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Western Carolinian Volume 33 Number 07

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  • Tuesday, October 10,1967 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Page 3 CAROLINIAN OUTLOOK By David Watson A Little World In Itself Nestled deep in the protective heart of the Great Smokies lies the community of Cullowhee Protected from the outside world by a natural mountain barrier, the community mostly out of necessity became self- sufficient, The government may be called a constitutional tyranny. It Is a little akin to Orwell's 1984 in that Big Brother is watching over the population. The Thought Police are here too; there are no tele-screens in rooms but none may say anything that may be derogatory toward Big Brother or his underling - there is no freedom of will. Constitutional rights are signed away upon entering - here the Supreme law of the land is not the U.S. Constitution but the will of Big Brother and his panel of advisors. Habitations may be checked at tho discretion of the policing agency - which is divided into two areas, one for males, the other for females, under the supervision of the Ministry of Affairs. Several times a year the populace is gathered to receive addresses from the rules, this is comparable to Orwell's "Hate Week." Any breach of set standards is punishable by lengthy work terms, or the ruin of one's life through discrediting of name to the outside world and exile from the community. Unlike 1934, Cullowhee does have a representative government for the population; however, it is watched over by the Ministry of Affairs which is responsible only to Big Brother. This privilege of pseudo- government was given to pacify the population. Within the community there is strife among social organi- are continuously bidding for the cream of the new crop of inhabitants. They fight for top-dog and seem to spend so much time at this that they can never get anything else done. Big Brother's grip is especially tight on the female population. The Ministry requires that women sign away personal freedom. They must check in and out of their quarters by telling when, where, and with whom they are going. Women are told where they can go and are forbidden to go. They must report in by a designated time or face punishment Men and women are continuously watched by selected members of the population, APS Initiates Tutoring Service Alpha Phi Sigma National Scholastic Fraternity will sponsor a tutoring service to WCU students who desire help in their studies. The tutors will be students who have been approved as being well qualified and with a desire to help interested students. Persons interested in tutor- mg or being tutored should sign "P in the first floor lobby of ttlllweU building Monday "rough Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. The minimum charge for the service is $L25 Per hour. This policing force checks the room of citizens every week to make sure there are no contraband articles there. Big Brother is straight out of the past, He would like the community to be run in a Victorian manner. The human element must be ruled out There is no room for it in a smooth running society. There should be no love, lust, or longing for happiness, these are weaknesses. The community, WCU to the outside world, is a modern industry. It turns out war material, educating machines, and an occassional being useful to a peace-loving society. Despite anything done by Inside forces or outside influences, the community remains the same. Every year it turns out many indoctrinated beings to fill voids left after our national government has sent its quota to fight our enemy. Sigma Kappa Begins An Active Year Starting of f the new year Gamma Rho Chapter of Sigma Kappa Sorority held a Scholarship Dinner at Mr, Maturo's on Sept. 15. Dr, Williams spoke to the chapter stressing the importance of good scholarship. On Sept 28, a Faculty Tea was given in honor of the new members of the WCU faculty. The members of the Fall Quarter Pledge Class are: Liz Moore, Mary Lib Everidge, Jeanette Mull, Betsy Parrott, Jane Cabe, and Carolyn Mc- Manus. Six sisters were chosen as carolettes. They are: Sherry Whitley, Jane Coward, Jane Va- vruska, Joan Howard, Pollyann Holcomb, and Gail Ratledge, Organizations: Please submit your organizational news to the Carolinian. You are responsible for getting it to us. Boy, Did We Beauty Goof! MISS SHERl GORDON WAS erroneously pictured last week as the Pi Kappa Phi Rose. She is die Tau Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart for this quarter. MISS BECKY PETT1T WHO was pictured last week as Sheri Gorden is the Phi Kappa Phi Rose for 1967-68. |sVx->:w>>x*:iX-:w:+:-:w>x->:-:w I THE RITZ g Sylva. N. C. Carroll Fart, Manager :j: Lial-A-Movit intornnfton anytime you :j: Call by auto-answei ing service— & Just dial 5S6-2616 WEDNESDAY ONLY OCTOBER ft* I^^SS^SSSSi^ —SID CAESAR VBWNHLES KitimBoemm^sem^m^mmmi Plus Selected Short Subiects Hnmpcoming l all gone!! Floats and displays are ^rr.r^wn>dRogerJones,aJunior from Asheville, isSS his Sally high spirit for the occasion. ttiTwe catch Rog in one of his finer moments scXg a^ht sharp outfit from the V.S. in his ^Uninhibited style. A HoundaTooth Sport Jacket fTmTooWield. Navy Slacks by CorWn.LTD, Gant Shirt. & Bostonlan Tassle Loafers add to his distinctive flair for bringing out the best in an outfit, S?if yoTwant to get into the "SPIRIT" of things, visit the VARSITY SHOP (& maybe one other store in Sylva) Stir Varmtg ftlpp Traditional Clothing for HIDE -A - WAY ORDERS TO 00! Relaxed Atmosphere Opposite Entrance to Campus 293 4400 ATTENTION STUDENTS! See The Smokies From The Saddle SMOKEMONT RIDING STABLES U. S. 441 seven miles north of Cherokee. Turn right after passing Park Ranger Station. 12.50 first hour $4.00 two hours $7.00 half day $12.0$ all day

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).