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The Log Vol. 6 No. 12 (1920)

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • YOLUME 6 THE CH l\fPTON "Y" TO OPEN T.UE DAY ~IGHT Fine Program Arranged and lArge rowd .'&l,:p~eted The Champion Y. M. C. A. Building ' is to be opened with a week's decHca· tion pr0gram, eonunen<;:ing on Tue ~ ­r! y night, April 20th, and running through Wld.ay, Ap1·U 'Jcl}th. The de­tailed program of speci~l event can he found el whe1•e in this issue. Par­t'cll. lar attenti!>n is cal1eB. to the spe- . cis.! nights, and it is hoped that all the citizens of Canton will avail them­selve · .of the opportunity to visi the buiidii1g <lt l.eas.t once during t-he ded:­cation week. . fieeau e the bu.ild;ing Will be Cl'O dw Rnd be<.>ause of the n2 ture of the pro­gnims dudng the fir t fo:tl-r nights, the Board of Director of tne Y. M. C. A. have deeme>d it wj;;e to a.nnoun~e th~. chlldl'en under sixtee~ year of at. ' '•E4 not be alloWJ:d io the building d u~· ­inoo t e dedicati('ttl ".-eek.. ex<'ept on at­urda. y afternoon and Saturday n· ght, '"hen t: Boys> and G iTls' s-pecial pro-l'am j~ to take place. Whi1e it ma-y llectn .unwise to ome-to exc1 de­.. l.;r~"rQI'n the i,}t il:ding £hrrfhg th£> tint four night N tn:e program, it woulci b i!'llpossiale to accommod le them and the g O'\ll.'n .l.'ol'k a.t, th:e same tim e. The buil ing will be crowrl.ed and these sp elal pro~ams appe.,.1 mor to the l!Own folks .dnrirtg the first four nigh.ts than t.o the chiidren. No c"hil­Qren under sixtee.en ill he anowed in the bwlding at nJgh.t, an<:! the p341ents will materi:a11y a ~i. t th reCPpti'Oll ee iha:t h charg Qf the builcltng during th' ee~, jf they will not bting the ehiM en to the A ''ery cordial invitation is to ev-ery munJ and woman, boy ogir-1 'OVe\" sixteeen irt and about ton, io vi it tne buildim: and the program d,ut'ing De.dica.tioA W No m.eml:te.rship is llequired, tn 11-o metnberships will be acC€q)ted ing this week. All tb~ privileges l.w Q-pen tb ~ public, thus givin~ . public an opp.qrtUnifJ to ste ~ep.attmen.t of tne buildh1g. CANTON, NORTH CAiWLINA, APRIL 1920 • Peter G. Thomson The President of The Champjon F.ibre Co. and the one who made possible the con truction of the best Y. M. C. A. building in North Cal'oHna, is a great be· liever fn athletics in his you,ng'er days having brG:ken strength I•ec(imls o'f the Cincinnati &ym. Ml'. now in his eventieth year is a plendid eK­of what cap be accompli hed by regul-ar ex­and clean living. - Gant0t1 and t.he Champion family have n,o ·fjrmet nor more enthusiastic-advocate anywhere. than r. Thom$oo. • NUMBE 12 GOV. THm1AS BICKE't'r ~ ABLE TO COME; CHAS, Jl. TOWSON OF NEW YORK ~EC ED . It was wit.b. deep. teg-r.e~ that the offic ia ls of The Champ'&n . Fihr-o ct6m­pany received word hat (Jpv , Qt Bickett would he ~1nable to com t:o Canton and make an (l.dd·re$S on thf' occa<rion of the dedication of the :n w hampi-on Y. M. C. A. Building, du te pl.'e'":su'f'c of official busin<.i~ .. in another • part of tb.e State . . 