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The Log Vol. 21 No. 08

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • 19S9 ' • ·. • • • • • • • .. •• eOIDWIPCOfD DGOifiBI) 111mD It .,t ••t . .• ~wi-s•t• .,._.costa I • f""'"r.A '!'OR£ .All!'JCl.&S Page l!he Cruw!.b of OW' Co".LBtry. Part 14 2 _ r.: ·Uc 1 Old !irne~ • Soh Ball Game__ 6 rer.:u-1\. Real Cbalnpicm ...• - . . *. 7 IDJTOJUM. • Wmd .10 Champion !.ropioyeers.- • 8 Tf_ CH.A tlPlON F.R.Mil Y laWS Can 01:1 Dlvision ... _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ . _. • 12 &ustor~ DurLi-OJ>. . . _ • _ _ • _. • • • lS the p1soioqnp abcve zhuws a vievt ol th GeDBn.1t>r Bomn in t~ Ckampion Plant. C a:~ton Oivhion . • !he Lora ls my tight all'd my w­< won.- :wh<n:n lh U 1 1 ar? 1h& Lord Ui the etre.o9th of my hto: of ,.ritc,m ha1J I L~ aftcild. I • • - Volume XXI EsJablished 1914 SEPTEMBER 1939 Number 8 • • Published by ' The CANTON, NORTH CAROLINA Twenty-Filth Year of Publication Champion Fam ll y~· • • • • a • HOUSTON~ TEXAS 'l'h9 ~P r lot the Gover of ttu.s &naqa~in !a ChampiG'n Co.rdwulQ Emhos•od, ancl iB rnadf# It\ ow CiHllOJ'l Divi ioD plant out ol wood I rom the for afa Gf tho sou thorn stoJ s . 1"h PllP r for tb itt id page•~ Je Ch~mpioJl WhU li\ttt;~ {old Ent mel mado in our Ha.mlh(in pl~n•. Wt' m.-anu.fc~r.tur · maGy qrades of blead' d papors. t-1'\n Flnishod. Sul? Calende.n:d, and Coatod, • The Formation and Derivation of The States of Continental United States and Its Contiguous Territory Author's Note In the .\ s'ril. 1938. is:.ue oi TuE t or:. we lwgan a sc:rics o• .• n.idc~ 0n tlw L' uttcd. tald and it:.. Conli~Ul'\U:, Territor...-. l ~. this ~nd ·unm. is, lt~s we ~hctll -ein! a ;hnrt his Lon.· ~~ e<..~h ~t.1 tc 'l11js ''ill rcqu ire a g rca l Jc.1l of n."sl?:t rch \ ork. lh•\\.'\N. ~,,"hope that rltl~e a rtirh:· \ill be hd,,full0 some rc<l.:kr· oi ll i~ mar; (PART 14)-PENNSYLVANIA P E~~ .... l -L \ .\ :\'JA is one of the oldest and richest Lates of (he .:\onh .\ me:rrcan l "nion. I t is in the North tlantic diYi~ion anu one of the original thinecn ~La tes . h i.: approximately 160 miles '~ide and more th an 300 :niles lon2' from east LO west. and contains -t-5 000 square mile:> or 2 .bOO,OOO acres. I t is divicleJ into ixty-seven • counue::-. Independence Hall a famous American building. is located 9n Chest­nut Street. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. It was formerly a meetinq bouse of the Colonial Conqress. It is where Wasbinqton became Commander of the Ame rican Army in 1775. Here the Declaration of Independence was passed July 4. 1776. and here the Constitutional Convention was held in 1787. It is now a public mU$enm, housing various historic re lics. including the "liberty Bell." • • t l {2} Pcnnsyh·ani,t' po .. ilion in Cf)illlll<:Jcc aud ~mar~ufacn:r!n · is t.luc largely to it$ g-eographical locc.Hi(ln. 1L advanr.a_g for internal nud foreigu co mn1~rcc i · ')~,.·r(Jnd tiJ nnne amt!l • the \ Iiddle Atlantic grnup. l·:xtcndin;! frf)r~) Lhe D<:i.a·~a""c River on the soutbea_t LO Lake l'.ric 0 11 the northwc .. L, ar.J commc111<.ling a direct outlet by Lhc Ohio Ri\·cr to th:'! G· ·~ of n l exico. gives her an advantage uv<:r ·nany nther stares of the i'onh Americ-an L. nion. Early History ~ I a ny d ate ~ a re recorded as being ((the rir- t ') in poin of settl ement in Pennsylvania. T 1adition infqrf1"~ u~ Ltq:a·fl • gran ts oi territo ry were made as tarl~· as 1 ,) ~.; +, by ()ue-.n Elizabeth to i r \'alter Raleigh. J a me3 1, r tng rA En .. dan(.l. issued a patent in 1606 to the London Comra n~ for lands between 34 and 4t degrees latituJc. "'·bich includcJ ali the '-' te rritory of the l "nited .'taleS between \'iJmin;;to'l, '\.l>rth Caroli na and 1'\ew York Cit}'. In 1627. a culon} o; ...' welt'~· and Finns settled in the territorv wltich W\! ~all Pt·nn:.' hran:a. and in 1641 the Eng-li:;h mack a 5ettlement (\!l th~ ~\:hu,·lkill < • R ive r, all of which were short li,·ecl. In 1632. Cha rles 1 i ~ ucd :t patenl to Ccl...'i!it..t' . .. cccnd Lord Bah imore, '"'·hich incluJed all oi J)eb\~Hc and .1. lar .-.. !~ portion of outhcrn Pc·nnsyh-it nia, but the finn permanent :eu lemcn t ~ cems to have been m:tclc h' I ,)hn nn Pr: rr. and uther coloni ::-ts in 1643. 1'hc $t:ldt·m~·nt \'J~ ca 1kd .:\cw Curhunburg. named aft~r Gothunhu1v. ''\'e~.-kn . The Founder of Pennsy lvania " illi:-tn'l I L:Hn, Engli.:;h Quctker. pl~J<.'ber. and f·•'Hldcr vf the ' r at~ of Pen nsyh ani:1.. was blllll in LlHl "h ''· (\.'t• hc.~r 14. t64+. He recei\'C~d a gnod cdLJcati•'ll. :uh.l whik .1. Chti ~t' Chur ~ ll. 0 \.ford. co mpkl in~r '<'11l<.: pc.".:i:tl :\f ~. h(.' w '' ron\·c rtt'l.l to Qu:t l ·c.~ri ' u'l. wh irh \ \ tt:> \~~~'j'llintirt; ll... hi~ hthc: r. Sir \ ill iarn Pt•n n. :ttl \ dmi1:tl in the En~kd '\a\'. Sir \ illi.trn Pcnu :wnt hi;. '''" (tbtPo..~ d '' ith th · It l'l t h1.1l ·he~ 1Hit4h t fw• "Ct and .rb,1nd, u <..)uak,.,, ... m, ln11 "hill :n Cnrk i 11 I rdand . vottllg 1\ ·nn laL'.lhl .1 k.tJtt t: t..,:uab.~·, 1' tt• . Lc ' h :l ll d :t -; ,L 1 ~ :o~ t tit ·d et' i d l'd It ' , ·n l d' l ) l...' 111 · 11 ' .. \1 ' d n : Jllupagilll' tlti: Ill'\ fai th. L •t tt'l h.t' w~~ "\:11'-~~1 ltthl st·nt lP I'' i--nn. but \ h I t I<· b~'l' thrtltl!-lt ht:- Lllht'i ~ milw. It(.'\• \ l~t·n \ illi un }',·nn t \:t\Jrtll', l lt' l•:ttflt thl lh.• \ "' 't.•Jit h I Ji \II (Jtl cllltlUfil ,,, l,j ,. \ rlri J)'''· ttnd \ hil ~ I h 'I(' lH' \ l'llh.' J,j J llillli l ·~ l \t)tk • t'lltidt d." ,, (',,,_s '\n ,_.1\J\ tl." \ •ltni t ~d 1\1111 dit•d i11 lhtU. le.t\ in~ cdl hi, f'IDJ ' II~' tn 1, is .. n . \ \' til i , 11 11 I 'l'lll' c t~IH t 1111 c d 1'11 11 1 i 11 b i ; 1 t1 h lam' ·11 i u 1 h" StJt ;, 1' ,,f I· 1 i, nd . nd 'll \ l .tt~ h I~ . l <•~ I. 11 • ,n·u,t·.l u J! l ,alll ,~ r l:tu.L iu th•· l Itllt·, l .,··~. \ C"I. ~.:d dh:·,t(' l<. t\ cr. h 1u" IH t \,'ell ltl .dlt l ·l 1 ~:. I t •t t•t . l,l\llth.:le . 1 ,l ·xt .n'l tng fl.: I ,~, •. , .. \ t t. in l i ~ ~~ ,,J d:t'lt\S \dll IJ h.t·.itt 1ht,tlt"'d rrctttl hl f ttl It' I l it •\ ll tlw } ! cll l It \ td\ r't 1111H..:nl. \ tll1 lltl l (~fln tic: it •d hi lit'\' lv n tjlllrl·,l , Pllltll\ tP hl • dl,·.l ~\ h ,, ,, ;,,, ll)l."ittiHl-' \'l~lt fl -lln l (~ til' .t .. lllll l'h, ltl<l.~ 1_1. " jl1 \ l f•.n•htiLl. in :-; i t t I \.)ll tit t· 1 " ·l1 . I c 'II 'l, 111 ), • t h H t ' I 1 i 1 1..-d 1 { 1 • Topography and Natur&ll R our,: s \ numi••·1 1 J , ,,11. 1 ,jtl. l t H> .. tlh' ~tn t(' lt~>fH !l(Hth lO nt lll• •nw \ 11 .d ,, ·hi.tu l •l\l tll.ttll, l~t•nt tlw!t ·n1 •. ~t d•' i, tlh' B h1~.· ot I itl.llinu) .to 1 t l~~o: \ ll:gh n • • • \{; n·l ... tin~ .. :11l'-'<-lh tdc'd int~._) a nurnh·"r o.f :-mallL·j· r~ngc s ~ " ; t i1 <-ll i i\ ~ .... · · ... ,"t. ... i, '1 o,. h n '::n 1 fe r ll h.. v {t llt ~ s. T,. · w~!-.~t'rn p:bt nl the :wte 1~ a br(tiHl t(Jliinp- t""intcaH tr.Hlt:~n,- ~u., .' !1dl'H! t,\\,l.!"d Li\kl' l·.ric e n the nurdl\~~"' t. F·\ ... 1 :,·c:· ..... :;,' [)._ .. L \" ;.u~~ - ... t,~'-,{h-.hanna . Ct~ne. 11. ,Pt'ton:tac .:u \i dv· ( J·i,) .. tv~r .. \~l· ">h L :lk~· Ef; ·- dfain the SUite. Lake 1·. . :-: RL'\• or.t' s ~n •]n·~.:.~ ~ ,·n, ,I .-.a rl• '-(•T. J'"'n1~~-- h·~n:ia \ it>~\.l.· t ... oth ~l!lthra'-~ite and bitumino\ts coa l jn bn . .:t: \1-~).:·.P"::'il..''·· l'!'e bt."'S.i: ~t)al bed n~ar Piusb1tQth yields ar t'rt.:Xii!1.ti ... ',\ l~ .UOI\OtVl ron~ a )'<.;.tL 'f hi ~ coal is f.atnous f,;,: is~' ktlo.. l in~re are ,.,,lsu 'al uablc sbte~ iron and granite ... ie1'\~it.· . alt · $;'i'nt'" 7.~n(', cr>prcr. soap, to ne., nickel lllGJ rbTe ·~a ... i i::~~ie ..... -t,,' .... J\~n\1. yh·ania clnk-5 high 'in the n1anufa<:ture r-f e1?rn~nt. lurrt·. bri.:k.'., tile and in petroleum. and na:t.ral e":-..:. h-1 ·~, C~ 1 :t ;- one of the J~,.adiflg, if DOL the h:a.J!Pt ·_:,_,t .. ! ;n y~lt!c r1f rniner:l.1 products. Th·e coal fie lds , ,- 1 ~::.! • h·a~-i., ... n\-c .. a1 plox.imatcly 18.000 square rniles. l··";l ~~ fou~ ... l in ~~.~e .. pJ3.nt1tie:s. 'fh, \a~: <..:il in.~h.:'tr~ sranJ:'\ today as a monun1ent to the ~'..<t.te r.l Pe.i1n~~·lvani~L Eighty years ago tll 18'59, Cet L. L. D:-ake ci~Ued the fir~t commercial oil well near 1·;u..1sYi;}·e. PeE1 .::. 'v:u~ia. lie was ridiculed by his· friends, yet h'~ e~ .... { :1:=- r~suhed in e5~ab11,Jli n g a vast industry. T oday, 't"~Hro!eLrn rcrin~nr: ra.n k~ third a mon!! the nation-s industries ~ v ~ - 1ron i1ncl .a.u co;uocive-. ~~ad· ng by a small margin. Agriculture and Manufacturing Pcno~rh ania is one o{ ~he most in1.portant agricultu ral t.a· t;S :n r:.:e ea tern Qa n of :\me rica. I n 1930 there were • . i:;A.J 9 farms U,:,ing approximately l 5,309,000 acres of land. Cu-~als; ha~T. pOUJ.i.oes. ,·egetables and orchard fruits a re · r{ duced l!! brc"~ CfUEtnt~t;(:S . rrh~ fOf(!SlS are practicaJJy rleo.. J ·~cJ . \"1-:-:le Penn .v h-aria ha~ exceUent facilities for :?i(;ct-:c pt::~w~r p!~ n ~s , rnost of tl1 e po:wer is being produced b~. f..Je}. The state has led in steel and iron Jl1anofact:uring -r .J" n;,ar' y year~ a r.Ld !told::> second pJaee in the manufacture r•i l:t: .tile.). :ncloJir:g ~i l k, \Vool e n~ "~.\·orst.ed and felL goods. L,.a~h!..:r . ?~a5:;, 'f•CHCCCJ, coke. malt liquors and clothing are ~!.b.o !mf r rtaHt rnan uiacrures. BETSY RO,SS HOUSE Mrs. Elizabeth Ross. born in 1 '152. \s credited with hav:inq made the iit:st Ame-ric-o.n flag, whi~h was symbolic of th.e thirteen colonies, with thirteen whkte .stare on a field o-f blue an-d thlrteen a.l tematlnq -red and whlt.e stripes. Tlte qovemment a wa.rded Mts. Boas ~nd her dauqhteTfJ thE; e:o.ntract tot making aJl ot its fiaCJfl io:r a num­ber of y0CU's. QJJ th~ orlql::nal Nallon.a.J ensign of t7V7. accor&nq to W~bsier's Un· abridqed Piction&tt. t'be fh:Ut.een whil6 B.ta;rs w;efe placed 1n a circle 9JJ a Held of blue. The Navy Jack hQ.d thi'rleea a.JternaHnq suip&s with ~he pichue of a rattlesnak-e stretched clf.:TO!.. the aJfri peS. Printed in larqe l•t.ters Qn the bOitom whtt~ stripe Wt;)tf) thue wonk. ''Dcnn tread On Me.'' THE OBIG.INAL 'D'RAK& WElt NEAR TITUSVILLE. PENNSYLVANIA In the foregto·und is Colonel Drake the gentleman with the plug na.t. 'llhe other man is Pel~t Wilson_, Mr. Drake's foreman._ --The well came i~ Au.g:ust 27, 1859, at a d~pth of 69% feet and produeed over 400 gallons per da?. -Pho-to courle$y Edwin Palmer Studios, Ti!usviJle, Pennsylvania. Cities 'Th€ .chief city and seaport of Pennsy lvania is Philade'l­ph ia. It is a lso the Lhird city in population in the Unitc4 States, with abotn 2,000,000 inhabitants. It is situated on ·th e ·west bank of the D elaware Ri ve r., 135 miles tlonheasL of V\.~ ashington . r11ong the most noted building are Indcpendetlce HaU,. 'vhich Vlas occu pi ed by rhe ContiJ?en:tal Congress in 1776, the 'L-niteGl Sta~s min t, the Post Office,. 11Iasonic T'emplc and· n1any oLher p.laces of interest. The h isr:ory of Ph iladelpbia,. down to the vVar of Independence, i;:; vi rtua lly that o.f P enn- OLD COURT HOUSE1 CHESTEB, PENNSYLVANIA 'fhis buildinq was erected in 1724. lt now houses the library and museum of the Delaware County Historica:l Society. At the left i:s the Washinqton Hou&e,, erected in 1747. In this house George Washington wrote the only offidal report af the BattJe of the Brandywine, September lL 1777. • Electrolytic Bleach Plant on vacation at Camp Hope. .:yh·ania. 'l'he terri Lor~· ern braced \·ith in t h~ prescn t city and the Sta[e of P enn ·ylvania was granted to \Y illiam Penn b\ Ch aries 11 ~ K.i11g of Enzla nd, in 1 he mo.n Lh of ;.. [a rch . 1681, • - 1,.; a!ld i 1) the aut.umn of thaL year P enn appoinLed t hree coin- Jll: s~ione rs to prucecd U) the ne\' pro,·ince and la)' out a cit~· \ h;ch should be called P hil adelphia- 'Brotherly Lo'".e.n H!s in:structions "·ere to select a site for the city on the D ela ­\ ·arc River: where, ·'it is most navigable, high, dry a fld healthy; that is "here ntost ships can best ride. of €leepest draught of wa(er, if possible. Lo l o~d a nd llnload at the bank or keY. side without boatinu: o r lighterin~ of it.:' ~ On October 27 16S2, \'illiam Penn landed ne~ r Chester P ennsrlva11i~. ab(.J\Jt 13 miles from Philadelphia. where he rema:ncd bur a short w·h.j le. For more th tut 100 years the t·ity ,~·as tht.: mr•st importanl L0\11 comm erci·af1~· . poliLically and ~ociaHy. :n the culo nie . ln OcttJb e r, 16tG the first prin t­in~~ pre'-~ Vla~ '.et up here by \' illiam BrodfurJ. T n 1(,90. the fi r-,t pcq 1er-m ill r,u the ;\ mcrican Co Ill i ncHL w ns erected by \Y!Iliam Hincnhr,usc ,.._,.ith!n -the pre,cuL ciry }jmirg. ln Ot t ,_ bcr. 1723, H<·njan1in F1a nkJi n, c,nL' of Anlcrica's ~reate~t rnen. lttHded in J>h:l aclcl rhia. I11 1 753~ dJe lir. L .\ n:tic l~:xpedt­t if)H ('VL~r ~Cit l r.Jut from rt Jt:l ica ~ai h:d f rorn P hilatldphia. T he fi r~l fdct.orv nn dH; l\ mc.:ritau C. o nti JJ(" tll 1 fo1 tltc mauu­f~ c tu r~ (A fine f: r.rn:lain, w.~ e.l~tblishcd hert..:. Dn:tJlg tl tc \Va1 cJI t he R<,vulutiou. PhilaJd,d,ia \'.'it.~ tht:· vi1 t.~d ~~apt t.d l J the f'llJJJiic-s a11d the· ~ct u · qj lll .. tUy lJ[ the !· l'vllti t l·nt c\'ent'. of ,J,n , •. ti r ··iH¥ d.c~y. 'fh~ lir ... t Cotlli .. uen a.l <.:nu t• rr• rn· t -irl C<11 p<·n1cr1.S [ tall: ~pt t!w L c r 4-. l 7i~. ()J r ~ f.::~v 24. 177 ), lh< (<,ulir, r· rr13 l (',,ngr~st. , ~,."1D\' ·rt t'd tn flldFpl.'J;dtnn: ll ~· U. H r·t ~ Ihe I'' r~lutic·P:. r<;'• l >n:ti rt '' ;r tt.l c~ p~sn le·ncy Wr'l<' l'rl-6:,t:d nn J•rl ~ ~· 177(). !'l,l tt· rr }"~;,-' ! 11! 4.' .'\t·at tA ~j\'(' J nn,,·n~ of d w-,· ( uttt~d : t,Jit.'.t1 w.lS ,J l I hrladti­J• J,~a. {_,f llntil it \'~ '-t PHHJ! fd ttl \'a lrirt(l tr_u; 1>. ~ . • \1 p n f l a J d p h i :-. . ( ; (~( >t .t2 <-- \, ~ I I i Jf ~ I ' .Ill d "1 j \' . r l' d ]n h t' t I 1.\ ' ·ll . H d cl re · rn 11,, P"'''PI< ,,r rhc l n it~.t l S:JitM 1 .nld IJ•'Il.! ht! '· l t t:d (llJPl r '1bl!c l iJr·. l'l •~~ fit~ l b.wL I)JJ th\;> \1Jt l't;< 'l11 <'· Ji tli~t-4!11 ~ ~ ~I • (I p ... 11 ed 1 it. r C: : ., 1 j ) • t1 F . n r . I 11 q n l lc II t b {. t Hi ll~~ t:: ~. I ) 1 14•Ji t'\' f,l the t nitt.:d State· .... 'rf.,, 'Wlt.; i,., ;.t l"uf·111ati•'" ,,f .. q•pi<J .irnat· ·l) I O,fJIJOJJ1 ~l}: ..J .. \ t • fl cf l f t'~ '1\;dl lt lf',fl: th~Jl 5 tJ ,{Jt){J HJHJ I Wt' llf ) 1'• .' illL• WiLh i • ffJ t 1f1UIJ 2) {J{J() in lJ;1IHt :1111 . ' rh ~ fiJ t tf!t lJ J1t Hl AnH,. tk·, wa u. JdtJJ'r·d .at xth a11d t1l, Sltt cL. l'hib t lj U L ·he fi r'.tif btt:c~mer , \ r•t t•, !J 1\ ll!tl\ •: 11 11 · .tn 1 h · J tH t 'lH X, :11·1 iv..-d iu .f'}t~Latll·lph!~ f rrHll . '(.'\-\ } od.. .!~"·: 1 'IJ · !'I~·· !'1r i 1 id~IJ ·~ofHHfVtl I in ~!ll t tic·J \il, 1/lct•fe in P~1sltd l1 h19 in 177). ''J lw C.c~·n " J j.,. Jl,, d b~l•" .~nd dJt• tlld;P~r:t ll (' · ~f t1 e UH t: is K (l'-)''lt 'tlc. The Cham.pi0n Credit Union Is Your Organization T HE Champion Cred it l :nion is a volun(ary, cooperative und€rrakin.g by Champion employees. to promote thrift a nd to provide loa ns for p rovident purposes. 1rs affairs are managed by its officers \Yho are elected by ics member~. T'hey con tribute the ir time and ability without remuneration and d eserve your in lerest and support. T h.e CJ1ampjon P apet· a nd F ibre Company generously p rovides the ad,·antagcs of office space and of payroll l . .lt:duc­t i ons.~ but the fu ll responsi bility for the managcn1cnt of t:he ·a ffairs o( lhe Credit Union and ror iL ob li gation~ rest3 wilh its mcn1bers. THE CREDIT UNION WAY "hould you ' ·i., h to saxe r ou r money. Tu use s0me f utur~ rain~· (.bt~; If y ou're lPnki 11g (or i lt\'c tment~ J\ profitable divid.end w,ill rar ~ Or"S you ha vc a d<..1lb r Y ou would l ik~ to ln.