Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

Western Carolina University (21) View all

Letters supporting Appalachian National Park movement

items 16 of 31 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12122.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • KXKC ITIV HKNSE'fT H. YOTJNCi, I'kesioi^t. .1. B. C'ASTLEMAN, 1st VlCE-lt«lf« ■ m. B. W. ]>TJKK, 2dVicb-Presidekt CJKO. &AULBERT, 3d VlCB-P«ES Si. H. BUCHANAN, 4th Vick-Prksi esx. WM. M. JIARBINBK, Skct, *3tt W , .IK1 .v,.;; COMM11TEE: .J. B. P1RTLE, T$BAeigIt^tt. JOHN H. LEATHERS, J-KF.S. Cc THOS. D. OSBORNE, Secy Co: JAMES XV. BOWLES. WM. B. HALBEMAN. I OK Kv lit-- Ivy. STAI" HNG COMMITTEES: Finance. Attilla Cox, Chairman, Columbia Building. Transportation, Gen'l. B. W. Duke, Chairman, 212 E. Broadway. \! Hotels and 1G. E. Johnson, Chairman, Courier-Journal Building. Accommodations, S Parade and Review, Gen'l J. B. Castiemin, Chairman, Columbia Building. Reception, Capt. G. C. Norton, Chairman, 537 West Main Street. ' 4 Invitation. Judge H. W. Bruce, Chairman, 1500 Third Street. Press, Thos. D. Osborne, Chairman, 126 E. Broadway. Printing and Advertising, JOHN P. Starks, Chairman, Fourth and Jefferson. Ladies, Marion E. Taylor, Chairman, 1.35 W. Main Street. Badges, Henry Kaufman, Chairman, 521 Fourth Avenue. Medical, Dr. Preston B. Scott, Chairman, 1514 Third Street. Amusement, COL. J. W. BOWLES, Chairman, Louisville Trust Co.'s Building Decoration and Illumination, J. C. Lewis, Chairman. 568 Fourth Avenue. Cam/>apiies }Capt- John H. Welier, Chairman, Ky. Mutual Ins. Building Entertainment, Biscoe Hindman, Chairman, Courier-Journal Building. Headquarters, Maj. A. E. Richards, Chairman. Columbia Building. GeliZ'al Officers^ }Co1-- Andrew Cowan, Chairman. 435 \V. Main Street. Music, Zach Phelps, Kenyon Building. Information, Thos. Batman, 120 E. Main Street. ejt. .Jt.Jt.JL_fcJtJt-_*.Jt.JtJt-*.Jt.Jt.jt.jt.jt_.Jtjt_ jt.Jt Jt_jt jt 5tjt.JtJtJt_1tjt.Jt jt.*. *_jt .*. .ft. Jt.Jt .jt-<t*.jt United Confederate Ueteran$, Reunion of wo—may so, $., June li 2.3. <7k&-i/^ * /y ^r- ^Z^^i/V^c^^ -^L^tct^ e/

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).