1;:1 owever, in pJ. ce of ,Gov. Bickett, the people_ of Canboft will" have a n opportunity to hear lVJI-, ' . Cha-. R. Tow>au of New 'York Ci : -, whcr \V~ll make the _princtpal adrlr - oi' ,dte (n -etting . lie~~ a did· peake1:, has had • ._ide nee. and is a man 'Of ' :::ouality. )VIr . Tow:> on is head o1' he tr'aj De;?art,ment of the )'. M. C. A. orgaruzation of the country. He is 1:ea:l-y t-he ·'father" of this ph<1se of Y.- M. C. A. W:o_xl{,and m~st of the ideas - al'f{i types. of work now in general O'C o.- ... jg'nated with him. }I.e i. to spe ~ . o.n Dedication Night on ~'The Men ih: Indusll'ies." Having given ove1' 20 .veaxs- of his life to the Industrial1n'ob­lep1 , he no doub-t will bring a r .l n1essage to those who he3-r h~m ori Twesday ni g·bt. SPECl \L ~VI':" · ( - A &peeial al>tradions ·'fer tion Week, the Champion r • .M. A. ­has secured fro.rn the PiedroGnt .L.•v ceum Bureau, thn•,e o,.i their b ~t nll~~ fl'O.II\ their Sprfng l"e.$ttval Ooa · ~ On Wednesday night, th, :P.~pubF ble Qlilartet will appear. 'lll'l' 'Q~l r~ tat is one lof · tlh .l:les't orgl\bi. ;tlon ' on the Ly · eu:m -pl:&.tfo m, -and i-s made up of four ex-sel-vice men. ne Quar­tet put., " Qn a ·.P ogta:tn of ti.Q'.iu songs, in1:1t11\ummtal el cti~>ns, ceme4r • talking sk~tch , lf!akip.g up a; wen.. ba~an ~ pl'UI."l' m. · Th ~\'tet • c.ompQ.t.ld ot ~f. RA.YP\~lld S11tiondl, F'ir .. t T 110'r, Ban:j 1st-· and fiw·~.t~il:!~ Mr. ~?aut T'haye:~:;, S ~- d 't~or, Ci:JD. t:arl&t~ .l"· Al!rl:ld H~i-l-n>l'$tt, Bass, !4 udoJin~t.;_ el'ld. Mr . . 1\intch-all, S an4 .Ba • ~ On ~<la · -.:li~ Mt• .Wl1Wt4 tC®timuld on 'tbt-nt Fag;) ----~------------~---~----~---------~-----------·~-·~---------------- LOG IS nwun IS MADE • • ' • 1 • I E raul OlTOR H! LOG, , b-. No b. eo hk$$ ood Philfps CoJeman Sal ssa ""'f I icn w Ji u And Ji u knE'w me, both o( us could plainly S('e imu ·t soul. divine heart and mine ""' would differ IPss m ·nh.i An. rnan. \ · · an~ v r rtid )\' ,. 1 .. Y of ' f good eh n t r. m~ · tree m . n _ 11 >er of h' . · ·1 ··i ion; n re'd lPe·--just ~m ll f~. Men in the en1plt>:; o{ The ~ha pi<m Fihr ,, .. :'fU) "re.t ye ,. th t m n . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . ; . . . . . • . . . • . . , 1 G r U f> • ~ f'ttlt Ladie of th "Gh n1 ion l<\milv" ........... ,) { 'P r ye::rr • Other I :dies . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . ... 5. n ~ter .v ur Bo ·s ... ~ . .. . .. ... . . . . , . ... . . ~ ~ . . .. . . . . ~ . .... ,. . .. . . . · · r e Girl 3. 