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Convention announcement

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  • RUTHERFORD P. HAYES, President / i o o & DR. C. P. AMBJsER, fc*- Sec^and Treas. XTbe Appalachian IRational park Association / 0~<*A (p p. ©. BOX 384 Asheville, N. C, October 17, 1902. My Dear Sin- Following the suggestion of the Asheville Board of Trade, the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce, the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce and the Newport Board of Trade, the Directors of the Appalachian National Park Association have arranged for a Convention, and hereby extend to you an invitation to attend the same, to be held in the Auditorium, Asheville, N. C, October 25th, 3 p. m., in the interest of the proposed Appalachian National Forest Reserve. In as much as the Bill now pending has already passed the Senate and has been favorably reported to the House by the Committee on Agriculture, and in as much as our representatives have already been promised that a hearing would be given the Bill in the House early during the coming short session, we believe that the measure has every chance of passing this coming winter. The importance of holding a Convention at this time will be appreciated by all those who have the success of the movement at heart. Arrangements have been made with the Southern Railway Company for reduced rates and invitations have been extended to the Boards of Trade of all the southeastern cities; a general invitation is hereby issued to interested parties. - - Prof. J. A. Holmes, of Chapel Hill, and Hon. Joshua W. Caldwell, of Knoxville, have accepted invitations to address the Convention, while many other well-known speakers who are enthusiastic advocatesof the measure will also be present. The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce is taking an active interest in the coming Convention and has promised that a large delegation from Knoxville and vicinity will be present. Arrangements for the Convention have been left in the hands of a joint Committee composed of three members from the Asheville Board of Trade and three members from the Appalachian National Park Association. \ R. P. Hayes, Committee from Appalachian National j T ^ Nichols Park Association | Q p AmU^ Committee from Asheville Board of Trade B. M. Jones, G. H. Lambert, W. F. Randolph, Sec. Com. Arrang.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).