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The Log Vol. 7 No. 05

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • • • cJ •• • • • •• VOL. VII 1, CANTON, NORTH CAROLINA LL THE RULES AND REGULATIONS TF. AT CAN BE ADOPTED, ALL THE SAFET):'" DEVICES THAT CAN BE ATTACHED TO MACHINES, ALL THE GUA tDS WHICH CAN BE ERECTED tO ALL Tt.IE WARNING S GNS THAT CAN BB POSTED ARE USELESS, UNLESS EVER ' MAN JS CARE UL TO SE T IA'f AR.E MAINTAINED AND EVEl"tY CAREI~UL TO WARN THERS OF • --St1/ t and lf.ealth. No. S . . ........... • • • • •• • .. -• """"• • • • .. _ . • •• ••• ... " .. , • • • I • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • . •. ., ·.~ ., • • • • • .. .. I . .. .. .• '* • • • ~ = • • • I • t • • • •• .. ., • • ~ •• ._ l . . . • ...•. t;· ­' .. • • ••• #• •.. t ...... _.. .... • .. .. • . • .. . • "I ~, \; .... • . . • '• ·"·-··~ ... :.r.~' • • '• .•. ,. . . .r • • • • f • .. •• I -• ,.. • • ··' .,c. r•~ , ••f • 2 • • TiiE LOG I • I • That new maa feels the same way. He wants . - to do his share but he is new to the shop; every-· thing is "different" and he h~sn't been here long en­ough to find a pal or make a friend. He needs your help. You ar.e an "old timer'' and you know "what's what.'' Tell him! Tell him how to get about. If you see him doing something dangerous, go to him as a friend and show him • • 'rHE LOG 3 - SUGGESTION PRIZE WINNERS ~FOR PERIOD INCLUDING JULY 1, 192 ~ ~ggestion to change pipe line in knotter room to do a. ·(ty 'vith use on one pump. J. B. Hyde ......... $20.00 ""'ugzrc.tion to stop uc;ing rubber gaskets on lead pipe flanged joints aHd n1ake joints by smoothing lead £1 ange. J. B. H\)'de .. ~ --· ..... ............... , .......... ~$! 0. 00 ; · 'gtstion to w:e screenings tank in beater- roon1 for storage for paper stock froxn out door beater. W. S. Calvin ....... ................................................... $10.00 .;, gg tion to rnake division board for hydraulic pres ... out oJ belt inste~d of. tecJ to rL·ducc break-age. R. J. TrammeD ....... ,. ....................... ........... $5.00 • ~ugg tion to c rnnect w.ater hne for flushing back f11+ee bri;-1e t)Jte·r to L,)ave te;.. ri ng dow11 f1ltex to clean out. ;;v·m. tobin on ............. ,....... ..... ...... $'.00 .. u ge~ 11on tc cun liqut r intv di e.1er through cir u-- jati 1g Hne, . ~·tamcy ~ ud J. \'. Ben nit. 1.. (ea. ll) -·•· •'O'•"W* -~••,. ~--~~•,••••••• ~~--.. ••••••••••-••••••••••• •••••• $5.1)(1 , g~stion to t.nnp ,v.u,ter f 1on1 sulphur burn r ( ()Oters iJ1t0 p ·e .• nt l 011 lTI'lln jfl :SI ~V l Of: rllUfllJ\~ ·xba nain. far ti is 1 Utpo c . I>. 1\.. ],;,:,,crhart .. ...... 5.00 Suggestion of jmproved form of link for conveyor chains in \'rood roon1. ~1. L. TranthanJ............. 2. SO Suggest installation of tool system at peeling shed sin1i1ar to one on yard for keeping track o ·tools. T. P. Owen ........... ~·- · ······················--·····~ · ·------······ $2.50 Suggestion to put hinged coYer o~ chute from chip elevator for convenience 1n cleaning ou~ chips. J. F. Shar.p ............... ····-·'"··-·······- ........................ $2.50 Suggestion to change coupling on trailers. tL D. Pressley ····-~-- -····-- -~- --~-- -- ····· -················--·--··· · ·····- 2. SO Sugge ... tjon to use strong b, g for lowt:ring tools into dige.sters instead of bucke~.. D. Ih Bro\vn ... ~--·· $2.50 Suurtestion ~in1provenlent in de!:itgn of dog for oper-ating grate"' on l\1urphy S'tokers. J. 1(. Hyatt .... $ .SO Sugge tlon f.or in. talladon of electric signal to 1 a·event too much liquor be in~ pum{ ed over fron ~ud::t evaporator room t\ ~ulphatc plant. Suggt t i ou LO provide separate dri \·e for o 5 sul-ph: l t rot· ry. P. . Buckner_. ____ ·· ··-········--·-······ 2.50 Sugge~tion to pr\'1 "de l:'tCh('t for bacliHg off\v co.ovl"\yors und 'r xtraet chippers. .1 .liarbin ~.SO • • • THE ~OG Box Makers Visit Us Abo~e is a group of .Bos '.i\fakers, who were our guests for one day, abou-t the middle of May: duxing a Convention which was Leing held in th~ neighboring city of Asherille. The party was "taken through all departments of the plant, after which luncheon was served at the :Main Office dioio.g room. Onrds for registration were passed around ~JY a Log repre&entative at lunch time. Following is a list of our guests as registered: Yr. J. F. Adsm.s :M. P. Philpot & Co., 184-36 North Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. J. J. Bauer-Manufacturer of Paper Boxes, 1330 North Raleted St., Chicago, lll. Miss Oli,•ette Bauer-1330 Halated St., OhicagoJ ill. Mrfl!. J. J . B.aur:r-1330 North Halsted St., Chicago, Ill. Mr. Oha.s. Beek-Chas. Beck Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Jl.r, T~n :Beel-Chas. Beck MaehinG Co., 609 Chestnut St., Phila­dPlphia) Ps. Mr. 1 . . J. Di~-1Jix & Co., Raven.,oon Paper Co. & Port Morris Boz: Co., N. Y. lf.r. S. P. Ehv-Ilsrrisburg r~tipcr Br).x Co., Rsrriahurg, Po. 'M.rtt. M. P. J'livr..rnrd-'rlH~ T . M. PatLt;ro(m PtlPQr 13olr _.o .• Purt~­Dl'> uth, Obio. M.r. ll · P11pcr Box Co., 1630 h~t. w '"nr1 Ave,, Brooklyn, N. Y., \.f;r. & }1', . J. ~rry Fill·} in r-:Ma-<:L:Ju6n·3tJTLI}S •o., J3roo1dicld, ~f ;w. Mr . .A fJ. )"urtk-Jlif~ld ')al unag,.. , J)M ·fi<J l'roduc~t . Jua'., ,uffalrJ, .N. Y. Y.. MarliJ• Fc:ybue~h-N ·w J t iJy Mud1inll OnJ p 1 £U f1n1,,u Aq., 'N~w York. bfr. J. 11. !f'Jw•,ld & HJ•(Jtlu:J J nf·., Stt ·I ( 't:J t LiJtg zmtl CJr• ., j, g lLulP-~ Ob, OL lf . Hauy J'illfley--Jl!J;J ( \JJwnftitt ft f1' I o] tJIIJl riu a \ H lfv T:'ap("l"' Do eo., fJ4- lfr. ll/JV(:'"J' SL., w" J., i JJg1<UJlp I . f). . JL;J HffiGfl I 'IL J J ~ B()(JKU PI\ J:l):1,;] TI~D WA MA I) J-.~ 1~ 1 ()M I Mr. Harry J effiey- Columbia :'\pecialty ¥'a p eT Box Co., 54-&.1 Hanover St., Washington D. 0 . Mr. F . M. Kaufman-Sec'y & Treas., Empire Printino- Bo~ Co .. A. tla nta> Ga. · Mr. C. J . Lawrence 0. J. Lawrence & Brother, 2307 .Archer Chicago, ID. Mr. Robt . Minbow-162 Wooster St., The Hobbs Mig. Co., .r -ew Yor k, N.Y. Mrs. A. Peterson-The A. Peterson Co., .t.\..h-:ron 0 . Mr. Anton Petersou-The A. Petel'son Co., Akron 0. M:r. William B. Rubin-Jos. Dix Con>., Jos Rubin & one Inc. 35 Mesel'ole Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. Mr. Robert J. SchwarL-All Paper Bo.s 'o .. 111'\-1?5 South 'th !-iL. Louie, Mo. M.ra. Robt. J·. Sch wnl't. Ml!ii \V o.tormfln A 'Te. \ t. t:ouis .. M\.. :M:r. Ji'red 1~. Spjcker-.Mior:n.i Pa1'er Nov 'lty Co., Ciocinuati, tra. 11~reil E. Rpicker-OiucinHnti1 0. A-Ir. R.idl(Jrd "P. Hpieker, Oim·1u.nnt.1, . • :Mr. \Vut. Rieowu-SN·'y & t' t. T rt~l~. l'ht\ . r. "1. Bnitt: H t•u. inoil tttnti, 0; Ohi ·ogo, UJ ; 01 v lu1d, 0 ; w Ym·k. . . , h.l!fc-ur,y ~t·ln r\itl tr Jl mrry ~~·hl ttidt (~. Bro . lnc., :'l!P \"'ith' ~t ., J hi'ad •JJ,hin, Pa. Mr.. L .1. \"'V ttfl tltr-'1'. M. l't~ttn•,.u tl Pup\r H0 Un.t l'ot't~'lthHlth . J' it J. ~1rt~. L J Wn uc •r~'l'h '1'. Af. 1 nth r 0 11 I \ ipt·t 1;,, ( \ .1 1l r' .. ltltHtdt~ 4), • Mr. A•1 J~t,. I•. WiJIHu 'ntif•unl thutt ' lion u .. 19 ~t li'nd lu ,, ·w \'vrk ( ~ i() 1 r. t ' '•• r lr s C J \ •, c~ • ({J nrfanl t•nl htl' lita ( 'o., ~ l 1 ,11· loo Rt ., ( f1 it 1 1 •• Ill • \' I [I ~ I 1~1 lIS 1 J l ~ 0 1'4' '''flit~: L ' J( N P 1 P IN CJCJR NI ~W l) I [~R MI.