00 p 1· ye r. Board o.f Director and Officers D. J. T err, Pr ident 'lyd Hildebrand, Vi ·e Pr sid nt ,.d. Coon, ecr tary H. A. Helder, Trea ~ure r A. D. Wo d J Ct~rl< G o, M. Trostel G. V. Philli Thos. F urne:ss L. M Lay C. Engli~ b A. G. Ru sell .H. D. S" ·rest ' Osborne L. V · orley Executioe OFFicers M. C. Salassa, General Secretary V. . Bra-dley, Assistant Secret· ry E. Sto cks, PhysicallJirector Victoria Bell, Special Secrf'tary Ladies Work. tun ity to get acquainted. Emel"son: A Log Sug!(e.sfion He was seated with a friend at When v.. ou come to the big breaMast one mo.rniag when a " meeting why not wear a tag on which y onr- f.u11 name and the man !Classed their table. "I hate. that man," said Em-di ·lit 1 1· man of o\lr fellows for rw st of tht:se dislikes are l r· . - ~d on nothing but -lack of real :' uatntanc<::~ w·itb the othet> d.luW. \ n n we I TlOW him better th.e " ' tl'' wi t .!!O t:tt of our ·~"'·' rl~ and in 1t- plac.e will c0me ;! w h ~ on: e in ter~st at'ld Yrn-lJatlft! V. • ,LET'S 1~1' ACQ AlN'l'ED. - bands il1 f1·jendlines •. ~s weuld pleasantly agre:e. J: knew yQu depar.t m€nt- in which you work erson. 1_ REP BLIC f ALE Q AR.TET And Jt"{)U K?...eW me.'' • are plainly written. We. are "Why:, I didn't . l~now Y0U going to do this and ask yon to :; , . . . join us, for ·if we can cultivate· knew hun, said h1s fnend. Do • ou k"ow your f ellow mor~ 0f a real familg spirit by "I don't and that's tlae reasol'l wo-rker. Doubtless you do. get ting aequainted, wesay " let's. I hate him," said Emerson. Bu do you know him as well as go." . The .btrnging of our people c;>· you would H'ke to7 Can you call We often have seen fellows get her at the YwiH be · ~ patent him by name? Are you sure he on the job, who were doing some 1'-a::etorin rem0viHg our imaginary kDow :rcurs? And do you both 1ittle things worthy ' ktlO' each other. not only in the of commendation in· mil l, but when y•m've both our columns but we w · .® your :face. couldn't make 'c;opv' ost of thee faces on 0 the incidents for great many of we didn't have the we don't alway n.ame.s, .Y ~l;lnne~ w~ -me t you (II) l rrtaQ;Jne wandng uo to the str · ~ t and rec­' F;,ut,: ., Baies and ~y-1rng: o;rn ·:6e y OI!t as onft o::( "G <~d l orniJ;g, ·"' r, Bu.rch," 0ur boy;.;, but 1\1( , Ify<iliil ra llJel) to be io ' or .cla£s , don ~· k now which · nd t Je tr1Jth t'0tC<'S :~'ml to :;: ek~ one . o ·ledge that )O'U .dnrt ' r rPftHy Thi~t •·y" f;r ,j ct 11 w t other f.- lt.n.. v as ell aR ~w .a l i~ n ~r·IJ i ne. ) CJ ·v . l ik·e, th ~ opPuhg Q{ AJl bi wael inA", we ··Y.' wm i e .yoo an °JP0l'· atl!l littl ~ utJ e.1 t br1, --~-~..-;,· ...;.·.....,..,~_..,._____ r fl q 1 j l'f: )l J! II j 1'11 I j O'l'l o ke~'p tb " lfl ~'lll1l i .l PC l· t.' f ··o1 n No tl i1\' !111 1' \ Jl i Hill W 1l. n· •IJ··•·t> i:· f t •1 lr11 1 ·~1 J I ic:ti ~ •ll. J;,, U f.·} OY'J· hip i ~ till~ It A quute.t of En!.'