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Roy C. McHenry to Horace Kephart, November 22, 1918, page 1

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  • wcu_kephart-1701.jpg

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  • Huraut of Mw&tvg&twtL P. 0. Box 126, Scranton, Pa., iloveiiber 22, 1913. Ilr. Horace Kephart, Bryson City, N. C. Dear Sir:- I was pleased to receive your letter of the 19th inst. and thank you very much for the advice in regard to looking up the antecedents of the Schwsizer rifle. I expect to be in Harris- burg early in December, and if I get a chance, I will follow out your suggestions. In codtasction with the December installment of "The Story of the Gual in All Outdoors, have you seen the collection of Ostendorff, in Philadelphia? He has the whole series of Hall breechloading rifles, and another one of similar system, the name of which I do not recall. Most of my rifles are of the early.percussion type. My home town, Binghimton, N. Y. was quits celebrated at one time on account of the rifles turned out there. I have two of the old hsadblocks and leads-which were used by a gunmaker-named Stuart, whose specialty v/as a "gain twist" rifling which was supposed to impart tearing qualities to the bullet. I have a squirrel rifle made by Rufus Rowland, which is still in good enough shape to outshoot a 32-20 Marlin at 100 yards. Rowland opened his' shop in the early forties and kept on until the Civil War, when he made telescope sharpshooter rifles. The one I have is half stock, 30 inch barrel, weight about 9 lbs., .36 caliber

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).