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Western Carolina University Commencement Program 1974

items 2 of 12 items
  • hl_commencementprogram_1974-08_02.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON TO THE 1974 COLLEGE GRADUATES: As graduates of America's colleges, you cross the important threshold from the classroom of academic learning to the other and equally exhilarating class- room of working experience. The world that awaits your skills and welcomes the useful knowledge you have acquired throughout your course of study is one of infinite challenge and excitement. It is a restless world, impatient to right past wrongs and ready to witness the realization of yesterday's dreams. The focus of education in our country has been more than ever adapted to the practical realities with which you will have to cope. I know that the knowledge you have assimilated and the insights you have gained into many of the major problems we face bode well for the America of the future. But more than this, I am confident of your spirit of involvement and your selfless desire to serve your fellowman. These are the qualities that will best guide you as you put to use for yourselves and for our nation the educational opportunities you have shared in throughout your college years. As you go forth each in your chosen endeavor, I can think of no words that better capture the thought that I want to leave with you than those of Woodrow Wilson: "The day of our country's life is still but in its fresh morning. Let us lift our eyes to the great tracts of life yet to be conquered in the interests of righteous peace. Come, let us renew our allegiance to America, con- serve her strength in its purity, make her chief among those who serve mankind. . ." Rt. Hy

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).