· er ice men una has .gaillerl an en·viable being spl~nd i d --ingers aorl good ins.t:runientali ts. -n'l'o :rail of cah.:hy nAg,., , in trumenta1 tions> comedy ketC:hes, anq e.harael i mp-e.11s6nation will contribute a deal of :p-lea:su:re to tno e who th.,e "¥" on Ca.tlton night. lJ •' i !':Hl t \V ! II ' .d l 11 onr· Cbat)ltlir n ll'Hl· chine: and go d ff!l· l ow~ hip )s the child of Le ter acq.aint~ an eship. Cnnftnl. w11l h.!!l7l' a • nitJU l t>g~: 111 h<ari~tg this fanums 'I M'llS n c'Jf tht V lin ott (~ounty 1r. F ed<:?tit'k<: w;ll lm a~comp•u •• Mi ~ M:vNi Ak , a~t f'ianist, a1 Sptna·~·. a J.lra.n~tttic >;qprano. · trio of. artists il' on of th fine t An anecdote is WILLIAM CALVIN GfilLTON told of Ralph Waldo ~----· ·-- ---~---------------------~- - ---·- ... ' PAPER QN WHICH THIS ISSUE OF THE LOG IS PRINTED I.S M APB FBQM t can 1 e s •cured in this cou~tey, . tbirl r progrMI'I will be lGng re- ; • ~· ii ~!!I cO ! '!! !'! ~~ ~··!! R Thelma Owenby, Norma Hipps, M. E. South: J. H. Rirkpat· eva Rey,w1ds, Mary Allen, rick and 0. M. Hampton, lonnie Cabe, Imah Jones, Ada E · 1 C Wood, H~le~ Cook, Grace Young, ; PlBCOpa : arol Bell and C. Estelle Jimtson, Geneva Bran- J. Hand, non, C~;ttherine Coon, Hel~ne Presbyterian; J. T. Bailey Mease, Helen Owen. and Peter Davidson . . . The Girls Hi· Y Club Chorus, Baptist: Clay PegJ'am and 1s Ut}der the superyision and di- L. R. Lovelace rectwn of Mrs. Hugh Mease. - ' Mrs. Mease will also direct the ------- other activities of the Girls Hi· Y Club, as this association identi­fies itself with the New Cham~ piom Y. M. C. A. organization. Religious Work Committee The Religious Work Committee of the Champion Y. M. C. A. composed of Messrs Secrest, Furness and McKay,has secured the co-operation of the following men from Canton's five churehes to serve as ushers for the LiP" "' Sunday meetings, the first of which takes place Sunday after· MR. W. V. MARTIN noon, April 25th,at 3:00 P. M. Mr. Martin is the Industrial Sec:re· D. J .•E RR M. E. Church: Tom Matney ta.ry for the Carolinas. His kno.w · The first Presid-ent {}f the Champion "Y'' and Lee McEllrath. ledge of the cotton mill and ot her ·~=~~~~~~~~~~-======~=======~~~=:~~~:~:~~=====types ofl~ustrialA~ociation~~ (Continued on First Pap) · -- - - - ---- ----- · in the two Carolinas make his address on Canton Night well w~1'th ~:rin~ Jalvin Chilton, Monodl'lU1list., will ap­lear and read for the people of Canton :h:e delightful pJay written by Mar­garet Mayo, ''Polly of the GirooS-." rs. Chilto1;1 is well-known to the pub­lie and is reg-arded as the finest readex :m the Cb.aU.t3Mqo.a. platform. On Friday night, the fanmtl. Fred­e_~ Coneert C<>ntpany · will appear and •render one of their JWpular p1 o· ' ~ra-tns, Mr. A;Lge Fredericks, t .l-le famous Danish V:wliru;t Will be accom­pan ·icd by Miss Ethcl penf!e and Miss ::\iyl'a' AJ.r-e. Mr. Frederieks i- l'egarfl.