\ av\'~~. For s:lfc keeping till you t\C' -.l it, Con I(' ;1 r\d ec us-d JU 't l(·l:q ! • • • l fl\lll t-'\ J\1 ~~ :H' l \' 1(' C IS ('~ll I t11 Ot ll ~ \ \ '•· wdl n lw :t\~~ Lrc~H '{1l1 n~ht; ..... " ~ B t i n~ ynn r <lnlb r , d t.m ~.-·$ nH I p~·n fl tt's., \ \ v·ll n·c~·i:v(• tltc11t \it b ,lt·li ~ ht. ]l ) 1n1'1<' pl.,.tnning l t \• ~tt.tliun •\ u,l lin"l !1u.H\rr: ~~ ll ttl(· ti.• dt!~ \ I '\ jl! t.,: litdly kn~l ~ t U lllnlH' ) ' } II t" 10 ' C'l rll' fi)Oll llt i ti ll ih•tg-h!. ,fltll/l.d ttli ~ f ,,lut~t· ,,,.t.!l'lkc· \dll , • \ IJ•I '1)l 1 ' 1~' dH1 11~l d()\11 .1nd nlll. ·• 1'1 w ( ' t n.ll t L u in 11 i ;; It\ ·1 '~ L o h l' I ~' )' 1111 - . \l '<J~H th .ct dn 1\ \..t l h ~l\(.' ;\ dPLiht; { 'uill t' 11niHH.J ,tttd ht ll'lt' ' <ntt l' tuhh:Ol , L ·t tl bdp \1 Jt1 ~i~ 111e 11111. t · r. nl1 dl nt i , I h ;111 d 1. h. , ~ 1 '-'c-t h. . \'c•tll' tll~lllllc nlll ht:. put I~' HHll. B,· \' . F (. lt rk uf tltt• l u.. r)l"~li 1 P 11 \' ·r I-' ~ ', dq"pt•,l ftttlll dtl! .\.j•t ,1 i . u 1'\l !>~-it, u11.l L'rr·rltl ', <''t- uf liH· \ rhn1 ~1 f',J LJ c 1(:d 1t t ni•1H. D d It Ever HapiOen To Y0.u? tH \~rat \ r.ltk , iJ6 ,· ng Jk•Hp hi.~f.J\va ~·, ~ >!lll:! Q \. n ~:uq~ ( J ' in~' v: aJ kinz all•n~ wht n ~·n ac- ~ ~ \.17~,.h·nt ... 'tll red: F\; h\••':. j ' "l a 1nin( r ;;,jur. or- 111c.1) t H.' \~\:1 \~rt: .(;rint~~h· htlr~ . 1: ~c, ... nH·t l. tO o._:c~H hke lhC bJ ~'\1 ~f a o-~nl , t a fl~:h Pt 1~ghtnin~. \ ""on Ji in't h:n·t' tinh, tc• 1 F1Ye"" ~ UI f \ C~l r na ~k-.;--·1 0 .. q·c \'"{()Ur'df. \VdL th"\t i$ th~ \:~\· aCL'\.fe1~· . ~'leu1r. fhe ulh-· tl~jnL! \1..' ca11 dn i.:- tO try t~.l ·pte ,·~t f th~:" 3c~i\.L .. nt. fron1 (1\..'t:\Jn [ng. ~1' ...1 ''revt:nt .1ccidl~'l~.;:. u~1e nHhl lie z:.rtft:n· ;nindcd-E-..1 fet ) ' l . ~..·cr~('}~l..tS aH ~he tir ~.... (.; nc mu. t rnZ~kL $Uft> that he or ~ht: ·::, vn the ~"are ~:d .. ·-otH of d {: path of cl.unter or better .:-ti~L !nn't let th' ac{"i'-~!'nt ~x( ur tl it i~ ''~thin ) our p0Wt:l' t 0 ~'H"C\' t IH 't. ()He m irnne "c ·are ali\ e n nt.l reeline- f1ne Crash ! !-and ''~ a:·t.~ injureJ or 1 erha!'$ killed. ! f s~ri ou~lr injureJ the ~~on. of en.·\ er.y., i~ u .. u.a lh.. · a ~aJ one ~ it fatallY hun, well ~ ., it i~ ({."•tJ 5e1<1 l.1' to ,. ·itc abvut. B uL. remember. accident$ .. -t~ cau~ed a·1d it i t ·tiC that the inju red party is u ~ ua ll y • .1... t n ~~ o·l~l-:..liC. Onr a~(idcnt record . tluring the pa_t few months has nor been a~ .p ·d a: t'.-"e \·v,Jd i1ke to ,;;ee it we feel quite sure i bat it (OU j fl.:tVe, ~nd v,:-oulJ h:tve. been n1uch better if each • ernolox·ee. i1_ the ('ant011 Q j, is ion~ has been on the alert ' . perforn11:.1~ t1"·eir '' 1:·k in Lhe safe v\ay, instead of the un afe· way. or ~Y ~~aHy as interested in accident prevention as they ' ·ert! :n .. '.cir work ur their fcn-or·iLe sport. Practi<"all~ each e\ ening, ex('ept unday a large cro\Yd 11f people: 1uen. \'orneo and children, are seen .at the Ba ll Park: ··rGutin{' fur their fa,·orile softball tea.m. It is goo I Jean ~fH)rt. 31' d une cannut help but becon1e intere"teJ in <.r.t.· 5id~ or the If a .::in1ilar enthus.iasnl could be "ruu~cC: in the of safety. i nj u r·ie3 would be reduced to a. m:n:rnunL 3DJ. both mc-n and bovs would be in belter • condition to enj,;y a ball gan1e. ~trange a~ it may seem w·e are 1nore interested in n1o. t e\ .. ;ry th~ng than in the preYention of human li{e and hmb­rhe n~l prc~iuus tring in the vv-o rlJ . . :cidtnt pre\?ention is the re~ult of care and [e rethought. f.-.~ .:tt.:h~eve the be~l results we nHJ3t keep everlastingl.y at it. ~1 a nagem ,...n~, ::; uperin ten dents, foremen and vvorkers 1nus1 fHakc .. afety a number one job. \Ve musL ·Lop uu-aft: pra<..r~ce~ :1nd corr.ect un~afe condiLions before acciden-ts oc­<: ar. A do ·e ob3cr'\'er \'i ll ncite unsafe practices a 11d condi- • tJ005. Lei.·s ruake a r{.:al hone~L-to-goodness effort (o prevent l1LClJ{Znl~ :1.nd see -~:lart \~:ill rea:Hy happen. Q·ur Jll<JttO shou lcl be ··Saf~ry · j;-st, La:>t anJ Ah ays." J!/1r. a1~cl J!/1,13.. SrnratheJ~j 'Llsiiin~ fiome o/k1 ~fyJr: ttnd !\.Jb. Cic~~ ~marhcrs, <,f Pasadena , 'f 'exas., sp<:nL sun e ;recently VISJtlng relative~ and frieJ lUS in C~LIHOn. (;lunn is uperrntcntlent 0i tl~e H r" uston plant of Tlte C.barnp:un f> ~pcr and Fil>re Cumpany. f '0r a uutnb(!r of yr:ars Ju'" \' s !..htft fvr~r~1a.n i11 the SoJGL-Suiphn te IJep~tn­Hlern 1 ,f the C.a ntO"Il E>PilSlon.. :VIr. ~rh l .\Ir£. S1n~rhcrs ltClt\'e a hu. t of [rit:nd ~ ill Canton. \'~ l:nf:;,\· l~l~~ wiU h::t ve ~ plta ant 'i ~it and enjoy the cool mountain a!r. (5) _.oopef'alion SOCIAL SECURITY SOARD WASHI N GTON , o. c . .\-1 r. R c 11 ben I). l~ ob · rtH>Il , E-xcl utive Vi ce- P r e~i d cn L ·r ht; C'hstnrion I' Jf'Cr und Fibrt; Company. Cnntou l)i\i-sion. (' .un on, :.,: cJt t h Cn rul in a 0 ~:1 r ~ l r. R o bt~ nso n: Our manager in . \ ~heY ill e n:c~::ndy su bn"Liuc-d a report tO n1e a~ t.O hi ~ relationshi 11 wid1 som~ of the prinf.:ipal tnan­\. 1 faCt u r i n t~ C 0 m pan it':\ i n h is a f c. a . f n l h i l=> h e r e [ e r f c d L o the splendid cooperatiun renllereJ hr T'hc Champiun Paper and Fibre Company-, and in !"articular hy :\fr. \:. R. \rikL Par­n1aster. .\sa busin ess man tnr.t:li, I an1 consciou "' nf the rnanv· pelry aun oyance~ to \·b ici1 i nd u:>tri~d orga niza tic;ns are sub­jected through va riou " Gov<:rnm en l repon s, inquiries. etc.. \: 'hich 1 by· the \o\ay, \<.:arc endeavoring to minimize as mtJch a~ poss ible. I t i~ ho'~ e\.<.: r, Yl.!ry gratifying to find a concern Jikc yours whid) . in spite of the tnJu hle irn·oh·ed; i$ prepared to re11der tiS ever r ~S_5lilance in Call"}1 intr Ollt the purpose$ of the law. I hope on sornc occasion to have the opporLtthity o f lneet­ing you in per. on and exprcs~ing rny than·ks. Very ·incerely C. R. Pa rker, R egion al D irector Terry. 6 months old eon of Mr. and Mts. Howard Child.e~s. q~nds.on qf W. P, ChUdera • tl r, "C:(J -(, L t:• ··pt f 12f~ w r ' 'J (~L t) Tit~• ·= , ~ p ERrL\P'- rwo Lh ollsand peorle witnessed the aMua l · · 5<"•ftball game l'at urday night. .r\ ugust 5, benveen the 25 anj 30-~ ear n1embers of d1e Champion Old Timers' Club. T~1e ~ame . ··from stan LO ·fini sh,.; with its fumbles and brjJl iani plays. am u~ccl the la rgc c rovrcl of fans presen:e. A c the ck ~e r,l the }a.;L inni ng, the ~core \>\'as 40 to 25 in favor of the 31)-vlar men. T he score seems to indicate that older " mt::n. 1',ith c~.per;encc and beucr judgment., ha\Te it all o~:er j'l..JU th. . ,, ... • co () &... \) .. ,.,~t ':'' ' ~~.. .. '.<:r.a . L 0 ,sE J a Sam ]aebon. D. C. Reoce, V&rt10n Bania. N. K. Dr~'<.e. Hoyt Ro~ land, Ca:roi Stnq lato~ foyd Shur:lay, 8en Wjl. Iiams. Allen G;zaqq, ''Short£' Paxton~ Claud~ Wltr. Forest Mann, Floyd Gillis. Tim Med­lotd. Sherman Sha..-p. Fran't Smathers, Clyde Blythe. E. S. lUanks-, B. D. Stnatbers. 'T. L. ] arniso11 was 1na n·ager of the 30-yca 1 team: a nJ Frank Sm._athers lhe Z5-vear rnen. \Ye s'1a ll have to a lmit • th~t t 1tlr. J an1ison shou ltl be clas$ed with su~h ot:i.: tandi-ng baseball .managers as Connie ".Vlack and J ohn \ kC a". l~euben B. Robenson playe l scconJ ba~:>.e anJ ma\.ie onr home run. }I.. _ . He1dcr and Love Coman al~.o pl<~y~d ..! · good gail1C . Should the Champion Old Ti mer· pb)' iu 1940. wt: ~u ~­gest thaL seats be reserved for the '~ i\ cs of d1t: Uld Ti• k'~~- I I .,..,, • > ~~ ~~ Jllvll II. T. P. Owe11. Bill Patton. S. W. Plolt. C. L. West· moreland, Jobn Blythe~ Vol Bramlet1. S. C# Wood, Dock 'R ob.erts. G,a.s.ton Bhymer, Ben Wr\.qht. Re-u.b&n n. Rob· ortnon, Charlie Harklns,. M'C'd WHllciiM, larly Clade, Gcorqe 1ro£f9l, Wflll~m RobGrtson. Lcr'lb C<1man, 1'alUG Wilsc:m, Dav.e Bat;L Cb.&.rUo J~c­ob•. Balpb 6aau. Hatd.y Srn tt., Sow·aU FfippA. Dan W)J~ , Jim Gq•solf, fohn G4d.rl1. Tommy Fw u~ar;, Ct.uq .AlLen, 1. L. Jamwon, H. 1\. 1t£eldar. thee. A ll&J'I. CJydt;J HHclobrct.nd. • tl L J) J .'Jb,.,l. ~ I • • 1'hotlaundai r_nJoyed tho O lo Tunart s~st Ball :t Cnnton, Autl " 1 6. (o) • • • • ea am t•o n • H.v ./ . ,~/. Kour.·v. \ ith } f 'v "t~tn '~ rlH '\! 11~'' " l'a~'e r..: ... b ~l~ \·,nryi n..:; hc:td­l: ·tc:- rl ~''-l .... 'l"l~ <.'f , ~,;op,v r\,'~a 1·.ting Clu rnl'!t)ll \. ne\v "'~tl t'erd- \s..)11 .... i'' p .. •1~r rtHh,'h:n~ :t !l I ~'" n~ ' <ll t pa n ~tnu prng-t arn_. an ~L'H t,'~1 ~nt. ~a 1t~re r r 1n oll r 0\o n R RR und \Y R c} ) l 'tH -( ribc f-:,cl· \us! ill b;t '"sC•)OPt> L'~ \ LrieJ iJ1 ,-~ j n [O "ortl<' r l\ I r. Clt rt.(.; .~nJ ~ t ;)( ,~\? in"iue J.,·'f"'t' f(,r 1..•Ur r~. J er' in ~HlY tt n n: of Ltlt> ~i1~ p~ Jk l ~ a1h.l c th(~r '\JYts1Jer ') b\lt ou t lintitecl , ... 1:\lh'i.a} ··c~,>ln .. .._ .. pre\ erHe.d >llr ~\ tU ·al._hing a Hce(ing ~Lr'-: · (·( l'~ .. , ho:!~:-n,n1 ct ... h~ .lrtit' t fr )111 tr~t i n to train on a ... :-.1.'ric·~ .'1f trip€ rc C:l.Dtl- n ;:tOd J-J an~:lti)Tl . E\·cn ~ho we \vcre "( >t"'t u1 r:t:h~.~r :~'1.\.!rnin:ooAly \en? 1nig-hry prouJ to have ~,-~ ,. lP.-·f!\ 11 i .. \· ~G (~Jrc.n'c!e tht· fa-ct thar C ha mpi on ~s fir t l • n;~· !<,r e~-x-r 7ltki0il pr ):trarn 41f the Honstoq l)ivisinn is ,,~e ll t:nJ~..r ·,\·:ly .,, tbis ?n<?~ lo p-re" .". · \' c ba,-cn\ farni lia ri.zed 1 1-r ... ch·c~ "it:& t.h<.r -: t't3iL of di:nt·nsion: : .. peed etc. of the rv ~~ nlacbine bur ~ ./ll wage• our n ~xt month s pay that ~in~ ·rc.~·.:.3s l .... I'f :ue: 3 ~uper- ~ up~.r job of running wha-tever eq:t~ir:ncp i~ ~n ..=. · ~i~J. \Yith a bit of a s~ i $ta nce from some of i ~~l: w nt<A1 .and J 1anti lt nn folks w hdll adopt 'f ex as as their n.a · v't: ~ · a;e- in r!-.e ·1e::\.t ·i~ ur e:e-ht monLhs we~re bou11d to prt"'~...!lh"e ... ille p~f>e ·· tltc l:ke.. of wh ich ain t been handled in ·hi~ \C t~l\trv hen.'tufore: · 'rrl.~· l E ' has ah:..·ays been a ~ ,. s" c·H !i'tie- n'a~..a.. 7.ii'lC ~ll \'ith their ne\,,.S i ems on CHA.\f- Pl<J:\ p:-t~Tt.·r - ~ .. c.-nJc.t what t!:c other popular 'veekJies will de' f· r fe':'Jer~. C'-ian1pion ":dco,rnes and c;.on.gGHulates Tl?\JT·' on be-:ou"in,.,. part. of the eveT growing Cham-pion F a!" , · ; \-. * * _ 'lexa.: !· ·rycing cn~t~a:~·r.;usJ y to kl:cr up witb Champion·, p~o.~rt". ::.- ~Hl! ~-ro'\1\·.}l aJlU for tho3e \l l1o m.ight not be familiar "'-·!·n ·r,e. Leald1y ~iale iJf affair=' now exi ' fling in the Champion !.!Flf! ,,.e ~nbmit · '1t f<.illo\'ing f acrs and figures to prove tb~n yr,·T · r~· ridin_g a sttre winn-er when yotJ ign up ,,._,,ith Texas ~-n J C'La1.;.~ ·on. ,,.e quo e from rbe Blue Book of Sollthcrn 1>: :>-re~: '· 'ou'hc::rn Jeyelopnlcnt ha been a bri g;ht spot .J ir-:r$!' a Jep;e~~ic,n period ,,hich has halted busine$s and>~t~i i-t\es•menr in 1he Cnited ' tates. Con1parablc figures oft, :: ~ vu '"~ ~nu 1 b~ f(.;.St rJf the country show a proportionate ~ .. !,, w h~t t 1:1 b.Z!-&i" lines of entert)rise cxcc.edin O' other ar·e-as., ~ \ n · in il".e .0\n::.h the out~ta n di o g State 1· 'fcXti~, and the @ilt ~._~ · din~ Cr.AHHV i.; the one in v\·h ich Hou ton and Pasa- , . d~~~ ar-e lo·r.reJ. J1 arr1s. 1\ nd here arc the fa cts : f c.:. ~~ lead ·he ."oHth thusl\r: • - • !"C~te t \ "2 f tle of Jnf!nufi:i ~ tu rcd J!roduct .~ . L ~r~e-~ l <.a h far rn inc orne. { .reate'" faJm crvp ac1:eage. L ~ rge.E:L: ! .umber nf farm~. · • • ~ fp~r GttHle. :heer . hrrr e·: and n1 \l'lc~ . Second t o ~ l i ..::.~ouri ti .. ,,·:u::. r:,·~aiJ.: t ''?.! 1e (J F,,·l·-,tock. · ~Ip:--\. ru; tk cr,~·,:) ( 1 ,4~ .'.(1{)0-. HfA ~ou n ring (;ilbert1S ncn~tes t a:- ri.'al · ) _ SlWrJ;~d to L ,11 i:. i a n ~ in p rnd llction of rice. ( Jf·r~e.-rt:-.l t.'!'ittor~ crop i 11 t ht: St1U J .. ( ~:~·a~e t ~.tC:J1Lr: fr()m s\~ee t rrJt atov . Set.on\1 t ' FLJrida jll ut:.rk fa rro inu 1me. (Our fanl•(·rs dcm·t. gr.J !.tl fc,r :ru.(.:k .iflftrl:-ng--1he) ca h oil n.~yll l ty t~hcck s ). (Jrc:at.~~ · f·c,-lJ llhz.r,•t , ~.; Jr HTJ ccwn, wl anJ v~t fi . (j.real9' ! } rc...l ' " :r~·H tA ch:c~ e n e~g .., and milk. $(Jmc fi'![ fJO/ () .\• tr,t th . J .. • 11~e4lell-· prt,dtl~if;t,a t ,( ht I t e r. dlf'c-.t. cun h·n ;:,cc.l and ·v.·? ' ,,. aHTtl rn i I~~ l <:.~ dcn:d Ia) i 1 k a tJ~ u:c t rt aJll. • n • • • (J) <;H.: ._~ test prouucr ir1n vf m in <?r~d':>. (ApJ ro;<itn;ttdy ~n2 5,­QOO, OOO.OO in J <J 3 R). r rod\l (C~ :tnd cnn Llll1 C;-) I he g r <"a t ~·. t :lfl'lOUllt l>f na lund g:t" . an.c.l prudll <; the g t·c ~t0~ t ~ m ou n t of ca rbn,u black. p·rod liCe · 90 per cent oi Lhe s ul ph u r pnxb 1red in the t ·nit ·d tal ·s. 'f'hc ~rc a test r rod ucer of l' ~t rol ~tlln. La rge~t proJ ttt;er of and an~ t! rn vel. Grcate"' t di~ t ri bu t Jr of Ponlan<l cement. 1'exa hfts by far th-c _gr~atcs t registration of OIOlOr cars ctn l trucks, uses the 'vrcate t aJncm ut of gasoline and collcc rs rhe greatest amount of taxes r,~ n gasoline tho her tax rate i: amon(Y the lowe t. ·rexas produces the grc·atcst amount of electricity and her public util ity plant have the crrcatest total capaci tie~ . \Ve h'tve \ht? l a rge~t nomber of priYarc :tnd commercial 1 ilots and airport . Houston's a rea lead- in va lue of :n1-crchand isc exported j n t h e " o L1 ~ h. 'l'exas has the greatest nnrn ber of banks ·with the largest capital s tock and g reatest i11 di\~i duul deposits in the ou th. T exas h;;t.s tbe gre~ tes t as~e sed value of tasablc proper­t y. t :1nph ! ! ! rf'he g reatest aD10UDt of ne\· in surance is \~· ri tten each ).tea r ,in 'f exa::;, and ~"fesas ha3 rhe greatest a-m1ou nt of li fe in.surance rn force. Texas has the greatest population and. of co ur ~c, Lhc g reat€~t Jand a. rea . Thirteen o'f the S-outhern states lead 1''exas in prod11c.:tion · 0f apJ les, but at the top of the li t j$ \ ·ir(Tin ia . and ~fr. C r ute i.s f r 0 n.1 irgini a so that sort of keeps the leader · hip ) n L he fami ly, any ho,v. · \Ve could go on for hours, but we ,,·on't. It all sum· up to the fact that th€ South lead .. the country. Texas leads the South. H_arris County and 1-Iouston lead rrexas, so it i ~ only natural that Champion should choose 1'exas and Ilarris County to pr<?vide another leac.lcr among T exas' large nutn ­ber of leaders.hi ps. A p ro~ress .i ve Champion and a pro,rres­sjve state are leading the P a rade of Progress. J)zudi- V/hy do y ou call . our dog Random?· Yaze-Because the neighbor · are always throwing th ings • at 1t. Chuz7.-Ha\·c you ever noLiced that m o~t s u cc e ~s ful n1cn are bald ? Gu ppy·-w·a tu rail y ~ they corn e out on top. ----------------------------~---- '' r b,at horse I b(>'ugbt fron1 yoq wo n~t hold hi$ hi..!ad ' 'P·' '11hat ~ ju t hi. pride. lie'll hold it up a-s soon a he's paid for r· /\ n1rtn houg ht a ~ an a ry fron1 an :tniJnal dea ler. t·-'rro n re: sure t h. IS b.t ru- ~ can ~ .ll lg . '' IH ' :HI..I u1 , ~ us pt• n.o u5 Iy . ' n e ·s a gr$l.nd s il1g~ r."' 1'he cn. tomt:r left. 1\ \'l'ek later he r~appl'arctl . "S3y! 'f bi~ bird y ou snld n10 i._ larn e !''' - ~ \y,<:'Jl, what did y<'' ' wr~n.t-a s.ln ~~ e r or a dancc-r f' • ' 'I luru er.'' s~1 i d hi.~ mother c.\!, cry time ) ou arc nanghly I ~c· t fUl.CJt lu• r ;t r ~ y h a;·i r. "' ··'then .. , ~id li n111er, · yr)u rnu ' t havl' a terror when you were Ji 1dc. ju ., lotJk at g tn Jh.lp:t.'' • - : Pt;blisJ1ed by '1'he Chamr\on F a tni l~, H as a Symbol of the Co reration and G'- J F ellow hip Existing at the Plants of The Charorion P aper and F ibre Company, Canton Di,,.iston. Can1:on. Nonh Carolina, anJ I-louston Division, H ouston T c ·as G. • PHD .I IPS •• _._ • . _ •• ____ • •. ___ ... __ .. __ __________ ___ __ __ Editor B.EUBEN &. ROBERTSON. fB. _ __ . __ ____ .. _____ .. __ . __ -A.ssociate Editor A.M. KOURY _________________ ---------------------Associate Editor Celt.