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Reasons in Favor of the Establishment of a National Park

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13872.jpg

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  • PUBLIC OPINION. The most experienced travelers and those whose interest in the lumber trade gives them a wide knowledge of our forestry and of the great scenic beauties of America have uttered Earnings time and again against the denudation of our forest lands, and the defacement of the grand scenery -of the mountain ranges of the Southern Appalachians that bids fair to result therefrom in the near future. For many years—nearing a quarter of a century in fact—there has been more or less talk of the magnificent opportunities and the great advantages to the country at large in the establishment of a National Park in the Blue Ridge or Great Smoky mountains or connecting ranges. "The lumber supply of the United States is rapidly diminishing, the value of timber is rapidly advancing. Within a few years every timber tree to the tops of our remotest mountains will be valuable for lumber and will be cut down. The forests will be destroyed unless something be done for their protection. The owners of these lands may appreciate their natural beauty and the irreparable loss from a sentimental standpoint, but we cannot expect the individual in this age of money-making to sacrifice to sentimental considerations his material welfare and opportunity to better his condition.— The Hon. Locke Craig.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).