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Western Carolina University Commencement Program 1983

items 27 of 28 items
  • hl_commencementprogram_1983-05_27.jpg

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  • ACADEMIC REGALIA The academic regalia worn by the faculty and graduating students at commencement are derived from forms of dress common in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in Britain and Europe. The clothing of the general population changed over time but the earlier garments have been retained as a specialized academic costume. Academic dress in the United States is an outgrowth of British practice but is much more standardized than in British institutions. With some variations, the forms of the academic costume used by American institutions today are based on a code adopted in 1895. The three items in the costume - cap, gown, and hood -are black with colored accessories to represent degrees and institutions. The design of the robe and hood and the colors of the facings and panels signify the degree held by the wearer, the institution which awarded the degree, and the field of study in which the degree was earned. The Cap. The mortarboard cap, worn flat on the head with one corner of the square facing the front, has a tassel which may be either black or of the color assigned to the field of study. Doctors in all fields may wear a tassel of metallic gold. Some institutions have adopted the biretta instead of the mortarboard. The Gown. The cut of the gown indicates whether the wearer holds a bachelors, masters, or doctor's degree. The bachelors gown is a simple, unornamented robe with long pointed sleeves. The masters gown is more elaborate and many styles have slits in the sleeves. The doctor's robe is ornamented with three bars on each sleeve and panels on the front of the robe. The standard color of the robe is black although some institutions have adopted other col- ors (Yale, blue; Harvard, crimson). The white robes and caps worn by the student marshals at Western Carolina University are an indication of their undergraduate status. The Hood. The institution by which the degree was awarded and the field of study in which the degree was earned are represented by the hood. The lining of the hood identifies the in- stitution which awarded the degree. However, because of the large number of degree-granting institutions, there is much duplication even though a variety of patterns have been introduced. For example, more than thirty institutions are purple and gold. The length of the hood and the width of its border vary in relation to the degree held. The Colors. The color of the tassel on the cap and of the border on the hood represents the field of study in which the degree was earned. These colors include: Atts) letters, MUMANITeS ii cela ATOLL Re A A teat White Commerce, accountancy, DUSINESS.... ical Ae Ul saseucens ceeds Drab ECONOMICS ieiiesscivccnzcneisssvcensseoveccdasvecsvevedcet apuatscuss sats mins i ucbenscieed voter suad estoes Geutpurmuer mn uepuedty eg Education... FA AES. is, cose bevscacesevcsssuacaceavhveassasapvescd eos beueds ebLURCa Th a Tanne uidcal Us cocoueata inate als WUT A PSN PVs AW basi Mielec veaebccinavedetcrasncesesValvcastaxvsdidvs val steeuecescecuenledoek ase locetuerns the UCeMhiisdy ur ucabduna bevel bee Cake Nes Library Science... Music...... ; INGESIING soiccss ieitcccautevscteevweseteedcdnseleebessnovec a vectesasseo natvadeser accede ruacdsveKt Wiseie teas CiCt MAN aM ete yaLtes Apricot Oratory (Speech). Silver gray PRIIOSODNY 2 creates sicesvcicececnrcclulasooralacts sete etsscdesoue ikceselsth ul asd ewebpactavsniones I ibiccneeiane Dark blue Physical Education... Sage green PUG PRO LERR co scsoc iiss lass ceth eas aieeah chavedleh chvede lhcavzepn wom mapedouess yacpasiaees dn cual Loner aa teodan Uae almon pink OPAC Gicieecdesusrestocnbagy ances ctvgucesessoisd A asacdssindatvcascat pedal lUreLondat ube gel caveat tues ptuvetst none Golden yellow Social Work... Citron APIO OLOOY. sites coevssnncesesneelivecarsbsesiccehevuecccic4s4sohdl caydesvees kabel WGLoeNN fed tceuud pedtb We odasTeche IMME HI OWE Scarlet Source: The Encyclopedia of Education

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