General Assembly- members "engaged in irregular pressures" against college professors who have participated in civil rights demonstrations. Lowenstein has been criticized recently for "inciting Negroes in North Carolina and Mississippi." He has been a field organizer for various civil rights organizations. Lowenstein called Mississippi a "police state" in a recent speech in North Carolina, causing much comment on the UNC campus and throughout the state. Consolidated University President Friday said recently that "Senator Stone called me last Wednesday regarding Professor Lowenstein." Friday declined to comment further on his conversation. William L. Turner, business manager of North Carolina State, said "Senator Stone called and asked whether Mr. Lowenstein was still on the staff and for information about his pay scale." Stone has declined to comment on his reported actions. The Little Theatre at Cullowhee has announced try-outs for its Spring quarter production of Cole Porter's hit musical Anything Goes. Auditions for the play will be at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24th at the Little Theatre in Stillwell Building. Anything Goes is one of Mr. Porter's most outstanding musical successes, and it brought stardom to its leading lady, Ethel Merman. It's tuneful score includes such songs as "I Get a Kick Out of You," "You're The Top," "Anything Goes," and "It's Delovely." Auditions are open to all per sons in and around Cullowhee, including faculty members. If it is impossible to attend the regular try-outs, contact the production stage manager, Becky Walker, and a special reading will be arranged. The musical is being staged by Bill Shawn Smith, with Georgia Hensen acting as musical director. The Little Theatre had originally planned to present The Fantasticks for this Spring, but the rights to the show have been taken out of release. It is hoped that The Fantasticks will be a- vailable for production during the next season. Anything Goes will be the final presentation of the Little Theatre this season. The iron Curtain isn't soundproof. Radio Free Europe speaks daily, in their own languages, to millions of captive people in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. It tells them what is really happening in their countries, and right in their own home towns. In effect, Radio Free Europe is the one opposition newspaper that nobody can stop these enslaved people from reading—with their ears. But Radio Free Europe can't do it all alone. It needs your help, financially. Help to get the truth through the Iron Curtain—by mailing your contribution to: Radio FiH)8jurope,Boxifl64.MUrarnon.LI

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