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Beginning of history in the Great Smoky Mountains

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11285.jpg

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  • lata which these two historians hav*-> fallen. neither of them cites any authority whatever for his conclusion regarding the location of 5lu..;la, neither of them saams to have r?lven any attention to the exhaustive and scholarly work of IJeoney in tracing De get*'* matt through the mountains. And Mooaey does ?;ive his authorities fa» evoxv btatoaent he makes; so w© can check h® on hira and verify his conclusions* 3oth Bolton and Myer confuse the Suali or Cheraw Indians with th* Cherokees. They evidently were irdslad by a mere fancied resemblance in sound between the Spanish caroniolars* Xuala and the Quails* settlement la the present Cherake© lands on the Ooonaluftoe, Cualla was originally the name of th© late Col# Willie® it. Thomas* trading station and agency headquarters. It is not even a Cherokee word; but is th© Indian pronunciation of th® English nam© Polly, given hy the whites to an old squaw who lived near Col, Thomas* store. So the nam© Cualla was first used about three hundred years later tftsl the time of D© Soto*a march. In any ease, by whatever trails th® Spanish adventurers hurried through the mountain fastness of the Oiisrokees, they maae & lasting impression. Those imperious, white-faced, bearded men in leather armor and stoel helmets, who bor® tubes that dealt death with fir* and thunder, who rod® great tamed beasts th© Ilk® of which no Cherokee had ever seen or imagined, wore awesome figures, prodigies from another world* And they were th® forerunners of a new age* SO it is that .'although this Cherokee country of ours is th© last frontier east of the Mississippi, the last territory ceded to the United States by eg ahoriginal nation, in the East, still it is ancient

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