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Western Carolinian Volume 08 Number 03

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  • Saturday, October 21, 1939 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Page 3 Keeping Up With The Catamounts CATAMOUNTS READY FOR MARS HILL Catamounts Hand East Carolina Teachers 12 to 6 Licking Commissioner Gehrig Now Chick Murray On Last Play; Goes 96 Yards To Goal Acting as The Magician, Fleet- Footed Catamount Intercepts E.C.T.C. Pass Western Carolina, with (hick Murray, acting as the magician, pulled the impossible last Saturday at Greenville by defeating Kast Carolina Teachers College 12 to by a miracle man stunt by Murray on the last play of the game. Murray, playing the role Frank Merriwell, intercepted a by McJunkin intended Shelton, on the four yard line and B6 yards for the deciding score of the game. This was the second 96 yard run that Murray has made in the last two ball games. Both were pass p lions. Western Carolina made their first another pass interception. [n the first quarter, about midway, Gudger, Catamount end, intercepted Shelton's pass on East Carolina's 40 yard line and scored standing East Carolina made their touchdown early in the second quarter, after driving from the Catamount' 35 down to the five where the Catamounts were penalized to the one foot line for being offside. Shelton plunged the line for the score. The try for placement was knocked The lineups; . Another Grange? Boone Defeats Catamounts Chick Murray Intercepts l'ass And Goes 96 Yards For Touchdown Tom Harmon Michigan's backfield star, Tom Harmon, is going places this year and In this picture, too. Harmon capped his early season performance by scoring all 27 points Michigan made against Iowa. W. C. T. C. E. C. T. C. LE Messer Frazzelle LT Powell Venter LG Johnson Rodgers C Miller Chadwick RiG Sawyer Brown RT Gray Poliakoff RE Gudger Tucker QB Smith McJunkin HB Murray Shelton HB Elliott Noe FB S. Plemmons Dudash Score by periods: W. C. T. C 6 0 0 6—12 E. C. T. C 0 6 0 0—6 C. scoring Touchdown: I Murray; E. C. T. C, W. C. T. Ihelton. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Referee, Mock, Davidson; head- McCaskill, North Caro- umpire, Farley, Duke. British Naval Rank The order of rank in the British aavy is as follows: Admiral of the fleet admiral, vice admiral, rear - admiral, captain, commander, lieutenant commander, lieutenant, sub- leetenant, midshipman. CAROLINA-PENNSYLVANIA hick Murray's run of 90 yards a touchdown, was the only bright spot, in the 54 to 7 defeat Appalachian Mountaineers handed the Western Carolina Cata- ita at Boone Friday, October 13th. Murray made his sensational run in the second quarter when Boone had driven deep in the Catamounts territory. Cohn, Mountaineer halfback, standing on the Carolina 12, threw a Hat pass which Murray intercepted on his own four. Murray took off like a fleet footed panther, running about five feet inside the edge of the field. Murray crossed the goal line standing Bill Hardy, took the ball around end for the extra point. Incidently this is the first touchdown that has been scored on Boone l her home field in four years. Outside of this run, the ball gaim as all the Mountaii Playing The Game Howdy, Mr < o Ijou Gehrig, erst while New York Yankees' baseball star, who is shown taking the oath of office as New York City parole commissioner for a 10-year term. Mayor Fiorclto H. La Gunrdia of New York Is at the right. "Babs" Linked With Golfer vili!,!!v!utheT?tate thtis' foiio'w" ^ week-end to meet the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. This is a new foe of the Tar Heels, they did not meet last season. Tompkins Talks To Forensic Asso. (< outuiued from page one) — same plan as far as possible. The Bill which will be introduced by Western Carolina Teach. lege was organized b> Hon Titis; vill read" something ; The Netherlands The Netherlands means the lowlands, the under lands, the bottom lands, the name referring of course to the country's peculiar topographical situation, considerable parts being below the sea level. It is by a mere convenience of speech mat the country is "the lowlands" rather than 'lowland." The official name is the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The