~,!JI.J • THIE l.,OG .5 Tbe '•Dinnt' r - 'rowd .. ftt the nmiu vtlke dP"ll'· the· cu nfor~ uec ,;;jon on }' rida;\' . t lll'" 1 ~tl1, <iir:c u ~ i nl( sl• ·nm pc·ow..un. ·. and steps bPing ta.k<"n to prt>¥c"l'l t 1 he wH@to 0 f (l d ~,· ht'th('r it j ~ wn$tcd a"A 'P<'w~r. qt« •um lc·~k ..... lPMkagt· of Ai1' Q f wtlt£''1'. Do 1HJt he :;,U.r ­if tht:! bns~ conlt around nnd asks you. to }H~lp ~a' (;! tt t>Ound or 1a.,n in your depa t"tnt'on t. O.n Monday the 21 st, •· s~lvage~ \vill be the subject discusijed, and men inture ·tt"d in tbi bran~h of the wc•rk will b0 invited to ~tt(]~nd the conference. f f yOU know of a p)8CP :you can Sf:\Vt$ eoal in your department, a ~tion uud do it now. Many folks are aaking "Tobe11 Dlis, the Sulphite Mill Bleacher, hat kind of fertilizer is be~t for watermelons. It i rumored that he seen at the drug store making the purchase of some curious mu' cal combination, and the following day he treated a couple of with the preparation, '" ith phenomenal results. If you want speed up the watennelons> see "Tobe." . And 1t carlle to p ass in the days of •'Sbotty,', who was known also ~t."''U~p whoE.e place of aLode was an the east side of the river Pigeon, GgJ.inst P~chbloom , that he hira a. garden aDd in it he 1did f~ much pr!de, for iew were the weeds therein, and fron1 it he did R< mt1ch tha t he and his household migh t eat thereof. But lo and behold there came a day and it was the e en thereof, ,-.~.~, 1 .._h:,rty" drew ncar unto his house, and he witnes~p-d tbat much i the gro. th in his garden was not, and he snw that one of the swine f asten tbcreon. Ana he called b1.; fr.miJy unto him saying : ''Get you each one a t tlt and arm thy «;;}ve heavily witb stones f rom tla.e ro.!dside." And : _ 1id os thc.y ·e-n. bidden. A.nd when they wen) rorna into the gard(~n they did smite :the wirA,.:, ~..:nd cast st<:, uprm it. And l\c said : '·Let us dn\.e it unto l1e hoo. c of ou neigh t or, ~ven onto the one to whom the sv inC! be­""""' getl • hat 1 c ro~t.y knvw of tl1<.• ba.~·O£" whidt bas b~n wrought and 'Jay pa; urtto u tJH co.::at ot his t reoSpa:s. ing. ': But the l!.cibhl:or to hom he journeyed looked upon the swine ,...,.,.,.. t;aid: * I t ue1ongct.h not 1 o n.te , ~o he went to the how~t! of .otr .. er Wilo pake the sam'- v·ords. And Hf\horty'' rnurveJlt!d much tb~t he found not among his 1cig.Joors ~11e O'Jin.. .. r of the .ine, and h~;; said.: ' \ c will tr-tke hi n to he 1;lac-e whtre our o,:n swine ar , anti there mokt! J1im fast,n forth~ ugl t was fa.llen. !' ~ d when he ·n, 1c unto ·tih~ }'1 he u n rn:ll d. tllc rnur , f(•r tln:r.e u·~lo no swi. then.ln und t ~~ gal <" w~s fa l1t n . And thcl\ he beh ·ld at .it :vas l.i O\VIl which }aa( wrnu~ht t 'e b ~voc; yen, "<"n his own ,·I,e wbi~h t•f ~litd h1 ho hi d h ad bt at n. And 11'Sh<fl'ty /,. who ): 't. ). ~t 1u&n , ~nd is known for his wi~ 1ont, nfl) m3Tif t )Lard 1 itn, .. aying; "Vf::tily lh•W JJlU (;h bet-tt·I lJ an ; ~ l! I hfm. ; l1 j :n t 1JJ ($]' l rk Jnf.' , rh:-tf. WC Jin.d fiC'~ t if tl1~ U t i£ I 1 f)&Jt 0\"/fJ." '~!.4 J.h ~ t " ' 11 \.•..:rds (h w i ~f,tn • . ...-.---::--- i1u.: .e t~ V. J~. Robt:r t . . tht~ Surl1.:tint, ·ud n.t of ~~·~'t;; ~·,..,i I ~ antl "'\- Iii l ··tivJ ' Hlf k u \'<.:11-tsc.LJ:Jlr·•l \'(.ll"' t inn. Things c l • ~ ·ng ; ' his' gear in hi dq .arnllL t fur tb pa. t year w; 1 1 •• t1or.t ttut'ti•· nf th • J~ook \ fiJI l.uuf fri ·ntl 1<.\llti.·rls n\:t'{kd a of ur;(i nd•1) ~. lt i. f' ,•i.Or nt t J1, t he f ud a. '~~d ·t phtc.·e 'h · ,, t' re• '[1· • t ., f 11r th•. c•rrl ~- Jm: :tl.{ · f t ~dvc:d frorn hitn by any of the Sy"'tcm Oft ice 1en du r i~ hi · ab.acna:, Wit..:i a couv,:.nir post card In: tletl from thP. northern part 'Jf Main,·, with a pi lure o · n;o old C)Oid ier.-;' ~cmc·t ry ~ nd th se words P'~nJ1 ·d on ilie mar io : ''1 1m havju : a good timt: r.nd wi h you were hcr,..:s '- . . -- l(l'lea "e send Duncan }{errou noaH.·,'' cam,. a pminti ~e vmce over the phone at tbP. Syst4'm Offic.t> «Sametlung awful has,. Dunca1t was at work. at Fibreville, with plumtting all torn up in kitchen , and d·inn~ tim approaching. The nc s startled him, a no explan~tjon J1ad been given ; it was sinwly a call to ku"J hum-e. So Duncan hurried with p ictures haunting h is mind, of a child in the well or an auto truck staving tbe front of the bouse and wipin OUt th· family. After a record bomc-run he found that tb little bob....tailed bull . dag had attempted to bite the front tire off a flivver, :Uter the ett.stom of Canton dogs, and llad bitten off more than be could che.w. He did not live to tell the story. All the System ( )ffi ce n1cn. m i'Uwright&~ macl:iini~'.:J and especially Frank Smith•s cr<'w of pipe fitter~ . freely offered sympathy; volunteer­ing to go and sit up tha t 1l i~nt with h im and help him to bear hL sorrow manfully Life lin ha~e been .insta lled at Letch Worley's !.~imming po.oJ. SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS lN PRIZES TO HB A"\VARD~O R£STDEXTS OF riBREVlLLE FOR lr 1PROVB. a:~ rT L ~ APPEARA 'CE OF THEfR Pn.Ef\1ISES "'ECTION 1-~fain RL., Ave: 1ues A. B. C. including Ri-vereide· -- First Prize .. ... .. . . , .... . . .... .... .. ....... ...... ., . • .. ,. • • o.. OO 8~011d Prize . . ...... . . .... ~ .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 10,00 T l1ird P rize . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 5 .. 00 Fourti' Priz~ ...... . ..... . ... lfl' .. • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • 5.00 SECTI ON 2- Terracc Dt ive and Skyland ..>. \. ~enue- F'irst PrizE} . . . . . . . . ...... . ..•.. . . ... . . . ....... , , ~ .. . . 15.'00 SE'c-ond Priz~ . . .. . . ~ .. _. . . . ..... . . ..... ~ ... _ . . . . .. . . . . .. • . 6 .. 00 SEC'l'JON 3~Thorr.;:,-ou A~cnu.e-e....,.. Fi:r~t Prize . .. ....... . ............ ~ ... t •••• • •• ••••• • • ~115.00 S(;(!ond P rize , . . ,. ... .. .. ... . , . ...... ... ....... _ . . . . . . . . .. . . 6.00 RECENT NEWS F 0 1 TI-lE HO P T LS :Ab~. Fiblt, wift; oi . F. Fish. an -emplo~ee Lt the Ex ct O!'li'ppar Room who Wcl op roted on t tha lferiwe'-- 'l' Hospital. . "'he:vllle- ·9 ilnpro,~n ·s- ~vidty ~nd ,ciiJ ;retu:n to hm· h .... m in a ~ew da . ... tr 'J'l . . F. 'harJ11 of tht; ·v ood Room, wht) 1. nder iou for app udi~ iti at th ~ .Jriwat.hc-r Hu~ita1 in U-1.\~'l> :.tgo> is £ pl>rte<1 A ~di n the 1'•Ja l t!'l :recovery. {'r..,, \V l·l<" IIi lL wife o o u· 01-ane i'ore.tuun.~ who lis~ b .n ill t ~r h 1:1(~ a ih, C'1 npi'• 'l I .n l~-.r t:- ·e?al we · ..... wa;, t ·en to .e. sh~ v>.Jle a 1 lV days a~:~"., c.t'l· i11 nttw u piltltmt at the .Ftuacb l3ro . o.:pitf 1 lntL tt;, . · On 1.\ llgi\ t l5fb,. l. rioui\ OP•Yt\ ion , l)erlo ut ffill hn~ lt!J«.)rTU d US hn.t ·dl&lB g tt il.lP' a}o~~ ~rue ly. ...........,.; :1-t.:II 1. ~· · .h for bP '1ly aJld }Ul le "' \:l , • _, b If ... I .A Yvuu tltlu t, tPr- of f.· "'. . - l un iu th, · tract Dbt;artul ut. w ru \ d t•J lt ' hv&pit.: ilh•Jut 1 o'cl ck, :s tu:rda ... Jg t!St 19-th. It "'a._ {\•tt hi o l.a il• rh._r ~ 3 • 1_gpoudi •ttt \J the OJ-Jt:ll' tion we: "' 1mw· dJ Hol... pt;.l f<sr"UJ( d. V <.• ar gl d t ') s \d .. Mi8b Oagl Lt 1-. ihl (Jr ,'>vi .,., . RI "1 I ;~II J~ l. JJ.JK BOOK'' PAP£~R ON Wl1ICH "FHIS ISSUE 'lJI) WAS MA. >Ji Fl~OM CfiAMPION PULP lN OUR F "TH~J LO " IS EW PAPER Mll4I;.t 6 • .. ... . . . . '··"' . 