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Last of the Eastern Wilderness: An Article on the Proposed Great Smoky National Park

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11044.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • THINGS UNKNOWN TO URBAN SOPHISTICATES 627 another wayfarer, it will be so unexpectedly and at such close quarters that it will give him a jolt, as if he had stumbled upon a bear—and, in fact, he is as likely to meet the one a s the other. But the ragged fellow, himself startled, will probably turn out to be only some harmless " yarb hunter " who prowls here with his "sang hoe" seeking ginseng, snakeroot, cohosh, bloodroot, Indian physic, and other old-fashioned simples. He may tell you of strange things, unknown to the sophisticates of cities. "Rub horse-sorrel in a pewter platter; the sour eats the pewter and makes a likker that eats away cancer, and hit's done cured fer good an' all. Thar's a plant in these woods—hit ain't common—that we-uns calls North-and-South. Hit resembles wild verbena, grows thigh-high, and is ginerally found in hollers amongst the rocks on the south side o' mountains, near leetle spring - branches. Hit has a toothed leaf, with purple heart, yaller edges, and the rest a bright red. The root allers grows north and south. You think I'm a liar; but hit's so!" Mosses and ferns and rooms are everywhere, and in delightful variety, amid the fallen and decaying trunks. There is not a cranny in the rocks, not a foot of the wild glen, but harbors some- RAINBOW FALLS, ON THE TRAIL TO MOUNT LE CONTE mishiv thing lovable or rare. Here are the unimproved works of God. These flowers that spring up under the dense canopy of the ancient forest are such as defy cultivation. They can exist nowhere but in

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).