- ed a.s a mastt>_r of the vi-oHn and is tod~y th~ highest paid violinist in Ohautau(}lda 'n;erk. Mr: F.vedericks ha;s in all th.e c6Untrtes of Euro~e and ~n America in c<mcert wot'k. fiJ.I1 'dl _JIQ. ~.make ma-ny rr:encls in Canwn. Mrss Spence i.s a drama'tic m pr&no of UDWIU&I powe~ a-nd has appear~ in many of th~ eitioe_s of this countty With the (ihieago Gr-and O'})era Company. Thes_e three Speci'lll attuctiol1S Wfll ruid v~y ma terially ·to the opening progftlm of th~ Gbampi·on Y. M. C. A., and a.ll a-re invfted t<> vii!it the bu.ildlrtg a:a.d enjo)' these fJ:rograms. Two v;erv fi •lA T~>f\•,ar e:l' for L8.dies1 Night. ~U the :Y. M.C. A. uring o.pen i n~ wMk will be the Tea..flar~' Se1t ~'"ei and the GiFts m. Y Ciuh Gho!'Uil, · Brlth thellle or1r8fliza.<t4ul'ls a:re fie w ones, but - it is hoPed to malfe them per­manent. The ladies Cdll'JPQsing the are Mrs. C. A. Pies . Mrs. M. Jocelyn, ){i-ss M. Walke-r, Mi:Sa S.' Smathen. Miss M. Ko'lb arild Mrs. J. Thomason. The Girls Hi-Y Club Ch.orll$ is of Misses Kathrin.e Jrfeaae, J11~ Burnette, Lucil:e 111:Clure, Thelma SJDJ,thers, . ' (ll)Jtgt~t:aroan Zebulon Weav 1' wbo spe,a:ks Friday night CHAMPION BAND WILL PL Y Tl1e Champion Band has been se­~. ured for the ope11ing program at the Champion Y. M. C. A. during the com­ing week. Each night betweEln seven and eight o'clock~ the band will gather at one end of the large and spacious porch and render a of selec­tiops. The Champion Band has become a permanent organization in Canton and is destined to become one of our _ most popular organizations. Each rtime it has appeared lately, it has !Shown marked improvement as "'\ell as an ·increase in membership. · ' - An E x pession of r wish through h.e thank the good ~>OOple Champion Family for the kin • ness shown during the sickness and at the time- of the death of my husbafld, Bud Robinson, and to exprecs our gratitude to those among his fe llow workers who made up and presented a purse containing $244.81. · Mrs. A. A. Robin-Sl:>n Hard L uck A Mis.sQuri fanner, whose son wns an apjiil i c~nt fot· a position under the gov­ernment, but who had h en repeaW<!ly t.tJrncd down, said: "Well it's- nard. luck, but Joe has missea tbat ci'Til er• ~icc egain. It look$ lil(e th J ju t won't h-ave him . •• ~ • ''What wu the lrou.ble?" "Oh. he V<IS short on ~l}elli.a' wd geQgrl.lPhY ~U1d miiJB d a good d~1ll in ~rithmetic." ' 'What's 'h g11h1g to du about it?'" "I dunnu, " ~U~id t;he farm ,. '''times ia mighty nard, an' I reek.on h ''11 fuxve t go ba.~k to teaeD:ing ,Jwol fo.r 'l.l llv>in'. " .,....-- ....---....... .-~-..,._.,.....;;.;,.-_ -·. .r-·-·- - ---· --· .~.. . ~------------.~ ~·- ----" -~--. .• ;......--~------- _,___,~--·- ----~..-----~--- "Ollfl w • • • 0 • ,_ ' ' ' - I ' • A . . EX r-ei es and Dedicatlni\ e Ch.rrtl.Piut • , Af!RlL 20i h to. ~-~,a J ~20 . CA--~ ... 