1' . •. ,• . . ' ' \ \ . \ I I / I / I f I \ I , ' / ~,,,, /~), ,~ I I V' \ / I \ I ' I I --- - Da\8 Kerr: "ThaL was Claude Witt, of the Electrical Department, tuinning loose with an easy one." Lew Fowler: l·The mysterious thing about it is how in the deYil they cau get that ball through there sometimes without knockilJg down all the pins.'' • Da'f'e: '(Oh, that's eas~; watch me when I r oll them." • ~ Lew: uThen I wonder if a r egular pin-setter ever lives to grow up." Da, e : "H e wouldn:t i£ he didn't watch out. That's what keeps folks safe." \'\iHAT GOES INTO A SHEET OF PAPER We hen.r the question, "How many feet or cords of wood does it take to make a ton of paper?" asked so often that we are sometimea led to believe that the other thine.oos that go to make up the :finished sheet are overlooked. The Hammermill P aper Company have just published a list that was compiled by their technical men and this list probably covers the contents of the paper manufactmed by that fum, c'The well-known HammermiJ] Bond." It also indicates what a wide divel."Sity of material is required in the manufactuxe of paper. This table gives the exact amount of each of the various materiaJs which are used in the making of 100 pounds of paper. Wood ... . . .. .. ... ... . .. . ...... .... . . . ... 13 .. 4 cu. ft. Sulphur -..... . . ... • ... ~ .... ..... . . . . . .. 12.7 lbs. I .. imestono . .. . . ... . .. . ... . ... - ... . . . .. .. 17 .5 lbs. Kerosene . .... .. - ....... .. . .. .... . . . ...... . .. 5.7 oz. Bleach Powder .. • • .... ... ....... . . .. . .. 14.8 lbs. Rosin . . . . ... 1 • "' ~ • • • • • • • • It • ... • ., •• ' ,. • • • • • • • 'II a 1 bs. Soda . . .... .. .. . ......... .. . ... .. .... . ... G.15 lbs. .Alum •. ... . • , .. ....... . .. .. . . . .. ~ ..... .. .... 4 .. 2lbs. Color . . . . ~ ........ . , .. . ...... . .. .. .. .. .... . . .... 1 .. 8 oz .. Coal . . ...... .. .. . .. . ....... _ ................ . 3.20 lbs Iron Sti1}1hate •...••••.• • .... •.. •... ........ 79 oz Copper Sulphato . ,. •• .. .. . .... ... ......... 19 oz. Lime ..... .... .... . ........... . ... . . ... .. .... 3.17 oz. B~ te . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . • . . . ~ . . * • • • , • • .. • 2 ~q. i n . f) >) • Fe1 tAJ .. ..... . ......... ... . . ...... . ...... . uu aq, 1n. Luhr.i catin~ fJil ...... , ...... . . . .... , . ~20 r u. m. -v..ruo .......... ., .. ........ . ... .. ... ... ~ .. 61 ,;q. J 11. W atcl', Cbc.micclly pu,rjfjtiJ and filiM.r d .. '7~ou yuls. - E{J ~ . • STRATEGY Throo Scotalnor:n to dH.1rcb eur:h ,.fl1tehiug tir~lttly tlt• 1,,-.,wy he )nli'nd J to &Jufr.jbutp wl.1 u the pfBLil waa pu 1 o. ('ta l Ltl rtL;Hio,, l'~ignoo wh; .. n f,hB mini trr n.hnov ru~c.l thnt thi JWrl. ic u],, ,. t\1 u1duy an llurt wo to ll m~Ml~ to rai ·c.; tin .. JflOl't~: gQ an l n·lu:J • tJry Hl ·mf;c r tjf t},c: er.mgreg~t.iou t'J lJlvkt) ~ snlJ:~ta ut1 n l ?if•·ri11g. . Dorinp- tLc J,rayer 'he Mcot.J hulC.I a ' ln p1 r d fl(lu, t,ltu1Jrlll n tv tlje solution of tlwir dHt IiiiDft, c1-nd re ,.IJt ~:j n Foti fa<.; tvry d(·t·tuion. 011 l ai11tcd und tho rJlh ~r two ~anit;.d lJL1t (Jllt. - Am ·ricau J,tgiti,,. IV~ HN • POISON IVY By Dr. E. P. Zeu/mer1 vn ''MD onbeam.s~' During the months of June, Joly, August and September, poison­ing by plants is ' tery common . The plant that causes roost of the trouble is that known as P oison Ivy. Its botanical name is 'RhU5 Toxicodendron. A medicine is made £rom the plant also so that while it is harmful in its action in the human being .. yet some good may come from its being used when pl'ope?ly prep8l'ed as a medicine. The plants are found throughout this section of the country, along fences, in the woods, and even in the garden. 1 t is a climbing vine, but will run along the ground i£ there are no supports present. It has three leaves, which are somewhat hairy, springing from n common stalk, and the fruit or berry, is of a. whitish cream colol'. The poisonous principle is a non-volatile oil, which is found in all parts of the plant, even t he roots. It cannot be washed from tho sk:iu by 'Vater ruo:ne, as it is i nsoluble in water. Alcohol Will dissolve it. Alkalies also saponiiy it and tend to r eneler it inert. Just ~ small quantity of the poisbn on the akin will be a15sorbed, and cnuse con~id­er able irritation unless r emoved n t onee . The parts affeeted show a skin enJption, varying fron1 n .. light :r\.'<1· ness to a severe inflammation aud swelling. LaTge blisters mny some­times :form, which in many cnses run together. formin~ one large mn~s of blistera. There is ftlso intense itching and heat. with grc 1t di.; 'OUl­fort. The hau<ls aud trrc tnora f requently nff~~t J, b,,t th in!am~ ution ruc:ay xt£"nd lo thP util-e hody. The poisou on th hnnds nul.~· bt! <.·ouvf'yed to oth,•r put t. of the body, c)r ev .ll to tlUOLh<'r l>''r ~on . S('lnt p nplc or · lntnltllle t(, the po'iSOl\ , fti[ o th~l'S nro V(tr)" Sll.COptib}('. 'J Jtu 1u£Jamo.tion nppcnr ri V• ry qnidd,-. in'Hl\o iudivhlunl.. whila in others it lmLS .nc•t 1uoni t'cfll Lt:mlf fur fc-ur or .fiva days. A t JOtl u P.x po~cd to tlw po it~o u, one should bt\tlu" thll stTt ·•tt'll pnrt tu t• Holutinn of uiNJiwl, fifty JJt!t cont. uncl tht:n wush thor~ug·hly "·ith ~<.rU p t\ n(l \ nkr. Do t.l•ia ,rflttU. A l't~r tlu.: pt1i r.uiug is wnll c. hll>H~h<• l. tl sootllilll!: lutiou of SllglH' of lt rrt . or 7,in(' t nlphnh nll\,\' )J,\ u ~~d , \)f ""' n n mi'ld ~o1ut iuu of unrbohc 1w·i.d will ht} fo Utul tn f.Ci \•• ru l~(·f frou\ tho 'iult nau it(' hitiH. ,_,---~--- ' fEI£ S ~ ~10DBH.N fJt\'NCI-"S FlnpJH ·r : " :"( (1, I • u " 't. walt v. t h iu lJ nu wi I h lou, l"m h)l.> do m.:u..l t:ttJlu&t ) tud : "Nuwl Y'ui 11't ~ duulnr,l s to\'t. you'r just tl J.UJ l' halliJl rn THE "HIGfl BULK BOOK'' PAJ>J ~R ()N Wlii 1:1 TliiS ISSUE OF "~HE l~OG" I PRIN1'Ef> WAS MADE l~ ROM CIIAMPION PULP IN OUR NEW PAPER MILl, • • THE bOO VOL. VU NO. S "'ODD CANTO r, NORTH CAROLINA Subscription Rates: Per Copy, Oc. Per annumJ $0.00 Invariably in advance Editors now under sentence and doing time PHILLIPS THE SUGGESTION PRIZES The eugg&-tion prizes have again been awarded mostly for simvle little improvements. It iB hardly necessary to state that the most \Vel­come suggestions are those which are responsible for immediate economies, but which do not call for the purchase of expensive appa­ratus nor for months of labor for the construction crews. A very good example of a good common sense suggestion is the one ma de by J . B. Hyde, Sulphite Mill pipe ntter, a prize winner in the above list. He elimjnated the use of a 4" centrifugal pump by putting in a few feet of pipe. Practically all the prizes awarded this month were f 1r sug­gestions of this kind. It is very P', howErre:r ,to note that so few of us send in Sllggestions. We realize, of course, that it is discouraging to see suggestion after suggestion whieh we make, set aside in favor of the suggestion of some other fellow and see him win the prize which we thought might eome to us. But if anyone feels this way about it we would encourage him to try-try again. The tl"ouLle whh us all is thaL we do not put enough thought into om work. We read the other day of a man, an efficiency engineer, who invented a device for holding a needJe on the under-side of the Victrola r ecords. His idea was that hs.l:£ the time devoted to music of this lrind, could be saved if he could develop a way to play both sides of the ?ecord at the same time. It was a discordant idea . Another :fellow labored for yefll"s in an effort to obtain a cross betw~en a honey bee and a fue-fty. His object was to get a honey · factory that would rurJ i\lfo shifts. He was thinking of sweet things but tbe idM was impractical. Tbe above should not deter us in our etiorte to barnes.s our ideas ooncer.Wng our \Or.k. To the IDun who rPally wishe-a to make woJ'ib-while sugg6-.tiona we call attention to iha followh~ artl~le on ttCoDP..,entration", whi~h up· peared l LJ OUT e~ch.angr, ''1fa'kiug raper." CONCENTRATION lu one tr! tbr) lnbvru:u-tdrri A:L W hirjgt()JJ tlu,.Y havo A €'tt•ht eun gla&i that mNt.surcs 1 lu-I)(~ fct3t al !TOM . 