-tor j Y/oie and a WorJ lo . Champion CmpfoijeM V" E . 1-{0l 'L I) like for our readers to understand that tbe Editor of THe LoG is nor a polit ician. \Ve exercise ou:- constitutjOJla l ()f statt1tory right or p r ivi l ege~ on elec tion d~,·: a, d ca~t a \Ot.e for the candidate which> in our opi_nion, j;;: best qualified anJ will render the greate·'t se rvice to our count .. y. sta~t: or tO\,·n. regardles;; of panr affili a tio n. \Ne m4ke rhi-:. .. tatem~nt beet-HI c, in futu re i .. ues of THE Loc, ·~·~rna', call auenti0n to such mat ter~ which, in ou r opinion are ir1portant tr, rnembcrs of the Champion Famil y. T·he rc­fore .. \'<;hope tltat no rme will be offended . T odav. we are fc.•cine- a condition which. it ... eems to us ' -' js becoming- sn ~eno u-. "-e cann<)t iJtnore jt. \ Ve re fer to the prc.5cnt C!l..fJJll)m!c tondition. free-t·nterprise and high rdiabl!..! :.t~Jthr,•~lr s 'all·d n:centh·. that. in mder to • • clccrea uuemfl~~:m~nt r1teH: m11 r. be an i,.n ... t tncnt of IH.:_w rapilal in indu:,try-JH N j~,h tnust he pro•:ided. ~ ~ ~It , ~atd hP. th( d·ir.f cal' e nrc· 1 '/ 1)-'•'1 he iltVC::,tr;r hil ~ a lack of ,..,Jnf!dt:mf· ;.:6 t..:> the re111nl ,,n hi· invt:,.lmt:nl :·.\Jch A wnuld !··ad him (J i:~'\ ..:SJ in 1wv.- !Jif ,j(;{.L 11r ''· punJ cxi.-.rinf• OJJe ' . "( b<.: cc<.HHl Jar•t,,r ; tlto fear t..1 f 'tJl E11rnpL'ah war. \ hich •..vvuld ,aJir.aJiy ( haH~f· 'JU1 ecunor11i• · siuutiott. ~~~ t\ •"" tm•:' rt activit\' i$ a /ita! k<·>:r ,,, r~~ -uvt·J r- It tit't''· natit>fl i<; in I etJt <fIt t;J iti•d t 1(1\CR :dH:l !Hi JI hjght•r ''· [WJH}i I . I . tu,·.cl). l· ···l· ud.:blltH. 1: Jil.l lc.1 al1a .. ~· .dh·tt. J.•ll I.Jit y hu. IIH, 1.10'1 ifHlll j(\ lJl.i l dw lif·· ,,f C'\t•fj fllaJ) \'t}fll{l l) cdh.l ltil, l lr, the · l"u' tt.:d S :nc ,, • ~ J ~~ ~ i n g r h 1 I n t n\ , 1 '< 1 H, , 1 11 l. ' h ~ I· • d r ' J • l, e r 1 , t 1 .-n t lh L'"l'"·nd· U m ' r / 11. j{l{J}}4J(} tf.)l) ,...Jtdt i1. l't't ipl lt.l'. '­{ 1.-.t"H a !;ttJ,. cn'c • /;-, '>()11.{J(Jl}Jif}f) I 1 t1tl•• r .\,,d. \. •ttt• ; 1 l u d i r w ;'.:!. O!J f 1,! f \• ,·., ~' ~ I . ( # J • ' 1; ltd t' 111 ' t • a f111l it Ill •1 nt1 hi'J , ~. d1 J",·d(·,·n l l ;c1 •I!J1JIIlJ1 1 }'•lil. t• lll tlw , a 1 t • "f '/ J ( ~ •C 1 a c w r d . 1, I .) l l (}( J( J 1 m i 11 u t, • 1 " 1 2 l , ( ) .f JOO .1 day.~' ' ·,.. NOll le t IH 1\ lc ,JJg hu i JJt· ~ c.,uld {II • I\' twlt 1J" 'I h 1 ,d rd . I' (•" d Ill g ? \ &.: ~ r h r; I '* · 1 , 11! t , 1 o U ( I t! 111 • ~j t t " U!a l./.<~ ll•~l t thr ' l J},l Slrip ()I 1.11 1' 1 • ~dl "V.Itt•r •JJ l Itt upn1r 1 !• I •. , <.' • • u Jtr} i11 th·· h;.tctt) ul J}p \~(,, II , ... l r t' Jtdn:.(k<•d llj•(•ll tll.;l. Hr• o t t-'}' nf J t·ll llf~j.; I• .f,,rc nr. I lii\iVtd \ 't' l } l(lfll.!. jl to' Ill(. till H'l t ( hH'ft fll ·atfr,,1 • /•, '' ~ l~lll<l lo '' /11, I mr:·ri, .1' C loni~ • \ c.&; ,o, fJHJ lJ•.tj Jn1 tJUI !fllf} , h ., nr' (8) T ) T ilE rnan )\ ho ·h·trc: in ~ · ben.d1 . {· i a b:~ -s1nt". T () the ma·n who 11\IJSt meet 1 '14 ..c. e:k afrcr '" ck, mon•~h <lfter Jlll;nt.h, year 'tfter yea r, i~ is eft o nc 2 a trcmend.!"Ju -c~ SJ"nnsibi lity a nd t1 great ~ rtti~fac..thn. T o t.hc curnmt:1nity. \-hich Jor·h .S fcJr -uJ'lpon in it<: bt. i­ncs~ . it" tratle and it· indn:;t Ji( c:.1 ' v those \~·bo r:...c.eit.:e a share of LI~E.' I'QOOCY dislributed rhrnuo:h i . ~h~ j ?.yr:oil j .. an indi ·re nsable ncces-ity, t."·rithout w·hi('h he ' ·hoie com­mun i t r s u ff cr:. ~·I eeting pa yro11" has becJl a trou ble,ome problem •r. many a busine.; man, metny an ind1f'Hriali 1, iar.!!C and srntd1. in recent hard yea rs. Our a nnals of heroism do nor mention~ but should, thes-e men who have put t d ) valiant flohts to mainta in payroll-> in rhe face of overwhelmiu~ odds b~cause of a sense of obl igati€>n lO those who \YOJ k- for them ci.nd dcr end uron th em. I t i commonly agreed that it i · preferable +hat rhe nation\s wea iLb should be dist ributed through the rncdtum of private indu trial r arroll .:. in an honest e:x~hann·e of mon ·y­for honest work than that it should be di ~ tri buted . t.trou~>h government agencies. in relief or in ~ ' made work.. .. lVlill ions of men lhroughout the nation are ca:~r to !"eza;n a prO\td pos ition on an jndustri al payroll. Let tho·e \'\ ~o will ra nt abou l !'wage sla "-e~~-the rroud _\ me ric an cJ izen de ires abo,·e all else an opportu nity to dra\ hi:i " ·age in return for his labo r. -ConoresJma 11 R obert F . R iclz. of Pr.r li.tVlt·a 11i11. < • J US'T thirt y-. ix years ago. December 17. 190: , the tir, t air­plaJ1C 1 ropelleJ by its own J O\ er w. · Acl\ n b th<.' \' 'ri.::} t brot hers at t\· J-lnwk. nn the e~• ~te ru co:t ~l of :\orth C 1ru­lina, nea r where tltc ltrst J•:nglish :>cttlcr$ lan le"t t.>n \ n t.-:_ can soil in I -84.. ]n .!VIt-ly, 193CJ, the 42-lo n ) :1 nle-c Ctirpu m~de ib i\r.'t return trip aero the A rl <:tnlic t cean, ~'~talli - hing air ma.l c;cnicc bt't\·t!en the l "nitL·d St alt.:: an l l "lllop~.'. 'r tw first rCg ll b rlr scheduled :'lir lr t l1 i-l'Or£ r.l.' Cll!:-''r ·"·r viu? across the .'\ tl. rlt i · Occ:uJ, bc t\ ('l.' tl thr l ' ntt(.· ... l ~tat .. ..­~ u a d F uH' I't·, '"' ": c~tablis h ~·d hv th · I'.Ht \ nwric.ttl \it\,~) ~ lu r i t 1, !" tlh' li ' ~ 1 \ l' {']{ in J HI ~ , l q ' l). ' l'l n.~ Bri ti .;h ~1\ i.uinl\ intt> n·sts Hr'l' ((t·hin.' l'la n: r(l • .,i llli la r '-'(' I vit·t· hl h \ t'<.' ll th • I ~ nt i•d1 1:-k:-- ~tnd ·,lllt' I t. rrh ~ l': l tr'OJ'I.' Itn lt' l mlnw- or lw l 'oif.t•d US line i .. \ l .•r­ ··t llr-. l·l.tllCl', 111 I dw p r i . ~o ip·d llH1l'" i · h) \,t~ \1( tht \ flt''s I lt11a l . \ \ It ' t \ i II t ;1 k t~ I' I tr c d 111 ;, w d h .' Ill \ t l hi n ,_ \ \ ' t • .tt ~ , n 1 1 ttw ".,1ft I uJe·t L'll '\o dtttt ht. \ ll It in t 11c tl t''-t dt \·.Ilk o ne.• ill lt•' ahlt· 1\1 11 ,nd ,l t i•u n, l 1he \ <'!l id t~r lt) rll ptat ~ {( th \ t il l\! ,jrl in t ft'\' lh,llt , wd ,t; lntnltlf l ,t hll· .1s t n ~ iu ~~ 1 ull rn .r11 ' 11'. I h· 11 I a. f•Jli llil' ~ \ \. d I c , u 1 d ,. a. 1 • • i' 1• II H' ;.l I it tlt• ~ p h t· i 11 .. ' l ' ll t Ln .'' I" llt,att~ I lk 'b IJlJI'j,111 ,.,tfJI..'I , tt h{ l•' i\!lt' tl l llJ 'fl ll ltll' tll\' )liCI \ t l IU• •Il. f h d ,, pll 1, ( f ol:£1 ,l ·n . H'SI ill lllJIII , t h l· tt ll\ Wit~. Itt tit' dilr'hll'J' .... ;d I lPllk .J ,·t·r · f'kt 'till dil l' '' d,\, lt l l) \rl tht· ( l tr'llb(d i Ut l €. q 1. \ t.: ,·,IIHl' l• nJ, ~ ~~ ( \r,f ( tnk ~!ttl. I J.•m l\ th 'dl 't rtd tlr t t\U •h du~ ~ I H•)k\ ~~ llltlt.ll al \: .tti 1111 '~ J~ .• ,~ . nllv, • _I, 'JJ (Jf r.n I I . J.:,, • • , Bmpio}"ce:s' Stol"$ , N &W """illin q Station. • • King Solomon's Advice on Safety KEF:P ~,Jnr~d "":sdo·n and d iscretion * • * then shalt thou w: lk :':l thy \ ay ~afcly a.nd rhy (oot shall not stu rn ble. •,". - ~~~ ,-....o.! cmor 1d. \ J . d . 7e . :·e:gne~ and "':ang Lhany cenrune ... ht·1 ~....:4·e the iU,)dern ··safety"! mo\'ement "'ras ina ugu rated, but e\yen a mo-.r:. c:u :-$vry exawi nation of his ~ ay j ngs reveals t.h$.'- he \"\·as --~a .. etY. -1n1nded."> Scll}nV>l' ,,a:; b('TD sume t\-enn•- si.x cenruries too d0 011 to Pf{..tft~ bv, ir 1~- ;sac !\el\1'l:un·s {jiscovcrv of the la\1\r of fa ll inO' ba..lie.,, hut ~h. st.~ms V;} Jna ve knov. n ~Jf Lhe da ngers c)r fall~ find t' e wa\.. · :o a~.~oid :t hem . 1 iH:re a reo n<.• accident s.tatistics covering -olomon's ci11H~ , buT~ ;: j'{,e~ 1~ot .s.:enl hke!y that his reDO\'nted T e-mple wa~ - :n_11:,lr.-1 _d \~ !thcrot sorne_ .. repoJ~t able'. ca lr i_e_~ n1any of 'WfPn11u~re ULdoebtcdly t:naL 1 be sklllcd ~d lurrly crafts­n1<: n SPi piied by 1\.ing Hiram of 'f yrl::' UJ r.ret out a lJ tb ose taH Leb.t~.nvn cecLars ·which w~ a (e tc,k~ en ter ed in to the con­str~ tJ.lon_ of the TempJe,· didn,t J~ the job :wirhout haviog f'n Gt.".f.:ai.h:Jnal LJe-: rc,U O'\<;r a11d cru h sorne luckless lumber­ja: k It .is a'J,o -a saJe s u:rn1isc t.hat the earlv 111-enlbers of he aflcicnl a-nd l1onorabJe: craft r,f n1asonry ve'rc not sq ·k.ill­Ttrl duLr they nf\: er let slip a 1H)d of Jfl(JrLar or a block o£ '!OJ, .~. L-'roppiug it ou ~0111e :Jofortuna te \'ight belu\-r , crack­~ ng t: crani urn (Jf fracturing an u Ina, a tib1a. a h un1er us ~r a f1~nla. _: But cle~r~·e So~rrrn<•n's layk 'j! familla rit}' wit h the ~~ch­J ,.que of n-,ro,dc.rn ~a fer/ engtneer. o~, Lc !I ad the h1 nd a lnen­ia l:.=- and i.he fTla.AiHl': whtch lH~ TS Cn~cJitcd with L!tterin \l CJre a?91ic-CJb},_. l.O .JIIr pr~ en1 <.lar activiLie.;. ,, ""'Kee1 ~cund \.riSGlJm and di·cret jvu,t, sav.') Solott1on~ jf yuu_ '-"' 0tt1d \nl:l~ sa f:el~ anti C.\ot>ic! t;turnbJing. fhe pr.J~'C.:~~Ic.-,} uf visdv:m dc~s n (Jl n,(;re-.,~a rily in1ply gre;::u kann1 ~- ) ·Ju do not have l0 take a tolleve cour~e to acqu!re Y\ i .. (kJrn, v·hf~:J1 \rcL~tcr dennl:s ~ ~ th e a b~ ti rv LO jud:J~:' ~{Jil1l4..H}' vitlj far t s,~ e~r \.·riolly as thc:y reltlll:! tCJ /if/ LU>d 1:;, ; d u.c1. . T<~ 'b~ _. :d!~c ret::r.· ~ Is tv bt .:!prudetJt _, circtlm zrreet, ~ a f!'aC­' oas, rud!C:vu · ; n£Jf. rt1Jh nr A~edl ers. '' . \: e t:AOJ?(.)r aH be a~ ,v i&t· a· Sr~t"li uon. but V\ £· can p1 f) Ot h¥ l ;~ l~achu,rr. and J ractite 'U1.;:ct'~ tiou " .ab Wt oo a b co(ll: ?nr Ja1i~.: ~;h1' s, . --n liJ':) \on~ n a.v ~ · wa lk ~a kly n kOcl tleep v!lr 1~~1 trvn• tuudJlrng. - A trOJ$. • 1A/ourtf c:ftka JAi9 Jo O ccur Jn Our P/anl ? I N ONE~ cf ~Ves terrl: ~c rth Ca t~oi ina.;$ cl ~an.cst. ind ustri al plant:.s? ~1 s a s1gn wh 1eh read.; somet.htn$' like th1s : Pos itively ~ ot Allowed ln th 1-~ . pla n.t s ·m o k i ~g: chewing to bacco D·rin,ki ng sofc drinks, e.:tt1 ng ·C aHdy or -usi ng che \1\~in g gt.Jm. A.s a res u]'h, 'Lhe p·la nt is a n1.ouel for clea·nli ness. \~r e are not sari ng, tha t such a rule is proper and r~asonab1 e-~ no r do we be li eve Lh at ~lr. H.obertson "vo uld like to enforce such a rule j,., our p lant, hoV\-ever, when one ob e rves h o,..~· ca re­less we have becon1-e with rob.acco juico sca u:.e r : n~ soft drink bonles over th e fl oor and. sh a ll W'e .:;a,y, sm.oking; ,~.,e .;hall n.ot be surprised ir an order is i s~u ed . \Ve '"'ant es.pecialJy tO emphasize d1e bad ha bit we have of .rpittirtg on moors) watts and in d ~t rk places. Jf we sboulc.l acc'\.J.;le you of spitti ng ·tobacco juice on the fl oor> behind the bed or stove i u yo:y 11 horne y ou \Yotdd resc:n t i.l, ~ nd "'"-e rhink you wou ld have a pe rfect right lO. T'hcH, wh. not be equally a.s 'inrerestecl i tl kce,i)ing our pbull clean und tidy? l=iunesdy) do you th i~nk y ou have the b est intcre~t of t he Con1pa1.11.y aL heart wben y o\t "S pi t t nb ~l cco juict.: :t n.y a nd everyw:he re you rl case? Vic btli e\·e l ha t we can, a nd \~· i II try tt i m r' rovc condi­t.~ ons; but we sh all nc>.t get very fa r withOIJl the wbnlehe1ned coope ra t ion of t he Sl•p·crl nLendent, fo rcrne:n l iH.l kt 1 - tncn . \~;.f:. bdie e tl • ~ l lnCSt Chfl:m.p ion eHq"doyc;l.:S nre loyal a nd wil l! ng to c<::~opt~ t &Hi,; wiLh £\ lanagc:n1nH in t very g--c . .10 l tnO\ e­r: nen.t the rc fl)rc > I c t 's l ry to h rc ~ k (J \lfS ·h c·s or the~c had prae t.i <:e.~ a nd ~ h uw lhc ~~l ::~ r nt gc rn C'nl "''·he re we Sla nd . -~~~---~------~------------ ' f3 tln e hu c l~-'f ha-L WUII) e1.n ~~ n gs \ i th :.1 ~r~tJt Jr~t l t~f fet:: l.i n ~, Jt scen1.; l () me. f)'l.u\..Ji--\ e· ll I hopt.. she- i ~ n ~ t ft: ~ l in_v n h aJ ~~ s .it sound .. . . B"ri ti:-;·11 ( :oiu e. (.. l t <.J\·V in ~ jd .~cr:s (J f in terc~.r )- 1 1 '\,•a.:. in this roo1n that Lunl v\ ell iuglqn rt:c· · l ,·~ u his Ptr~ t ·cnntm i ~~ i,m. A nH: 1i c~ul ' l'(,t~Ji ..~. r (sudd{Anly i'lH (~t e~ted;-ll o,, mut?h wn· . it f (9) • .. --~----~~------~~----------~--~--~--~--~----~--~~--~----~--~~--~~~--~~~---------~·'--~-------- • • • - .. L l ~' f me b~ a ljt tl ~ kiihlc•. Lei mt: be a fildc hEt.·Jer. - - ----- ..,..-- -- T o the fault~ f>f thu"'e ahout mr· ; l. t!t me prai ~ e a litlle mc,rt: -- - /---_,.....---1 / ; .t,. ~ -( -I_ ,..._.._ • I '\ . \ \ - 2. • ·- - --=--~~- -- . ...- .. Let 111..: be wheu J an .\·can.· . -lu::: t a little: bi t mr}re <:hl:<:n. ·:. Let me s~ 1 ve a little br:ttcr Thn:.-c that [ am t ri vin., for. ' Let me be a li de bra\ cr. \Yhen tcmrtatio ns bid me Wlver) Let me .. t rive a litde harder To bt: al l that. I should be; Let me be a liule 1necker, " 'ith the broth~ r that is '' eake··, Let me think more of my neighbor AnJ a lit Lie kss of n1e.·1 True Stories in pictures released throuqh the courtesy of H. E. Walker's Faaiily Album Recently, we had the pri,•il t!ge of li stening to a 1Vl ini r,er of the Gospel-not a great theologian or doctor of the law (IS the world of toda} caBs greaL but just a .:Preacher'' of Lhe Go5rel of Christ. Ii i hair has been bleacheJ '' ith the fro" t of manv wi nrc rs, J anJ hi., ~piri b~~omc me1IO\Y with 3ge and sufferi ng. which U:,uaJJy conH~s to one who has attained the age of nearly lhrcc-score and t c:n . T he Je1 i:vcry of his Ji~cour · " reminded one of the eibl!c:d descript i1m of Elijah 's as he ··stood upon the ~lount b(dOrL' ht. Lord.' ' (}ltt:r the wind, eanhqtwkc and i1rc \'nich all)lo:t dt,.lt 0~ cJ dh~ \err f<,unda{ton upon \ llich t h<: fl10UJ.Hait, stc1r)J. dH:re \ ~~ heard •' .. .;tilt s.rn all voicc:~­f1Jt: \·r,.ice uf God. 'T'h(! swe{!t~ si11 plc. L·arncsL rn<.~:> agt.• rvming frorn tl c lip~ of hi~ c·m~(;<:-ratt:d Jn irnpre ... "cd his heurers will' th<" ft:t .. t dt~r ( ,,](] ,,_.1 'S pea~ ing and d1a t v.•c : .... t·re nn dhul} grcJund". 1 r ~ I l l A ... ;agc al. 0 impr~~ ed ljfl{' with tltc b .cr. .: ~ I U\'.' lJ(•auri­ltd Lan tifitC '\'ith {!t )r><ln~<-O)b f!ldlrc an cild til:JO ln)k.J' .. lr is C'•fte:n dw Cci t> witl1 hut· u~tur~ th tl v. ti;.n tl ,r· fn...: •A d~t.: ~r i1 it Jie~ c,ut ~··id incrc.::t ·u1 v. a·~e. he I'• ' l'f of iutdf~c l i ilJ :Cr~ a ... ~J, anJ an c I'I P't ll ail>' ('\.focal ·d ju-tbon .. tH ~ ! ~n:·{ t}r-o:uJc.~r and .. L·fltl er ~1 s th ~ ri\'< 1' of lift• wjcJ,~lt b vll l t. tht: eV«..: 1 b!-ir1ru.t :.~a:~ \ t:.· \tlltlJ ·r if Condi1iwn \lsu.'h we 'U' r.c. 1ing l•H:!t}' '\'t.)• IIJ fl (l l h 4 <.:pJjt c: differtm 1f \' .. 111 drcl m t H'-' l' n •· f , u : ~J IHl L! l n·e ·t ftwJI• tln: Jfl l J 1~t. thlll fi J wut l: :d ''' qth(r rhin~ r; Y-hith ~rt JaOt irnpa..)fUtJ r: 'f l:c hiu·c.} (l'i rl i: .l tl bt•,..n U1i df»Wn l• lhL~ bH 1k (!:) fr·t< h :.~ 1 .tilllf w rt:r hu1 lut,,J ~~1.i 1 M -"T d·c 11 wir,,-1 ~:t H '•t fll UII t· Jt tf\' l4.J. l in th• 1\1~1 1 t. • .. J u1 n<• ·1 .~;·e nlf r plied her hub h~1sn 'r ;t~en • 1 ,i!ful I c ld·r; yet.·· • f d ~ h H E F 0 0 T L 0 G T'he view frotn here on the Footlog i" fine. 1 can sit her and s,ee an a\·ful loc up sLream and dO\' tl. F or inst?.nc::, the Old T imer -·s game tast month really shO'w's up to be m0re rhaH jusL anot'her soft ball game. 1r was really an e~prcs­sion o[ what Ame rica i , and \hat our form of go\·ernm~n· s tands for: l) emocraC.\ ' ! rl'hc oviet Commintern \·oulJn' ~ I a~ t long nor the ~az i machine run as smoothlr if the people of those count ries could hea r about such A ll1erican~ as that iH t~ad of the propaga nd<L they are allo\·cJ to hca r about us; i. e.) th a t the bo ~ses here are tyrants anJ the \ orking just a sla\""e of the rnoney da.;.s. \..he ll th~ prt!c:-idcnt of a rnighty corporation get~ uut and pla~ s the l.!=tmc with hi:­' hi reling~ · and gelS nn l) '·earned run ., like .. n~·vne elst;, t he re can~t be much wrun~ \ ith the cotHHr). "l'he P~•rt th~.t tuuchtd our hc~Ht wa .. the l'roud w:ty ~I r~. R c·b~ n '· •H ru-.hcJ OUl on the diamond :t.nd put an ~rm ar(.lund "<.