London Temple The term. Temple, is used England to refer to the buildings in which barristers and law students reside. The two societies, Inner Temple and Middle Temple, are two of the four Inns of Court established In early times for the study and practice of law. They occupy the sites of the buildings of the Order of Knights Templars in England. Sylva Laundry and Dry Cleaners Telephone 25-J Sylva, N. C. —AGENTS— Madison Hall T. J. Thomasson Robertson Hall Mae Wilkison Moore Dormitory Leona Hyde ABBOTTS ICE CREAM BAR Across The Bridge We Deliver Anytime — Any Place COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE Mammouth Milk Shakes 10c Toasted Sandwiches 10c Banana Splits 15c Ice Cream pt. 15c — qt. 25c Strawberry Shortcake 10c WE MAKE OUR OWN ICE CREAM—FRESH DAILY From a patented process. Guaranteed 100 per cent Pure. SECTION. 21 TO AMEND A BILL OF ARTICLE 4 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF NORTH CAROLINA SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF SUPREME COURT JUSTICES AND SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES BY THE GOVERNOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That Section 21 of Article 4 of North Carolina be as hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 21 Appointments, terms of officers, etc., of the Supreme Court Justices and Judges of the Superior Court shall be appointed by the governor. They shall hold office for life or until they shall have attained 70 years." Sec. 2. Nothing in this section shall be construed or abridge the right of impeachment as provided in the Constitution. Sec. 3. That at the next general election to be held in North Carolina in the year 1940 this amendment shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the State. In the same manner and under the same niles and regulations governing the same laws in the State. Sec. 4. That the electors favoring the adoption of this amendment shall vote a ballot which shall be either written or printed: "For the appointment of Supreme Court Justices and Superior Court Judges of the State by the Governor." And those oppose in which shall be either written or printed "Against the appointment of Su preme Court Justices and Superior Court Judges by the governor." Sec. 5. The elections upon this amendment except stated appointed in this act shall be h<ld and conducted under the same laws, rules, and regulations as now prescribed for the holding and conducting of elections for members of the General Assembly, now prescribed and it is now stated for the election of the State of- ; ficers that if canvass, upon the | election of this amendment it shall I be ascertained that a majority be in favor of this amendment it shall be the duty of the governor of the State to certify the Amendment to the Secretary of State who shall enroll said Amendment among permanent records of his office, and the Amendment and every part thereof shall be certified before and after said amendment. Sec. 7. All laws and clauses that conflict with this Amendment are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. That this action shall be in full force upon and after certification. I start out the n. ., you made up your mind to do real to really dig in and muk< opportunities made possible for you? Or are rou one of those who think it a tune to play and make fun and have fun, in Otbei hose who think H just to "get hy?.' usually ■ I by" i te, It dors not so Mine matter that yon get the highest grades in school, it does not so much matter that the football and bask el hall teams bang up a Ion - of wins for the year, but it does very much matter, if yon at the end of the year "Well, perhaps I did not make any high marks and maybe the teams did not win all of their gin thing is sure, I did try to play the game. I put my best i Work and I am satisfied." You have no doubt read of that great football team from Center Collegi which was known at "Till': PRAY- ING COLONELS." They wen. railed th; ,;.eh and every game they knelt down and prayed as a group. After one of their great football games I person asked the Captain, "Would you mind telling me what you all ask for when you pray before your games? Do you al- k for victory?" The captain replied, "We never victory, but we pray a simple heartfelt prayer, 'Oh Lord Help Us tc ""■lay The Game'." So you, my young friends, should learn this lesson, that it is not important that you win your game, not that you get the highest marks in your classes, but it is vitally important to your real succes* in "ulearjanoyr "to ulny .theJp. J. Dale Stentz, Secretary, of the Waynesville Chamber of Commerce, Guest Editor. Cats Work Hard For Homecoming Game With Lions Injuries May i'rove Handicap To Western Carolina On Saturday Western Carolina finished their ■ out of the year tin in preparation for their Home- .