1t iff blr(· tho buuriug glaAe we used to trP-1lSUJ l3 wh<!n we wcro IJoys, only ru.uc~h Jurij t•. '1 hj 1:£1• t gl g:~tltt:31 . 1h() r. ya •>f 1h \lfi that fJ it ilof; u.rftwe n1td ftlt.;u c thorn on a ei11gll3 poj11t jn n ~tpac~ u !r;w f·~r~t. brlow. 'J'}1Ca t1 iJa ,.lo npot Ja h(JtLJ tllfm A blow•tvTt•lt. f t wil) roaJ t thrOUfl h W } J,}u t:e UR 00 1ly 81' H red-hot nt.:L die 1Jums thrr,tJtdt r•:tper. '"f}de tcrrihJo hf'a it ean .. llt~t t1 mensur r1 f~r it nmlt.a uJJ jnlttrumontA-i!i jubL tbn 1 t. of. ol' y s u ll-"hi nf', conet'n trated on a. eingl0 point. Si-at.tored, these rayt' are hor dl.v felt-p bnps j ust 1>lesuantly warm; roncentra.te t.hern they molt udntnont. The Mme priucitJlo opplics to h uman endeavor. Scattered, a ma ~ cnel't;ies do not amount to much; once they arf:' all focused oo t : task in hand, seemingly t remendous diflicuJtiett, like snow on a stove, are overcome. Get the habit of concentratjng when you sUirt to do n thi~­throw on all tho steam you hnve and focus vn the task in hand . . Remember, that three feet of sunshine will bum through anything. -Jl ak-ing Papet>. OUR ACCIDENT RECORDS Your attention is called this month to the accident cartoon1 which appears on anot her page. It is not the intent ion of the EditOTial Staff to poke fun at our unfortunate friends who happen to get hurt, we'd probably get hurt ourselves if we did this; but our serrice dPpartment. in attempting to k eep a history of all accidents, and how they occur, are very much puzzled over some of the reports made by men v:ho ~ttffer injury. Y ott would be astonished if you could read some of the accident r eports and notice where the responsibility f or the accident is placed. The man making the r eport sometimes does not "come clean.'' We have a great deal of admira tion f or the spirit which was shown by tl1e little Irishman, of whom a story was told znany years ago: Mike was brought before the pollee judge olle Monday morning, charged with gambling. J ust ahead o£ him were two Chinamen arrested on the samee charge. The fust one was brought before his Honor. '~hat is you name '4" "'Ah Ling." Me allight good fella-me no blame, some other man say, e.cAh Ling you go with, and me go." Me no bad man, me good f ellaJ please, other man all blame, Ah Ling all light". After five min­utes the judge cut his story short with, "Ten dollars; next pr isoner ." "The second Chinaman followed the precedent established by Ab Ling; ,.Ah Sing, good £ella, no have trouble, last night walk on bad street, don't know 't all, man say "come in/ ' velly bad plac~ be give Ah Sing dlink; velly bad man, Ah Sing al light. He then wept nnu pleaded with the Judge, explained how hard an d what long hours he worked for hia money. The judge cut his story with; "Ten d()lla:rs, next." It was Mike's turn. 'rWhat is your name~,, Mike r eached in hjs pocket 'Pulled out his money, looked the j ud ... "?· straight in the oye a.nd answer. '<Aw hell~ here•s your ten dollnrs.', Tbe thins we admire about Mike is that he didn't try to ''pass the buck. tt He knew it. was Mike's fault and was will in to tak~ his punishment. In lookiug over tbe accid nt reports f?om :May t'th to 11th we tind EJtoriua liko tho following : • f'W tiS Jiftj tlg block of wood with pick. wood druPPt\d \)if pil.\k cuwuug p ick to jnntp bat•k aud hit nooc.'' In th is ~a9e tho l'lud is blat.ned fir t uf oJJ f(Jt dropping off the p ick, and then th :riok i g u.ilty c)f j lDlplng hauk tlUd strikiJlg tllt~ iutaoo nt vi(~ti m on bi~ nos~. ucJtlwr dN: idout r port : ~''1 was dtr ikiug a. ~bise.l, humruttr mit~' st.-d CJhj 1 nod biL tinw r.', 'l'hu inf.ur me h ~re is that tho hnn.un~~:r Wt\tt tlt·m ly r udt' tmd iJl,uunnt'\rcd, (rtw·re ie c• trt()r.v or tHiutltor hau ud~ r which uaisb ha, ~J. 'l'ltil4 JUWH.llt,;r h8tH1lf ,}t;) iJ,ur~tc• ly ~tfUl.'k l1 ltHfd •r, ('£LU6ill~ tho h llDH\l,•r iUl\f t ... hit« mJw)e thuuth. At•(• rdi11g- t <> uuu r p(•r t, alic·ktt of wuod lwha\·\l iu uu (• trmnoly c ••l'iJJu .lfuHut{\r, A !lun a Wll plllling a stink ,)f wooJ otT o pit" r1J•(•th r Hti •k (,f. 1if1 1 f,:.]y ) roll ,( ntT tho pile oud mush, l hi nrJU. THJt "III 1 1~1 B J I_,K BOOK" flAPER ON Wli.ICFJ T l iS 1 SlJE OF •'Tiil~ l ,OG'' I PRIN'ff~ WAS MADl~ FftOM CIIAMJlJON lJlJLP IN OUR NEW PAPER MILL • • 1. •'1. wa piling some plank and one of t.h fell on my finger.~· • 4. w.' pJ 1 •g srme slab wood on a fm arJd a eJ u t:l off the pi lo sud &truck YT>,.• 0 t. lit foot." THE LOG \ 3. "I was barking a slab of wood and it. jumped out of the horse and struck me and knocked the wind right out of me." n. "J wrua lowering n c!lsting with a chu)n-falls and 1t t!'EU.tle down. ou my foot. ' 3. "I wns getting r( to r t a sti ··­of \'\"ood in the fuel chipper and it opped on my. toe." • .. • • .. - 6. uA h..Cinl.aler mi sed the c'h.i ~ i hit lll:r hand.!' nd tt.1 w ''d khlJf' fJUlp rolls, that is staddug ther~ up in a car di&Il'ttJle, \"ll)l t b. lin. ~reno~· by Daplu.l.ylamin b~y·n.­9 ,,.,..,•I d~i,~ vbe!r.t g-n of tl c f~ l'olJs turned over. (without instruc­f"¥' a d 7t the lTralJ on tho h ··d. This rvJl dirln't i ve slow or blo\., o-r•_ ... H by uph.1naphtltol in alcohQH~ 3ul_phu.ric n\1id :;Qlntio-n, 8.ll(! yellow h) ph.t•nylhydrazine hydf()(\lJlorjd ·. Da1np cheese culon.~ paper (;­ing ti~uin ioten., .v Iluw. p trnphen.len diun•in~ brir.;lt :t .... 1.1r - andnoLen.r..vlj.-lo.ot:nutoJ}lletlOn ro 111. red. nitToMHhl blood · d. P - -- • • 1 <iD• · kh ) li off a. causti'~ ~an Wl-d a Bi ;teo fl,!W in n y . e., .b. t can be c u.e.•3d by 11 cawst ic can.- ~...... .. u1,for uu. eo a 1 t U1f• •/) etu4fcr ~nj'U.t'.Y h~t uR makt> ttl\d\)ilQhlu ,. ')rVJ~ . Depofb.uffl'lt itt pr rv utiHg th~ l"e ' w t .... 0: =•• P e HI a F}t ·~ = • PAitA.AMIINOBENZYLJD N· PliENONE Ill 1J.o·v-:· il8 ie a · t l~PY b . u s. 1:_..... ittle urticl v( gc .nt:rLll ·uler ~t. to H. of u\ll' tt~uliog ronh~Tiul thot ' o Ct}n of .nH>re ro . .-.nt dntu it h farth r Loon a u ioe r d by dirnt:th~]p it' pheuylene~ • r. aruinodiplu..'l ~·lin tiT • p Qduc .. s o -tlt'\a" ... colorut.iol.l.'' A ad still · 1n0 fol · · vudtm when. all th~ boy~ a. e d \iug up iu th ' lab. n 7 -·· ....... ...... Pl.., A 'Pho ti •1gi L :umn ' n o it tl.t ~ hit d t.n 1t for hi itt wnntiugto c.:uxr. laut r1 in ,i 1g to e.1!l on his he t irt l·'lll•J idN, r· 1 ·· f£ -d. lnnkru. 1 wcl\t til tJ • d k.'' h~.~t I w s courtin' l nt \'t r ,~ni d o ''\' < ·~.'~ l:ltLid tho lur ·1 nn1u tdl~v, uall llo \hut 0 \1 -- l meman L~ I "o tJ ~ I~IJC~ J BULK ROOK'' l~AP.ER ON WHICll THIS ISS E OF "THE I OG" IS ''l~ED \1 AS MADE J-. ROM CHAMPION PULP IN o,u R NE\V PAP ~ R l\1ILL 10 THE LOG • UTHE DINNER CROWD" Reading fron1 left to right, stan ding : C. . Bryant, Trea . ; G. \. Phillips. up't of , errice Department; "\'\' . J. Dial, Sup~t Paper :Y,.:jj; \V. E. Roberts, Sup:t Maintenance and Construction; W. R. Crnte. Plant Engineer; Chaq. E. Smith, Sup't of Wood Purchase Department; R. B. Robertson, Vice President and Generall.fauager ; Seated, ]eft to right : A. D. \Vood! Sulphite ~ up~t; Geo. M. Trostel, Chic! Cllcmi£t; R . • J. Sprang. Sup't Boa.r<l Department; Joseph Clark. Sup't Suda ~fill; F. W. Winchester, J..~umber .. ales-Mauager; Thomas Marr, ExlTnct Sup't; D. V. Bloyney, Gc.:nero.l Secretary of Ohnmpiou c-y>' ; \V . .M. Batt!