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Western Carolinian Volume 45 Number 25

items 21 of 28 items
  • wcu_publications-10144.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Census counts WCU students The Census Bureau will be conducting us national census of population and housing within llie next lew u eeks. Western Carolina and all other institutions across the country have been advised thai the Bureau needs complete and accurate information on the student population. Items of information identified in the W< U Student Record Policy as directory information include the student's name, local and permanent address, local and permanent telephone number, counts, major fields ol study, advisor, classification, dates and terms of enrollment, date of birth, schedule of classes, parent or guardian, previous institutions attended, participation in officially recognized activities and spoils, weigh! and height of athletes, degree and awards received, and other similar information as defined by the University "Directory information" may be unconditional!) released without the consent of the student unless that student has specifically asked that his prior consent be obtained. Any student who does not want their directory information released must file on an annual basis a written notice of non-disclosure at the Registrar's Office or as specified in the W( l Student Re< Policy. Copies of the pc n request from the Registrar and are available al I registration. Students are warned, however, prior lo inakn decision to withhold personalis identifiable data, thai undesirable consequences trcquenlls OCCUr, such as names of students on the Dean's I 1st aie nol published. names are not listed on the conuuencenieiil Inillelins. and requests fot information trom prospective emplos crs are denied. VOICE grads Twenty-fOUl new VOICE volunteers received their training certificates and official \()lc I ID badges last week following a tour-hour training session. These Volunteers will join approximate!) fortj others who are assigned bv the Home Health ami Home Support Agencies of C.J, Harris Community Hospital of Sylva, m cooperation with the VOK l office, to help the disabled elder!) in Jackson Count). Volunteers in Caring for the Elderl) (VOICE) Coordinator, Mrs. Carole Martin, makes ever) effort to fill requests from elderl) citizens, handicapped individuals, ami or recent!) released hospital patients for such services as medical transportation, home I Ml VVESTI KN CAROLINIAN, March 27. 196U Page 17 sitting or visr minoi home repairs, and si Volunteers indicate their p .4.M-, and Mrs. Mil matches up the requests lor help will) the appropriate volunteer to suppl) the service needed Ihe training personnel trom the C I Hams Coiiiniiinitv Hospital Staff, othei Jackson Count) us. and facult) ol Western Carolina Univei Sharon Carr, Dr. Helen Hartshorn, lack Lunnen, le Martin. In Moon. Junetta Pell, and Jane P I hev conducted sessions on topics concerning Aging, Infirmities and Assisting Ambulatory Clients. Sensor) Deprivation. Interpersonal Relationships. Values, and the Coals and Philosophy ol VOICE. Mrs Lena I elglr, Co Chaii person of the VOK I utive Hoard, made the certificate presentations to the Volunteers « ho completed the course. People in Jackson Counts who need assistance, or (hose who would like lo use their skills and talents to be a "Cood Neighbor," are invited to contact Mrs. Martin at 586-8941, extension 40-4 for information and application forms. The Sylva Church of Christ Welcomes You Departure Schedule For Bus Dodson Cafeteria Sundays AM Sundays PM Wednesdays PM 9:35 6:35 7:05 Pdst Office 9:37 6:37 7:07 For Further Information Call Joseph Suttle at 293-9560 TEACHER RECRUITMENT SCHEDULE March 27 Savannah, GA March 31 Macon, GA April 17 Cobb Co., GA May 2 Eden, NC Wiiislon-Salem, NC Morganton, NC Henry Co., VA Griffin, GA Pickens Co., SC Tarboro, NC Douglass ille, GA Polk Co., GA Columbia, SC [Dlst. #2| Florence, SC Alexander Co., NC To schedule an interview, please call or come by the Teacher Placement Office. Between DanDDDDnDDOGDDDnDanaaDDDnDDnDDDDaDDDDDDDDDDnDaDOnnDDDDDDDDaDDODDDDDnDDaDDDDDaODODDaDaDDaDDDnDDD a D a D D n a a D □ D □ D D D a □ D D □ D D D D D a a a a D D D a D a a D D D D D D D 49' ° D - D □ □ Winning Ticket Numbers D a a a a a D a a a a a G □ a □ D a □ a □ a _ Save 50c 12 oz. box (8 count) Golden Delight Waffles 89* a 72* — 8 or. Morton Pot Pies Chicken, Turkey or Beef 4/$1.00 26° — 7 /b./4 sticks Blue Bonnet Margarine 53c 32' — V^D^TO BRING YOU MORE-FOR LESSS^OCx 78 oz. bottle Kraft Barbeque Sauce (Asst. Flavors) 67' 40' — 8 oz. bag Frlto Lay Potato Chips 69' 40' — 76 oz. Jar Cates One Head Crisp Lettuce. ^g jj^ Hamburger Dill Chips and One 7 lb. bag Crisp Carrots 34' — Jumbo Roll Gala Towels 76' — La Choy Bean Sprouts - 76 oz. can 46' — 48 oz. bottle Free With $75.00 or More Food Purchase!!! — 8 oz. Sealtest Light & _ Lively Yogurt Asst. Flavors 3/$ 7.00 Meat Dept. Whole Frying Size Chickens 47' Per Pound Market Style Bacon 79' Per Pound Puritan Oil $7.89 rtranaDDDDnDanDDDDDDDDDDaDDODQnDDnnnDDDDDDnDDDDDaaaDaDDDDQDDaDDDDDDaDDDaDQQODGaDDDDDDDDDDDDDDri D a a a D D D a D D C □ D a c □ a a CD

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).