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Weave pattern: Pine Burr

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  • wcu_craft_revival-5263.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • The Craft Revival rekindled an interest in the old weaving patterns that had been handed down in mountain homes. Some people like Frances Goodrich collected large numbers of the fragile strips. This weaving draft was given to Clementine Douglas. It is one of only two or three old drafts that she saved. The sections of the 15" pattern are held together with thread and the paper has been perforated where pins were used to mark the weaver's place. On the verso are bits of writing from the page's earlier use. Lightly penciled at the left side is "Pine Burr ? Mahaly Ann Staton Given by Mrs. Bud Jones Nov.1, 1923."

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).

  • The Craft Revival rekindled an interest in the old weaving patterns that had been handed down in mountain homes. Some people like Frances Goodrich collected large numbers of the fragile strips. This weaving draft was given to Clementine Douglas. It is one of only two or three old drafts that she saved. The sections of the 15" pattern are held together with thread and the paper has been perforated where pins were used to mark the weaver's place. On the verso are bits of writing from the page's earlier use. Lightly penciled at the left side is "Pine Burr ? Mahaly Ann Staton Given by Mrs. Bud Jones Nov.1, 1923."