£_.on, .l .. ight Sup,t; C. S. Badgett, \Vood-land Sup't. A number of thP cccahineC; or noon-day Ct'OWd, WCl'e out o£ town, includiug: Cedric Hope. Designing Engineer; D. J. Kerr, Rup't o! l'ower; K. F. ~'cuz., Auditor ; N. R. \Vild, Pay Ma~:>ter. This is th• grou;J tbnt meets at the l1ain Offi<"'e diuing :room eacl1 day at one o'r·1o•""k. Immediately !ollowiug the uwal the "Cabinet" goes iuto executjvc.: B<:F •. ion tuJd it is genm·ally conN•ded that the Rplendid jnter-d~partmPr,lJll co·<IJ)<.AJ'ation for v:hir·h thf\ Champion F aruily has k-oome f~nnou,, j~ tlH~ r• ult. to a cou&iderahl~ Plttcnt, of the daily lJriuging 1/igether of 1lw h<"'ads ()f the vurioua d('pnrtUJ0llts i ta this wav. f.n addition to the gen~n] di'-cu .;~ivn ~]. i(·b inh~~ {Jlnco dail~.. . relativf! ttJ !ill {'hru t tJf miU OtJtraticm, jt h~~ beeu the pulclisc· nt mw mee1jng a W(;Pk f~1r f'evr·r!ll J.lJCJuths JJa•·l, to hnn a pn.,.~e r read hy souw OH~ in tlle orgJHJi7utiou upo.o CQJD<! liVP t.vpj(', r J) tlJi way LlH! TU nt­bers of tJ,, .. f?'l'vup c.;r1n.(, tv &{J{If•1Ciate uud lJ••Ip livlve lHJC HH01 her pl"obleun~. At. a 'T( c;·ut ruH•ti ng Tv111 0 Lvrrll', fJUr purt·ha6it g fH!l'nt r ~f,d u pnpm' ~~~titled: HCo·0Ji...'/'HtioJl Let 'II Opv.roting UIJd •urt·hu....i ll.g n~. f•u.l'tmeut,n au<l ;1 i11 rvi,)eJ1t t.h t Tom's jJrtrmti••rt wu to J5l't tho di11 .ut:r c·r<.,.wd to holp h1tn tflko ~¥Jmf~ of tlu:· (:ho i uv tJU.t vf. 1 he p1~r•.fJ l ;u!• departm n t. • a t,y of u : fu•r rt rluw ' f'.,m,A puv r w;)l ugr• •· fls af. vur n JUiiii· iJIJJlS e t•Ht tv lii ~ dPrJurtlUC'nt tJ.Tl' uJ,r,ut aa ilHJ1 1iutf(· ll th • rcqut· of n wnuut'.!l •llt'J .. va llt~-<d llJJ t" 11, r·lt·rk i u H H1Hr•. und f u c tl tIt tf, }w .. ould Ja (~ tJ") r•ur•·1Ui ,,,n,} pc,\wJ -r. The clc.: rlt pu u • d ft lo(unt lJ , 'l•l as ~-.~-~, , " (' :t • •• 1f' lj:1 1 uu. JBl~e, 1 n6•·t:t. or til <1 1t~, Wt.J r•ubli I Mr.(.) IJ()fiJc/8 l!li t k l j., lu11. CO-OPERATION BETWEEN OPERJ\ TING AND PURCI-IASING DEPARTMENT C0-operatiou l.'lHlY be den ned as a satisfactory swapping of serviees. Webster would not word it that way but after his definition is boil~1 down it amounts to that. Vlbile discussing this suLject you mny that I want you to do all the operating and let me do the co-iug, but when I hav finished 1 'vant you to come back at me in the same spirit of franknes . You roight think nt :first that the subject of this pap,er should be ·•Tho Passing of the Buck !rom the Purchttsing to the Operating De-part­mentQ." Speaking o:£ "BllCk Pas i11gH, i:f it is houesvly pra ticed aud done in the proper manner, tbeu, aud not u11l il then. i.a the highe"t J~ :\of co-operation ncl1ieved. Not so long ngo I had the privilege of me tiug a mnn, who is said to be the most ~uct~ 'fulprofc .. ~ ional buyet' in the South. ITo buys e,·erything Lut tho l)owcr for 78 of tho bigg . t cotton mills in the South, nm.l they are S<:all crt~d all tho way fl\nn lt0 iui to Southern AlubanHL l:f{' tohl mo he had n ~ r work\!J urounci n ·otton mill o11d kn(·w· little, in n tlr~t hrLnd wny, of the mnt..:.'ri~l1S th~.~~· u t1. \"lh u u J L'd h0w hP mumlgcd thi~ job so \1<' • · full~ he glibl,\· r rru,-rkotl, ".By po:~si. n' tho BuC'k." lle '"'ril'iC'u this stnrtlir'l( Slth•tutNtt b.v R!·u>Willf.;' (.lUp ·r~ frlllll hi;:; fill·~. J 11\ .ltinbly ht• r ·t.\l,.lH3 Ull.\ r,'{IUl ~ itiClH whi<:h 1 JliJ t cll't•tl." ,,,.irf u l n11 <l \ hich dut.·~ not. ~dv~ <.•umpl ~t'-' d f-!lil" J HJl~·.;i lh·ot i"'wi. 'I'h ~ h,JJ bim wlmt tla 'J Wtlllt, h lW J.tnu ... h of it owi whr-n. '11H u hn #(Or~ to it. by llAI!'->ing- tho L.uc.k on to tho mnnufnu- 1 nr•·•· ml jc•I•Lf·t'd hl• bu'::. fr''"'· od tl1 ni,.,, pn-rl nbvut il itt t.h t dwy c •1 pn 1111 J 1wk t.n tl"~~ " hu.\l·J· ,,ith fu ll ,·ontid, ul· • h .. , w:n .. ~t l1u y :wd !'~"' llu 111 hut tit ·y Pill Pll tiH• r, •q ui ,\ linu. · f Ju) ullh'' ilt t•tl~ I i(,:. ta tr•t tdil•t• d i 11 the~ tHlUH. g , , , h rollS mnu­w yin w l ~t(·h . It ~ ,..~. H1Jh• l'l !>t, lJ , h.l 1, 8 1•rta11g ll lhl l"' lt illipt~ ~he> nd\ h· &.•J 'r'"' 11 ,_,1 .. uu•J Ill\ ., l( 11h•'llt r •t i U)J.' olll' (·hu}l.-t. N.·vd· ltudng h, c ,.,. I f.t.Ji 11f. J,, d I•> J••wtl ,, u • •·li«k,\' 111l ,n·inK, \ htll t.l~t •r•' i: Ht.'ither c•e U•r t if J •J l. f' I l (lrl iII i lh ltll\1 l', t ht y C'tlll pvud thuir "' Hlll r 1;,. .. nu. l odrc nviNn fl it llH pl·np• ·•·h .. · ,;o rnt t•att iu.l t.) gi • • • THE LOG 11 ad'ri<!f'. And a.- I ba-ve never bMn called down to the Black A"-h a bad ui~bt ro admini~tor bAbbit t to a b elly-aching. burnt out b~nl'­' wh&n thor~ w•um't n hit o{ hnbbitt about, I reckon it 1 p<'rs~et\ vo · v~ nw t he nerrf' t .Q offf\r y E'lu the so-caU( essC'ntinls of a requi ­in the hope that it may help us all. ESSBNTL L.S OF RBQUISJTION FOR PU RCHASE I.-Quantity : · (a) "1ben o-rdering u carload of material, it is desirable to stat<' th<,) n \tUlb0r o{ units desired. to a,.,.oid pos .. ibl() over­st. ockiu.g when possibly ollly a minimum cadoad is needed or :wh('u maybe n less carload would be nlorc advisable; c. ~th 1 c-arload of brick may be 10,000 or 20,000. • (b) Lt..-ass carload order should bear a uot a.tion showing the ap­proximate weight of the shipntent. When the requisi t ion calls for machinery or pa rts or Rnything on whioh the weight is not evident. this precaution is not much trouble a1:1d sometimPS it will sa~·e wnst iQ.g some of the company's good money hy routing ft shipment by ~xpress when it should • oomH by fr~ight. · (c) The figure indiccSting the quantity or nuruber of un its d~­sired should hP kept at the extre1ne left of the sheet avd should always be fn Unwed by a dash . (b) • (c) If new rJ'Ulchi·ncry ol' ·equipment is ordered the ('O:rrect nam.c, the Pr,"ie ~ it i to render, th c~pacity of the l:nachilw f!nd aU ot.hf.J" a'Vailablo detailed spPci:ficntions., aro necessa:ry. N()t nul.v to b-ind the selle1; to fulfil li ng all requirements but a.1 o for the beuafit of l'~erence in the future. When dupli~ati n~ old machines or OTdering r e1>sira for old eqniplllellt no,t only the correct n alne and cutslog number of the 1 lrt is ne' ·ssary but the maker 's shop numb!'r i dc~ir­abl~, and when this cannot be found, a , .. otnpk·te ,le.qcrjption is e.t~sentia l. \l.Tlulc eomat.ittl<'A nece~a ry, it is ~nerally a btld pxact,ice to mnkP- rufnrnce tv oUT old o-rders in o-rdering part8 o1· a .. '1 1'­iug duvlir;ations. It is "'passing the buckH in the SQnse th 1t. tlte e..~pr(lSsion i$ generally ·used. • Unless otLon,.,i~r~ dpNnned it. is ,,rc•surn d that ,.~qui itions :u•UTk« <1 ''Stn(';k'' or '(for . .... . Depu:rt1nent'', in lower left l; r•d cnrnel', cov~r materials :f·or :fut. tl'O re 1la1· nequh·e-ent~. )1. Tftateriut is roquin·d fo'r s!nn SJ><:c' al job '\"'htllh iS o\.;'he­d li! ,yJ or tc fill Wl em erg U( ·y ne a, b tate th . Of\ t~ it .is to lta ,~ Oh fiTU~ri.og nw~r· a-1 \Vhh:h .t · vit~l t.o prooucti<:m au.y j~,for.trHl ton pertc iuinft w h~ BtJI?ply on 1)and nn l pos~ible ' H , nl~ of: ht rr,yin~t d ·li':"e .. is uot sw i ~. WLt·n r ·q 1io,,, ,.n]1 f1)r ioo o1 1<: =ta ui'J(t·nt. 1u~ rl or l 'hf'n t.b~vc :ia no '·~.'olr'' it · 1tot n!3c~. ary to fnJTl. XlU i itiou RU.S'H. J; ·o 1~ s~ti itioo l ;·u!i.d h · r (Jijffr-r~n t ~ t ms not mtt<l by same­. 1 . • :r .. I ; . g. Bol , 1 kPt Fl, J:r'tang SJ nnd Valve~, whi1o' u. Gd t 'U ~""" ~ nta- jol) .. ,, e ru 11 rl; el ut J.~• o.v1c· flJt rl b ~.~n li tc ·tl ( )Jl ttu~ ~ama . oni' . · 1 tion T .. , i i 18 · n< ti'f,~ tlnd --.\ ry thuc <~OJl~.,..i ng i ~ O•)Jl tlle .1r1dn , d .J e:r of r ~ p ( ... :1t. t. s 1 uld I ' .! , • T uv· d a t:o <;1t~1> , uru.l iz. ~. as tu Hlftko i~ 011: · o· ,.. r f·r.t oopl in tlJo st •Xu nJuUl. EH'L'.,Hllting dcp~r ln l ut ~·· ld Jii'U g _ 1d bl lling dt•pur.tu'l~ H t _ to hn.