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Labor Day gathering, 1907

  • hl_mss21-01_01_15_120.jpg
  • On Labor Day, 1907, a long procession made up of Champion Fibre Company dignitaries, the 1st Regiment Band of Asheville, and Champion and Gilbreth Construction employees paraded through Canton, making its way to the company "baseball grounds." Once there, the parade participants lined up for a ceremonial review seen here. Each trade, such as the masons, carpenters, and ironworkers, wore different uniforms. This photograph is part of the Alan & Stephen Sellars Collection, a collection of photographs depicting the construction of the Champion Fibre Company paper mill in Canton, North Carolina. The mill, under construction from 1905 until 1908, was, for a time, the largest paper mill in the world. Much of the description information came from Carroll C. Jones and his book “Thomson’s Pulp Mill: Building the Champion Fibre Company at Canton, North Carolina – 1905 to 1908” where more details can be found.