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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Western Carolina University Commencement Program 1974

items 10 of 12 items
  • hl_commencementprogram_1974-08_10.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • THE GRADUATE SCHOOL (cont'd) Freddy Thomas Jones........-..-+++-- Audiovisual Education.............-+-+++:: Sylva Kathy Ann Keane... oicie eres Early Childhood Education.............+-.: Arden Nancy Wallace Kinder.............--- Early Childhood Education........... Weaverville Ethel Meadows Kirkpatrick........... Early Childhood Education........... Hot Springs Deborah: RabonsWollar. ia. coe. s. Health and Physical Education..... Beaufort, S.C. Patrick Thomas Leeder.............-- (UIMSELINIEE, Leite see ciate cane nent Cullowhee Sharon Queen Uoftis. 00s. ee. 3 WMontal Retardation 6.905 2500 oben oan Arden Michael Owen Maginness............- Educational Administration...... Bradenton, Fla. Donna Marie Mallard............-.-+- Health and Physical Education........... Durham JoAnn Taylor Maney 4 isii ea aye io Middle Grade Education.............---- Franklin Michael: D2 Manis)... fe neeisaaieiess Health and Physical Education............. Sylva Mary Jane Mash... ... 0.1... -6.:0-55:: Health and Physical Education.......... Asheville David Fergurson McFee............-: Health and Physical Education.......... Asheville Billie Jean McGana ie a COUNROLING roel el hi ecu wenen en c4 Brevard Daniel La Mclntyres oo. ciee bays Educational Administration....... Hendersonville Mary Janet McNeill............-.+5+-- Early Childhood Education.............-. Raeford Twila E. Medford...............+-+++- Early Childhood Education........... Waynesville Ronald RiWikel |... kcethene eyes Educational Administration...... Charleston, S.C. Carolyn Mae Miller............-.+.+-- Middle Grade Education............. Waynesville George Phillip Morgan............-.-. MRNOMORIOS iii ig geal rss3 emia ee say Saluda Hal Robert Mulkey........0:-:5.58.-. TO lc. Wee CE UES Pian ae pier h es Mauldin, S.C. Bleanor G Murray 32. acdaecuy aah Middle Grade Education................ Asheville BilsielG) Noland: 2.02. ss lieaes ete te Middle Grade Education............. Waynesville Judy Miles Norris...........-.-.+.++:. Speech and Hearing.............-.-: Pickens, S.C. Berlis Robert Owen i. iene Physical Sciences i. 35. oe asian Gene: Rosman Barbara Cope Passmore............-: Early Childhood Education........... Dillard, Ga. Lynda Joette Penland...............-. Early Childhood Education.............-. Candler Ahite CePhrvmann (6.0). eee eee ee: Physical Science... ee: ire yd ee Arden Boivin Ws PRIHDS, . 4.628053) teat Educational Administration......... Cornelia, Ga. Peggy Palmer Phillips............-.-. Early Childhood Education........... Waynesville James Allen Queen... .....5-.:..0e eee Middle Grade Education.............- Kannapolis Anita JOmaDy i. 3s. ae anes BuSiness ij et isuhe aes Sie ea ean Greenville, S.C. Donald Warren Ramsey, Jr.........--. Social SCIENCES (0 hicnt sia ca heat ak ee. Murphy Spencer W. Reid...........-.++-+++55: Middle Grade Education...............-:. Saluda Lynn Henline Roberts...........-.---. Early Childhood Education........ Hendersonville Harold Richard Rogers.......-..-.---. Social Sciences... ... +6055) cuddakese neh: Sylva Praricis Mack SarviSie331003 2462.08 Audiovisual Education (194.4... ei Cullowhee Pamela Karen Saunders.............. Early Childhood Education........... Waynesville Donald Leon Shoemaker.............. BIQUSO, S86 ay ed edo Sen ene Cullowhee Catherine Bo SIMON. 63 tases. 28 Mental: Retardation: i 5 3ss03 4. Hendersonville Jane Moore Simpson... 2. ....55..45+% Early Childhood Education......... Rutherfordton Stanley Reid Sinclair... ... ...es0ee. COUNSCIINE jcc science oa sbaeeretnee Forest City Prank David Slagle.....1. ceases Educational Administration............. Andrews Sheridan Conway Smith............... Educational Administration...............+. Sylva Winfred Leo Snow, Jr.......--. 6-25-06 Sacial SCHONnCeS. ... 55s) (cons een tee Drexel Gary E. SWIDROY 55 ee ce ee eee Raed COURSOUIIE. 3 od. ac oes Se peepee Rutherfordton Teresa Kay Tatham .. . 432 :.4 6.55.55 Middle Grade Education.......... Black Mountain George Horace Taylor............-..-. Mental Retardation... ioc. sag aks ous: Morganton Hazel.E.. McCall Taylor............... Middle Grade Education: -.c..cisaa5). Franklin Pane he Teasley... es savsiene sneha ese Early Childhood Education........... Waynesville Barbara Hunter Thomas.............. Middle Grade Education........... Lake City, Fla. Elizabeth Secrest Trull................ Early Childhood Education.............-.-+: Sylva Linda Diane Trull....:.5..0s6-0eiee Middle Grade Education................ Andrews Peter BR iVaushanie noi. kee es oes CRGTOIBINY cca as Colma es Race eh Waynesville Seth Alfred Vining.................+5. Health and Physical Education............-. Tryon Ronald L. Waldrop........-.-.+..+++-- RMGiGheas kis ek ees See poe Sylva William Michael Walker............... Mental Retardation... ..... 0. ncciesies seme Candler Freddie Joe Ward............+-5-+005: RRM GOIINE <5 op neo os 0 bt renee aes Boone Pamela Byrd Watson.........6...4+5.% Middle Grade Education........... Rutherfordton Mildred Fray Weathers............... Mental. Retardation....... ... aif s sees Shelby

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).