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Cullowhee Yodel Volume 07 Number 11

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  • 2% (ttaltairfjw foM A Neighborly Call from the Hills to Kindred Spirits Everywhere Western Carolina Teachers College, Cullowhee, N. C, April 15, 1930 Pertinent Paragraphs Misses Maurie Simpson and Lottye Suiter had charge of the meeting of the Community Club on April 3. They presented a program of songs, readings, and dramatizations by the primary grades. Mrs. Lucy Posey and Misses Catherine Neal and Alice Benton served as hostesses for the meeting. Mr. J. K. Stafford, pastor of the Cullowhee Baptist Church, gave a very interesting talk in chapel a few days ago dealing with the part a teacher should take in regard to the religious activities of the community into which she goes. He said in that a teacher should devote a part of his or her time to the religious activities of the community and do as much in the upbuilding of the relig- ous life as that of the school, and should by example radiate a Christlike character in order that her fluence will be for good in the c munity as well as in the class ro Miss Maurice Simpson, the teacher of grade 1-B of the Cullowhee Training School, is ill with pneumonia, and is in the hospital at Sylva. Her sister from Asheville is with her. Four advanced piano students of Miss Lona Bill Braswell of the Western Carolina Teachers College broadcasted a group of piano solos from station W. W. N. C. at Asheville on April 1, from 9:00-9:30 P. M. Those who played were Frances Brown, Ada Burnette Trotter, Gladys Tweed, George Carpenter, and Miss Braswell. The program was as follows: McDowell's Song and To The Sea, played by Ada Trotter; Godard's Valse Romantic, Frances Brown; Greig's Papillon, Gladys Tweed; Dett's Juba Danse and Chopin's Raindrop Prelude, George Carpenter; and Dett's His Song, played by Miss Braswell. The group has been invited to broadcast again as soon as it is ready to present another program. (Continued on page 3) New Courses Planned For Special Six Weeks The prospects are that the enrollment for the special six weeks term, beginning April 22, will exceed that of last year. A great many reservations have been made and letters are pouring in daily. According to President H. T. Hunter, the enrollment will probably reach one hundred. This will bring the enrollment for the year beyond the four hundred mark. It is very likely that an extra teacher will be employed. The following courses are to be offered, others may be added: Southern Literature, Dean Bird; Elementary Science and Geography of North America, Professor Brown; Ancient History, Professor Stillwell;, Two observation courses, Miss Hodges; Art History, Miss Neal. Yes, He Yodels It has always been one of the regrets of the editors that the YODEL had no one to yodel for it. At last dreams have come true, and the YODEL now can yodel. The new official yodeler arrived as a new student and no one suspected the possibilities of that redhead as a yodeler. No one looking at him would have thought he had such powers. He proved his merit, however, by standing out in front of Joyner not long ago and singing "Way out on the Mountain" a la Jimmy Rogers. So now in the person of Porter Raper the YODEL has some one to send out the "kindred spirits everywhere" in good style. Student Conference Held; Twelve Attend Baptist Meeting At Mars Hill Ten students from the college represented the Cullowhee Baptist church at the Baptist Student Conference at Mars Hill college, April 5-6. They were accompanied by Miss Mary Hope Westbrook of the faculty and Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Stafford. A very interesting program was rendered by the following speakers: Miss Ethel F. McConnell, South-wide Baptist Student Secretary; Dr. William Russell Owen, pastor of First Baptist church, Asheville, N. C; Professor I. G. Greer, of Appalachian State Teachers College; Miss Mary Hope Westbrook, registrar of Western Carolina Teachers College; Professor J. M. England, of Mars Hill College. All those present reported a pleasant and profitable trip. It is to be hoped that they will make the theme of the conference "Finding Abundant Life", a reality on the local campus. The following are the students who attended the conference: Lois Cope- land, Gladys Tweed, Martha Lou Stillwell, Viola Hooper, Mozelle Hall, Maybelle Hall, Bessie Warren, Mrs. Josephine Clemmons and George Gibbs. Baptist Students Plan Silver Offering Sunday The Fidelis Baptist