•'H bt..Hl •. ait~J the gam~. \ bi~..h w·a ju ~ t wh at tb'-' chrcc lh v th:lihJ ,1dd r ';,l of \1':1 V\ dulJ ha\·c liked trJ do. r lt~ -i ~ n in rhe d ock ~li·de n,nnes Co i.p(!" t'~li H1 ~l$ 0l\t~ ,.f <•Uf tnoU \)CS. l t ~ct.·tn~ d lnl ''~ t•null ·dnH\ l u~c tbclt :t$ .t t<:xt "nJ pre.nch a lt..tfl~ t:nnnn. l.'nt m.\) bl: if \~ c:tn put a\.r• , o tl! liule dsl>u~tu '' l! "ill h:.l\'t.. dunt~ '''''h.' ~lxi I. :lnd 1 h. l i , ''I' r:.t l im1 hC't \ \'t!tt ... hjft,. \'hen ,1 llt" .-haft gl•(.·' on tdl t f tit., i.., n~· uly th' .. .1\ :; 'l I l uf lJ (Ittblt· Dt\ tlh ' m:h:hin\! Gt juh ~~~· i,)tt• thill~~ .. Lllh don ll :lg:tttl. Ul (",jUI'~L· \'l' .. til ·1\ ·..:l w\.. IIlli I h:,'j' ()tl l' 1. 1',\' 1\ Little .t.:('' t l't <d 1hc tt.hle (}j' \lotft 1111d t ht·H·Iur,• bil tn tdl tlw nun \d1n i ~ cumin .• rm llH.If \ d, - I G) \'' • ll } ( 1 U I } II l , 1J 1 ~ j \ L' a I n It ttl 1.: s ll ~ r t "" ( I t"\r1 1 h · \r mi ht h ·lp dat \11tl. Htn i n't Llti · ·:l f:ll !>l' i~,~(.',1 ; \ r..· '-·'.n't un H· l' pLttJJ .l)tau>dtill,. ". om~.~t•tt~ t.l 't.' wnh •• ut k.t rmn·~ 11 t 1.· ifi liH 1 t~ lling £h,.tl\ \H' ir11p.ll t lu t ht' ,,, ht.:r jlL'fSitll. 'om­pt ll~ j, 11 i e l\' h·1\ ·.sl1 i it , ,, d ·1 .Itt n. ~nt : i · tl nt·, I'll' with )Ill , 1 J •f• a 11i••ll l 16 Jl l~c. 1 .-;ill!. tc• h ·.t"j' d1l· tn .~tt 'f b .' lldlll tr .d,in, :t l11L by fH,!,Ittl• Llh· ! •• ll. I o •l!'ltt•\ l,tl e..· he. ftlHg d1~.• orlu , lt1111 }t)u\ · got tu t •it·h u~ him) ut ll h· .... • hc~H htll1 i r I L I .. r I t I us h(.! vlp. • l 11• ttl\ I the \ · dn: • • I J l~ • rnp t.'>ll • • 'l'll'Tkl', .IIlli dt f l)l l lib I -~' ' . .. d, tt '.. "u' nigh r i ' - Lh· F. I . (10) • ' • • • ., H. ~ Sisk wnd family on vacation • ~~na.lor tJ/t·ffcuJ C. 'Jtjdilv.<jj, o vrtJar'f/.anJ. On Jr12e 6 ,d erp1•iJe I ~ - _\ RJ:CL~.rr aud~-e~.. .. s . ... enator 'f'ydingB; Democrat, of ~ 1.,r:d(1.'1J. ~aid . ·''fhe Wtlrking- man and the o-eneral pub­tic ha' ·de l!o.t ~H take in the n1 aintenance of ou:.r sv" ten1 t)( f..-e¢ ~0' t;f,)P1en._.·· - ~aid L~. hT'ruty bu.;ine's i:· the life-blood of this republic. !;rl~er·.r~,rr:. when you beg-in i.O con Lrol busi1:}ess you begin to C(!)~ · t~o: ' 1.c- employment of th-e SO.OOO,OOO people ·WbG. work ~n bur...,;'l···:JS and '"ho bet~ecn then1 make up the entire lla:t~ona1Inco:11C ~.~;the l-nited tate& 7 Senator T~·d:nt"~ also said : ac;overr.11:nent hould ol.~tla"v o.·--hr:nc:t. rra{"tj<::es. I t s},<JH.JJ e up un.lforrn s randa rds of ~vei6~&.5 aud rneasures and qualityp It sbould declare what ;:-- n!"l heal LfuL It s.hould make rules for human conduct and .ix r, Cwai ies for u-an:'9Tessjons. lt should re2tdate bu -i- ~ ·~ ne•s ~ o a~ t:o in~ure honest ·competition and to in ~ ure the ~OlH.I ·~ttance- of cc~petili\ e business.. h is not neces"ary for ;l to en er , jl~ 1nes~ o accoJl1 plish any of these a i n'1 . Gov­c;- nment i-' rhere. lO defi·ne dearly the rules o.f the game and then let bus:ness ha\·e a free haod i.D the puro tJ!t of free ~n Eerpr.,~e. .clt is n1y belief that if every wGrking JnaJ1; every busi­n~:: q-;"tan. and e ~-ry membe.r of Congr{:sS wrJt.dd ~e ad the two. \'ulumt·- :'\aticnal fn corne in Cnited Suuc5 from J<)29 to 1'13()_.' publi hed ~~y d,ie 'United ~·ta es Depa n .mcnL of Co:--cmerc-e. 1 here wo\lld he an e-n Lirely new con,ceptiou nf . n3't\.nal tncorue in th·is ·salion. ic ... r all would reali.zc no\v much is .at st?.ke in the ur~; ·.ra l of Lhe sy~te fJl vf [rt.;c en-tetpr i$e and 1Jf ¥rce in st~tut.ion.~ . l •• ·r ot.; often tht.: worl inll 1nan jo ·a pin nt S(~eb r.Jr.;dy h1s own bbor in the f~-shin .. ;ng (Jf a 11 '4rticle. f ie uo<.:~ JV"J.l take j r.,to accnq n;~; aH the hdY. Jr r,ut ·ide <A the plan l that gu.cs int.tJ the pr odllc!:ir n~ t ran.J"Ortatirn. and J. r v'(.(..:S$1 0![ nf dH'.' con1pcmcnt ,an· a;" }H'.S, .1.l :JH.S,th .~·d f roJ He·. h'{"h_t_ fd;huc lv Cornrr~"hcnd that tJI\? W()rkrng than. tire .Vaf:"'~ earne;, rbe f"'t:' l,~-i.;raJ J•ubfic, tht: mania Lire su-c_ef. hat-> rn0re ar. ~takt- than. aH.\ Ul.,d.v ~~ ~c in the CA~I1ri nu aut:e r.f fn;·t! ehJQ:f{Jr!~e cl ·hi"' Ita-tir/tl ruid in the r<; i\.zd nf l ltl 5inc , by aiJowiOJ1 j ~ t~) Ct}l iunc il W free e ntet(iri~ is tt- dnft farther and fant;·ar .dnw!L •11e rt~d vH '4'-'·h icb we ate f IJ\;\' liiavuJi t~g~ • The Champion Credit Wniori • '\1 0~"1 1-If ,). P I ~~ J>nRT' F H L.. 1 ~ l~S S · ~ D E-4~CP [~ ..... ,.'l."' t l .L.~ f 0 r ' 1'1 J. 0 F ] l ~ L Y, I 9 J 9 • R ercij>lf S l1 :1 1-.L~ ~ - - - ...... - - -- - ----- - ... -- .. - - ,_ - -- -- - - - .. ., - -· - - - Repa id Un LoC~. n ~ _______ --·---------- _____ _ 1 n tf>r C&l Rc·cei vcd ___ ---· _ --· __ ... ___ --- - ___ _ ... __ k: n trance Fees --·- ___ - - _ .... _______ ----- ___ ____ _ " 1 \a n~fe r of 13 ank Ceni'ft<tatc ------... ------- -- 1 n1 E! l1c~l ()n Ccrtrfkar ~ ________________ ,. ____ _ .URlance Oll l land 6/ 30/ "V ---- ----- --------­Bed~ nct" ln Banks 6/30/ 30 - ----------------- T otal - -------------------- l)isburJe1nentJ $!-tares Xl\ijthd raw·n _ - ----- ____ - -;- __ --- - ----- Loan ~ l\1ade -------------- ---------- - --- __ _ E:\.renses {Itemize) --- ----------------- - - --­Ba: lance On Hand 7/ 31/ 3'9 -----------------­Balance In Bank 7/3.1/ 39 ----------------.- ~rota l ---------------- ~-- -- BAL.t>\NCXO: SHEET} J L' LY 31' 1939 4JJ·ets • Loa,n.s Q.uts t~nd ing ______ _____ - - - ------- ____ _ Di\ridend'S Paid ---~--- ------ --- - --------- - ­E :xpens·e i\ce:o-unt _ ---,...-~-- -----------------­Accrued Int. Recejyable -------------------­Prepajcl Expense - - --- ---------------------­FI. 1.raitu re & F ixtu res - - ---------------- ... --.... -~ Certificates of Deposit----------------------­Cash On !-land 7/ 31/ 39 - - - -------------- ---­Cash In Bartk 7/ 31/ 39 ----- - - --- ------------ Total --------------------­• L i,abilitieJ Shares ---------- - --- ------------------- --- I nteres t Received ------------------ -------- E·.ntrance Fees- ------------------ --- -------- Guaranty F lJnd ----- -·------------------- __ _ Ac~rucd Expense - ----- - -~---- -- - -- - - ----- - - urr) lt ls ------------- ----------- ----------- r nt. Om Savings A~CO'LHH -------------------- Total --------------------- N urnber 1\ tfe,.nbevs at Close of !vlonth ----------­!'\ urn:ber :BoJTO\Ver"" nt Close o.'f Nlonth --~------ r) ,, ...- 17 . 64 J 9 6~"1 .17 0?- ,. ? '/~).)..., 6.25 2.500.00 • 140.41 43.7H 5)67.26 3 8,350.03 J 2. 715 ()g 23.044.00 25+.83 267.80 2,068.32 38 3 50.03 94... 14-.97 3~69 8 .79 1 732 .01 3,963.43 62.38 688.63 10 2'85 .56 667:80 2,068.32 96,793.44 6, J 54.28 6.25 6,762.03 52.24 6,957.73 186.92 J 16.9 12.89 • 1.557 • 994 L. E. (; T~ ~ern:t(J ,., • . J. L~. \f ·QRLEY Trea.l'urcr. l ~adi n n- t:o tond ilinns whrch tlilrcalen the hon1e and fireside of e'Tcry citizc tTI. his j r,h--wh ~t tevc r it rrl~~,. be- his incom.c, a nd the' free iJtstitdrtlc,ns of hi s {.'(j lJJHq. r, . "''l'fle ire> ·nt , Lnlc ctf affai rs shou ld lead t~ a ·real ization that businc.s in eve ry rnrm sho1dd . b( .. e ll t'G>tlf31Y(>1d, n ot di s­cow raged; helped, not hioclcr·eel; suppocLed, 110t a ttackcJ.; !or in a t·evi\·~tl of bn~ i·rH"SS and i~ c.trl only corn by freG: cnle, pri c _apd {"Onfid tH.:c in l he right to free "IHerpris -­dt~ ·n:: is Wt'H'k for Che t liJ Cill p lt>)' " d u h~tLer mark i and b<{'Lit f prices for .Lhc· farrner, ~ ~1 c. rc a.~e (,f th{f: ~ovc l'ntl1 '!"lltal bu rdc:;a r,f raxB,Li(lfl ~ (H1d ;t nonnal \P .. y qf Arnencav life." (ll) • - c THE • • am ton amt CANTON DIVISION By DaiJy ]. Burnette · Tln1·t · d a \'J hath Se p[.e?nbern • • • De4r .dr. Ph!ll;f'-==: J l lf,ok~ lih ; f \ e ;nucl L .-a}' guoJ bye t.o ::u: rn v·1. J ~ ,-t~n the e~.citemen t of m<·~Jif'IF" a !..'IGtlld. nc1.-v and Utt~_ried HlOnl.h c~ m1· ,1 t.( a \HiY tht 1 it de Ial1? we feel "hen paning witl1 the la:,:): Ju:tl: d\:1} ~ cA '~'l!!U l. )) , ({ {jl bi nr.:.c 'l' HT~ L~ 16 la~ t went trJ J " e~.:i we 1 "''"l• 1.')~~~3 '-J\·ite a fc\.,. men1bcrs qf L'!t i h.,~at~L~,H fa!nilr. (uon, Alb:-mJ~ JJir p. , fl : ~lht-t clnd "~~tr~r,. l \ -;; wt haV•' o~1d b• jllfP d11.;; & re al .va y!l :i() ;,· 'T'V V:d<'\JltJC. • ,, .. (~ (( l ~i;J ~lll'.lv ll ·,dill! baf"k ~ru11 d11' \"11ld' J• air n~tlll' r:u' <·1\ lrJt ..l pnint, t J.,, ., I Jj1H."' Nt,~, r}ll~·-· l·flJ ,IIJIP''"C (JJ(J\'~'l \h:lc;11 (',rn•: dt,>'\'11 her e ~nd Jll I fr,,Jkr•d ul i''' tH,d ~l,r11 1J· hi~> IW~JJ ·~ r. i tltllll~· rc•d • :\ J,,l~ l •'(JJ II 1 11 IPt:t ~ rJ 1 ;J'H ' ~ f ( , < l1 ~ d a 1!1 ' "'' l n } Au•.qt ~l ]7tlr. (J rllrid le1 \'Jrt li1:l· ' J ) • tdl ~ Strlilt~ d{J I ''' di" • p~ic'l I) ~,,, \l rr~·.p·l· Ia I. :'.p~·.il i!l' ,,f Ill(•' 11 .ilc- ~q; rtt i Het·hr 1 fill H tt ~ .. , · •; I~. ,.. J) tC f\ !11 ~ Jt' 't l l J f.tlttfll'JII . fJt f\1 'i '•'\'(;lll cl<.·l ft d \ d ··q i•,n in I ,JaiLfllr•l plt i4 JIIJd ~ t W 'r C I) :'. \~ Ol ! 1 r S , , ,I; J' (t iJd I ~ \ I y tl!:n._, 1 • F ai r too. well we have b een gjven to understand .Lba t she is tak lng iu. aJ\ of '\;ew York. Lucky gal! » n <_c <<. ) Lugh )d ea:;e :eems to ha,·c lanLLcd in RichmoJJ(L Vet., d uring Lhc warmish !\ta:::,on. He wontJers jusL \'hy GrJn L crHtld po~sibJy h3ve wanLed a place so h01. ) ) )) (( (( Ka r~ n<:. S \CHH!t.: r is (J n \' antl'i 01 L \ Lnl t ~ht.: '1-Yill lell us about it n ft~r ~ • w:ttds. She cendiiJ iy wntdd nql bl.' rrJI ~.'. \''t' v:i~h t '~ttl \·\ dt<· ~" 'L\ '\.' ~ti iu ltj:> lh \~ (II I \ ol): all }jOliL!il tl~t. s£.4 h .. , .nfiiu: • i~ lli:JJ tllllll.. ! lh ., ,lliW \-,;Jhull( jljll\. n u u ~ Th · Pil'l thinl lllctV I l f~ ' l n l Pv<k h·Jitl hi.HI 'I ha~tcl i tt f'ir kinv lllll dh· 11 in: h 'l'~ i Jl l"' 1 t 1 \>\ I h :11 j \1 J l i 11 I h ,. Ill ,,, It j, ,,,,, IHI' y t•'lll. I I , I .,. t'lt J1 ~ ( c,fq• Ill ill ( 1 IJfrlll (Ill til 1J \ ~ 1 \ \ N I. I 1·.' t , )t ' \, nlltl ttllr •ln•p,~l , h • r t ~n , v t· 1 111 · , ~,, t 11 i 1 d1 ·i1 · •Jt .,ur...l b1·ll hr I, '11 •• (( (_l j I,~ I ~ tlt It I •. :) ' llli)lt I hI ,, ... f' ) lttj''ltlt\ tq iu llr~· l p-~ f,f l l J.i l L) l r. \ 11 c ri~ •' ~,·tl fql Jl) s Ollt' II f}H' "1!111\ttHI l1nlllt' of .t. ~ ·d l i i Jh t:l!lfd•t I I 'l I'' .l t I I 11 1 • . ~·-II !11 '" •lt"l v\'e vvi ·h LO apologize to ~fr .. \k:x a nd ~ l r. J a rl Alberg for the error co.u­cerning their names la~t mnn~L. ~\-c hope they will [(}rgi vr u · and '(~5it th~ Cancan plant again . ... \Yc \Velcomc John ~utph in to • : a le; depart mcnL a nJ ho~ ~ ht.! like the l\ lain Office. . ~he • t . \ ttl J\{arth« Carr rept"'rtl.·d a tion, :u did Horace 1--:Jli:;. f\ 1Cl: \ ,1~~- \ \ -. h~n .. quiu: 3 rime u: ing to rry s "ttl"!~ Je­t.: tib fron1 tiH:se ,.lc.:ttiun~~ns. "Gm.J~ , " Pal·nter ~~ '-' . bit ()r tnJil these d1' $. • '~··' I • It' , l'" '\. --... ln Ltn qnttt· .\ i l ~.-., ,k, • Z\s if :dl the p<:L'Pk {ll\ \ ~tl;llil'll ~l'eth.: tllvsl o f Lhci r ll!lH.' ' ' riLin~ h~ "~"';ud..:•\ ." ~ I u • i c I C ~" a n a u g l1 .l n d ~ \u· I J tll H d1. ~·p \ t·t~~·d that 1 h0~ ~.·:H·h c\·lt•br,ttNl ,t S\ t•ll bi \ u~ll~l 9. \ h ~ll \Y\)uldn't \I' Ut \'\' f1 r l•:. F . • :\ k I n t v 1 l.' s 5 ' \ ~..:II ~en 'l' l, I h' P u • \: l l '.ttlt HI l ' t'\ l< 111 i.-- ~pt .. l!dtfll' "' UH' 1 iiiH' I ll (. 'lw ilt'"· \ (' hlljW ltoi..' t:' h:t'.' I n \.S 1 g 1 . 1 n d L i lllt'. _ I :\ b~.. '\ c '' i H ~ t' l I It ( • cl '\ H il ' \._ II~ I • ..-- . I '\'' l\l,•a'r'w \l'll' htt,h[illh ~llttl!t I ht IIH'Ill • ,Htd '\ \l,lli li,·. ll•lll"' ,·,f I h~·ll t uspt ~ t i ,_, · ll\l) l"tl'.tl' ... bnt h l \ 1 •ll.d \'IU'II .. h .. tb\q· l ld 'w\ l<:rl,~. {JHt ,,( d1l'nt ~ u~..l, .((),~· $ iu~~ "n~.:· l('t \ llll vdrv \ h\'1 turp lli~ ht·~h ,;.dl o' frJllt~· I\ t1 lJut1d11·d t11i}{o.,. hruttk'' \ I 1 r ="" l I 1 • ltt '' tUI' =" " o\ll tl!rl ~un . !I . d'~ t1t tltlt~-i. '' l lt• tli l ~iltLt' j l\111!111\ I !11 d1• h 1\'\ ( IH' ~ ol .. 1 .. ~ liht\·." "'1id tfll.' lll .t. • • J1v c ·.I r··u!r. tt ··, jJJ; ,. ,;,. n! l)irr 1[nr • n l' l 'n:l'H) :on t tTil!H(;:I nhktt\' .,1 I' .J I ... l ' ~ 1 l ...... ' \ 1 (:c. n. -c 1.:0 a .:: n n ,~ .\ 1 .. , \ t \' L [:a ,, · r " ··ali ,a, t:"~l b:l~ ·L aJ!. bo" t­ln~ p J., p .... t•p ... -· . t•h ,dl. ,. \'. ~ rr:tm i n~. ·~ ~ :)]~. • ~ [ 1 " ,. l'n ~ - L•· k <AnJ Jil.Jd. 13 . L B.\LL Our ba-..t"h L iCuiAL .:Htmpi\ n' n: the fiT~l hnif. ·, · .. ,)J" hi\.·k uf tlw f1ght fur 'hi t.1:. ho:'tt~ .~s. , \ .ith unl.v t'\O lo.:-'"t~~ .. at.i al~ ,;.her t )am~ h:n·1 n•..,. C>P(· or rn - ~. O\li bO\"S ~ .. iH lt..1,·~ .1 '"•)oJ • ch,an.:t" tr_, ti·.e tid';ler F•\1(3 t':'\r Brevard ""·' n~ hall' ·hut~~."-· · ,"'1 Pu td C h~Hl"l­f': f>L Y fail t • \V:H tl e ~ccuud hal f. rJ~.e-·e wdl ~' a l\"\) nut 01 t hree o-an1c plJ ~ ~..')ff-r !h: o:: ea h honH~ fie-ld and the th~r,t if nccc:::arv. on a neutral fie .... l. )) :n (\' (.( Onr bq" ii ll'£.'" r. •roaram i:; '4 etti n -g t ill - de:~ "a .· r ~ :u~~ .: ~ ~ 0 v. i th a tweh·e tea rn Ca·1 on-E11ka 1 t:a;: e :n Of·t:rati on. Can· on· ~ \:x ~ ~~m;) are Cutters) F111 jsh­er--~ R & A. <.:-..neral ~I~ll. Pu1p-13Pard an_d C:at.t:nn . Hr,··. 1'he :cheduJe tall· for matt.he-i) · t', be piayed e<lch ~\font.:a, .. \.~dn~~Jav aad Fridav. 'rhe • J • Chan ~ ;l •:-J 1:· a ll ey~ hct\'e l"'ee.11 re-con- . ~a;on ... d and art:: !n the be.tcondiL1on po . .'\ :btl.". \' ~ :_1 rc lookin~ forward to r h . I . tl!l{" ·11 our , e5 t \ l:a r~ rn t1ll$ .sport. H < JR~ ESJ-lOES _\ rec-ord number of fa.n:; ha,·e been pj ·:ehinf! hor~e~!1oc.-z thi~ :umn1er on r:,-t "ari, J.:J5 c ·ur· ~ ar unJ tt,."'n . /\ citv wide lOUr,:."lameni i.; in progre;: anj will culm·aatt: jn the d:a mpirJn. hip .~; )~o.,. ,.·orr Labor Da ,v . )')))(C(t P f .. A .l. C; R 0 l : J\ D ' f h<: 1•laygrr,und progra111 hns jl! :"'l: {.'''hJe tr t.4 cl:c;s~ w:t:.h plt~~ nffc: for cham­J >,. .. ~nip hc;no~s 'in ba-.t.:baH .. ofrbaJl, I 0 ...... · ·han and · c:nn is. .\ recr,rd ll un­~ cr of U~f anJ aid ltav~ paEtic.ipaLC·d Hl the. ,.,,d · pro<.!ffU1l th1s ~Uft1mLr. \ \ 'c O•"ee an (JUtrlnc.r ; i1no1i rJ~ pool and orber rlay•.rrr.; ~ ud ill order I (J mal c rhc pro?n ·H 'Nhat \C: hope t(J. S{Jf·Te \ 1 L P~a n[:s arc uh.Jer wa.v. f< r <;ham­p:. lH~ tiit h()unr- i!' the ~u ri(JliS su~l:­oall le'-lg-u\;". '1 h~ t\~ r) JsicrJit ]e~~u es . 11'0 (I · h il ll J II Ot H fnr t h C 1.' j t ~ (.' h ;t n~ - pk,rt~hip \'f'll Lhe I'(l l'lL l\<\U ~ t;· rtr~ by l ll I '; n l\. :u 1. 'T r~~ b \V 0 n t h c fll ~ l h.1li in t!tt" .\ n,\ L ~a~uc a nd Laun-hv · the t.'t.(\nti h~lL Cit\~ won ft r:;t lu•lH·l :s in the ~ational Le~H..! u e . (. •t . . l. .tb and SchuoJ arc ll1-.JHin'g it t•u' f(r· 11 1~ ::-econJ hatf. ' l'hc .cason wdl .:- 11 .... e "itb :t Lhrce out of f'tvc int<:r- 1 ·agn~ sl'ric$ for Lhc city chamr'ion­~ h!J'. T'hc '"inuing team wilt bt' a ward­l.: ·d .. l tt ophy and Ll1c players on Lhat tl!am will rccei\·e indi,·idual ;;.w3rd~. The Champion Y softball t ··a m won the chani.~"i'J n , hip of the 'Ve;:; tcrn 1\nnh Car o I i n 1 cl i s t ric t to u r n am c n l h ~ l J at Chipman LaCros,e field, Ea .. t Fl at. Rock. Eight teams corn pctcJ in 1 hi~ tournan1ent and our boys brough t back the bacon by Yirtut of dcfeaLing En k a , 4 to 0 · Chip m a n . <) to t ; C a rCJ- 1 ina P o"·cr & Light, 4 to 0. Our tcan1 \rill compete in the State Tournarnent at R.alcigh for tbe l~on or of represent­in.~.., the state in the ~a[ional rr ourna-m~ nr at Chicae...-. o . )) )) ('( (( \VI~ 1J\·fl~G \·e have had a . uccess[ul swim rn ing rrogra tn thi:i suJnmer with la rge group,· of boys and o-irJs using Lhc Y pool dailr untler the able , upcnrision of Robcn \'Vright: our swimrn ing in­. ll'tlCtO r. )) )) « « T'ENNI Our 'arious tenn is tournaments ha,·e d ra \'\ n a record nunt ber of en­u a n t • t h i ~ ~ u m m e r. \o\ ' e a re hop i n g ( o clevl·lop .