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Roy C. McHenry to Horace Kephart, December 1, 1918, page 1

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  • wcu_kephart-1691.jpg

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  • l&ntmtx af Stttteaiujattmu P. 0. Box 136, Scranton, Pa., December 1, 1918. Mr. Horace Kephart, Bryson City, N. C. Dear Sir:- 1 I was pleased to receive your letter of November 27. I have not had a chance to make the photographs of the rifles as yet, but will do so as soon as I can get home in the day time. I never heard of Billinghurst, Morgan James or Amsden. My work in New York state is mostly confined to the southern tier of counties, so consequently I have not had an opportunity to study up on the rifle making history of the rest of the state. In regard to Mr. Ostendorff, his collection is on view in his saloon and restaurant on Market Street between 12th and 13th, in Philadelphia. If your being a North Carolinian does not preclude your entering places of liquid refreshment, the collection will be well worth your visit, if you happen to be in the city. I expect to go there very shortly and will try to get you one of Ostendorff's catalogues. I have one at home, which I will loan to you in case I can not get another for you to keep. What Mr. Ostendorff oonsiders the gem of his collection is the gun of Robinson Crusoe, or rather Alexander Selkirk, from whose adventures the book was written. He showed me the gun and its duly authenticated pedigree, showing that he bought it from a descendant of Selkirk, in London. The gun looks the part. It is a heavy ship's mustfket of the Brown Bess order, and barring a few

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).