-tci lc \ it.l1 the dapl:h.atio:1 JU •l <:h~\·ki 1 {!; g ., au orti · fm~ piw fit· ri ng~ ~houlrl h tH'P olJ f.h-. (r.. . ·P. · togPthPr , all t)t~ T '" ' t..o~~t1.Hnr , ~tf• nd tht\y hon ld atm·t \lll th thr- E>-ll19~t iit'it tlnd ~onti n u(, iu thi ortitT. No\V so-rne of thC' abov'! roqu,. .- sts tnay ~ t\f fl'l· and .;>OaJ• o ther~ n1ay ~N~ m like ov~n1ohtg the th:iTtg but if you coulA ~ all tit letters wbich c·ome a~lting f or mtlro irdorUlation ~bt>u t otdnr .. you wo ~l~ ~no t bl aw~ rue f.or trying. to at a ft}W o.f tbP low spots on roqulAltloras. I t 1. well to ht::ur Ju mmd that machlo •r'' u d in J"ulp mill is .ut irely tli tfer )nt froru the at-er (tge elas~ of e'l'-Upm• nt a ad that the fellow fiiHug the ord po~hl~· know~ tlbout one te tb e~ mucl1 about the usc of the machirtery as you do. It ,is thC'rfJfot"e U:e::.iraf)le that cv(;Yry ord~ should co:ntai n n_uy and all i n:fot mation that tnignt· possibly ~e h~lpf ul im prop rly plru;.iug nnd filliug tlt~ o1:·Jf r. 'PfJ\l xnuch dope 011 au o.rder is b ter than .not enou.a-h for there is mu{•lJ l: ss dangf'r of error in or nlii Hg than in '·ri-ting- in ntlditional sp('o.ciHr·,l­tions. Anoth<:r r~Rson ~o;·h.r ('t:ltnpl t.te and intelli~en t order are es& ntia1 is becauae an in uffici~ntl.v d· tlJi led in ui.r.r or o.rd<'r denoteo. unfami­liarity with t.hc artic1 aud il:nplie~ ignoJ"[lllCe of'''et cv.uditi')rs :irtd <.ruulit:v ot sumt-'. Thi<r OOt.'S not hc-l1J g c; tb.l b ~ t ptitJe or the h1gl~t q ual:i ty. o pl.n·c•ha made f:rnm a N g-: !lar souref• i ~ a o:-:.tti fa~! Or\' one t'J th\;; pu:rchn c- r. unl~ss th\.· E-~ll<?r l''l (~·i •:t.~ .. r~asnnahly att-ractiv; TCturn. J t is e ntjrelr ,,,irhin rPa~c~t ~ :fol' the ~eller to take hi · los-~'"' ~Iucti·ne d'Ue to abnorltlHl c·l)rHli Lion. of the mtH'l\c~t which foree hinl b · th~ 1..~ w of Supply fllld Dcruttnd to g·ive gre~ier ~aLue than -recei'ied b"'ut unl ~ll s oul" sellc't c8n m ke u n~a~onab1e p-roiit on bis IHl~ue ovt·r the cyrk. litis s-hf>'lv-es wHL sool'l be fiJ tQtl with du t~ cobweb~ and ob oletc rnuteri 1'~ and h-e \vill r~e:1~ to booorue u satisfactory Murcc. Now. tod:u:r~ let'::l con.sidm·. that you ar buyers of the services of t4e pu .. cbasing dep~~­ment. U uti t I t·et tbro ugh le~s forget the numerou sins of omisqion aud oommi..,s1on that ha'\;·e been com1nitted in ~o. 13 and say tful• .. a l:_ast today I, have ddiTered you oue day's service tl!:! I spe~i6.e3tio~ , ~ow, today} ~ ·ou as the huyer, having recei'\""00. wh ..... t you ordered will ru--~ive an .in,oicc for the servicea :rend~ed. This invoice is my request for your ~ervic~_-q in ~etting up the r quisitions for\·'3 porchnse . .As i-i ·Her all I can P~ct is a reasou:1blc l'etu:m of yonl" • -En•v-Jces. Today. rna) be, I bad good supply of servi~ for you n~d ~~ .. ibl.r r.obody el.oo demanded my services to aos grcnt ea--t-ent. ~ y. fur the !un ot it that tl1ero wa~ no rnnil to ~n.swer,. no in\'"oi ;.~ to ch k) n~ .&nl~an to iJ.ttorview~ no telephone to o.nPWCl' nnd 110 btl~ t.o elillln~ to the groon -carpet. Then the law o-£ gupply and demaud would refn~i""'e !llC" to gi'\·O you St">nle spt.c inl disooun·ts fiou1 my i :11 ·o;c . in the sb.a_po of rv-ice to yon-e:ouch as sear<' through roy Tr.~ord~ for my dope. And it i :3 likely that tho ]ow c·f suppl:r 9U de-wand ill force me to d(-duc.:t t.he ( frc'ght.'' Thi~ j r . ooht uroucti~o\U .[ lVlll COlt1pare ttl 1ightenin!; of your bur.len f!l •. mewhexe, io instfinct:. go·ng o~er the stocks of some of your erseuri l commodit.i~, w'th th S't·orek~per, and . to Y'~\J. CThi~ is sup-.;.J .. illP I keEp th .. 'law.) Eu~, t,o 1 rr ro" things migh"" be dil!erent. faybe there i3 a f'}Oob vi tltlil,_ '1 pik <' ~ i n·o1co · to ch,,.ck. a dot "ll " t:liSlllC"t1 the telephone l"ing­ing about evnl'"Y fiv~ minutes; uud the boss tnight be on the job askl.n. me why I tr:if d t~ \iulat~ th .\ l. :w. of S ... ~ D. yegt :rdny. If all th..i~ • houJ 1 hFtn.pcn, t. ~>nlu ro. ~ th 1 w of -. '~ & D. ·uld caus. n1c t~ cl you to pny th • ~ff()t ht aud k~,~o o!l the di conLt nd cheok vour <nvn "' §tv<:~ o£ l&.tlvcs. •J" f0lt ·• or unih r.q'ld hut t ~·on.r o .. r.n dor ln the til down t~tir~, nnd. p rh ~ pl"h:!e tepl'esoutc b~· your .. e i ~ might hA i u.c1·., · 1 1\1 ,,, ') . • •ou might be u~te<l t,) 1 ok up ·O'lllething I or .me.:: or dh .. k t tnlTa thi 11 ,. that I m suppo d to h ok u Fter.. Tuis Jnv (ll \IPPt and d· man ill th Lnsin - , -, np \u~ .. e£' :~~ <."fin h~ t lJu ob~n..-v d b · u ·oiilixlg' tUllle sa:t~' ·wnppu1 . If run <l\)n-rinu nsl. ~· . t ·rin.g. ~>u tnt m~tfi: ng th t I ho-uld look a.f ' H you r . u<Jt f{vin· t<i l1 1\"6 t•.} s tuat nU your r ,]ni ition are d\: out .right. ttd ~i · ' l r a :ij "tnu . nd up ~ \.1uiait.i.o ~,.::, which -r uiru rrtu(•h filo ' ur<'hi • ,., a:,nd iLquir , to comtl. t • od C~ltS quc:nt re­writing, ot <July :u 1 no h t e tirn~ to d..> som th:i ~ ~ tar yo\.-t-, FfiE HHfGJ .. I BULK BOOK'' PAPER ON WHICH TliiS ISSl JE OF 'VTHE LOG'' l .......,. :>RI TEl) WAS MADE FROM CHAMPION PULP IN OUR NE P6 PER MILL • • 12 THE LOG • bnt I am liable to make a sel"ioua ~ta.k~ which would c&u-!,Q you n hundred times more troubl-e and the compOJ.l.'V: .0.'\0re e. pense than 11: you had spent an minute or two on tl1e requi~itio11. A few days ago) I read the :following squib which was he&dcJ ~ HORSB SENSE ' :If you Wt'Ult to be d,ri.ven with a loose reiJ.'l, you~Ve got to taka the respons.ihility of keeping the \VQg<>n in the ,_.oad. > Thnt is good brajn fodder, too. X ow you men who get up the re(luisitions !or material, trre tlhe ones who u....~ the material and every mistake niade on nn order ahywhere along the line makes your \Vorl! harder. Lets all see that we do our proper part of making r equisitions for mtlterial complete and col'reot .. Possibly the best l-nown illUb~ation of co-operation is in onr old iashioned com shucki11o~ In this case the farmer :ti.rst gets his eorn all <mt., pulled and piled nicely with a keg of mountain dew right in the center. He then invites in his friends, gets them seated arouud the pile and passes the buck to them~ Then when the col'D is all shucked ever;vbody co-operates. Now it doe:m)t SeE'Jll like it sometimes, I lmow, but I want you to pile your unahucked requisitions up in tke best possible condition. and then I want to f-or all I "m worth and hope with your suggestions and encouragement to deliver to you "S crib full of clean zn,aterial, with as few shucks hanging on and as few grains shelled off as possible. Mrs. Jane Rhineheart, mother o'f T. F. Rbin.eheart1 a crew leader in the Department <>f R~pairs and Alterations, died June 80th at the home of her son in Fiberville and wn.s buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, C1yde, N. C. Mrs. Bhineheart was ninety-five years old, and has eight li viilg ehi1dren. Two sons and six daughters. To these bereaved ones, fie Champion Family aesi.res to extend, through the oolumns ·of ''The Log/' their heartfelt sympathy. "BILL" MASON On Wednesday afterneon June 21st, the wood room wa-S shut down at 2 :00 p.m., and many members of the CTew went to the South­t! l'Il Methodist Church, to pay their last r espects to a friend who bad woTked with then1 in that departmellt for the past twelv-e yea:rs. Uncle ""13ill" Mason left the mill just a few weeks ago te take a vacation. the iirst <Jne he had t.Aker1 in many year s. He was tirnd and wantOO. to r~ up. A day or two afte-r he went home, he 'Went to bed, and though evetything ~·hieb could ]JOssibly be do11e was do-ne for hhu. be left us on the aft0rnoon of June 19th. · '':Bill" was ev~ryonea friend. He always had 8 good word to s0ry about hie neighhol" tJnd fellow .. worker and hli-rsh nnd unkind words ware unknown to him. lli was a wowl el'ful worker, houest a11d uprigl1t in all hie dt:;alinga a od ht3 wae beltl in hlgb eat·-· •m lJ.r evecy; ruun in the p~nt regardleas of l-..ifJ ranli:. Ha leav~ a wife an<J two childteo, 1tlso throo Lrqtltere, nud ollu &ister, t.o 1nourn }Jjs loss. Tv these b~renved on ~ Tho Qh:wnpion Family, through Tlse Log, c-. ten.d tbeir de ·:pest &j'l.llJl~thy. CAl D OF THANKS We wiah to t:.."l{z)r,.. a thrrJu~L "'J1JJ~ TAlg/' ou,r l(l"t hiuJf to the y, J·d C'ra llil C:,-e v and th.41n.Hmy f>Ur'U' fri~1da whtJ we rc o lc iuJ to 1l8 dudug tht~ pam. ~i<'l<nfdli a1,c] dr- trl1 of Qur cbi)d., .Mrs . . J Jll'>k~<..,J, wife tA )L. f-).