=omc cnun on the Play-grou n<.l. in the nca r· future to enable more to play Lhjs splendid ·port. )) .J) (( (( 'f ,.\ B L I ~ 'T ,U:_ . . 1 S ~<J CJrr'a ni%cd l trOf! r :Hn has been " I ''.Hhorcd in tlti' acti,·i t) but the tables in tl1c ·y try rn are in con .. ranL u .. e. • , )) « ({ \ OLLEY. B \LL P• arc bcin~' p<J r fcrtt;d fur the openin~ r) f \Ollc:~ haiJ praL'liCl' ~~ a rt c~trl r d'-'lt;. IJt'1in :te annuu n<.c nH:nl. \ ·ilt'bt· foJ thcun• in.·.r a an carlv hue. . . ) 1 » C( « F ~\LL 1\ '\ LJ \ 'J.:\'f ER PROCR/\ .\ l , well ron ndt"d 1 ro?rr•m (If nn i vi­t j . :; t 5 he ill g l i ned ll p r I rr I h r f ::t 11 (!If d 0 3) Anne. Tommy, Dol"is Jean, Jane1t Lee, c:hllc:Uen of Rebecca and Paul How< Machine Room winter "'eason. Or,~anization.; and groups thaL u 'e the t~ gym for meetings during the fall and ,vjnter arc urgeJ to let us know Lhtir date · at once. 'f hi wi II enable us to \'ork O\tl a more sati factory progra.n1 for all concerned. )) )) ('( (.( Enka. X. C. J ul:· 17, 1939 ~ f r. C. C. Poi nclcxrcr Canton X-. NL C. !\ . ~ Canton ~ ·. C. Dea r l\ [r. Poi ndexte r: • I want to '\.vrite you LO tell you how much we enjoyed ourselves at Ca nton la t aturday. '':re appreciate your cordiality and Lhc good ~ port ma.nship of your pJa¥ crs and spon fan . I thi nk that you ha \·e initi ated a good thi no- {or our plants, our cn1ployee~ . for sport fa ns in ' Veste rn \'orth Ca ro­lina in b ~l\ring an Enka day at Can­ton; and as Joncr as you kl.!t:p sports­mansl, ip on a'$ hjgh a plane ~ ou wiH be high ly ~ ncces~fu l in crl'ating good '"'i 11 bt(\1 ce.n our ron1 panic.. . l \ ou ld like to have a Cant on l)ay a( F:nka when you play us at Enka Saturday, Sept "Jnbcr 2nd. I r you can COJTIC \'C wuu ld have to play 011 r baseball gan1c :t l 2 0 . clOt k ) cY i r I s : (J r ( b a Jl (\ t 4 : 3 0 a n d btJ}'-:; ... oftball at .): 1· in order LO get through by ni~h t, f(.~ r , as you k no''. we dn not ha\Te liQ, 'ht"'. Po-siblv our I a"c- ~ ball gam.e wuniJ 11:,1\-c 10 :;uu t c·u-l i~ r. .\ nyway, T wuuld l i k~ to hea r irun1 ynu in rl.!~arcl ro thi · prop<' i1ion. , r b;tl) k i n;r )'O il ag~ i 11 for y our ho.­pi r:d i t y . 1 a tn , ) ( JUL.; \f . tV• l!'ll lV, • • Cul~t: Candler, • • JJ ~· F rc:d Dtl'Jl ·..,,~. ~r:,;:- rn !'\th. ~e-p'<..'n'h •r. is when w~ ' il! hn\c t l ·an the '. '.>u nc... s•' t{.!r.:: back t O:- ~h. !r·lt. ~~h\.Xll d~-t}. are hat'PY da . '$ - lf'cr d1e rui ~~but much \ Orry and JUY;,... ,. . f i tltc P:trt.:lll~. L~--t· . noL for- ) ~~ al'~t'Ul the ~afet,· r•f the chi ldren . ~ ~ . . "'l~.J. \ e '·ere once young. and l-Ye C3i1 \ ('fV. ~·c:a .. fh. realize that chi ldren ., :t; ru:h '1 reckle~~ and heedl e~s. If wt' ~lk<' our time, \ hi le xnotor;ng. we \~:l t'h._,. lus~ nt:ar a" m.u\..'h time as we '"~ ruld ~e\: ii \Chit one. Children are ... lO be cnjuyed. not slaughtered. \.!Jh: we r~re emrlored in the reflec­ti• ,;~3 of s<~1ool days. lets not forget: t-hat we (,lder r;nes ha,·c ou r dav com- • 1n~. L<10. Ete lo11g the cool n1ornings • I ill bt: ar·r·roaclJing. and W~lh them Lhe thotagh~, of that fiGt hunting t rip. T he c ·'nparj ·on oi the 'e two thoughts-the ')'-l"t1 fl~~ter anJ hi2- school days; and the e.ccr "~th hi~ hunung trips-bears ~ut t1 e a r.z.... un1ent that Ii fe is f u11 of mys-teric". aHJ no matter what stat!on in life The ma\· atta in, there are ·· ti~l thri lls fvr u~ jf ,~-e will Jook upon the bd~e r and briv-hter thin['S as we ~o. G "-' , , " " ). E. \" il~on ann(:~unccs the binh of .3 daugtu..r. 1nd H.oy Clurk abo has the pl\':J~ trf· cA !rearing a new daughter in }, i~ horn<!. ""«" ' Ic1 rLe fa:q;)y (;! ~l r. Chth. TTarJ in, M·c <.:.A)')(.<!:>~ 'JUT J ·Ppc~t "YrTlf>31 hy in r ht d ·.a: t· (][ be f lf11 ,t] tC r. _1\ bn t 0 \ f I. . P'.JWc. in the Bv ;k \ 1t1i Office, we cx­i (·nd (,., r dL·epest · y rnpill b > in 'l1e- death r,f lH!I f.ad1r-r, • ~ r. ]fftn.f·" I f. !\ fH.It:r~on. . U -wh.o,\ ••( udt Jim:' kr.ew him tt1 lw ;. rnan J ,t·r rJintt char;H'1 r::r a r1d .'dl J.k<.·d. Vr7 •· w~fl aJl nd·.. s hjm. ,1c <:4:<;. \.f'JJ I:t--·1 'll.HJ>' of Ch{t la'J, 1' 01 .. h;n ~ Jl('(•~) ly vi it(·d tlH; IH,m' of \'Jr. and . 1• . \V. L. ( ,,,)!;l,y. f r. ~~;( llt'lJ.~t :1nrJ <.rllt' rH J ' ,I C ft,J tllf'l Clr1 1Jl!r}'C' · l•<!f' a m.J J'( ' \ 11 rrl 1 'IC h yu1 r f)U th •i t;Sl ~ttiflfl 1J) Ylg j, \ 'fr, (,l ,, l[bby ,d id fJll: rhi•ltf l~t!n·. rl r J• (,urll ·hv:\ arr.. at tl is .vri1 . fJV. vi it·h~ t l11~i, h,,n;t•, Bt~ · na Vi. t't V;.c ri )u: , •• ·nmd :')llft<.btV' • in '\ tlj!llo{ i6 tl 11·it L~,u~ l y J t'I IJ1ioJI. .nd , •. I , 11 i · t m g 1 n II "f d w 111 1 r:~;.: ' t h t • f, v f ~ 11 cw tJainl} :1 f:ntn ly uf juJI) }''11 td l"'''PI'·. \ \ ·. r .. 1d·u~ :s t~J vi .. ir iVfr. "'.I. r lW l \ hi J (.' J I c is t II' ill tl. ~· l r j al"t l.)i d (,; I 'JUH tl )'. I ) ..1} 41 (C Bt: ft}rt• I ( ~~I ·" thi r \•:i (I I II.. rr.)' cd 1 h y tr I}' ( 1 It 'll' j {' II C' t>. tl) H ' j ~ I l lJ W {)I f in bt•!tJ.dC rl 1Jtf1" :Jf,.; t}' hlu\"t·lrh JJ I. J .t t · ... ffll t1 ·L ju 1 II~.· ',Jc P, fnl l ..,! I 1 will take l~ ffrn·t. bu t it i .. well w:orth it. \ heo we Lhat we '1re be~u::rin g humanity \1\·c feel like exerti ng our* ~e l n!· Lo do it. .1 ·o one l ive~ alo n ~~ cl .. lnerc is a destinJ that makes us brother . • :\one goe · his way alone ; All Lhat is sent into the lives of others Comes back into our own." It i true •that )'Oll can buy pan · fnr your body, but the eyes "von't ~ee . the legs won't run, nor the arms ca nnot embrace lo\·ed ones. » ,, (( C( Let ~ be ca reful during Labor Day. bu t it is my profound desire that all an \Ve wi sh to thank the employees of rhe Finishing Room for the beautiful fl oral ·wreaths and kind expressions of sympathy recei ved in the loss oi our dea r son and brother Bobby. Tbc !Vfetcalf Famihr. • \'c want to thank each and eve ry one that helped on EL ie s s.ureet chair. \Ve can't tell you ho,,r rnu ch we a r­preciate it. ~lay God bless every one tlt helred on it. ~,f rs. J. ~- . Cox and El ic. \~~ c wish tu <:.xp n.; s our appreci:l t ion f(J f all the kindnc s 5hnwn us du ri ng liJc Hln c~~ <tnd death of otu dcat" lllCith­cr. \'e t.~ l 0 arprcciatc tl.e maJl)" bt·a u­tiful ftuwcrb cnt bv 1hc Hook ~JilL • J{ cat t· J Room . o n d a II t.h c ot h t' r'. f. B. D9--vit> ttlld Fatni l)', "tvl ro.:. ('h~b. r~:t rdin. --!'-........ .....- -- - - ............... \ V(': wi h to ('~'J'tt'S;,. n1 11 d ·cp UPJ' Il' ri~J,tion fot tl1l' JJt 1 1lY ki11dn e~:~":-t~·s .tnd ~Y HlJ• :HlJy l~ttW I• u, dulltr ' the illm·i<l (Uid ds'"B th qf flliJ ldt.... ll:tiiJ dllJ f,ltl!s ' l. \Vf .. ;tl· J HJ•pl t'\ i.t( • I lw l" .lllllfttl tin\ ­r ·1 , ,. n t I }' d w I{ I hI"~'' t n ', .. II, . J I em \VtJI II•J (. It'\' fl fJd B l}l ~,,, I ll J,,_ , ltiu-~ "'· [rt ••·.t.f.t I wi1l1 IlL il\' •JI I I {' I • \ 1, . J.tlll•'·· I I. \ lid~ .. , ,I IJl ;trill Fnmily . \Vt· \ j h f(l t·~pll· ~~ 11111 atii>St ·iah:t• £t tit ;l I! k ~ II I . q 'I I (.'I Ill L II II l lll d I(. B q t " I l kl \·d'tua·tll 1,1, •h,, l wtll tl ft11 lh11·al r, fJ ,• t ll!~ dUrH1 l+ltf 1.-Ht' ht H'.l\ l'lt l.f (I I , • J • < · t· 11 t.. ..til d r I rn d ·. \ \ l' \'I~} I I fl I fh:H. I ' ' "'1 ·'1 ·1 r•· titlt{ •t l ha tht· l tf' ;& ll 1 t1 u I flu 1 d . n H u i u ' u I I· ; n l t' 1 r n•- (14) • l ~ ht tin l-" nJ.en: fr 1rt be hi~he .... r""n·: f rJ t1u~ J, we t <.ca J~. l 'at. ~ for a f..t.:';'i m0n•en t ~ and thlnk f~·Kl hat .... c h,v · this evuntrr of u•Jrs and ~hat C'li·· eLl and lab()r tt rC a clv .. J,;{ CUi n 1 td a· they are. Com rari nu- ir \ ir h r :<}rer cotw tries h a 1 .~ c k no. ·. v·e · ·ill b'· fn•·ccd tc, ay whar th!! Ap<J~rlP Peul sa itl: .<It i got"Jd f,Jr u, o t)e here:· Helen. Grogan Returns From Myrtle Beach 1\fter ~pcn~ing srJmc tirn~ at _ lyr J ... Beach, Helen Crogan retur~~, reJ?Jr~­i ng a fine time. 'tried to ~et her \') give us a pict~ re of ber.eH while 'Jn the beach, at the ra.:es or ( ~) . bc:t she only . mited and said n-o. \V ell. we are a: lad to see her b6' k and looking good-with her u~ttai s.m::~. j--~~------~--------- sions of sympa·thy cxtenJed us upon the recent death of n1 v h.u shand. ~ l\1rs. Henry T . ~Ioore and F amih·. ~ V\-e wiJ1 to thank the:.: manv. friends and .O c:i.ghbor" for the k-indnes: anJ ympathy hown during the 'ickn~:~ and death of our on a.od ~rJ.adsr~n, also Ja r the beaut iful' floral 0ffedn~:~ ~Irs . Be-rtha .. I org-an .:uJ.:! familv • l\ fr. an 1 !\ l r·. P~;;'n~ Cook. ' \' s in c~ reh· thank L'Ur frienJ- .n.J • neighbors for the h.iuJm:$ · .. tn\t J 'r lh~: tlotal o tl't"rin~· .-~ndt.:H· I durin~ th• : ic knt'S. a ud cleat h of ou dv .t r mt."'t ht 1 :\ ud •S trtl tH.l Jnother. ;\I H. 1'\>bt:tt l)\la-ber. \'lr. nnd :\ Its. :\ lt't'rt Scunt..y . -~- -- .. - -- 1\l nthr r: ·· )t.,fHl. '. \•u\, h·t'l\ li htiu . ' a,~a~ n ~ \ {l"\1 \ · '-' h t-.t l ''" --.1 ',,u.· tn•tll • I 1.:{ t It ~,. • John : ''lJh, nn. •\I Plht1 r, I l tan:~n't . 1\ •c ~ Ill lh Ill in Ill \ ' l'll'kt•t. . - ~ --~--- f> I 1{.' 1 ~')I ~ I· ll ~c • I . t i\ tl f l • I "1: ~ kd Jl t• (\ ~· s. Str1p t hliJkin ~ pf )r'lll' t•lf. Hut)" v,-nn ­d ·lt in \ t t\ll \tilk • l'.ttil' t\1 ( ~~ l tl!Jtlli h) . I t 11't. l'n\ i l ~;'• l K ttHf~ llt l~<.' l . I mJl r f.'<.!). ~ h, 11 )I l't• trh c·t•: \ ll\ 1 l~ul 'h\, ~pdl ltt'nllt-. Hnhh \f . ~ t' i:~o.-d -l c", rh ~o·d 1\:. T<"· .•t I~ ·1·. \ 1 o,;.,~ thn t· i. t'lll i in l1 f'C \.lit•. H I I ) l \ ; \ v ! II) • t !1111 · , ;t • Ill~\ I II'\: ,.1 h' tlto:11. • ! • \ ~·l1 )( r.rln z c 11 l • ~1t. ~ }Hffp ilt ' ~ LJ\ e ~ \ha~ iHI\ ¥ · n," "f • • l {) ·lr (;\lean. hat r·i~· l a~ld w· .. i\' ":.c)!) ~ tTLi dl'Hl th.• ( haJ))1''0tl 1- ,c.nlll~·~ c;o ) ! job a::nJ "'\ ··1 ;. l hl 1\t! l kn ?(!lr~ \'1~ l· t. r. B. } I ~nit. . a .. 3 )"'I' hL:.tpl: ~r.·~ ~.~ont'' \ ~ ~~l be:-! Ycr. ('ki ~~''cl·: ft iaU rrane co1 .lln·l li1"\, hr n bt tt r. · nit~:'\ the ~0 ~ "ar ''"'' n 1 J ~t.~ .. t. 1 a"n~~ p .. { .. ;(! ·' ,, i r ,).- ) n! !P. d · ... tnp .P ~he. I ,~ Lt• Hl· H~ n:-ti,il b. T '1\ d- . rrh ... ~ 1 QOt.., ~ \ t1 r n.~n{ 1 d .a.lon in "·a e ~h~rt. . 'Tti !..!tl b..' t l . . } n \ .·. H ~ tel ?.o.:·c~ rnrn j,·t:-tll ~n ~ :n1 ~ H) tl.t n p r ! ut rhe biU was nothi nt. tl'l:-t h ~~p~cl n little. :» .... ft T ~.~n .}aln::-on .... ~J to :--tuenJ E. !3: pia. lL\ h"d 10 \~.~en'· :;1 · he mo1 nan an 1 t "i o 1: : f ~ r tn 1 r: ~ ' :he- a f l e r­. n ) --· Llo' .. l ]:1arh m 3 'L.u~ed him of 11;nk.n · he "a~ t •o .~.. oad ~\· qo with '--, bur he (t~nl. 1'"u11 ain't :uo gwJ to ne· h=in . f-l::n:c 'GU bon(":1H an} of B; I C '· Jr gre_j e:,: T'\e, a1r • f1 i:. Di j . Ju n· ~tic~ b~· rh e papers t bat tit: Prc~i·h..! mcu~~t ta:e a \·alk :unJ>\:,.r c~l"t.ti.J c r...:ut~1---tanct.s ~ :\. pu­Ji: tk:~1 ~ra}k i~ .~.. .·-..r~erall.v a one \'aY. ~.ruk. ·he\· cton't cc.n:n: back. 1-here air 10 pt-opk · n · he cc:..un ti'~ Lh at 1 o,·es r e!tlent Jr!:C:re i hun w.e pe-Op1e :u'!re :n ~: e mour1taJh" do and we ~hore hupe ~e 'OJ,"t takt n1 \.ralk and :eave u~. Aho .t all \~e boa~ c e\·er ~·;lu\ cd was '-G b lo:r. (4! our friends aaJ (O P. er- ~ :£ ~ e r r cnernie!:. ' ?e shr,re ain't :.ou11 · to "Olt~ •or no t•1 rl pan), nc1r re1 ~ :)[c~tn ?.. rtr JJ-ur Ior ruboJy d ~ e but dit. n eic~at. . 11 the mc.:n ~n thi, cleparuncm t ~~ a h •i in' tl. ~re .•¢n't be Jl') 'Wa rw J lit t.' a's heH ~ he:;n ~I , r-~~s<.cl througb dri .set: cion , ~ lhe o HJttn". \ hat ~ .r&Hhl .h"t h.! n:o,,;: ~. e rein~rn· cr eein ~ ~ u d t r. · n the \" ( ,r1d \.f' ar •1oi n; • f r.cJL t \.IU ,~ to l~o 1 e " it l a cloth · ie~! (n'("'r your faCJ.: \' on pe<~l le rlwt h£td the Hu. ] h pe .~:e d J.n'r ~.cvr;r ~"' ~ltat I ~J.d .of J~f.e a ~in .. Cbd .. ji· 1 ~ "prtnn ~ku/t udk at')•1ut tJ J in · I oU) ti~~b. f Te h.~v'4 ~~ '_.' c;k .a n c.· as t.:hnd~e );r~n-nJ) I ) 11!;S r jti '':J rden. t rrye s ' (.; p lJ( :ud .aooilt l d J:l:a. k~,,L) ~e :n' lll'' lied .. (,<.lme: a b has '- (t{rt "d alk:iii' ~bout ::~qt.!rrei ~ un.t.~r:l' aH r~ady. l \.LS. ,\ll,~Ut {P fur vit lu H. ll ~11U, l lctlt\ ~ 'tlll~tl " ~ts at tiH' p-iC' 11 i'-'. Hl'IHY h ,l ~ h<.t.' ll Jt•liH.•d fttt .:t UHtple t'f )l.'~ll'' \l~ w t t" .d 1 l.tJ t~, ~CL hun. .~~·-~--~------~--- \ litdt• \.h~lJ' was nffL·rctl rl ch~ttec to . pen~t :1 '' cck in the unrnu )' but :·~f., ., ,d tP\ ' I J H.~. lealing-, :lq.•uin1{, pr mi"c: of unr,1ld \'\tJndt'J S brOIIJ!ht fro tn him nuth inO.. ' bnt th e stuhburn uhin1atlun: "~o cou ntry for me.', ··Pllt wb\' n0t?': his TllLHhcr a,kcd. • c~ n e ' aU.' C, • h<' rcplicJ. ~:they have thrn. hin: machi ne$ J nwo there, and it's h ~\ J en CJ ugh w h en t h c y t.l o i t by han d . ~l 'eacher : ' 13\r what j ' /\u sLralin bounded:~ J atnc~ : · K .. angarOO$.' ant Margaret Elizabeth Rice. aqe 3 years. daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Thos, P. Rice ew6 - -.........-- ---------- · By f{ugiJ. Terrell ] n the abs~nce o f our ~Ir. H yatt, \'ho \ ith .\l r. F o,vle r, is explorin g- the coal fi e l J 3 a t l h i s L i n1 e , I '"' i 11 t ry a n d gather s<,me nl!w for T~HE Lor.. :0 )) « (( :\fr. C. G. Klopp and fami ly made a n:eek-end visi L with rela ti \'e$ in Ohio. \Jr. Klopp reported a nice trip. \ ' e an: verr happy to have back ~..-ith us H. P. P ressley, rd1o has been c,u r f0r !)vme time 011 ac:cou n t o f , ick­ne ... ,. )) » <! « l\J r. I fenry B1yt ht; is st ill nuL sick. TflJpt he \l\il l ~c;on return to '"'Olk. » jj « (,{ Sc:vtnd of th<; Su~:tm Plant cll1ploy­ees ll<l\ c· taken Lheir vacati~Jns :-;i nt:c he lai' l Loc; . .'\ 11 1eponed nice ti n"' t.:~ ;:.f•ent .at rlH;jr ~ untnH: r ltClll1l'~ anJ va­r! rJth p}aCC. ' r'hc;~t.! '\-1u.aliuninrt \ \ C t l' ·· J ~jlr' F r~-t Jtkl jlll r. \ . l ) ~nri,, Htii C'in I· c,rt.: , l rarn E nlor,- l f.u(rh '1\t relL ( 11 adr l<r·l..t'J , udy \ItC.I un:. 1~. fJ. ' l 'ur<;ll, • \w. \l. P~tl(Hl, Pc.HI .\Ic:df(Jrd, Cl yd~ • .. t~JiUH t, :urdrJil '] r·1IL (laud J{a•din <.li•cl \ l 1s. JJ ,,rd \u p·•nl !lac p.& t. \<~<·L~r-t- lH.l iT1 C>d<,fk , \ .1, Cb11d took a 1i·t · tJt tht' o e::t.n. }> ,. « c ( Jf 'l 1ll j {r_,\~· !'fl d jif HOI ~!.!! C'liJiu• ~0 f·u. I c \,,,, ati !Jf'·l :reHi!l 1 ' to L.dn· ' .1 ~ m L" wi h hi-s b tn i l,' ·. '15) Pa-u I H ra u is riding in a nice look­in?" F ord . I-lapp~' day~ are here again. >> » (( « ~ f r. \V. R. Crute dropped in Lhc Srea m PI ant office [or a short . \ i~ i L while here on bus,ine · ~ from Pasadena1 'J'cxas. \ ;ve -were gJacl 10 see him. )) » << (( \-e were verr "Orrr to hear of the death o[ R. A. Gragg'~ brorh~r. \Ye offer our deepest ympalh). » » {( (( <. r· ,\.iley re ~c nlecl thlt he and J immie F al l carried ~n umbrdla to play gulf the -hh of .J uly. but frun1 all tcports, the}r did plar and w~:re not wet, ::;o there ·mu.: l bavl: bl:'cn an um­brella. MISS EVELYN HAYNES LOSES AN EYE One nf the ~~tddt' $t mi ~fort\tn es tu bc·l~-tll Htlyunc (JfCLJrr~d SJ.l\} 11i~ht. ~\ u.~uz-.t 12. when .\l i,~ 1 ·~ , d~ · n It a~ IH'$ . th~ l"cautiful 17- e~ r-P~d laughtt't ,f \ l 1. ~tlld \ l r~. l~l. I. l hyn(',., of 'l~J· Ru:ul. \ ~t:-. injtn nl :tnd l·hf her kft l'\ c \ bik- (l t thl! B lSlb,dl P ~rk. \J i~ 1 b , rw~ '"'~ n tth'tflh('l of .tht' ; ,. \ II ~1:.11'' &oflh,tl l krt lll, nnd jn.:.t bc-f" re 1h\.• .V ~UJH_; l' L'~all, ,(Hl'\CCIJll' thll'\ ,t - ~.:,fvt}' pin trrd rhc· i\h.l 1\ }'uillt p~·ne-ll rltl' I \ l i· H·~n Itt~~ · lcir '\ tl,,dl. d~ • • • 1 ' l •l l'l'1ylft ' tltl' ~rt11. .\n ot n ~ratitl ll \'i pt•t rt) rtllcd i}lld th' ,,,it' r'\'t·b, .. dl Jl'lill)\r,• l OJ) Sllllid ·-t\', t\u rtl i'l i. · • - . . ....