Sunday School Class voted to set aside May 4, as Silver Sunday for raising funds for the completion of the new Baptist Church. The class pledged five hundred dollars on the new church, and only one hundred twenty-five dollars has been paid. This offering gives those students who are away a chance to contribute for the advancement of the building program as well as those who are present. With the aid of this offering there is hope for the completion of the auditorium and the students department by commencement. REUBEN B. ROBERTSON Board Meets Here; Chairman Robertson Resigns From Board The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina Teachers College met on April 3, at the College to hold an executive meeting. Inspection of the new dormitory, and the dining room—kitchen annex which are under way; election of teachers and adoption of salary schedule for 1930-31; letting of contract for laundry equipment; naming of the new dormitory were some of the major transactions of the board. One of the new teachers employed was Professor Phillip Elliott, vice- president of Mars Hill College. He is to teach English. Professor Elliott has been at Cullowhee as pastor of the Baptist Church. The board members present were: Mrs. G. W. Cover, Andrews; J. E. Coburn, Bryson City; Dr. C. C. Bennett, Asheville; C. C. Buchanan, Sylva; Thomas W. Bird, Asheville; N. B. McDevitt, Marshall. Mr. Reuben B. Robertson, who has for several years been chairman of the board, has recently resigned and was not present. The new dormitory is to be called "Robertson Hall" in recognition of the faithful work Mr. Robertson has done in behalf of the college while a member of the board. College Represented At Press Association EDITH DOWNS ELECTED SECRETARY Misses Jane Plott, Martha Mayfield, Edith Downs, and Mr. Bird, attended the first Junior College Press Association Convention, held at Biltmore, N. C. on April 4th and 5th. As delegates from Western Carolina Teachers College. The organization of the association was the result of efforts on the part of Biltmore Junior College to bring about a press association of Junior Colleges in the South. Mars Hill, Biltmore Junior College, Asheville City College, Wingate, and Western Carolina Teachers College were represented. The president elected for the coming year is Mr. Nelson Jarrett, a student at Mars Hill, and future editor-in-chief of the Highlander. The secretary is Miss Edith Downs of the Yodel staff. The convention opened at 9:00 A. M., Friday, April 4, with a welcome to the delegates, delivered by Dean S. B. Conley of Biltmore Junior College. An address was given by Silas G. Bernard, vice-president of the Asheville Chamber of Commerce. The remainder of the morning was spent in practical talks on the different phases of journalism, given by members of the staff of the Asheville Citizen. The afternoon was spent in further discussions of journalism by members of the staff of the Asheville Times and other literary men of Asheville. Biltmore Junior College entertained the delegates with a banquet on Friday evening, after which the convention was allowed to go through the plants of the Asheville Citizens and the Asheville Times. On Saturday the convention spent the morning in round table discussion of problems confronting college journalists. At 11:00 A. M. the convention adjourned for lunch and a trip (Continued on page 3) Sweaters Awarded to Five Two-Year Players On Friday, March 29, Miss Alice Benton, physical education dire:tor, awarded sweaters to the following members of the boys and girls basketball team at Western Carolina Teachers College: Ruby Griffin, Arthur Fincannon, Conley Rogers, Guy Sutton, and Homer Wilson. These players have done some very earnest work on the teams, having been members for the past two years. Seniors to Present Three One-Act Plays The casts for three one-act plays which are to be presented by the Senior class about the first week in May are now being selected. The three plays, which have been chosen by a committee composed of Marion Stewart, Blanche Ledford, and Dorothy Goode and the class sponsor, Miss Mary Hope Westbrook, range from tragedy through a love comedy to a folk comedy and should furnish an interesting variety for an evening's program. The plays which are to be presented for the purpose of raising money for the Senior gift are: "The Valiant", a tragedy; "The Eligible Mr. Bangs", a society love comedy; and "In Dixon's Kitchen", a Carolina folk play.

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