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Western Carolinian 1981 Fall Special Edition

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  • Parking Students who are driving motor vehicles have a 48 hour grace period, beginning from the first regular day of classes, to register their cars for on-campus parking. Tickets will not be written for lack of registration, although tickets will be given out for illegal parking on sidewalks, in the grass, in faculty parking lots, and the use of expired stickers. According to the WCU Traffic and Security Office, located in room 131 of the administration building, students may register their cars diring business hours, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., at the office. There will also be a representative of the office at the University Center all day on registration day. All motorcycles must be parked in motorcycle spaces, but mopeds and bicycles that do not have a state license plate do not need stickers. As a safeguard against theft, campus security has an engraving tool that is available for use, and registration of bicycles and mopeds for identification purposes is free. There are bicycle racks located on various parts for campus for student use. The racks are located at all residence halls as well as McKee, Reid Gym, Stillwell, the Music-English Building. Killian, Belk, Moore Hall, the University Center, and Hunter Library. Several areas are designated for parking this year. The lots for resident upper classmen include: Water Tower Lot Helder-Leatherwood Walker-Rear Harrill-Benton Robertson-Reynolds Buchanan Dick's Gap / Albright-Benton Helder Upper Helder Lower Madison Mountain Heritage Center Attention All New Students Come And Join The Fun And Excitement Of WESTERN ROUNDUP! S\ ACTIVITIES Volleyball — Horseshoes — Frisbee — Earth-ball Run for Fun Information Fair Football Team WCU Marching Band & Cheerleaders Music Movie (free) Grand Prize—one free semester in-state tuition Other Drawings for Prizes Clowns Dinner on the Lawn Games Free Cokes/Snacks Meet other new students, faculty, and staff This is a day set aside just for you! Date: Saturday, August 29,1981 Time: 1:00 p.m. until midnight Where: Intramural field behind Reid Gymnasium Permits for these lots are classified as Zone R and these vehicles are allowed to park in all zones designated Zone R and F. Commuter students can park in the: Baptist Church Lot Warehouse Road Lot Reid Front Moore Hall Methodist Church Methodist Church University Center Upper " " Lower University Center Lower Vehicles with a Zone C parking permit are allowed to park in lots designated *C.' Freshman parking, designated with the Zone F, may park in the E.J. Whitmire Stadium only. Faculty and staff, designated by Zones l and 2, may park in the following lots: Staff Reserved-Residence Halls McKee McKee Rear Killian Annex Killian Side Killian Rear Killian Wall Killian Wall Moore Hall Music-English Scott Front Camp Lab School Maple Tree Area-Killian Stillwell Front Field House Hoey Plaza Hoey Rear Forsyth Little Theatre Reid Front Bird Building Joyner Dodson Side Belk Front Infirmary Drive Mountain Heritage Center Engineering Office Brown Cafeteria front Regular Zone 2 areas include the Baptist Church lot, the Steam Plant lot, the lower Baptist Church lot, and E.J. Whitmire Stadium lot. Areas designated for Food Service and Maintenance personnel only are the rear of Dodson, rear of Brown, and the Water Plant. University Center The A.K. Hinds University Center serves several purposes for the students and faculty. First, Last Minute Productions, a major student organization concerned with campus entertainment, is located there. Secondly, the Catskeller, the university snack bar, and the Top of the Stairs, another dining establishment, are located in the UC. Also in the UC are the Chelsea Gallery and the offices of the Student Government Association. Student elections, some concerts, and special dining arrangements are held on the UC Lawn or in the lobby. Also, campus information is located on the first floor of the facility. If anyone ever needs a campus number such as a dorm room number, faculty or fraternal organization's number, call the UC at 227-7205. Along with the aforementioned services, the University Center offers a score more of services for the faculty, student and staff at WCU. Financial Aid There has been a definite cut-back in finanacial assistance this school year, much to the chagrin of all college students. The sad part is that there has also been an increase in tuition, room, and board. Thus, while the cost of getting a college education is on the rise, funds for helping students meet these costs is declining. The main reason for these cuts in financial aid is due to a cut-back in • federal funds to state-supported institutions-part of President Reagan's plan to reduce government spending and balance the federal budget. Nearly all guaranteed student loans, including College Foundation, Inc. are experiencing tremendous reduction, and an approximate 25% decrease in campus- based funds has occured. One example of student aid is work study. Students who have previously applied should check with the financial aid office on campus to find out if their particular aid has been cut. It is estimated that 3,000 students have applied for 8 Fall Special Edition

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).