___,. .... ~· t~ntJJ ~ttt'j 00n1, • • \~r. rh:tl~t"s: l r "~ih- belie\'C the most u\ er-W{trk-· e.d aJi,'<:l.l\ <: in L~ ... • En~li~h lan«;;run.f{e is J "-" ... ..... dH~ w~..•rd nic.e. \·c had ~o rn.any Au-g- ust \ scati mer$ and they :til relurned ,.._ .. ;t ~ such hr~ght harp: l ook~ that 1 ~h._ a~-ht here wa~ s-onh! real ncw~-but -ibev. c;tl.\ \.ell me ''"he1 c theY. wc.:n L anJ. add-' 1 had a ni.t'c ti Lne "-\, 7\la\ a mukitude of things that ,,·ord nrce must coYer~ » )) <t (( LvciHe .. harpe reaJl~ .. went p laces­~ ew York, Adantic City. New J crsey aod PhJadelphiat P;L-by herself, too. Luciile n1u6t have reaJ Lhe anicle in a cen.3 in n1asr~zine which said-' Girls. '-' if ~-ou are looking for and R on1ance when you go on a vacation .2.. '0 alone,. oe\~e r tra\'el in twosorn~es- CJ1.e girl by herself is fascinating and mysterious! but wo girls a re- weJl j llSt t \ro girl~. Lacille wanger went to Lne \IVorld's Fair in ."ew ·York, al:,.o spen1t t;mi! in \'ash!ngton, IJ. C. » n « n Olive CotLnH) \'isi£ed her rnvther in Tellio;. Tenn. " Cordie Lou \'jhou ~pent a week in H a yl)vi Hi!, X. ~-: v.tirh h~r pa re·o, s and ~<m; af:.)t; a ~.vcc.,k iu ?'orfoJk, Va., \Vllb fret bu~Laud. ,)t)~(lt{l" L(,ui..:c.~ 'f'rqtf \'i~,h<:J irj~tt<. in S~tlva, .~. t . ( ..•, . \VHcla }arks J;l yj i~~·d f1Jr·nds )n JJJ ~! .t;r, ~ l. C., f, ,l' a Wt·ck. nnt<U f , lJ..Jlie .1\ lel\'tnch r wiJ..h her d;Jn~~htcr ~. Hnt~J;i~ :tnd 1 i t·tr~ u 1 ~ ~Jc: ttl a wed\ in ~(f.} f I;~JI<" ;f \ • a,_ ·reu \'ftirred '<·u1 tt, L a~ t: n blJf'IJ aud ll ,dt!i~h. :ht• >IHli lJ hf1V \Vh<l ~til ~, • JrolJlJI.· !tnd l lJil :twav. ,·oin id,• I JlW«"Ij wi th tlw t:,lt rH'' f'Jill fa t H~JOflll I ! 't) » ~t J( j fi ,], P<JitH ' f c·d i:-. lil l' up a }r..H qf h i'il V ( I I :11 i i lH li\liL th~.: I,,){.; J':)y J'f J,1.LC·r' ' \tH;lli•' J.ll 'I ~· II·Il ~'. Vt· ~ lrJur w<•d. s- ·pvd~:lf·~o, l• .1) 1.~'1{1 l1:1 vc • I IJJ\1_' J)f' W"- r(Jr H"i ~hr. I I ""H' H'! II fl)". :l)l,r(l 1\ 1 ~ 11, ·f IH I I f• l n1~ ~·} ~:.(Ill .. l.~)"'t·d }Jc;ua· · ~ .pt f irh:.t;?irn· t ltr) rr ro~n i<J a l i ll·f ,. )) ... ~ " • Jl I .I t c_,~ t 'fh!:s j - t.:hc liht--l .JH'l'l' Jlu <>ne hss • h ceft ovt' rlonkNl-and nHl.Y [ :n:Ld. lbev a H h ad a ... tl i ct.: t i m e: · • ~anene ])'illard visileJ relatives in Syh·a lasl week end. }) )) (( (( _ ·ell ie l'd auney wich her husband and { riend~ motored to Cha r lottt::. )) l) (( (( Lucy 1-fcd fovd, Lhe lwin srst~r of • • Rtrth . is home [rom B aLde Creek•. ~ I ichigan for a leng.thv vi$it. ~ ~ . )) )) (( (( 1"he [a mily of Earl Sb i·elds is visiting in Buena Vista) Va. )) )) (( (( ~ I rsJ }\tlaud·e K€1Jy a.nd ·d1ild1re11 vis­ited !\·i rs . lla.ttie vVood ree·erntly. rrhey h aJ an outdoci· picni.'c d inne r. » )) u. cc ~'lr. Nlartio vi-sited B·ud 11le.ase at Elack 11onnta in S.anatori.Lnl'l Augu5t 13th. )) )) (( (( !\'l is \ 'irginia \r.Vi ls0ri gcc:ve a biri.l:t­day pany at tbe H Y~' Ch1b Roorn July 24th, in honor of Bitl f"JoiL:3"c-law. Th·(;.' affair ,1\ ... aS au endc-d by l·WCnty-five yCJ.un~ people who spent a ' ery en.jO)'­alf> lt:.: c \'<.: llling\ after ,\'ltich ref, e~h lll en.l ~ , cA icc tr("<t.n.t .• Lake.: anJ' s~ut d wi c h e ·. wen; . ~cn·<:'d. rflt . H F i /} i('\h j tl~ H UO IJ) r h.·~t '$lt re (_ Jubp llH'1 JJ. the lll.HJ1t' t)l ~ } Ofl<l ~ j (t)"1- JHttd .J ttl~~ ;30llt. G' hhll'. e dt~:t h.t ·rs .·tnd r,t ht I l(J J flf'\) 'r\l'l't ' l' Jf>.~!Cd . r·:~ rher fmu rlu;!!) wmt hr\1 pli:r.<~. Rt·lwl C'l 1 low II w 111 h 1 1 1 ,d:~.c• iq l he 111 ~d· bh • orclw. 1 -~ du J'fitc,, \·•>ldl.t h 't v~· ht••· •l 4$ • ' Keft•l ah HGI· rt."" Ooy lo !:ltslnula, }tu ~lil\fl D~tll, ·Yank•• .St.dlv.m. New York (l&) • ni:t.t. vnfy 1•,a .Y'f'i!'J!f.Jl r ~a" ~vd them. Rt.,-i(· J r.,rJ' ·~, Itn ~ bun f ... rd iHtt1 \ {•IJ g righ• gave etH c,r .-... n J"r!c;taL ~D- nt•t : ('"l 6 111 } 'rnt\.I .. <~ d.1. ~l n• <;r "~ '' -t t'' • !,.. .., n (.IIOe ~cl~ct it .... u:;. ht t l ,k,iig furt ·a:t:d l U ~t" f re fl mel~~.; W$1 flJJrC ) r e~·e~ t. ~ I h~ll) IJJUsic. "\ i a late }1 tH a ~ ... !':;}r- Slf .· ~prcad (~1 ld ut.+c\m calc!t r.aJe bJ~ ?\'·lonty anJ Rt·b(l:CC:a v.;~·rc ~~T~". t-•.i ··th icP: cream. Irma Ln ~: ~f<•r:J att: $£) mtrch lhe ~! rl ~ th0u~ht 1 h!:y \~Oukl ! ~ve t:ca gel the caJem.Jar l'rJ ,ee if s:f e had a certain day to g-ci. full. \ ' el ma Ham lett T.>.'a;, mis~ih.l t -0. g1r ls {v.<:n( to ideate b.!'r..:.......rhcy ·f· .. ..;nd \ 'clma but the re:st () i tht. ice cream had dis a p pt:ct red. • Annie Pem br.uke~ toa i tl her ,-erv be;:,t form . una r.res~~ "' ' .l~ . ~los r of the old roe.rnbers w:;;r~ pr£:~­enL. T,brre n:cw on~~ add-e-d tn rhe ::n: vncre ~cJl Bright. Irma L un.:fo!'li and E$(her Snlathers. All agreed. rhat the (!\·ening was per­fect. )) J) C( C( 1 'he mother of Ruth ·anJ Frances \ 11ed ford \·vho underwent ttn opercn.ivn at the ~ urb\.t rn }-fl'l~pttal rect.,!'ntlv b reported recovertng rapi\.lly. '. » ' ) (( « ?"I rs. 1-huoiJ r lav. nes i$ a • • patl~n: 1. the \: ay nesville J-lospital. ~ 1 ($, Gurdon c~1gle i~ l'H llh' frprn th,· h o · pit ~tl anJ doing nic~ly. \I r. and lul v lOth . ·n i I f pa ~s. d ~ l r$ . F ill . \ n~h~r:h)O, a ~tW. { \Yl· en .i •"~. V~J l ht' choco' .H~ yr·ry much). )) 't) " <( ~ l r ... tud \[ rs. l~~ llllll r•:1)1ly. hne>h-n. · r ' J ul r 1 bd,,. 1 :-t.\' l.' l' l\m1;-.' h:d)) r "l'Vrt,'cl iu J \1h LtJl; (\' .t st>tL 1s h :.Jll {\ ddll::hh·r. l \ ~. • sa) :- lw h lit 'd (I r l' phi l'tl n.' . 'I.} \ • 1'\J .lk c.. d1t :\ "'Hn',·ti,)n ,\, 4-i a \ ' <' hitn tht' f l ilt l bit•. li .. ~ \ \'!unit: \ \ il11) nHd Lln\ ..l ,,11 halfl, J r.~Mt- r .. ' ll lH I 'li~ I luh 2.?1111 in ( ; 1 ' •• • n vi II r·, ~- \ ' . ~ f i · l ?cut>llly fh·ll ~Hh l \lt . \ tUi~\ftl Dd\ .. \'f ' · '"1 ~ tl lf11 ri~·t.l )ul~· l bth. L'un J•rtHtd .~1i4ill : iJ I\d l ,til ( u i ;)}h· ... Ill t.\ I h ,t ~'P ' U'll lll(• .. \ t· \'~ hh t~t ... "· nd 1111 r -, .\ IHI•:nhr .- 1 1'\l\l' V j , !trdl !HIIj Pthn t\1 •\~lht' l ,~ l lf d~e, f.,ttttil\ tb\ t., ).. . ,,f litd\ l1•1hl' ·.,~ hli p ~ ~ ecf .1 V. ,l\ J tlh ~'It h. u » u. \ • "r 11\ ;.1 ~ t"' r iu ·~ 1. t:!th} ht~· f. ·,,ll .... ·.I .. tl'1~ ~ ~\~,: \ '1 la ll ' 1 \'\"''H~!lil)• ,t \(1H:' u t d·"'v ~f' ll, ll I ~ ; 1t Ill:\ I il , vf a h~){' ~·t. hti ~11 ·: if t l' .. Ht (,r h<Ul~! ... h· k- ~ t hi ·'~". 'l'h. d '' A t1 n r. n ~ \ it ue sC ~ I .ll \ 11 "\ .. -.trr11 re\ ·1ti. ~uld dt· r'th(r i •• ):I b(' I \-'..l • . l W • '•('it;!~ l \ ·d h' ~h.L:d , o\• t dy 'ho ... ~ tlu ~ H. ., ~~'nl·""ll i\' '- f 1.:: · • , , tl• n n t (!'. l' t n "':,t, l' \. I'" n , , ' u u • • \ ' 't( ~ i -= lH"' l f t b(' 1i~], hAir ''-l g-· r-1~ n t h ' • • =-- ( i n h r1 c -. a\ c n "l f l ~ \Y d I u r ( a n: '"H. :the,· wi'l h~lYc l ' <h ( l nt: i~· • • • hai1 .. !B i Ql".@:\ !! ft: .r i·n~he~ . 1 L· LJ..J'.: ~ hi :1\~--·raH I ?rk a l ~ l1'a1.J <J ~'. ,. • f l a\' rc. oc.:: ~""'n: l b.'. ·a \·s . \1"' .:- ,··hine Jr. ~ d !f rat lt'-tf·' foot :tn l r n~­\ Ot • aii(' I r fee1 t11~H arl'> ~ur~ !':cun (( (I 1 ·ro h?d l !a ud~.: l1 a rnp-t. )ft.'\ , .J't ~Dn'- e-rt d1l e ~t1u1·11.i ".1\·c ~ le ·nat ~' "n he uL·fC'~ :n10 "<'et mu ·c. If:a ... ! and . L mcJa .. rurnlcv ~ . ;b li~. e aear h4 m 1-··cre ~nnlkt~n(~d dtt~ ~ .. ~r 1·Lht b\ ,~·har tht:'Y. tnot..~. ht '' a .. ar. ~ir rra.:d. Harl-~1 ru~hl': d OtH. in the \ rd ~n h1~ n·4...? nt shin onlv. to Jis- OO\'Cf rhe rackei \·a .... corning from Cla de'" bed roon1 " : ndc ,. . H.e 1 oc.. k- • ~ t. k' ('' d ]' 'D. t fi Hl .. , n tau e \ a ~ ~ t ran~ ' n g . tlli.~ to find him ~leepi n~ peaceful]). .\. ~ .. b ~-~, ·l·c.e b}ond ,r.;·a, e-. } ou ha\'e be(;'n e;n·y~;,g arc uq na·t;\.l ral. Girl ~, ·mag'ne ...:Ur hai·l · r·ale Claudie done bi Jn cud paper ... I " II - :"in Parke . '·de fat 1nan, · .lnu~t h re bee·1 <:au~} t in the mole .. rap he r.a~~: ~:a nn.!ch abo .-had one arm in a [no<.? ~ f<3nday. . o one .. ecms to J. ·hat .~as ron'.r-n1a.~ be tryin~ • • • -Ja· O'? a 2'a ~n. » ,, " a Ted . hi.ted \ i-it~d Ctsn!lan '\1'11 dt4r'ng ~··~ ae::. -'on. car~ he 0\'.lh a .ta gt ·n- fe~r in thi,. f~~tc,rY . bur \ c tP.'J1k the in·f..n•_ 6nly .in T\·d'· ~ .. ~nd. j ~, « Dave Cf :'lt~2 ~~r " ParcJ!.oric,'' t :Hs u-. · lh1 wa · '..,,.) good rn ·d i.c1ot: he q, A fer the .: :(Jm:af:h ~che l •De l'onnrn i nrr , .htn ht> ,. ·nkl·1't t.Qll., r1 <: brr,.,s irttr, l t­tin ·.r hitn c,'J dull day. , I (l « Re~ ~ lif:ClJeU. " tlle · iH~~ k ' ~ <l' 1 (~ ha theautomobilebu:-' nc: .. ir. \ ·:~. C. on t rv ~' bu~ we bini< lhdt i 1s a l '1t f hot air. If }I t (l I . ' 111 h i n t t P k ,,. , \ \ h, u . \ n 11 i c \ I f. \ 1 1 h. h l h; n.i 1 " 1 t h \) l 'l" t • t i b h P ll ~ Ill' \ ~ ... v t',U 1111" .;·, llfH:l ilt'l n··· ~ ,,·hen o.;, lw \:.. n \ · l ' l c ~ If ' \' n I' k . ~' I ll' .. 1 J d If \ \ t _.. • • n .• l:\ i I ll Ia lh! H' (l'otlta'l 111.tdr ht r \ c 1 l(l k: ··p vll' \.lis.c,1 ,. \ ht 11 lit' \ l.'tl'U ' \ n h ~· l \ I I, .1 t i I ) n l Hi l \ \{. h (' r ~; \ (' I h;.,. t j I \ ct': \~·,l~llltt n 11g . )) -~) C( ( ( \ J, • Ph iII :I'.. . ~ ~ liJ h .1 \ ·l· t h t :-tt h :tn ta ~ c ('r t~l r. It dl(' h?(td··"' d(11, ·, like ''hat Y'-"U l'tinl \HI L . l n f'''r h ·hind thl· ,_locrr "h~~n ~ cltl h'-·;\1 th '111 <.:nmi r1~ and \ )i s P l~~s t..u1 ~ay ~~ ~t r. 1 hi ll ip::. j~ out uf t ~.'\ \ ,. n . · · 1 I o Jl c;;; t1 v . { ~.,;· r il f t• '"' I ~l v . h f.l m\"nlth l \ :·ts o Au~tcred ] h,:Hdh, : kn e:w ,\.'t,~·rhcr l , ·a · E dith L rwi~ p:1pcr .. ortfr. or ,)n..; of the \ atchmcn down­£- tair-.. 1 trust no one is offended this • tlll\t:. To and F1·o ,;Do you gi ,·c your wi fc a persona 1 allowance:·· a:-ked B rO\,n. " \·e t ricJ it. but it didn't work>'' an­swerrd 'rnith. ~.flo vv wa. tbclt?': ··."'he alway"' spent jl before I cotdd borrow it back.> Helen : J-le told me I was the prett­ie't and mo.:-t interes ting girl he had e\·er met. u n l J r n1 a : . n d ) o u w i 1l t r u L you r­~ elf for life with a man who sta rts to deceiYe you .. at the beginning of your enrrat:ernent ~ t.'fhat Jc,ne fello\v is about the Iazie='l crit er I ever ~a w ! " ··Oh> I do11 't know abo ut that; \rhy ?nly the other Jay l saw him high UJ in an oak ucc. ~J ·of cr)IJ I'. e1 . v, ou did. But he laid h1m ~e) f cJ O\ I) 0 11 the aC0t't1 20 _,'ClfS 4" vo} • " -~--------------------~----~-------- PROGRESS Tt1e tnan who sticks to the job and handles it w1th steady efficiency is keep1ng in stet> with progress. He is the batk:· bone of IndustrY and has. made possible its advancement (17) HaJry Fi~he r, Jr. aJ1rf Cha:rles Hyatt Seriously In:jurred in, Auto Wrec k II S ::i II I rd I ) IIi •t hI \ I J •11 "'I j 1. :t Jl HIt: CJ u'tl•,·l"~ dtiCt; ) Htn·· m~Jl, (l. trr y f1 i'\ ht.'t'. .h1 • t 'Jnrk ll y,ltl ftl\d Rr.y .'lttlk, Cll1(JtlfC' \II·~ f1 . hiJJ¥ (* Jrnp fJIJ I· irte~· C n'~o·k. nl>"ur fllt<:CII Htiks f,·, ,rP l .t!llon. \rc 'rt' sc tiu11 sly injtur-d wben the t ,. in\ hid1 tht:)' wcr<·, iJin;~ r;vcr­tt~ rn ed. Tranr Fi ... hcr Jr., .., 11 r~~nc·d ,,r-r'nu lu·.·td in i uri~, trom \dtich he' p;• q~d <J\1\ :t} J\ lonclay rnn1 uin~, 1\ug-usL I ~L abunt 8 o'doLk. Charle-s I TratL su::;tain )d injllries­itlLi :-.i()tl' about the IH:cJd and face­\ h1k Roy .·uttlc l,\ ~ .: onl)' slJnhtlv in- • (" J j \trcd. Han r Fi her. ] r., nnd Charlrs J l yttt~: "ere bod'l in l he em p lny vf ~ I 'he Champion P aper :tn cl Fibre Coropan\. .. \ n ere ·witne.:-· to the accidcr'n Sl t~ t ed Lhat the bo., " \·ere not d ri,·[ n'' ) fa~ t. b u t a ... the\ \ c r e rn a k i n ~ a c u rv e in the roa<.l, the car .. ce1ned to "buck up·· anJ LLHned over, striking sotne I "Ost~ along the highway. 'f he person who wi n~e.sse d the: accident stated Lh :tt, in his opinion a~ thcv came sudJcn1v upon the cunrl: (·nc o.f the men pulled on. the emergency b1 akc, causing the ca r to overtu rn. ITa rrr J r .. j~ the onlr son or , Ir. and \ !frs. r l a rrv Fisher of \_l'L·Wfound • , trcct. Cha rle · I-T\ nll is a -on of ~ T r;; . J a rnes !-[yatt. · · E' pi a nat ion ' ~ond n es . .'arah what a kitchru ~·; c:.·claimed !\T t" . Hinks. :EYt.:ry pot. r an. a nd dj ' h i:; cliny. 1'he tnble is a perfect lin er and '"'hy. it " ·ill take you aJI night to clear thin~ .. Lip. \Vhat have you been l oin~? ' ' H '.\.~-:' ol h't n}!. nHt ' am;• • cxp1 a 1. neIu ,; -:tranJ . ··You daughler h a~ ju ... t been J10\ing me how they boil a potato at her c o\...­c I ) S C h 00 l. ' J>leasure Long D e[frrrd \ I a'~ ycr lllad t: hi \a\ to ~~me .scjf- " . f~ll.l~ ll ~! ' ' h ~rc :t t.:fl ng ,ya \'nrh.1nr'~ (l fH l L',J fled fur ~ [,rh tel l ,:\cill. · " \ · h o ·.s '' ltt L i n g r n ~ : '· i n q 11 i l' e l n ' nict~ f 1 r:nn. a buv l..' . ·~ r t i::. 111y d nt) to in forn1 }' u.H s .. id tile In\' ' €C ·'1 h:ll vuu r J\ unt \L11 ,. wh,1 TlllHiil'u th · rni ll iu11"irc Richh·. h:t­diC'd ,I Jtd t( It \"I HI a r(J! (\l ilt'.'' • '1 hen· " ·t.) a ~luu·1 .. iknc~_· th.f thLn n (JJt1ltHJlirn ul>u\l!, •'1\ r~ > ,'Ju rn1nin,:, ~ l r. ()' •t•;ll ?'t "·,\I I dJ t h .. · b " , c •t • ' ] ,, \1\ .. tu Pt.t nut~': · "' ~' .... th-e ~u1 · w~ r \ l > • I lit .,p t·, t ~ l fii'Pinl! tO \'lllc;p th 10n~- • By J. E. ::.ln u?J.IMit The "Dam't Party On Frida) . . J ul~· 21. .\fr.1' ~H'O .\ Hen, tiH; g-enial ··Rtgger" J-o--rcman of the R & -\ D er'artnH' lH. g--athei·ed ro~cTct her h!:- (' rew (\f ·reel WOrkCl:.S and O'"!Ot ort>d ur P i£eon Ri,·er to ~ camping pbce n.:ar i.h(; bank (If th~ river, ~nd after ntlf\1en·•l1S nre liminari e~·-,. lhc bunch be- • • ~3~1 to dt''\·our iried chicken, hamburg-er~ .. :hot dog~ · ·. etc"' nor haYing ov·er k - .~·ked rhe d 1inks~ con ~i . Ling o f most <:~\T:".' thin.g... in ~o.ules . . \ eating.... and drinkin2.". and then drtnki ng :-ome more. Lhe t~v~ r began 1.0 r~M' a nd, Lo and Behold! the dam, ..::cmc four n1iles dorvn · rream and near ~ouLhern }~ai l rc,ad br~dge and nea r i'l11'l1f' bouse of Tbe Champion P aper and f" bte Cornpany, cotJld stand Lhe S\.\·eJljng t~de no longer. god a portion of tl.:.e dam ,t,-ent out. At t hi ~ t ime, an . OS call ~a~ sent out for helpr as i!!e wa: er to the m iII was getting short and after sendin.g... a courie r t 0 -said ra;np. 1 he~r ~·ere located eacing and drinking with t~so inviLed guests in the perE.on~ ot C. _ __ Stone and C. L. "~cstmore)and. H owever,. immedia:te-lv a-fter the trou hle do\i\·n at Lhe dam -· \·as repo1t~d . Lhe party ,,·as abruptly hn)ken ur ::. nd all went \O d,c clam. .\:1.c1 wr:-;rki:1g all ni<,ht, everythj ng v>a!:- in 0 1 der again . Since then 'fheo ,\Hen ha.~ hccn heard to rcm.ark, ~t~~ever ~f:J on a Stag Picnic up the rh~,..r ou a Friday night. an.d a~ for n"1e, d9v:n tLf.~ river ev,.ry tirnc .;~ f f t',;e Wi\"'t·s of a 1nr t;f d11~ abo.\·e " 1 ., r , ·r ·r:-ru t'Inr·n ·.\ 1-:.n ;tnY 11rtncr oJ (?f!ntt- ~ , ti(,q ();;to !•c rrJiaducL anJ \rlt£!n:~ahcJUl.b lJJ \l.aj.d cr1!#:. they C&I f l 2"el full d<·t~·,ib b>' c<.:inf s~b~ J>lr,tt. 11~~ knr). ~ t:h <: in·id(· t:,l, ;r,v . \ ... wdt;t >lt ·urd tl1at :\{,·. C. . St c·~w is ?r,jn~· <J write a11 ·trlid ct int JwX t. l5Stl(4 tf 'Tnt. L.11r ; 011 tftc UJt)~_lr• , n \U:l}' ~J f,,adi n ~ b~g s · ~r ~tnd in :t hv t. • Peaches For Salo r.f yt.JJI 1\f • iHI<' If ... ~t t j JJ I rhi' ftUn..d J:l ,c· tA ,(Ji tH h.' d ftuul('-f. ~rltterl p<·.11 h1 ~, .nt · ' 1 , Yo \ ,~ I L 'It rl , e I .j4 ll ·• n P 1 WI. J f, h.-.,;- ~~" ~ .ft·d I t":t ll 1l In~ \lwo ;qpj Hill~'l' '-tH J ti' :rud !L half ("1-fll~ 'i·l,j, h th~ frt;~ltlu;Jti ~•ffJfi : I H in. t },(• l,llln h•• i.JIE-~ Ldlf ~h:a 1 '.9ed Lu gc·t \ ,, ~: 'J 1', 1>'~~ ·1 tlwit , ... <:',"H·lw ·~rt l,ir:; ' l yl lul1 t:19 r)l'ndt I'' r~ l-~l', \,\r!, ir}, ht• (' b i1 \ •, !JI } ut I Jrv•· t~u ht)l pw hr,Ju 1. 