<Bm,, Ji'l)rt.·wttn vf Um lrn~t••if·ifl ,J~) lu rnturucd frotfl ·11he M J• iw~tb r Jl r, !f,ifttJ, 'U lJc,;rH sho ll al ch .. :1HVl•llt u fua OOl d Oj)CJ!fl.tio.u. Littlo "Rny'' t1io t\vo year olcl son of lba .. J. T. Duckworth iied rccAut~y at John~ Hoplrins Hospital, Ba.Jtimoro, :M. D., foU9wing an OpPI"QtlOl:l . . l~ny hfls suftet(td for son1-e time} and as a ]agt re· ort he was to J ohns R0plfir•s lloat.Jitnl for an. operation. 'fhe Oluur1pion family CJttc11d~ s,ymp:at.hy to t ht: bel'eaved onea~ W. T. Medford; an.. employee in the Extract Department, WAi. operated o,u. ,July .20t]), at the Freuoh 1lroad Hoap1ta1 .A~beville, N.C. for appendicitis. Mr. Med:fol'd is improving, and we hope that he wiJl aoon be able to return to his work Mrs. Coman. wife of Love Coman, Foreman of the wood yard, who has ~een in the :M.eriwetJier Hospital for several weeks su.fl'ering .iTom an Infected wound on her right hand, r ecently returned t~ her homeJ and :we Bl"e glad to report is improving. Born to Mr. and :Afrs. W. L. Carroll, July 5th, a nine pound boy. Mr. Oarr oH is employed in the sulphite department. HOW I LOST MY EY:B This is the ,title o·f valuable advice, briefly given by W. Lapat, M. D., ey:e specialist. It emphasizes the import an-ce of having any • inju.rY1 to an eye, however slight, treated by somebody who knows eyes. D..r. La pat . s.ays : • D'o you knew- That th'e clear f il·bnt :part of the eyeball is ~ailed the OOR'N E!A ~ JJo, you kno.w- Tllat the OORNEA has NO BLOOD VE-B.SELS going through it~ Do yn:u knaW:- Tliat a:n.:y- part' of your body that has NO BLOOD VESS.EL i very easily INFEOTED?. Do yow krliow- That fl~ng splintffl.'~, fl.viJJg pieces o:f steel or tone in ninoty per cent of cases strike aHd stick on the OLEAR BJL00DLE S part of the ey~ball ? Do you lcnow-- That each o£ these particles is covered with millions o'f genus And any eme of theRe genns is capable of sttll'tiog up n sevure infactiOll ¥ Do you le·now- Tbat GLUM Y attempts of their ren'lo~al caua6 MORE L.~J"t::iRY to the cornen-geTrtlS LOVE iujured cornen~. gern'ls FEll'"!'D AND 'P!IRlVE o'u injured Ct'>l'flNts, geTni~ c~u~e UJJ 1;;R~ o~n th~iiJ "orneaa1 1\1td wltat hu;p]:>l3llS to :s'0\1? Oh I You jUEt lnse QlJ w;v. lC yon wa n:t just Or . .E EY'E-flo. v..e ~u ur PAL t.aku t.hun1tlt.t~•ittl ou.t or your t:tye; on. tey to n1ko it ou t w:ith t\ ·rooTnPt \.: 'R, Jc .. t it ~lny in thc.{ro Jv1• '1'\VO OH 'l'F.lllf:l<~ tlnyi l·TO. 'lN c ~ j will g (•l ht~ttM> 1 Oft put ta L~' LA 1.F."ED l N. • Ht puL iu SOM J •~ l·~ Y R LO'l'H N. 1 , ·~n wnut J, . t•tlr ny ~- - \ llU.Nt Jtll.N, tv n cltH•t,•r ut lit, J•' LH~' l' ~L l GH'l'bS'l' nnu Antall .. c .L t :Yll cliWt}Yt-. C-.1rt. \!\' ' 11• , ··r loH)W wh •u llt-J Ide n tauly ettrHH us, uud li.t•Jnt' of ue 111 ,~t·r l..,uvw \ ltr u ' / rc t5 t~ ruok. '/ '/,• M ~tunl Magcu itu~. THE ''HIGii BUI.rK ROOK" J)Al~J~R ON W.I-IIC~I I .,.1']-JIS ISSUE OI~' ''TI-'IE I..J0<.1" PRINTJ~O WAS MADE F.R<)M CIIAM1,10N l:lOLF .IN ()UR NEW PAPER MILL • . .. • THE LOG 13 ''The \ri~eet. nu•n ~hAt ~'t'r YOU k 'll n t"\:' J) ·n~r d ·rrv·ti jt tt't.!1J80il Tn m•t 8 hit nci j · t n bit n.d hnl1l nCt' up tht"ir ~ ~'!.~on.; , To ltttlglt a hit And chn.ff li bit. \ Hd jvkc a hit tn •)a::>ou.'' - 1ll. G. Kains. ~0111 nr · id t tw t -.j ~ t ~ • ·ui tu ; 1u u~des 8 rc re<J u ired fr w.n tu·d that it, tok hut ti.fteen when vou. smile. n'·rrt ·:me l " to c-reate a \V~ WOl'k H ~~d\ .. f ·ou11~ nre- of no vnlue to tul_,~one. while smiles are. No ~e<:k... d1 COnJp:.urimu;h'i p of those whose faces a:re as long as tf' ®~h. 1 t ~ , T.hi~ do ~g uot mean that one is supposed to wear a T · 'l • t aU ti ~ .. ., and und~r all c.ireum.stances, for that would be idi,·.-i'-', but ir do~· m ~u th.ot a smile i a valuohle thing ill tbe life ( f nyon~. The proofteader on a munll Middle Western daily was a. woman of great rn·e<:i-ion ar1d extreme propriety. One day a reporter suc­eec. ed d 1 a getting into '1;:ype an i~m about uWiJlie 13rown, the h(}y w !l wa_ burned in tha \Test End by a live wire." Oa 1!1 fQll'J~ iug day the r eportc:r found OJl hls desk a .frigid n e king; • Yh"ch js the west el>.d of 1t bc·:5· i" lt oo' t.•WY a' i~ta.ut to. reply: 'cThe end the sou sets on, of Uu ·tomer ~ '~V'aiter, 1 don't understand thh~ troW>er-button bejng l OfY @"()llJl.n ' rni .. t: f(I dotlt eitbe.r, ti tr. \\~ Nnploy 011ly WOUlfH.t in the lritch<~u.1" A rvtng t 8l1.1JJ to~d :tt :t. kitchen ill Co1i fornj~l untl n d for I•Xi t · '):'r(PJ Hkt·· fi h~' asked th(i ClUne e c·ook/' , 1 '1' li.6d the tl'tt llllJ 11g·erly. 'AU t~~~ 0 ute r.ound Jf~Hd.oy.'1 • u1 h ·. r y or 'ist "7 j id iiJ l .d, \Villi ·/' rc-:lJlur~ .t} o. noig l1hetr ; 1 ~}i in a •ri tla 1 ho. Y 4 :Jt t>~J:1lly,) a wov ViHi<·,. t( ' • Wt J:•} j t pillyht' a gElmB ~i J' w)"; I (:l.tUhJ j, rH ) rflu f H!t JC" tOUt of tJlf. win,J 'f1 llUd sho \V(')ll,'' . . --~ ....... tJtc. .fi.fth fifk)r f(Jf.:nntly W'' i t\ d w1 lu~g t() bo ncighhvrly, a.ak d : •'Ho'.ill:i . (;,n•litH ~;rJ. rs. *fcm r' j1u1, ) .•. ; fJ1 "f•; w·11., "f thank yrJU Mr. ~ruit lt1 Tt•p)i('d tho .I thu luH·J,, fur iu O(tuiu ·on. ''1 kn it J utlJH:t;, '(.MtJJU 1y, }t 196 iu th .. G hook that a baby fed tl • ll,phautlJ milk pi1 t.: ~. cy ,1.1(1\Ulda in Qllt day .1 ' .QIJ'M}J: • (( .oruser~, J inwaie l J}oea it eay wlwae baby it u 1" ; uThc ~~let,Jlant/a.'' • ''fhc "'orld's a diamon(l t" with th~ ha .. e. 1 id. .4\nd on it Life' great :lme of bal1 i ptaretL The tean1s are Hutnan Being ~ vcrs ri\ F'at~ . :And Tjme's the u.tnpire, \Vat~hincr h) the ~late~ \Ve ·rc at the bat. Our purporse o'er and o cr To wield . mbition's club and try to Sl ore To try to solve the cur-ves the pitc.her thro . .. l And lam the sphere \Vhere not a fielder goe . Some of u · seem to bat t.vith skiH in1mense Knocking long bomeT: {) 'er the deep field fence. Others bunt infield hit~, but \ ·tdly race And beat the ball down to the nd1nal ba~e. Still others, though they ... lrive their 'best, no doubt, Fan wildly at tl1e air ~and then ~trike ou ; Then seek the bench, do\·nca ... t, w1th vi age dr~ ·n. Crestfallen, shan1efaced, blue, ambition gone Or rag the umpire, growl iog like a bear: "You robber. That decision "'t fair.': That's not the gan1e. Be not a groucn or quitter. What though you're not a straight 30 itter? You've got another chance. Stand plate, Grab tight your bat, get braced and calmly \rait. Wait·:for a good one let the others rip- And tvben j t comes no\"\~ lam it hard and zip­It's got to go. And so must you, o1d man. Hike for the ·base. Keep going yes, . ~au can ~ teal second good no~· easy not too gay, There .. get a lead a bit now you're awa_r. I<.eep on-don 11t stop---don't lose that dandy _ tride. You've got to beat the thxo ~--in slide no•r slide. Hurrah - you did it score? Of cour~c yo scor d: See ·there s } our tally 1n rked up on the bo rd. And M\V you'll \vin the game ·no douht · t all: You just can't lo~e, old rnan , if :'.