1, ,r. , .,., ;. J)EDlCATI I. p (; . • i Tn "''flay 'ight . p <il2~h b _ hV 8:00P.M. . Al:DIT 1 ltJ.i H m: 01 · rd Ch -.sti '1 "Ntli. .,, ·,Pzv y r: B$T Rev. E. 0. Ced • ' • (' .. '.I .. • - 'p .ure reading b;y Roy, J . • 1. J lh11S u . e - Ae c ~pion ll''lbrti! 0 mp:an 11: . d ha "Y' I h;; .. tr. R. a. Ito n_. Vlee·Preaident .of .e C'lam~toz\ F' br Co!flp nSz, Presentatr~> of the BuHdt11.~ Deetl t-o he 8Nl :1 of Dire~tot' of -~-~ Cham.pinn 1". ~ •. C. A. by ' 1\ Pe er G. Thom80n1 Pr sfdent o!. Th · Char.nt)itm Fibre Ct} n ;m . - A ce tanee f Bttitding b T n. . ~ -e 'l', Pl C£:i ent or 15cn~rd · rf Dit'enttirs. A! dl't'~!l: _"The Naticn-\ifide. Jnrn·st .. ·in-1 \ • .'M:. C. A1 't'tcH}'l'ttfii,'' by Yr. C. R. 1' wsort of New YurU Cit;\~, . ~ Progra of -the Chan'lp:oll Y. 1\ • G. ..-By M; C. ' ala-~su. General ~1"1'-lar r of i he Gltnm!li~'tl Y. M. C. A. ' · ......... ~~ CA B~r edi tio-n: Rev. W. C. Mat '1 ~- , . CASION NIGHT Wedn~s~ay Night1 Apr-U 2L t, .1 920 S:OO Pd~. AUDITORIUM ' gran1 hy Re:ptJblie ~lale Quart~t, _ .A-ddregs:· "What the 'Y' \<'ill )lean t:o ···auton" · by 1\i ::t~ot ' .. ' • "-iwt Bail ' &11H~; ·'an~ 111 High High tw l ,· tLt::-ktF'i, B ft Gam : lUG UNDA.'Y MEE1' G · .onda.y Aftet"Jt:OOI\'~ Aptlil 25th, 1.920 3 :00 P. M. ll.ynm: "All .a:au the Hower o:f ' ! am~ ' ' 'P ayer by Rev . . J. J. John on. · ,' cripture Reading hl~ R-ev. W. C. Matney. A.ddress bv (to be s-up.plied) liyrt'Ul : ''Con1e Thou Almi-ghty Kill.og." Benedicthm: Re.v. E. 0. Cole. =.~~~~~~~ t SHERS 'FOR OPK JNG WEEK A1' Y. M. C; A · T'ae first . B;(!}w'Ung ~cl:! 011 tbe 'tne Social Committee Qf the Cham- · Champion Y. l$ . G. A •. ""''" - J. T. Baile;v . _ · "What the -,c Will ivlean to the .PubJit S~ho-o;1$ '' ·• T. Sharp, P1 e ident o:f the 8\ebqol 13-t>al."d~ ' pion Y. M: <C. A., GI}.Iil1JOSe d uf Mesam. plac~ <m ~n:trn :ni'~ 'V•I.r ed.l P'hil'lips, · Hildebrand, a,nd. Engl:i.s~ Apn.l zl;st,. \)e~w~:n ~ pwkecl. h-ave a.nnomtced the names of the 'rt~-}:rl'esentl'T:Lg he nnH and a team Qill'l1'mittee that will i!i::live·' c-Jiarg~ aj, resenting t f.te (}~. E-Hch tea . · the 1;l$heriiJg- ·during the opening week b~ cmn:t_posed of ~ve ml!n. ~ach act the Champion Y. M. G. A. · Wtl'l b0wl Wee games. total p&il~~ · "'~h:_:~trh "1' Will M.Pan to th·> C'hmehes," .- E. 0. Cole. : •· rna:t ttt.e 'Y' is Doil:'i.g t.u the Itidush· Cities t>f . th.e Carolinas/' h: W. v. :Martin, Stde illdU-sttial Y, M. C. A · e.reta:ry. . · · SecQruJ -Ril;f of :Prog1·am by R;:p:1htc l\Iale Qlirti'tet. _ · Biilh!l'd Rotltn · . BilF.,ard.c 'f'IJU.tna·tnenf~ l\lessr.::. Gl!iet, Wt>otl, C1al'R afid Cat~:-. .Poe~ .et Bilimtdst Exhi Jtio:n Game$-, · . .J36wling All~ys · Bw 'ng 'T(:nzrnament! Mitl Team vs. Offi-ce 'rerun . • -..!. ' LADlES' ''IGHT Thursday :tqight, April 22, l YZO . S:OOf. M.· . AUDlT01H!