'n ~~ . lu: ll.g 1,. · ~~ wi ll he ;.tb~,l?l i~ pf'CA dw~ p~ r JHi J.llltt·. {tJ Yn \. 14llll.:- 1<1 h:P-'1' {rlt t~ f e((C'h I 1'1.,1' 2 v,;; 1.; t.Ar4, Jr,catv f b~ hind bi. Jwn ht,'!J)C fJtHJJ •. \<\i hie!~ he ::;atl1ercd tweh c bushr.Js of pcnche" this year. hlfP.Ll EVE 1 T O(R :\0'1".' Lost, Stra·yed or Stolen One hey .SO yea rs old. ' "'-as s.e.en Sunday mor;ning. 1 uly 1'6 1939 enter- . c .. .. . ' 'I 10g- Beave rdarn higlHNay wiLh ~~1 odel ~~; · F o rd. tvvo flat ti res and radiator - rea m~n g, aod J·l poor hounJ d og~ . He had on sweet brftad overc0at. If een rlcase notif)' ~ '1 rs .. R. E. Da vi ~ . 1"'his gentlemaH. if we wncler~ ta nd it righ t. was in search of the a1 'he 'J'r~i l of The Lonsome Pi.ne1 , b.ut the ·tra tl \it;·as cold. so he c0uld n1ake no headway, and fer the @res~ nL at lea L,. ha abandoned the seareb.. i\1 a, ·ter !\Jiechan.ic, C. L. \Ves,·re­l a nd ~ is new taking hjs vacation.. '1t js rumored t h·at durjng hi·s va<:ati'o.n. he made a s,petial ctip to .Gre~ndtl e} -?· C.: for the sele· pU>i] ?ose .. oJ pur~cha s­tng a wa-ter n1ell on. ] i.1s t i")OW we "'·oulcl certainly appPeci~te an invita­tion to help de·vou r that m·elfon. Green,·ille water m·ello ns, we are told, have an especial! v .fine flavor and a re • very .sttmu lating at tirne$. Boy! tho c C reenville ' atcr me l'! on. are ' 'Som:e p, ,m,,kins" if you ask .1J§ . J) » « « Special !-lot ice To !tt \' Friends: If you ccmtcn1plate purch~si ~ g lomatnes in l a r~c q1.1anitics, see me frtr~ t. 1 have hHdy b~e n ftunis hrug $Om,e of tn:\' R · & 1.\ frjcuds bu shd ~ an.d hu hels of ,·<!ry fin <~ hl'vnJ~ 1 o~a.s ~ , :n a vc J'y rea­t:. tJn ·t hJ<" prit·elt and will be drlidnN! to M"TVe y. t1H lil ewibc~ ht1t yon'd hdtc1 hu t rv. • J. H. ANDER.SON 011 ~u nd l\ a; h)Jtl J ~ d~ Jn. J tt 111 r s Andt·t •m ~t l ~· ;, fb .,.i ~tlo>«\ 1 . t .-.8 ·,t h h-' 11} 111 :.r fl 1\ ·,] ,1!-vt ll f• ho~t pit d, \ f. , Andt. t illl at~<· HI tlw ,,hJ l"t'.-ii~ d ( Ill r If c :la llt lj , ., r n rl I H'~· fl i ll i II It li d tit f, ,, " 1 ~ liP• t i JJ tr'. !totl \f r , , Jl'\.lt n ~, l t'P hi l•f; ~ I i, I' ·'t·r~l-f.~ 1-llt.,nll' ,, ll.c- i~ tll\n<'d i~} l1i5 ~'idr1\ ~ l \11 ~~.JH ... I r fl l 'd .. I ' t ~n 1 ( ) I . . \.nd f I .nw; 1 "" d:qr·in~..·r.. It . li !o! ll H' Rn\ "' 1nd ~ J jt;~ ~~ ' IIHie \' ... \ HI . I' t~·nt ! a r f' I ' i~. ' t • \ .l lh· td .I I,. l iH.! Fi1 .. 1 Bnp1i 1 l. lniJcli d1ld in (<"lfl tx.~ nt . ~ ~ i n Lc,;·t u..,., 1 J :... ]. ! l e n r t l' n. . ~ • HENRY T. MOORE \Ve reg ret very much that \' e forgot to .J.TI ~ati o n in the June i-ssu.e of Tat: Lo-G, the deadJ of Henry T. ~fnvre. \>Yhich o~currcd on ~ ~ray l, 1939. :\·[r. 1\ f GOre [:tad been sie k OLll f a fe\ daY~ \Yhon his death occurred. - fJ e is survi ved bv hi ' •.vi~e : nro • daughters; l\'Li~s .Bulah \foore a·nd :\f rs. Virg-il Sing.leton ~ t\YO son~. K.linc Jnd • nh ur iVIoCX'e. 1\1 r. ~{oo re~ pre,·ious to hiS: deu · i1, bad bce11 in Lhc ern:ploy of ·1~e '"h~Illp­i0u P aper and F ibre Company f(>r a;ber of ye:t rs . BIRTHDAYS Ot) J uly 7 P. H. \'ork.. S \.t l'~·r1 t Ht'tld­ent ot: the E l ~ettolvtic 1 k'\,tdl PLant. iiOd on J ut~~ 10 . l . · \ . ~tpth.' . :Stt~'t\r!n­t~ rtd t!n t of the Repair arh1 \l tc: r~t~\•l'L De1).!l rtmt·nt, ~c·l c·h 1 i!llCd b! t llhLi y~. • J uth o f Lhcfl1l \ ere t'n.~"t: nt~·.d ~-~ hi nh-dtt y 1.:~ le '"it II r:1 ndl?:- ~tnd ctll rh.r.! tt ·i;nm.i·n}~s lily ~ r t ~~ (:rube !Ht,l ~f t--. . l~ l· ruti<~k. \ \lll1 UJ\ in c lw r~e 1.1f 'th.~ iLIIh. h 1 ()I Hl\. \ l r. Stt. Jh! \~ .t$ ~tl."") l'l e-'C' tlh'd '' ith ~~ chl~ .. ·k f ill the h~ nk <•l ··Ct .nd \ \ til'\ !nJ' Ill llltlilllitt·d ,IIHI HIIH, S;g f\t•\l l'he l .. ' h\ttllj \j, )U 1·' ;\llH b, , i l l 0 \ t.t I i H i l J lb i l i •, l i) h (.' \,~II~~ g I ·d i" I l llll( '·l~ i ll tt ... }j,. ltt il l• )t t .. U~ 1 !tl illi l ~•· ltJUI·,. 'll l\l l't'd a t! lrl, 1•at.iH4 J:lJ1lllliJ\.I · Iy iftl,, dw I'}'CS pf t JH \.'t..llle~L " \" l'Hii '"'\.II Htl· lll 'd lJ c nhre~ IPr tuol". l lld dlt' ,, lrok· lllH \'1.-~l c.' Itt!" !I '~ rl k lh-IJ'. ;\J( 1\ tl'll HH:.~· -,he ~ d r..kd --·· ,, lt ,n d( ,. \ (,u lilHl dw H'lu: t lllfl\,·u lt dliu c\]ntwll tl I \-\'lth } r> ll I' I tn!Jll ('l1t1ft.· ~.-.. inl1: ,, ·· P1: ltlg the ~ f :t tl. '' l't' j ~ hh.•ll dw ~ ,[ ... . 1\ 0 1 ' • • ' • c THE amt• ~NE - HOUSTON DIVISION G""")rd elk: John Cu..:kerel was very • !'U 1 .ch ia c-;~iden~e at the Chanlpion- R .... t id B.uc Pr:nr. baseball game and ..,1·s r< " could be heard rlurn out in L..f ~ ueld. Suncl:n" o i' e he and the .!. Irs. • aner..deJ ciru rch and when the singing s!artcd the rreachcr called on John to j~)~n ir. ·w: L11 h:s rli3ar poi uted baritone. To:1n h Jrrie...l lv begaed off wirh t•he e.x- • w ~ j·la :1.!\ t ion that he had a CC)id and v·a: i(,l} hoar~e to ~iJ Jg . ~ ~ ;1 ~if l,... "\ . . 1 l 1 ·.. c .. t b-t~ n1 an \,·r lt n t 11 t c n·ec k :'I ' c oon ;~ ;::<r;n:..· h;s da ughter Benr and Earl £ar·e :n Caitl{)ri . \'e·n bet olet Ed is r ... al ly cnjuyiug a touch of pleasant. ~!·;r. ~ ey hou ~ ckec ping ·wi1 h his young · t ~ns . Fi ur ~-y h(_,nic. Ed, t he DEDl TC1' a:i'f: -stacking up. fl!o "'f .. * }\nd on 1har Pcrn~ Coo k-C~ l enn :->r'1alher;; fe uJ t ~lenn s ugge s t~ that t f P (~Tr) ·d drink mnre btt tLermilk perhap«:> he "'·oukln't lo;:,•: so much tinre . .. ac­; z, u n t c,f mea,;;ie.s ~ ~ ~ ~ (\'hew-f m h~c:t tli n ' f,,r Ed·d ie· ~ dvt{ bo~J SC l hcl­cl ·~ a ~.) • ,. * • Cora Lee ah.d li·n!e .~kee te:r Cunis an~ \ j-..jl: n ~ ·.vid·, th\! h omefolk~~ up :u:H(Jfl Wtt'•, and \V(': Jni~-~ Lht:m both. • Bt:! Euk ~ k c ci tf i.; having things hi' ';•'\ n '·en. '-'~~ i. 1a t ~Nith Auutie '" uc.. CranJ-t1J. Udtt:, Ct..: n is DnJ c·ma and ( /pa Hi. a r.~rovc a r h;s be,h_ awl cctll. .e,.. , \ ·.•. Ov,. 0N (). T. lr!h.h~ r:c.-1utncd iruH1 h~::. \a a ~ion ·~in bhc n~tl.~; Ct ilJbb ib ,..__.....vintj6 al a By A. fll~[. K oury . the '\Yeare r of a perf>etu al blush any - ho\v and the e:ool, re [ resh·i·ng 1'exas ~ u nshi ne re.a ll~r did things to his ruddy cGm ple:xian . \Vhat.ever 1\'Ir. Crute1s hosts at­ton did for hi1n J-uring h1 s Sllay uhe re recentlv-it wo rked. 'The boss can1e back f1:om CaJlton sporting a new pan­am: a, a ne~:r suit and the m o ~ t con­si ·tcnt sn1ile -vve\r.e been priv ileged to gaze on in many moons. \Vl':lat have yoLJ in CantoJl tha t \1\'t haven't? ?? * * * ~ ~ I r. a tld \Jrs. \~V ayne H aynes are both ju ·Lly, proud of the new little "chip 0tl. the old bl oc k'~ who moved in ea rly in August. vVe haven t tbe date. the \.-c~ighr, elc., but Pops Hayne has a p­plied for men1bers•hip in 'r oro n1 y)s Pop-'> Club. so i L 111 ust be so. • ~ '* * V. R. Vansaw of Ch~mp io n basket­ball fatne 1 ltiyed hust to his fa1 her e-a rly in .l\ ugust. \Vc had d1c pleasure of meeLjng \lan ~~ dad a nd took the op­JH) flu nity Lo a<.h· i s~ him that WI;! Wt:<re a bit -vorr·ied b.t::.cau ~e of the {a C'I th:n \ all is con iJc-rjug droppi ng baskl.:tball fron1 hi ') li sl c.:~f e.·tra-currict.ll.:tr activ i­t i e!>. " v\" hal ? ? - \ V lry. do 11' L yo 11 b - J1!.:iVt,; him" exclai tnetl \1~ n , . ' r. '! ,.\11 the \ an,;;aws h~1vc.; been bas k.t:t.ball p lay c~ r s and ~l in.'t JIOHc of us e \·~ r htl11{f up c.JtJ r ~ u its ~tHd c ~ lled i.e qnits ,·ore· we reauhed 42·---1 f he rret" auv i d c~s ' ".> I like that in his h ~ad ynu ju!jt l ,t~t tn.\: k n <; \ a n d I 'H ~ e L him & t r a i g h t. ' · (1~} • ·ance Our friend, : Cajun · I-I art calleJ us breathlc s<~ly on the 11th advising us thaL al l four srnel ters were runn~ng. a.nd suggesti ng chat we get a photo of the si~ht. \~ 'e called lt ex I-l a rvillc to .... verify Ha rrs statement ,~nd Rex saiJ, ~ Hell ye", \ve've got all fo ur smelters ttnd l i a rt's toffee potgojng <lt the sa rne rime. ' Sorne .~... anQ." ... Rex and flart a ren \ s peakin~ an) ntore si11ce Re~ san1pled the Ca j ~tn' offerjng o£, his t.ptece de resi·stanct" crawfish and rice. R e~ tasted, 3pat and suggcst:.ed that he add acorns to Lhc recipe and ole) Ha rt is stilt fum ing. EJ. P rice is stea 1i n ~ son1e of P cte - c Dov\-ney s smoke theste days. Hi$ lat-es t co nq~fe ~ Ls in the trading business \Vere :: a credit of $ L40.00 on a three year old refrigerator. on a lr;tde for a ne\v Ol) e . And believe-it ~or-'110t he Lalkecl a Chevrolet dea1er into cl'·iving him $42.) .00 c reJ i l c~n h·is t ,.vo )'ear old Ford '60 on a 11C\I\' Chc\·rul·eL. Nice u~ad1 n' l•:d. You'd do well in the junk busin est). Billy J\r f o r r i ~ and J ack ~ l urp h y " ·.e re SlH.'Cl!S, f11l 6she.rmcn : c\rcoral "''ee-ks bad iHH.l r<:\ u rncd to Pet saJ cna from. ~t bj)' j ~\u nf with a cn rloocl of n1tc spec kled tronL. j .:;t d~ uH\.:rcd St.·ve ral 1u P ~ 1 c .. Ct1rrenl !t .llcl P ete tl1 ankeJ hin1 for sam~ a nJ grac i 0 \l :)ly invited J ! H.: k over to dine with him and ~ l rs . ~ttr­r~ J H 1 hal nigln. Jack arri"·cd rather l \HC a L t ht: Cu1'1'c:IH ~s hnt-n.- n nd the ta bk '' U,$ a'1 r<tady ~<.:L \Vhcn he \ a 11< d - Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Raia iu. 11r. and .\ frs. Current and Tack sat do·,\·n at the table and J ack ~a id, .. Re_aJly, I ,,~a nt to apologize for no t ~cahn~ the fish I ga,·e rou toda.v-1 could ha,~e done jt vou know.» ~ J rs. Cunent's usual frie~1d lr and pleasant clerncanor suddenlr changetl ro one of di ~uaug-hr disappointmeo~- as she s tar­ed at the platter ,of nicely bro"vued luscjous. ~reckled trout wh.ich she had prepa red \VrrH the =-cales. I magine P ete's chuckle> _\'I rs. c~s precl ican;ent c.nd Jad:·~ embarras~me nt!!~ ! \ ·e hat~d LO rell this Olle~ ,\j r~. C, but it ··as tor) gtJ'>J to pas;:; v p. { \Vhe\·:-r d l;euer pl,rJrH:: for rr.::>er­'- at iun:. in the TJu~ Huuse). Bell ., R ·.d,bi I Cz:tr'' r J(A I i 11~ of ti l t r)hin f J '.Jili n ~·, bas a l rc~ i> r11 .... d·~ lti "i n- <·rv cAt ttJ JJ s for ., Sf'~'ll. <H 1lw \'urld ~~rws !!:.ilfl le5 if, be played iu ( io(iJin.ui n i<C m<Jrtrit. AnJ if any of t.,clr r ·a<kr:; f ~d th '" I!. eJs W•.1ll 1 l he in 1lw st.~ II'('._-.,.­' ·~~·H ... f~~·n'IJ bark hi, jud ~ulull l·.tnh what i1 t~l ,;. l•, ·~et ,1 ! vn~ in ' f'el';.u: . • HiHv nn l , ri tJcL.~ f(.Jnis lt.-n•t· put - t I ·t ~c+d a Jh'W Jtt11nL• iu P~s ... d1·n,l uwf. j·Jdv( Di~ vid!t••n J J • ' fJHitl ia~~ k i ll}~ nill a··uh· dowu :~ · f.: it1~r n •1f l" t:!!-;·,J'-·WJ (,J,q· p nd ft1r .tl I. 'J•Ln C OI t' (:f<! l }"Jl.a} ll t"'Wii i:l td•· fr, dl\ CJJ·dnp;,.,n' · ··XJ '''J ~ HJrl i11 A ugutSt ~ ~' ·t ­Il.,~ · rtutov·d of 'qo f:tJll ' , fe ~;.:A J' I } in 1 \ l l l7t, t \ ·\: h} I r· P :t ·: ~ d c • n r;, ~:) t' ~, l'lu l, <:Vr t-hw-ah.l!-lHrg c. fl !I.DJH'f (.~u.d ( :,·o. \'ild) \ rut ;dH•Itt t_hc-ir <'a rly evening t: hc.1 l't $, ,'0nte(J JJ C\ \ n h ... d lll eo11 e ·-. i:l id. l'Hlered Cnul ·ou s }HDf)UIHr d , tH! stoJ c . t .... 1n tne \·cry heart of Pas ftd c n~ :tud ''ljfted' hi.s ~~d e frOHl within moved it widll''l,JL. ~~l~ l ran f:)0rted it \ o ptnt ~ lmknowl). I hts all happt:ned nn a Fri­day \.: \'enino- and th~ Jocal oA)cials are ~ till suspiciou uf ·thc fact that severaL memb~r . o f the Champion F amily whu were ~c he<.lu l ed Lo start their y aca tions on rhe (ollowing. Ionday leit hurried­ly Friday tl ight. Amo11g tho e ru shing up the!r vacations on that memo rable ,Fri1ay ~vere Carl and Jo '~' il l iq n) s , '~d tckey Carro ll, G. I. Cribbs and ..\~ If arrha :B ctndera>' G i bb, . '·Queen of rhe Cowgi rl s. > (Late fl a sl; : It of the above named Champi-ons have been cleared except 1artha Gibbs-fnves­L1gaLions di close the fact that ~I a rtha p11 rchased a 1400 acre ran<;:h near Ban~ ~era during l1cr vacalibn for a very t'l.eable cash consideration. She is al­so fi g uri~g pro.min.ently in. the pr-esent F ederal 1 o.v~s tlga tiOP of buccaneeri ng a la Lo tJrs:~a r:J,.a). The sa,Je is s till A ·vrOL, and Doc Coulson ba.s installed a new one aud it in about 2,000 pounds of Vt;!ry heavy cen1ent. '**•** \Ve are proud to scoop the ·d aily paper news ga theret;s vv;ith a news i te tn of real interest LO the many fri ends of Clyde !\·l iller. vVc are reliab ly in[ornl­ed that Clyde has been nam ~d to the post of ~ o. 1 J udge of che R ancho Jit­terburg Contest. Yess iree-it Ju(lge Clyde t<Ranchito'' 1\1iller novv. ·Do~\ ask for exp}a nation, N I rs. ?d .- it's just ' . .1 gag-we re np aga 111 st our li SU ~ l probh:m uf CRJ:ATT. ·o tu:\<vs-and C I y de is l h c. '' f ttl I g n y ' t hi~ IillO nth . •• 1t ~ce nt ~ dra t all Po.~H l e n~ c hil ~-lrc tl who juin ·dte L o ttt: Rangf·r '(.'Jub rr1 ·\v :tll{$nJ t h~.: J'~g ttl 91 r ~a tu rcl .. t v ·f :)huor- " f ,.. . ) ' t' !lt-tl( p1ct Ul C fl r "' t·~· nt , t: Ill' nl Ct·<:Jr·;.t•· \' il l i:u t'lti' L.uddiL~;) ittfDttJ l'i me t IHtt in ( rl•p r~t:.., f•l ~ti J rlh· n l b~t lar w ·ts 4.1 lJJ vn Ut'r·.hi J• ~4lt 1 i1'1 Lh c· Luuc.: Rc~ n ,•vr ( Ju t,, a J ,fJII~ R U) •t•r ~· a d pc· r ll ~t r ibod ··( ~u ·nrJ.• I' .l t•lA X 1'}\·I t l t ' l ' \' .I ,, t. 'tln .. , , cUH I &1 l"t.r l, "\'f1U\<\dlh' ~H~ ld phl('d \.i i lWl'\o)' I I I < u I :, s :tts ~· ~ J I .... . J' . R t tl~~ l i 11 I tl} h ' 1 \)p It ( l I h t' (J I .• 1\ I. ' l lJ' (. • .. l \, (I ( I 1111 ' I r K • ~ • \ \ · t • t • . I I i J 1.., ~1 h , · r ! ' ! I I \.'tilt { ·.ft.JH 1pi1•11 ' f t\ • H h .· ' l tH!k B d I) • H n 1 i . I II ,d l ~ .l d r till It I nd ' \ l.'.~h n; lun, .. J lnJ I" I' fit-, I ~ _, .• d ( ~~ucl,.·:. l~trlt1Jhl Jl. '!;Slt dth d tti r ~~rijrL t a"'l« ll ltJ\1 t, .n,ltng f Jl 'l \' '1 ~, tJ, t; t,f,f t.Jlrt l ti t' I ·HJ~lllg (c;P'\:d ·d l <l l I '111. \ i h \J I ,J f I W11 d . J" p. .., h l \ c. Jl t' \ o;.·f TlJ l.' , ~ ~ re I" I,', k, !~ J fc.11· \""' :l n t t ( . c. u-h i · (~(]) \'ating n r~1V (,PI-. Cude l3Hiy i a., bu y a· tite t:~r~"JVCrht;,.J • r·e t_l-•c;.e uay~ 'J .nd W~ cl' J W)f ~cc. a.> nH.&Ci' (J! nim a.) we ''otdd fik:~~. Chas. CutJn ·tznd V" alter Braouon. two nl out rnu~t eligible bat.he!f,r~, d -J 1 heir s~n urday Jhnpging ju .... t acros,!) r' e s11 eet from the ~t0re: where we bu-- ,_~u:­corn meal and 5idt c/ pork. l nsepaf- 3 ble friend ~} rhc::,c t\F'l. cw; e:·idew:cd by the fact that th~~ heip tr.lie each Clth e rs _packal£CS. Swe11 f.~Ilo·~·:>. bo h. R., S. j oliles. whose t:\t() chief cbims to fan:e are ~n efficiently operated Llt~­Lrol yuc Bleach dcpa r"ment and one of the pretuiesr. lit de da ught~rs : n Te.xa~, <;a ll in uo proudly .annou:nce a ~~£\'\'' RECORD 1~ CAlJSTlC E\'AP0RA­Tl 0 1 ~ for his hbovs. 1 T he ere'"' con1- oi Clyde Roye Van Jack~on and J. E. _ Simpson hung t1 p a I1C\': rccofcl of 3 6.44 ton i o 24 houn on . uvusl l Oth. ~ice going fellow: . aod S~s'rt J ones i ~ really proud of Lhose reconl runs. Spea king of RECORD Rl":\ · re­calls to mind t)he faet that vou r S-cribe rna de a record run OFF the .. carpet" last tnonth after being remin led by \~ RC tn person that I haJ _ ~ OT men­tioned ~ evera l record of ·w ~1i · h w~ are a ll mighty proud, in th~ bsr i.;su~~ o( TH:r-: Lac. Seems l became a ll W f'!ll"~~'tt'J up in a lit de innocent Laic of _\ le~xi~· , Coon Can. elc .. elC., ;tnJ plum r.. lf!!Q{ LO ma ke mcutio11 of th\,;' n1 ' rt.~\.'t.•rd~ our ga ng had hung up fol J ppr~'--i .t: iq• tlla ttttgcmeot. .Better la~r than n(·\ t"L l a hvnvs sav. so ··.\ f'Tl •' :"-:l'tL):\ \ ~-iLl. the thir ... l pt:rt\ .. i l ·t chi rea r the C h ~Hlll i(.)ll.' uf h ... tmpi\lH J_'h),... duced l.(l) ~ . 3~ 'TO\S in t.llR' '' ~ck iur 11 new Ot .E ' \"J:.l'.k PI,-Ol L CT l O~ HJ :C< Rn. J ttring tlt .. u ,,. ·ek ch<: g a 11 ~ $~ l .t n c.\ , I ll ~ H t·: ~T n \ I T. Y I' Rt L H 1 CW IO ~ I' v ... )Rl ~·,f ... '<0 . .\~ . 1'0 . ~ ~ ( t 2 4 I l H R ~ ~) I\ ]t-uH.' ; 7th. 