-ou'll Play BalL • c--T h ,. faiz ~ Pntiau t: W£bero is n awf,d tt1»4bliu > itt lUS. t .. :m ch .o. \~ tt~:r~ r ~a ngou goh g tH ·r t~- , tN t (ki.l' ra . • Doct<tr R : HR'to. pr ~oabl'~ h t trruok u a •e 1 t 11i ht."' .lin: 1 I. :\'fl. tho trO'tl:l'lo b, ' ' t :t .. 'U a1~d .. 'Ut' .ifi , li( llt T t J r l.l : N (), tlh link ,} l'UQ. • LO~T -· K• ut'In'luua • • 1 . ..... . ...,. . • ot l Lifo iA ~tot :t ~hvrt but th t th J.',} its a h,•us~ tim uou b for 1 CO'UI1Mr. -· E·rn 1'~ i.ift,. -- · ~ .... - • • • 14 ..•.. •..•'.•. •• •• • •:• • , . • • TliE LOG STRIKE FOR YOUR STORE • Make a Home Run with 100 Cents Value on the Dollar CALLA LILLY coft-\Theat Best Patent Flour RELIEF PRICE, 24-LB. SACK 95c SALT-CURED BACON Armour's, :Yor:ds) or Swift's RELIEF PRICE PER LB. 17Y2c ARRlJCKLE'S COFFEE cr~uff Sed" RELIEF PRICE PER LB. 28c . KAXfSAS SHORTS :N" one Better 100-lb. Sacks RELIE PRICE PER JOO LBS. $1.95 GOODLANDER'S BEST Kansas Hard-Wbeat Flour (Every ack Guaranteed) RELIEF PRICE, 24-LB. SACK . $1.10 . LARD 8-lb. Bucket Compound RELIEF PRICE $1..2-0 CHASE & SANBURN'S COFFEE Others Will Have It RELIEF PRICE PER LB. 39c GRANULATED SUGAR Any Quantity RELIEF PRICE PER LB. 8c CORNMEAL Water Ground 25-lb. Sack · RELIEF PRICE 60c WHITE SYRUP Half-Gallon Oans RELIEF PRICE 35c PILOT KNOB COFFEE Universally Liked 4-lb. Bucket RELIEF PRICE PER 4-LB. BUCKET $1.10 OATMEAL Made by Quaker Oa td Co . RELIEF PRICE PER BOM lOc ' .~ ------------------~~------------~--~--~------~~--~- ~--~~? PRICES SUBJECT 'J 0 CHANGE \VITtiOUT NOTICE THESE ARE JUST A FEW ITEMS. CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU OTHERS AGENTS FOR PURINA FEEDS OF ALL KINDS WE ARE NOW STOCKING WORK SHOES AND COMPLETE LINE OF GENTS FURNISHING GOODS AT T. IE U~UAL RELIEF PRYCE SAVING TO YOU CALL ANJ.J lJf!{r US ._,JJOW YOU Your Store • • • • I ton e 1e SSOCla lOD ' a SERVICE TELEPHONE 233 CO-OPERATION SATISFACTION PROMPT DELIVERY • • • THE LOG 15 • DO IT YOU CAN! IF YOU are dead serious about sur.eess anci buttioees betterment, out eom~thing that <'an"t be done. and do it. The man who docs what can be dC;>·nt- can be dflne wi tho,lt; hvt t;h(J n1:a.n 1vho Jalizcs: (lll d<,illg what f"'tHl :t be dono is i n dis v ·) rn~n hlc. We gtow td progT('S! onl~ as we do what con t bn done. T s Ftotl'lothing im- ~ible? Th~n h' t's do it! \Vc have only to Inak<' up our mind=" •vvttt it and .A i :rl~TH l G f'"UU bo duue. -D. J!. Barreht. HAND IN H A1'.1J TllC only ·way to elunh t.he bill (:)t SUC'Cl'SS is ha utl in han(! wit ,lt The r ea.son for having rule~ iu hul'J iltCC:i· is tl 1~ ~ amc as t he ~PAf'On for h aTing di8cipli u~ iu nn anuy. lt is tn keep us. ull from ~ ... · ferii)J! with each other . l t i for t he p11rpose of gctti~ things .one the qu.ick st way . Let us av\'lid auytl1iug t.hat can ca1.1 1;-C trouble. t ma.v .interfere with tho com.tnou g·ood. A b usi11t'ss en t~l'pri~e ha nuon~·- l t needs t.o be in tune J1S mueb. '-' 1:3 au orchcstTa. ''Jf you want to krw'v , .... hPther yt>u ar going to be a SllCcess or '1ai1u.rc in l.ift:'. ,vo1.1 c.':fiu easi. ls fi:nd out. Th~ test is simpl~ an~l .. ~allible. Are ,vou t>.bJe to aa.\·t• movey? If t1ot. drop out. You wilt il · aurc a~ ,V rlU li\c. You tn&v not think so. but you will. The of success is not i.n you.n • · The measure oi a nlA n 1" just t hn measure of his .f udgnient. ! eet bitu A..pft:rt from the lower cr•.:aLuree -who depP.nd upon inetinct-and his nowt~ to act upon hi. judgrnent-booaUFe he ia a ~onill8' human-and not dcpendwt like the lowEr animals1 upon m;pnlse or tbe circumstancP of tbe moment. CHARACTER Be your charueter what it, will, it will be known: and nobodr wn~~·ll t ke it ttpon Y<'U:r a•vn wo d. N ->.r imagine tbnt au' thi:ug you ean say youl"Eelf v.;ill varnish u d ~etr-, or. add luster to yom; but 011 the conrrQXJ, t m~ , and n ' ne timM in t~n will, make the fo-rmer Jnore glaring tnd. the l tt~T oh cur-e. • If you !lt .~ilent upon your o\o subjE'Ct, neither en"Y, indign.a· ion. nor Tidicul will ob~ruct or alL1y tho appJause w ich :rvu may • ·t-ally d ,..erve; hut if you pu.hlish J"OUr own paner.eyric upon any JoCOOsion or in ar.y lu\}'>e :hc.taoaver! and hof\e ~81," art'/ully dteSSed -r :cfi .. guis6d Ll1~ wiH aU con !•i? , ag11in t )•ou and YQU will be dit­tp :-.inwd <lf tlH ve"f'Y end you Aim a, . LlPB Lt1;e ·s n linner-.. a lo and tt~: t1 , ' ~~ tninglt·ci Hlc;,al in \'-b.ioh J e •ur- olJco... n~ • l) tl (jf with ilrlcl"in rapidity. r n­( t}':t IJ t.( y. all th ,f is ser t•d i. nt goorl, l•ut iu tlte dining reoom or ~rld one unn t ao1ll:plain f:t.;~ in h · d \taiter. 1:{(: mu t t tJ.kt: t. is ~t ~~or•~ hhu. rt}); t.dJltc l ";~n~d with tht.~ r~t. The d nner rf 1! li ~ }1 Q ·lii.nils f\ <1 • ~ha;!U t>Ugn , t f) t tho e l.Se.i in a Yiot ·~n d ad f ~ hl th.Tno~h oae,,s vei n"'. Jt hns it« entl' i . ala~ · i t 111 ru• ial :thin which yet consume much rtd hridg. o er :th g ps It has it rol\~;-t.. too-~om one ~olld i l *'hi ·u f~Jt l1•· piMe ik r.tJ8id~ance and coloul'5 the • • • whole. This ma~ be an ambition or a li.fe wo:rk, b ut ~t is more apt to ho a woman. I t js followed hy a cooling i(• , intended ae an oimct: but this is mer t:-ly an incidcJl t. TowA.I'd t h~ end thcl'o is a dessert; u ~hor t pP.riod of unnUQycd a w ··etn~~· which ~ndi nn:ry t~Ol't· ls call ,,Jd ~~r- . Tl1 ·11, ,~ery sutldt:n lv·, <-..omes tbe OOl'l1teJ, one q tu,~k. strr1ng {;llJp- .. -a lld it iR all over. F or som.e the C'.OUrses are n1o rfl' frequ nt. more 'rtti icd and richor. whilf' other!:! on]y hnvc pon idge and milk, tl'ly sft~r day; but no rnatt,Pr bow ca.rc-f tlll¥ we may plan, the had food ,7111 cntPT iu. The chE'f wl\o pTeJ?UTes it a ll, SOlU~h te in th d1 n), uncert.~ir distant~ uufort.unatcly, \vill not t al:w rrrder~ . T he a la cJ-ttrte i nnt kl'loWl.l ; 'it is all tc.ble d,hot s, nnd you .must take it n.e it ~om~. --Dr. F ntn.l· Crn11 c. The poo-rest method of alon,., in life is the one of tryir"" t.o ri t~ a t the expt?nse of somehody else. Any advaotugt:.\ gaitu.~ b~ ki clci ng thtJ other fellow down the s tairs is certsin t~ be lo~t a~<l tho Itlan who carries on by ucl;l n1ei;hods ma.ktv•s n reputation tlwt ~·ill dt1~ bi •m tlll lLis lif~. J3irds of pr(•y :tnd c~t rti on li n~ I..Hi the car cttSSP".:i of o h ·~r (•reaturcs ; the nutn who intd~,e~ a~oi~t t.he happiue s m,d wd fort' of h is fellows j~ akin to the pr \clntv r.v anunal kind. fll'lw many a nta n has th'royvn up hi~ hauds at a time v.he.n a httl~~ moTe ~ffort~ a little more patienl:e. would hn ,.P ttchieved Qucces3. -The .llutual [l!aazirrtJ. - --- G "nins is only the po\"er of n1nkiug coutinuous dTort~ . -The Mu.iual .. tlaaa:ane. '(It,s :!unny how the chickon-hoo.rtcd 's.Et' ur~n•nd hatcuiug up (·xcus~ s for not making good.'' et)r ~ tUOu.ies aTe dj ffexent in e\"'(':t".,'i COUUtr'y; but true pt)liteness is eveJ>YWllcre the same.-G()lds"nith. ---- uA ohf!ery dU;pooition is liku tho air in a tire. Tho rougher the r oad, the '-lore you need it., 11he man who "·aitf' for thiuga to turn up finds hi:.1 tot.: s do it iir5t. -."i ~JJJ8pi].p6r 'B'nterprist All ocin.tioJt. ---- :Fh t'\' ~,~t of tbe man i ~ ribec it~"Pti in tlt~ u1emo.ri08 of lis f~lloq-!', • rJnd in his own nlat.:r:tt!-'S nd rJlPr~oil. To njcy l'f)·n;.: i.:agr att;(ood;butrobeatlr.::tnc·•nferit lso on other~ 1 .. a grc .. t tilL-7;aror . • j • I i l ---=· mnmmm - , --- -- - • • . , • • • e Have Heard a Great Deal About • But • • Very Little is Said About aking • orntn eso ution • • • \