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Letter to William H. Thomas, April 8, 1868, page 2

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  • wcu_highlights-1694.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • You speak of yourself and friend securing the [illegible] debt [illegible] notes &c. If you and your friend, will secure my debts (thoroughly) I would wait 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 years and release all execution and liens to call the [illegible] matters was first satisfied, but that in the 1st step towered, any releasement with me however light & indifferent it may be considered by you. You must excuse me for looking upon a $25,000 penalty hanging in [illegible] over my head as rather a serious matter with me incurred for your benefit alone & for which I near rec’d a copper, and that I feel as though all the liens I hold as your property are quite small enough to indemnify me. And further, that it is your duty as an honorable man to use every exertion in your power to release me from the liabilities not by promises alone but by action and by turning [illegible] my hands every interest you have or can procure until that object is accomplished when you will [find] me as I always have been your best friend in need. The Bruce judge being from the federal court judge Merimon would not of course be an afraid of any [illegible] action of the legislature but my debt could stand as different grounds being from state courts that have no rights except such as are doled out to them by military authority _ and if I incur any risk for want of proper authority I would rather it should be under the sanction of military power that under the enactments of a legislature that has neither the will nor the power to mete out justice to the citizens on constitutional grounds. I am anxious however to avoid as far as possible any litigation or liabilities and think of you will do your own duty there is no danger of the [illegible] to be apprehended in one case as I feel conscious I only want my just rights and I feel just as conscious that it is not only the duty but the interest of both of as to go to work and do in at once without delay or procrastination My family are in reasonable health W H [illegible] My respect to the family

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).