'f hl! fl ( H f u h· l "t h .~ t)(,., '\ Ill(; ll.t•' S'l' D \ l l. Y ·p R ) P l 'T IL) \J P V l'U R D ,,. P'L I t~- :~~! u5 ro\ __ , .1 tn,h.k wlt1 l,• ruttnill~ Lu n~ St,u .. \ rlll\ rec\'rd f111' l · \ 1\J 11 : R () F P I < ; J ~ t'J : I~~ H I . C)\' "J \ V I ll f., I~ P l ·-~ i\ f '\. t ; I ~ I ~ E ; n \ .1 ~ , ,_. t c m !1 d r ·; t \ t . T )\ •I " . C: h·"' '·l)itlll':) ··+.)I' ' ~t~'c..' IU·:t "0 1~ D l ~ l - ~ I'I ' I{S I F 1.1 \ F T lh' . IH~Wl'r i · -CU · ) P f•: I<,\ rr l {))_f. 'l' l · A \ I \ \' 0 l{ f, ctnd '-' I\ II I . '\ CHI k ll ll \~'-' '' ho \H.'I'• n t P" ··\· nt w1 •e ll tvl, Ctuty .. l.t~"n th • r\'­tll i ~td cd ll l..(' d qll f lt:t\l r~ule·\d l t'l publi­l'l<'. t' tl H:.d•' I t'l.'P fd ~ \}II IW\ t·r k llH\ j lll·t l Jt,j" I • R )l l l) h (' i"' • t~ l you r ~;,• fi un .. •• • • • C,umpion's H(;ulston Di · · ~on pby6n ·ho p artici· ~led in C!ty Champi\l:l· 6ihl:p playoff~, 'Front: R.. E L. Boggs Cliff Lmct }. 1:. S.impson. Chas. Schlemme-a.. aob Cal' in. Rear; Crenshaw. Rod Ph.lops, Bill Garr tt Rex Cocme , Cb¥ OTtbinq ton and A. M. Komy. Manager. the "C'. ·c.;n by enr..a-:- iflg Rapid Blue Pri1" in Lhe il\r "r: t1c PJ ~n·off al Buf­falo .. ~Jium la~t Su .. J:\·, · 1-he series '' s~ a bc.;t-nYl;rOui.- ,f-t~·rce affai r and \he C>ampi·on c ntr~7 ' by Yi n:ue of a be~.~t.:.~l one bit mound performance by Charlie . chlemm~: r. ~n lit a doublc­h~ ·.:rdL:if with the 1ast. Blue. Printers who a··e heaYy fa\·c, ri~e~ 10 win the City -r· 1". Thn thi rd and deciding ga1ne \~a.~ <nidcPtl: sc~ 'doled on the w rong d.ayr ~o Ia- a5 C lna~np!on '.1ras concern ed. \"u.h th( 'taZ'ds fu ll c_ f Billv Battison, • Glenn Sma hers. I. J) . \Vells. John CockereL Arthu r .\ll ie::on. Bass the .Ba1 bc·r.. Pete fJri kill and many other rab~ d rooters \Yho we were a n11.io11s to :;!~o·.,· one 0f our exceptional pedornl­a ace ~ tin~ ePtire ~ qu ad fulded \Vi lttd, .... ~n·e ~·:ay, co!la p-;\:d , and all-in-a ll hrld J:J. '•: rv~ lon~ . mi.,crr. b!e afte rnoon . As ' ~ die Ch inec sa '.. T"· (.No h ittee. no catch ee~ . . . no wi nee .:· But the season a~ a "'hole u·as c.enai nl v a ~:. u <.·cess f ul one • and y;ith a r~a f of r~byjn g l(J tPther the Cl:am.pioo bc. .. ehall t:r .. siJvtdcl be t.JUt.: · at din()' in ba-eha11 ci rcles he re neX1 year. r'hoto r~ f [ h(' ChaJnp-- \·ill be found in t hi ~ i ~ \lc of 1 'HE Lr,,r.. .. .. :F. (J . Ros . Cl, ampion 's newcs aud YQ'Hl .!t' ·nnrhco<:n, rt J,uns lhe arriv­a 1 v f l i · d r: 1 i ., _ ( d d a . \ nne: R os.: a P · adeiJC:t H-,,)[·ilrt.l (Jt~ the 2fl th of J ul .. ·. ,.f !Je de lady \· e;ghed 1 n at 7 p (1\Hld s aia.l d .e pnn.1d . farh ·r \Va t~ k. i nr pic­t urc A he.t b~ ~ he ~ . as .s {.x l)(J old. lVI rs. Ross js doing nicely but Pop ... Ro.:s i · sti 11 up j n the sr ra tos.phere. \Ve know ju l hO\' y ou feel fella. Congrat ula Lions. And here's another record-the team of Ray Coul .. on, J. B. \'m a th e r ~ and . am Ellis of 'Tu rpcnt ine-Tros tol s'"' ung out to a ne,,· record on A1Jo-ust 9th when they refined 3 4 ~000 pounds of ') ro.nol in 24 hotll·s. T hat' a n1ighty big figu re to boast of. 1~ h at just about completes Ch a mpio n ~ s record break­ing ci rcuil a, most eve ry dcpa rt rnent has ma nao-ecl to seL up a real record for the oth ers to shoot a t. .:Jice going .. am, J. B., .a nd R ay . B'ill Reedy, ChamJ')ion'5 ver.:a tile ca.r trader. is now drivi ng car ro. 10. Bill never chanl!l:!' oi l- whenever a se-rvice l ~ t a lj r> n a lt c n d a n t t eJl: lt i 111 It is o i 1 is Jov'"· h c 5<t ys. •' . .'Je \'Cr mi nd I '11 trade 'cr nff Lnis e \·en i n•~ .', • Chitf Freeman Cl lld . \ ,:,~ t. C h i ~.:f \V('st­murclcuH. J and tl1 ei r crew of alen, {; Al­cicnc \'d l l rairwd nri11 ft rcll l Cll J re to he c.umpli rncutt·d on 1heir capa ble handling of d J(· fi re in tlw \'o11d Yard lt' at w<:ek. 'J'lae crew. under lh ~ a ble lcad(; rsJtip c1f .1\Tcs:, l's. ll re ·nHtn and \ ,; ·tan0n:la nd ) hz. Jcvt: lrJ} '•.:d into a n: ..d .v-au rr o f Hn : l:~He rs a JlU as a l'cSU h ~ {21 ) ' of regular dri lls has earned the 1nany compl iments w·hich it has received of I ate. • . ..~ * l ;ncle Bill.y Bau ison on a rece. n t "' nn l a~,r decided to see Rou-- ton. I-te • strolled fron1 the Lan1 ar Hote l to the new Ci ty !-Iall and n1a rvelled at it be a ury then to the Library: the Coli­sc m and other nc·w structures. 'l'hen noticed a h ucre oak and \~aJ ked to i l and admired it as only a lover of na­ture can. I-Ie asked a passerby vvhat bui I ding was graced by thj beau ti I ul t ree and wa s advi ~ ed that the s truc­ture alongside "aid tree was the County ~ . J ai l. ·_:\u f said, ,. .5aid l ·ncle Billy and hu rrie l back to the safety of the Lamar Hotel lobby. * * • Another new worth.\ new- i em wh ich ynur not so a len corrc. pondent iailed to inform hi· readers ln st mouth \>\ Ll~ lhe acqt1isition of f erdinand. Fcnl} . ~ s Bauk l abel~ hi new pel, i · a m a s~ ivc bu ll ~tnJ W«s a \' e k ~>n1c new­n ~ I n (; r t 0 (\ r r. c r u l l ' 's b c rd u [ 14 T {e n~­ln1d . \ ,\ ·e w ~ t lt to ac knowledge lhe fvcl 1 hat tho w ~ we re born and reared • in ' f'c\as we a1c not a 11 authority on cattle..:, so we \ u ll' t g-o into any dt• tail · on tit c.: rn au e r, but we..: do ",· ant tn t'l' P<Jt t l h <' fa C l t h a L v\· i tl1 i n o n c w· c c k n f ~ 1 t • F erd inand ', rr rrival tlH· herd num bcr­l'd IR. Battle & So ilS arc..: hQving lt,t$ of full bringing up the ) Ott ngsl crs. - • . . - }we ·squirrel Hunter" Jon ~s And for tho;e of ,v ou \:vho think farm-ing doe;n\ ray \'\~·d like tO ~HJ.v·i s e t hat after s;x weeks in t heir new horne the B attle~ ~Iond aY featured a "'home gro-wn dinner · ~-e\·e ry item on the table \a~ rai$ed b.v Gen tlema n Fanner Battle "\·ith the verv able as ·i~ t a n ce oi ~ young CiiberL and Jack. • Ole j ule J ones ret urned frorn a trip o Canton and points thefcabou ts early in ~\ ug!JSl and \'e ,.,.e re mighty proud r;; the ~'veil Candid Came ra Snapshot Book which ] ute brou~ln us from the Laud of the Skv. T he book was made by J ule!s brvther around Lake J una­luska and 'A·a~ rnade frc.)m many kiuds n! wnod v\ ith mrJ~l uf it inl aid . \V<:: app r ~cialtd j uk·s kindnes;:; a,nd will always trca ... tHt -da: ~rifr. Jule js d tc fellv . ..,·, •ltJ\J knuw~ tVfl '> bangs around U"o:! ~keel C1ulJ e;H:h .'a 11:trJa-v shoot- J!•~ an cA·r ~l,_j,Jrral 1'f.JIH,d and hi lling t:ilfhr CA 1Pfl Uttg'el~ lJHill strrt)e yonng :whi j ~pcr .. n:~pp•·r "iHCh ~s C\!\1J( crJrlle!i ~tkm' and c·t_;t}ii)' [tr<'!·''Ghj iJ Jllatch wit:h tf.,. (t ,q:r pa:,:ing f,rr bu~IJ 1\lJ(JfJters. 'l'Lr-u J ult· f{Ct • d~:.·a cl scri<-1•"' and brt:~k ~Hr\.. \d t f.;rt· JrtJJ•) 2(1 fu 21, (;(('(Jrclin:! tn J t-.J\~ r;n·t Jq' J1t: h~s lt J • t,, {" ft k h.1 ~-. in. s (I ft)\ l~·l J<.~,j d I ,( t I H.: I d l } ; . <! ll ltl i 1 C.' the· ~ · day.,~ ha.·rn~! jtJ' r:!11JrtH:d (rqm i~ ;:.Wt•ll hlm.eyU·l'll dl trl[1 r.r1 • ~ ~ \ Yc ,t l< ; ,iu.;,ara F}d f.o elfHI pr11tl l · in Cnu,~ dtt. .\ fi CJ ~f1 hot r,j "Ul'l1 :Hhl JJ i:-. ;rttr~~ctiv~,; h ritic· · - , 'Jil in dd, i:- li t·. St" 1 t ~1 1'::\u g~:! v.dl ,flt,t r:.f tht' l\ i11 ;rw.l ( ju. 'n uf }•.nt.J• ud ~ t1d (; f tJVI' I \'\ l.c;rh.•t, \A •! j\ t, Wt \1:. . 1111 a f,JJl'J I I) :\I r. J 'J,j!J ip ·. .'~ Hi lr.:1d t (,t. Ja~· i,, liac "ul!lt ! \' '' h lrll(" ft c )r;''t I :1 V.t1 1 r~~fl' r·ni.tH f1nrn li\hith l tJ ~t'l A -hu: Q l t} • ,,. i ~; l i 11 u 1 i:i} a l1 } . :He in a n ton ~l nt.l poiuh in -,..J-tlh C".trulina fbr .1 t\ u week \ "cH'tlt i<Jn .. Bt~cl. h.;ul f r.) W ~t l l [ilr hi~ r ~ tln-cr. Lt:d auJ c~ l h\ ell. trJ ... ~ turn frrrm hi ~ ~~acafi on in Andu·w ... , N . C .. before h<? co11ld be •"'~!T. L{1eland rc:ttn nt:tl ''cry nluch i1.1 the pink of cond i~ion a iter his t \~·o ~,·cck.·. with the fol k ~ b;H::k home. • Our own Sturc rDOitl T urnm )' Th<•m r­~ on t'acke,d his other shin late in Juh· and hied himself otr to Piu b urgh f~r a ·well ea rned v.a ca ~.:ion . 'Tomtn \' !·c- ' . pt>rt s a S\•Vell t n p a 1~ J s tare l haL he saw some real sof ubaJI game· wh: k away and i die kerin iZ with L ~nJ or th ree top fiighr suhballers to add to his team ncx[ year. • * -$ * ~\11 a ry (<'' · aJl y': Y a tcs Lo<; reporter for the main ofl1ce doi ngs, who looks more like the origim al \Nally Sim1 son tha o does the Duchess hersel L locked her d ·e·sk~ ba·de fa r:e:wel1 to ~{ess r s. D·il­lard, D abney and PJ·ice and t \>VO p le~ sa nt weeks in CleveJa nd. OJ1io . _\:f..ary w-ri tes all the ·ch·ecks up at the franc office and ~/I r. Dabney si.gRs tben1. ~ la ry- reports that af!te-r two. '"·eeks of wri.ci11g and s~g oilil:g h er awn c~1cc ks she:s darn glad. to be b'aek home writing them and leaving t•he signtng to :\1 r. Da bneY. vVe kn·o~r 'Nh a ~ vou mean \Va lly ~uid the only .checks L i.ltlc David and his dad a rc ba.ndling these days go son1-ething like: thi s : Y-ates; to Coon to ]) abney, to Coon,. to Kottry to Fl{!\ CIT, t.:SS et a l. Vi ~·1ting l\'f r. ~ n d ·T rs. Bobbr Arn ­mf) ns a nd l\ fr . l·: lvin Hright t a rly jJ) Allg ust was \ f rs. \ra lt~ r . mmons a1ld \1[ct~ Lt·r \~:a J ~cr Lee. . \~ \Ys (>UC uf C'an­t• Jn n~po n 1l1 aL whi le 1\rfn . . \ mttH) fl$ wa!' a '~':.J} \rVah A H'lllJ CJ J'l.~ was ;-;ee t·l h~ ­fcJn' a tni1 J'lJf with hi$ Ut:>ckt i(,.' so~st> . , Jicl<in-r. hi: h.1ir do\·nt; h · pickt·d up t he k~;v,, r ;nl ~) U( of tl~t: hnu·.t. an\.1 • j uulpc•J iu Lhe t.·.'1L', pHl leJ r)n th i ~ ~n u ~· (· t , \a nkecJ on thi ' l,ic kic <1 1u l \.V et s • - l) J· f~ . Rr,iJH-d :tnJ r<)Lmd h{: hvnsf. cuulng d,_,,~. .. n v,rr; aprl~ trt:~(; . "'-~er­r) u ec, \V·r~ ot1-k ~rtd a:- ·;Ped Ufi':Ler­hru ... h. :\ f~::~.-.; huurH.l C'~utt· .. ilv r.a11 [lfJH l nrrd "'r .~,~ ho.u.c:. cH1J \r a·, ~'r;lnp­e ... l ()£1 l)t)flt''t hirtv kit.kl ·d z.rt a ~u~n • • with Ltv; radiator f 8 i nch,·s i r t(, r h ~ li\•in ry rrJom. 'I Jw IJrJ•rnd w-:;. · sav(:d artd \~·a f t c rawlc:<i r1'Jt o( t:hc ttar · vi~h a '' _.t ':!£'-%&,, J uti-1. ;t, H -- -1J,_· b,_.,~ wouJd h u r r ~ hr.1rr.P:· . I r~ . \ , VH.-"1~ i, ncJW on the. wav h(,me. • \"ell. there's rnr qur;ta rb- f r the s~rtemh e r i su..- and a ... ~he nei .. dtbrtr,; a re bccvming anuo}c{i with ;he rhyth­tnic ( :) ra t-a-tat r1 f thi.; :;m.;vl hh·~ ~ nr.k­ing typewriter as ~upj\lic\.l by ~\fr. Dah­n. cy in one o{ hi~~ gcne rnu~ m01,xb we'H ca ll it a d rn~ . ; R elieved ~[a ri ne Co rporal (at party) - Uo yoll know that uvly sap of an ·)ffice r st anding over the re~ l-Je'$ r~c mean­est egg I b.a\·e erer seen . She- Do you know who T am: I am that officer's daughter. Corporal- Do you know w·h.o I am? She-.l :o. Corporal T hank g•1odness. .Jl round She Got.·s J)u ring li r.s. ( C\ en1 n~ of a ". i~t to her daug.. h ter tt t Sea Puint Jfl cldcth. who had nt·\ er ~(;en rh~ !'Cl before n·as ior.wd iot('ndv vratd ing th~..; Robl en Island h~ht th.)ll~t: . ~ \ ' IM L infi ni l t' l''' 1 it .. n~:<" sa i!qr~ ha\·c,'' sJh: {il) ~t: n:ed. n.Hi\·inl.( th~r sht' ' w tt:: no llJH.~....e r a 1 ~ n(.' . '' '~ hY ?" ~ $kQJ hc·t d~ LJghtt·r. · \1 ~u : · ~h t: u'l"di ~ t ''the \inJ k1~ hlr. \Vn t h ~H lit!h t mn t hi n y-ei~ht tiuw:s ~i 11 t:(' l ' ru b · ·n \ .,r l c h i h~: an~L t:~h:h lt.f l1 f' llI !: \ lt' I'l =..l '\lt~Ll l' l. ') . ' • • ( ... ~ .n, 1 • i f':in:~ h ~ and \:h 1i n· t l · . 1 : .r .11· ~u . .. ·. 1' . I u~k<·tt anJ ., • a •l r C \. H 1:- n~ c l ' ' t 1\ I \ " 1l { 1' •t1e ;;~· t j, ,.rl!~Y ~o \h h:n~ ... • ·t,. < 1 'J'"' "tr dn n ~ "dl 1ti1 - • • t •. Ht: t n~ : . .., (JJllatns. Uf' t ll ~\' \t · t~ Jl hJ ein·:t. ' •1 b .• rs in1 1 tn ~ 1.:~ ... u . . tlt .. tt ·n t. kt' :1 1\. t 1 ], l ·,t ... n. ·h~ ... fh' h,f\.1:-- • t;,:ll in~ bup­ · .. l t'JP a_ l·n '' :th l~i u , ;\lt u·ris bt:in. ... . . .a.. , \ d ! : ft t1 • a ~iu.l~" j :HUH , • · I 1 l n 1J ·u1 · .. r·"i' c1 1 ~ u ,~ ... ) anu •ch ~-e ...\ rnQ" ~ blt 'ii tj,)(· •rk. ... I.. ;, ·' · ·· H1 • ntt, tl" c- 1t ad \ ~1:; c tJ 1\ >t ~' h 1 h.. . n 1 • l:tt-re ,.,.. ~ ~ xJ red • .l ':"1 <.. -;.( {J i ;::- ttllt . . . \ f C\ mil ., : rc1n1 llot,:­iC: i · ~,. ,L "H 'i a .. l\' dtrctctiOI}, '0:I)t't in- • 1 t • fe· t :a \ n~ai·e~ a tr "nh nJott ~=~re: ·e ~ ~ in ttt· c tu.·n- ... \ vnder • · P( . C. c · arnd {. h a--~. . C u1e ~0 do'' n c:_l_ • -n, .. 1· . ..:h .. iii,-e Bin.!d '-las ..... l · ·,1 tt"'!Til~'":t~J ... ..:ureiY \ouki bi.! sun ·, · td orH! f tLe e l)oa;.: t.)llt of ( h· ~t~n .o· t:ha c rn:~: u C l'"'a 1 nJ . t1 '· ,·r· .... ar-1d ~Ie.·:.:"" .. . ~\ray­. ..: . ~. n e 1.4a l. • . • • rh t n £"S stan. in Q" tO ~ v h - -n tht: new a .. ldilic•l and a lon~ rn..: . i en wa 'ung ~a 'b rnorning. hc.,p­- n·•_ .. f · jo!.:-. ... i Jo \'ad thet·e aren't en( _h foi· all o · l ~lt TJl •.• 'Yr.. Ho and ·:nl1d b- ,u,d mL:J 1 ake ... Ei hlcen e . · n tO-l t.J O& e uf tht1~ e tank 5 at .h ~c.zi· ~ n1ak~:; o li e a rr~ther:nrr ~~ '".... ,.. .. "eem~ a~ thou~. h bad tack tra\·eb i1 "'~a,1 .:S •. . _-\s .:..oon a~ a man tets • ~- .n:1 one lick!' iHh.>tllt.'r n;H.~ .,lt.tps rn a. 1 • '-' , l'lf! •.. !\1anrd \ crchcr ··a.!:.: o be clcin_,- all 1 he ~-""ut;d tbo 'vt •. . fie h4.,. be rl;.' n ~ hnuse- "·ith :;e':­e {i; =.t-crc;:, (Jf br J :tnd l~. ~oing iO be cr. mb.:!ja· iun }->tdp n1:11er 1nJ f.arrne1 ... In a recent fit e at the VJ{)r .J '\ an.l • • t• fire ere.\ de ene' a word.}; con1- et c~ au~ n fcrr the ... peed and efficie H j u e . ciern'On&u a t. J . .. \ t' '1 .d 0nc ... l'Jtal P,t .aclc na <t= ~'l.t .\ ..1 ·cL1nan took th · ·:Be a l it r;o }itt; the night he ... ltt \! ~h·l· '. tlh c;f ru t .uhl \Jirhnl .t roup '1 llh'll ' ,1 ry oil c .Jtd ... c)l\, ' .tl'c ... l 1rctl\ ~n,,d ... \ II t h:~l pcop.:l i'Hil- . ' d.t ,d~uu t \ln olini Hlf fcrin~ ~t ln·ctrl a 1\ ~~ cl· i x ( n h .t t • ell t 11'1 I n d.lll v i 11 u ..· a . ~1·;·tic~l1 "' <•t:IJ that hl htt : a hc.:tn ... ~~,·._· it\~ j, b,·( ,l.'\ 'llV .. . 1 )jd )'dll t'Vt.'f 't l' (j · l I·} \Yith ,un uf rcd di , h .~old h:tiJ' ..111d l'('!d bb k C\·t: :l nd hJ \)WS~ ..• ~ n .. (' 1 ~ , · :1 1 , c tt ~- r i \' n, 1 (' • • • H u ~ k .··tJnll' hcc1dint.. for l'anl<lll .:l JHJ I hc­}\,, L lftcr ... 1 lc didn't tru l him:-~lf , .;t) mdilcd his llH>th 'Y ·dH!,td Lo hi 111~clf Mh.l then alrno.~t tl"' l"" 'l'Ll going . . . \ YtHT\. \'Orn· .. . C. ould g, o ~ n a kc::., c ~ t:· h -·tan i n g a L the o l her·$. La il an cl \'ut k;n,. up," tin ~lly swal lo\v C'ach oth- er::: .:. All alono- the road to Con roe and also lO Livin S(OO. great stacks or .. • .. • • • • • • • -• • Wheeler, Cockerel. Clark an:i Curtis (Cafeteria) ). B. Va lan1ine \>\ <)Od in neaL pi!<-.. ... You can al­most ~(·c.· a Ch:unpiun tHg fJ'l it ... I a c k .\ J u r p l1 y i.. pI ;1 n n i n g a 1} ~ n y CJ n the hav . . . ~\n y mt.:rnb c.:r or lhe Uigt ::..t­cr Cre.\r is eli~i hl c for a free trip ae ro~., l h e h tl\' w i l h .\ ·r ll r ph r a l l he 0 a r s . . . .\lease· and ~ forris, having a:lre:1d~ bcl:.n ruweJ will acL as starter,") . . . 'f ha.t " ·ill gi\·c .\'fease pknt}' of litnc LO chunk. i~ark ph1g-s .a l the Jish \bile Billy desert$ hi => s hip ror the -afety of (t buv,· .. . 'l' h~ fl sh will probably be : afe . .'. 1:-Tas an ~'on c c\cr ftgured out all Lhe ran1iticaLit1n5 of Lhat 'luder LO R ce~h Lo rhc nnknc,-wn third party:; . . . · \Von I e r h ow I-f e r r l-1 i t l (' r fee I a f Lcr ha v: ne- been ~ Pul ed' . . . Swc ll to know th~t $Oillt\ here pe0plc h~1ve punk enf>ugh Lo ~it back and sa: . o. B,y D. C. Thompson \"dJ; folk . having ju"t returned from my vacation, I have ve ry liLLie lu \1 rite abo11t. » ~ (( (( J· ron1 a 11 reports eve ryone enjoye I tlh:i r t rjps. · f) )) (( « \ Ja j t ha . J i b