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Aboard ship on way to States by Carr Hooper

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  • wcu_ww2-473.jp2

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  • Looting of deserted army stores now began in the port area and thousands of Filipinos with every concievable means of conveyence hauled every form of goods through the town. From more or less legal looting of abandoned supplies Filipnos attracted by the opportunity began to burn the Chinese store section of Manila, looting these stores as well a privately owned American and British warehouses. The police department either found itself wholly unable to cope with the mobs or joined in with them in the free-for-all for sudden wealth. This mob disorder spread and grew and by December 31st we were ready in a manner to welcome even the Japs if they would restore order. The Japs came on the night of January 1st, New Years Day as promised by them and to civilians the Battle for the Philippines was over. Occupation was orderly. The first troops were tired, dirty, starved but ready for trouble. American homes, hotels, apartment houses were placed under Marine guard and all automobiles were commandered. We were, for the days immediately following occupation commanded to stay in our rooms, but from there we saw the triumphal entry of the Japanese forces into Manila. Like swarms of ants they come on bicycles, motorcycles, on trucks and lorries. It didn’t help our feelings any to see that this great army mostly rode in General Motor, Ford and International trucks. This was but in line with a remark made by a weary old 31st Infantryman earlier in the month when he kicked aside a piece of shrapnel “Our folks sold it to them and now they’re giving it back to us.” And so we moved in to New Years.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).