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Legislation Secured by the Appalachian National Park Association

items 8 of 14 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13461.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Sine* the organisation of the Appalachian National Pw* Association at 4*«vUU, North Carolina, Nov*mh*r 22nd, m99, th* following national and stet* It/^ialation has "been s*cir*d! Jan. 2nd, 1900, Apr, 7th, 1900. Apr, 21 *t, 1900, Apr, 2f>th, 19001 Summer of 1900, Jan. 19th, 1901, Jc«i. 19 th, 1901, Jan. 10th, 1901, Jan. 28th, 1901, Memorial of the Appalachian National Pa** Association pr***nt«d to Con^r^s* ^fl referred to the Committee of Agriculture, Officers of the A".sooi..t*on wrpear befe*'* th* Committee of Agriculture presenting th* cause of th* Api - lachian National P^jrK Association. Senator P)*itahord Introduce* ■ hUl praying for un Appropriation of five thausnnd ($8000) for a preliminary investRation, Senator Pritchard's hill asking fr» m -i-ation for investigation passsd, «nd beoome* a law July lot. Government. forestry ftVMM »tt tt"t| erution of th* Geologic.~. f>.;rv*y investigate the Southern Appalachian .Mountain*, Secrete - w>n of the ccimitte* or Agriculture sends r*port to Congress throu^i the President rugurcling th* preliminary inv*'itigat ion mud*. President, :*cF-iAley pr*sents Sec. Wilson's report with a specie! message to Congress recommending this report to th* favorable consideration of the congress. Sen, Pritchard Intro duces s bill praying fcr an urpro- priation of five million dollars for the establishment of n forest r*«*ry« In the Southern AppjJ.aehiiin mountains approximating til million acres, Pill referred to Coins it t*e of Agriculture, nator Pritchard's hill asking for tm appropriation of five million &<liars reported hc;cl- favorably fey Committee Sf Agriculture,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).

  • These 14 pages include several drafts of a document titled, “Legislation Secured by the Appalachian National Park Association.” The documents outline the early efforts and successes of the Appalachian National Park Association. On January 4, 1900, the association submitted a Memorial to Congress and, on May 25, 1900, a bill passed authorizing funds to investigate the possibility of a national park. Also in 1901, North Carolina passed a resolution ceding the right to purchase land and acquire title by the federal government; by mid-1901, five other Southern states followed suit. Also in 1901, President McKinley expressed support of the project. Although the organization had major successes early on, their efforts met with resistance and the organization disbanded in 1905.