-..iih' Saturday afternoon with Mars Hill. The Catamounts showed by far e greatest driving power today that they have had at any time this I Saunders, full- baeks, led tin- ground gaining. Injuries on thi Catamount squad ■e numerous, but Cathey, an end, tin- only member that will defi- itelv I ut of the game Saturday. Peek, who has been lost to the am for the peal two weeks, re- med today and is expected to ■eatly help the team both on the defense and offense. Coach Whatley changed the lineups slightly today, having one with Francis and Brown, ends, Wall and Powell, tackles, Jamison and McKinnish, guards, Myers, center and Hampton, R. Plemmons, Leonard and Peek, backs. On the first siring were Bullard anil Gudger, ends, Johnson and Higgins, tack- md Ropp, guards, Miller, center and Smith, Elliott, Murray and S. Plemmons, barks. Results Last Week w. c. T. C. 12, E. ('. T. r. 6. Carolina 14, Tulane 14. Duke 33, Syracuse 6. Wake Forest 66, W. Maryland 0. Detroit 21, State 6. Waynesville 18, Canton 0. Black Mountain (i, Henderson- Christ School 34, Biltmore 6. Bryson City 7, Sylva 6. Andrews 12, Franklin 6. Asheville School 19, Brevard 6. Countess Reventlow Robert Sweeney Will Countess Barbara von Haugwitz-Reventlow, Woolworth heiress, marry Robert Sweeney after getting an American divorce from the Danish count, Kurt von Haugwitz-Reventlow? Such is the report in New York following the arrival of "Babs," her husband and Sweeney, 28-year-old golfer now living In England. Sweeney won the British amateur golf championship in 1937. Blue Ribbon Shoe Shop S YL V 1st Class Work on Read The Ads Read The Ads Eraslstratns Erasistratus was a great physician of the Third century B. C, who made important anatomical studies and was the first to distinguish sensory and motor nerves. He named the trachea, devised a catheter, and studied respiration in the fowl in a crude calorimeter. He originated the theory of pneuma, as opposed to the humoral theory of The whiskey insurrection was a serious outbreak in western Pennsylvania in 1794, caused by an attempt of the authorities to suppress illicit distillation, which was rife in w_ _____ that section. Some six or seven otherwise I thofMmd insurgents were in arms „„, ,fc„n I and the disturbance was suppressed only after 15,000 militia had been called out. Emma I aenwn Emma Lazarus was a famous Jewish poet and social worker born in New York city. Her first volume of poetry was published when she was only 18. Subsequently she wrote a novel called "Alide" based on the life of Goethe. She aided in providing work and education for large numbers of Russian Jews who fled to America. Her sonnet to the Statue of Liberty was placed inside the base of the monument in 1886. Founder of Gettysburg "Historical Collections of Pennsylvania" by Sherman Day, published in 1843, mentions that Gettysburg, county seat of Adams county, was laid out by James Gettys, the proprietor, a few years previous to the organization of the county (In 1800). COMPLIMENTS OF Gulf Service Station CULLOWHEE, N. C CAGLE'S CAFE "Meet Your Friends Here" SYLVA, N. C. />wi.yfei(ti Welcome W. C. T. C. Patronize Our Advertisers LETS CLOSE UP AND SEE THE GAMES RUFFS BARBER SHOP W. C. T. C. PENNANTS AT 10c, 15c and 35c Wi. Ci- Ti. Ci. STICKERS at 2 for 5c The Brown Company Cullowhee, N. C. Auto Repairs BRAKES RELINED — BATTERY SERVICE CULLOWHEE MOTOR CO. Alvin C. Deitz, owner All Work Guaranteed German Slang The German word kitsch la slang expression meaning n J&.?7. Arcade Building Asheville, N. C. GATES BROS. TAXI Phone 27 CALL GATES TAXI AT ALL TIMES "Best Taxies On Wheels''

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