§M • ··by tle Girl~? Hi -Y'Cluh of C{}nto. ·, Mrs. W. G. Chlltem: Reading ~'PoHy bf t}jt! Cirt'!tis;'r Doroth~ Atkinsmi. . th~ 'Y' ~m l!ean M th~t Ladi!:$ df da.ntQI:1.;'• n. Seereg.t., ;?; eSident oi' t}H' WOfh~n'~ ClLtb. -the Teach ' Sex:tet. tb.e Sh-Js Hi~Y C1ub of Canton. · .. BilUa.rd Room. · BiWa ·d Mattll: Canton ·. A hev:Ulo· M~s<ms.. Ppdtet BIJl4t~ z Can:ton tg, ;A~11(l ille M rSbHs. · · _ wJm Alle;ts .Bowlin-g: Match : Ci11ton b. Ashe . ill~ ~{e!;t} .s. . . - I cUe • On i:arlie ' night tb:e following ladies count ia deeiiling t'lle m~Ui\'h . _iV'ill h ao~e chaTge of Ut-e usheriz:rg: For the miU, €he following roen. Max Holtzcl-aw bowl: . iDlsie Zachary Cbas. t'a.·ton Sibyl W:.ilson Ju.t Pax"..on ·. P-a~uline 1\lcGh.t'l'e Ga;ye Davis _ ' S.ucl Hipps Ma;r,tha C$l"rin 'rtoy 'I'i'amnteU M;ary Qm;Jlt 1\li. R Fo·w:ler ~ina ·wilse;til ] \n· tl:le office the :foHowing inen Lott~e !lleatra~ ·@owl; · Myrtle Norten · ~ eH1e C1ontz ' . 'O:u a.ll o,tbe1· nights the followl~g f:l\~ - wi1l hav:e <;barge 6f the ush.ering: (}arl Ohmtz Thomas Fl!tr;nes-s R. D. Coleman Claud Witt b ~a<n Wild R. S. Hra.ttk!l b : Mo1:gan Love Coman Fl'et'atle CIDfree ~'hem1a1l Sha"f,P &, \l'Pfi.l'l'lm elf Etl Woo<! R · -~ Lovelace \11. S. hke ff_, B. Cl'W'tl'N w. ' a] .. •. W. Millar 'f!t141 Stn~ ke s · hu:rU:e l O'b · . n.'.~ttk M \.l:rf'Y P~:~te B:lJil J' o l'l :L,i:t;treH ".AI: lb i't R rio · :M. $tuarl, • • Hel's<lh-::: 1 K~ne;r ea:nmll Singlet(j),n Ali;li.UT CasE! W. C. G-ar:ris.0.n Hilli'a1a H-1111 M]ij~(BEilSHJP lK' THE :y. ){,. <;. A: Ml'. M. . Saia .. ,Sa, th~neta"l tar1( o.f !te eb,ampion )!'. M. C. -""·• askc;:d the Etl.fU;r to $t&t.l! it! that ·it x il1 b!l- impo \ble-llo jaoi!l& memwsh<ip ltr t<he new 1\L · . . u-n-til the wee: t; opeJJin~ p11ogt$.trt. Ill oUte-r · tht¢e will be: 110 m-enuh a op rul'lg week, b1)t a 11 ate itnrit ... vait and anjoy th' bQ.flding pri ile~. 'tlqe. we k fol~owing ope=n ingt, ipe.g:inl.\ing Monday. ~11e wfll be belrl ll m.-be\" hip pa' gn nu:ring which tim& e·· ve.r:ron•e b gi.v a eh nee to take out me illrip. jn the Y. 'M. C. A. 'the Sect' t&l"Y <>i tlcle Y. M. C. A.. bn .,... that it Wll!l hi$ hOP' tftet 110 . UC '. WIUJJ\)1 eAf,VfN CRIVJ'tlN -woman, be ~r girl would tal•t e t:n~ip i:n the . M. C. A. l'le or sh hau vislte<l the .bU}:ldhl '"t'he ~ t read r on t~ Cba':ll.tauqua. -ha-d actuallY aee)t the nutMtoua PlttfQYfl~... Tld.!l iii the title t~t hal! 1-.- that. tke bu.ild.inr -.fl'otda • . ·~ rcl~en tp 1\(rs. W. C. Chfl~n w'ho MUQ'h aa the ;ptbg'l! for the wm app~ rat th "Y"on L&diet' night "Wf$tk ie free to the ~ner\1 and rud for th J*>ple o." c..nton Do olle nead del)rive: thel'ti:Se~ tH4 11(~1·et Mayo'tt 1M ·:uti~ ''Pol- QPport\tllity of $ftinf1lhe l,v 1), tit" irc:ta.' bowlpl what tbey arit johu.llg • -- , · ._ ~- - ___• . ......_ _ _ ' - • ________.. J<;._.._....;;.._ ~·". ·----~~--------- ~J:HA.UtSHE. OFTHE LOG IS