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Randall Jacobs to Hugh Peterson, July 17, 1942

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  • wcu_ww2-823.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • »u of Naval Personnel, ^PaS^O-AJH NAVY DEPARTMENT #261-93-22 BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL &V6llTw" . WASH,NGTON,O.C. JUL17W2 My dear Mr. Peterson: I desire to acknowledge receipt of your communication dated July 13th, 1942, enclosing a letter from Mrs. 33.L. Preetorius, Hunters, Georgia, who requests that facilities of the Red Cross be -used in locating her brother, Samuel Robert Owens, Torpedoman second class, U.S. Havy. As Mrs. Preetorius states in her letter, her brother ha,s been declared "Missing", since latest report in this Bureau indicates he was serving in the Manila Bay Area when the last defense in that Area capitulated. It is Presumed that the personnel have become prisoners of war. Every effort is being made through the International Red Cross to gather information concerning the location and welfare of prisoners of war. Reports are slowly being given from other areas; but it appears now that it will be several months before definite information iirill be available. The Bureau is ever mindful of the anxiety of the relatives of men in this status and you may be sure the next of kin will be promptly notified of any report regarding their welfare. Sincerely yours, RANDALL JACOBS The Chief of Na^al Person Hon. Hugh Peterson House of Representatives

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).