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Memoirs of Ruth Hooper

items 9 of 28 items
  • wcu_ww2-449.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • II Our first home in Manila was an apartment, very nice but a little too far from Carr’s work. We had left the car in Jolo and had to depend on taxicabs. After looking around we moved to a suite in the Luneta Hotel, owned and operated by an American from Lebanon, Tennessee. His name was Lee Hobbs. He became our friend and anything he could provide for our comfort he did so. Carr went to work leaving me with time on my hands to play bridge, mahjong, go shopping or what have you. I soon became bored with this so went to the Chamber of Commerce and told them I wanted a job. They sent me to see about one that day and I went to work the next for Benguet-Balatoc Gold Mining Company. The Office was one of those plush affairs, beautiful expensive oil paintings on the walls and thick Oriental rugs on the floor. I’ll have to admit that a country girl from Tennessee was a bit awed by all this. You were served coffee or tea at ten o’clock in the morning and three o’clock in the afternoon by a white coated young man. I was Secretary to the Vice President4 and my work there consisted of keeping up with his dates (he was a millionaire play boy) and ordering flowers for this or that new girl friend and being chauffeured around in a big black block-long limousine to and from such errands as took me out of the office. My boss was one of the nicest men I ever met and the richest, expect perhaps his father who was President of the Company5. He was a German from Ohio. He and his son alternated, each spending six months in the States and six months in the Philippines. At that time was raging in Europe and we knew something was brewing, but there was no way we could get out of the islands and come home. All the ships were being used on the other side of the world and were stuck. Carr and I played golf

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).