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Flax for Fibre: Its Cultivation and Handling

items 2 of 14 items
  • wcu_craft_revival-5267.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Clementine Douglas was interested in every stage of the process from creating fiber to finished weaving. As part of this interest she grew a small plot of flax. This booklet published by the Canadian government was one of several references she used for her project of growing flax for weaving. According to the notes on the last page of the booklet, Douglas planted an area of flax on April 23, 1923 while she was living with Helen Viner in Saluda, North Carolina. Following a title page, dedication, and table of contents, the booklet's page numbering starts with page 5.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).

  • Clementine Douglas was interested in every stage of the process from creating fiber to finished weaving. As part of this interest she grew a small plot of flax. This booklet published by the Canadian government was one of several references she used for her project of growing flax for weaving. According to the notes on the last page of the booklet, Douglas planted an area of flax on April 23, 1923 while she was living with Helen Viner in Saluda, North Carolina. Following a title page, dedication, and table of contents, the booklet's page numbering starts with page 5.