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Western Carolinian Volume 38 Number 49

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  • page 4 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Thursday April 12, 1973 Editorial Comment ! SOKW8 tCOIwf" YajReaMif>us!| Spring Elections iQaQGODOD The first round of spring elections is just around the corner - seven days away, in fact. And with the campaign comes campaigners, posters and wide spread cynicism toward campus politics in general. This cynicism, although healthy and well-justified, is still unfortunate. Would that we could have a student government that effectively represented students and responsibly carried out the desires of students. And we can, if the electorate votes Intelligently next Thursday and again two weeks later in the spring senatorial election. We all can be irritated at the idiot excesses indulged in by some senators. At times, we can be extremely disappointed in decisions made, or not made; ideas supported, or not supported. We can feel that fools represent us. But when you get right down to it, the fact of the matter is that we elected the fools, either by voting for them or not voting for their opponents. So if you are disappointed in student government, then you have an obligation to yourself and your friends to see that good candidates are elected. It is not enough for you to say, "Well, my vote doesn't matter anyway," because your vote does matter. It matters very much. If less than one percent of the American electorate had voted for Hubert Humphrey instead of Richard Nixon in 1968, then Nixon would not be in the White House today. We are tired of seeing ego-trippers and other shallow types operate in our student government. You probably are, too. We can both do something about it next Thursday. April Fool Issue Enjoyed Judging from our mail, telephone calls and Town House contacts, most WCU residents enjoyed the Western Carolinian April Fool's issue. But Father Loftus, the pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Sylva, saw fit to criticize the paper for what he described as "bad taste" in editing. As most folks would be, we are not happy that our work did not please everyone. But we did not expect that, and would have been deeply surprised if the reception had been one of total acclaim and instant glory. The important thing is that in this country something like the April Fool's issue can be printed. By the same token, it is important that a Father Loftus can criticize. He has just as much a right to speak his mind as we do to speak ours. The- Wi=sm=i^y ELAi^pLifciiAto Published twice weekly through the academic year and weekly during the summer by the students of Western Carolin University. Member: Collegiate Press Service, Intercollegiate Service. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BROOKS SANDERS BUSINESS MANAGER .... MIKE KILLAM Managing Editor . Warren Wilkes News Editor. Alice Harrill Staff Writers ...... Ted Bugg, Julia Corbett, David Hill, Sarah Johnson, Dwight Sparks, Lisa Fine, Gay White, Luscious Louis Urslyn Graphic Arts Manager . .Michael Rhodes Accountant Gary W. Poplin Layout Terry Roueche Sports Editor Hank Komodowski Copy Editor Phyllis Pechmann Typists . . . .Elizabeth Mortimer, Claudia Worley Photographers .. .R. Paul Smith, James Carter. Jim Kotila, Stephen C. Cook Editor Emeritus . W. Wat Hopkins Advisor Gerry Schwartz Offices, first floor Joyner, phone 293-7267. Mailing address, Box 66, Cullowhee, NC 28723. Subscription rates, $4.00 per year. | A TKOUSAMT* CMIU.SM THOVJSAMD Ul*5l £** J^tf J • Jff/NAKED LUST ^RPOvgtR'. ! I " tX»EMs of CLOVMMS'.I ,| tCRUtkty/fVMRXCE! CNV/yi'. MISEKV.t JIJff AJDf ™e Mosr FANTASTIC No<oes€Ns4 | M4l£ B0Vi*JC EXCREMENT t>V tli«. TOM1. j ,'DON'T MISS L T * v^ c^tf^ Dear Editor: In response to Ed Wilson's letter in Tuesday's Western Carolinian, I too agree that through the Student Government Association, the students of WCU have been offered the chance to control a huge portion of authority on the Western Carolina campus. Unfortunately for the students, their own fellow elected students have betrayed them, SGA has rapidly become prima- donnas, content only by getting their own way. It should be obvious to the members of SGA that the only way to accomplish goals successfully is to work together as a unit, voicing not individual wants but the desires of the student body. Sadly, student apathy has allowed this personal glory attitude to invade SGA. The student body deserves to have their voice back in SGA. The opportunity for the regaining of that power stands in the vote every student has the chance to cast. With that vote the student gives another fellow student the privilege to represent him and other WCU students in important decisions which affectall students at Western, not the right to vote as the elected student feels about an issue personally. This privilege should weigh heavy in the mind of the elected student representative. Every decision he makes should be in the interest of the people who elected him, not merely his own interests. I wish to offer to the students of Western Carolina University the chance to return to this policy of student-involvement in SGA. By voting in my favor on April 19th, I assure you I will show only the utmost respect and consideration in representing the interests of the WCU student body in leading their government. Thank-you Sammy Davis Dear fellow students, In the past few months, a great deal has been said about student government during the recent controversy with the administration, but now the time has come to elect new officers. For too long, student's rights have been bypassed. Now we need to insure that these rights are not lost with the stroke of a pen. For this reason, I am announcing my candidacy for the vice-presidency of the student Government Association As your vice president, I intend to fight to insure all writ ten and understood rights of students. I would appreciate your support on April 19. Sincerely, Mary Morrison near Editor. This is a reaction to one of the reactions to the April Fool Issue. The staff and the Western Carolinian was in so many words condemned, or may be judged shall be a better word. But in Matthew 7:1 of the Holy Bible if I can remember correctly, doesn't it say, "judge ye not so ye shall not be judged." I am not going to judge why it was said, but I would like to inform Father John Loftus that this paper was not written to ridicule or attack any Christian or anybody else. It was a paper written for fun just to break the monotony of everyday goings on. Name withheld by request. Dear Friends: Some people in the Cullowhee area are now organizing a food-buying cooperative to obtain groceries cheaper and to get hard-to-get items. The wholesalers have been con- 1 tacted and are ready, so now we need to get ready. An organizational meeting will be held Monday, April 16 in the Cherokee Room. We need to operate with 10-30 living units to be feasible - Please come to the organizational meeting. Peas and regards, More Hungry-,Bodies Dear Students: The time has come again when you will be met on the street and perhaps your room will be invaded by pampleterrs, campaigners, candidates and other miscellaneous characters encouraging you to vote for so and so, and promising everything for you in exchange for your vote. Yet, in the past, after all these efforts to persuade people to vote, I have never seen more than fifty percent of the students vote in a campus election, in fact the percentage is usually much less. Is this because the rest of the student body does not approve of any of the candidates running, or are they dissatisfied with Student Government in general? I feel that the situation is probably the latter, which truly speaks poorly of Student Government, What then is the reason that the Student Government has not performed to the satisfaction of the silent half of the University's population? In conversations with con- stituates I have found a general CONTINUED Page 5 . . . . Clubs & Organizations: vRequests for appropriations must be submitted to the office of the SGA Comptroller no later than April 17, 1973. Forms are now available at the Comptrollers office in the SGA offices in the UC BtasB .V.»A»,»».T.T.VV»»^»>T»».»».V,.»..»AI

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