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Kephart library: books related to the Great Smokies

items 1 of 9 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11236.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Horace Kephart Library* Bosks Related to the Great Saiofeleo, Cat. subjoot Wo. 1&£6 Hunan History, Soo,Appa,fctns, 182? issa * ' 1029 * 1820 • 1631 1832 18S3 ■ 1834 * 1035 1838 ■ 183? ■ 1836 ■ 1839 1840 Title Author 4 fountain Boy'hif® Story The Gelex Oetaorer* Spirit of the Mtas, H.uaro Woxaea The Glass Window The Leneaaae Boud Tfcs Fay to the 3'eet TBe Caroliaa .Vtna. Osogriphisal Influ. la American Hist. Keatucky iiupcrctttioao fen',Lin,Thomas Load of Saddle hvgs J.S.r.ain© Th«* SouU.*viT*. iYoatier Wi.Crane tits Southern Ui lander John C, Campbell an4 hi a Bomolaaa "Cur Soatbera ...Handera Horace Kopk&rt J.Dean Crsiu Baptist Conrioa G-ville WU 5»C,0uerr$.at Cnuard Press H«®end 1910 'tea B.Klleo J.Fott & Co, K.Y. 1S05 Luay FuKtea Atlnt.iitaljr Ft. Bos* 1933 » « Lit,Brown Co. ■ 1925 » « ■ ' ■ 192? Worses Hough Boaba-h'errill C#Iaai«a# 15G3 K.W.Uorley Bough, ~!,.:S£, Co, Boa, 1013 Albert F.Bri^oa Cisa & Co. ■ If03 Fri -ton U.Proas Prino, &iseioa Sd,Board H#Y. Duke Untv*Press Bnr« Bus. Sage Feundtn ■/ Outing fab*Co* L&Ofiiillan Co, ».Y. I,Y. A roprint 1841 * Cur Southern Hi larger; 8ew, salaried edition i84S*G»as sad Gun-lore* ,i*ing.Ai8ts Bifle practise 184S* " 3 '"ietol and Revolver Shooting " The Coders Si fie " Sfortini* Fixearaso w* Automatic risiols -so, "i'.« innate i, L*A.Bt»elarright Cttti&i 3#G.fF,?>Churoh N«Y* Ftth, .V.Y 1844* * 1845 w 1846* * 184?* * 4§4g£—*u——-.. 1848* • 1849* " 1850* " 1851 - 1858* * 18S3 • 1854* " 1855 « 1^6* I 185? ■ 1858 • 1859 " 1860* " 1861 " 1SS8 Flantlifa 1863 *n&.A.Doaovon Eor&ee Kephart K«B.C.roliard i of P. Oartie^Jr* itterm Droll '" .'■ = ' .£ today ia Boo * Eeadioadiag 4aauaitiea J*S* %tag»Klfies and John C Sifle Shooting w Modern Bptag/Juaaery Hoary Sbarp 3 0tiae,Aer3ttta,aad tackle A,W*Moaay at a! * Ballot Boles B.B.teaaoa w Pirear&s in Amer.Hiat* C,W.Sawyer Vol,II,The Berolrer " Firearrae ia Arcer.Biat. Yol.III^Cur Hiflos " The AjjM»f,Shotgun Charles Aftkini * The Sua Book Thome H»S§ehee " Sao Qua and lie Dvl»t« iv,.-?,Greener * The Aaarieas ^ifle fewasead Saalea " America a 3aall Anas S.S, Farrow » The Bentusky Rifle John 0,?/.Billin """Fieldbook of Anerieaa F.S.iJathewo Wild Flowera *-^ioidbook of jowrioaa Wild mows re, 2d 8d« F,S,lfcth»ri i^yieldbook of /«wrioaa Troes and Bhrabo * *' t^1%ieonou3 Pleat• in Field and Garden Pr©f*3.B«R8l©w .:•.'e-" ee ■ 'riat, Co, - :•'*•: ; ■:<■, Outing Frlat, Co, K.Y, I.Fitijaa ^oaa H,Y, £t-"*2ustoa Co,, N«Y, Saall Arms Yooh#Co.B«l B.Appletoa 3o, K,Y* -jijspkia, Marsh,Co« : "•.-..•adllaa "o* .Sawyer Arae Co. ,o»den 8.Y, fh« Corahill Co. w Out lag Fab,Go, ?I,Y# lienor Holt Co. S#Y. Casseil & Co.LtdLoadoa Century Co* B»T« Bradford Co, E.Y. Ksttl.niflo Aeeo.w'ash, a.?.Putaaa Soas K,Y, 19X3 1921 1916 101? 1912 19S0 1922 1938 1920 1506 1304 [ 1513 1910 1911 19S0 1910 1918 1910 1318 1S04 1984 1902 G.PePutaaa Sons K,Y, 1927 ■' II.Y, WIS :,&J.B,Youas

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).

  • This 1973 list of books relating to the Great Smoky Mountains is an inventory of books in Horace Kephart’s library. Horace Kephart (1862-1931) was a noted naturalist, woodsman, journalist, and author. In 1904, he left his work as a librarian in St. Louis and permanently moved to western North Carolina. His popular book, “Camping and Woodcraft” was first published 1906; the 1916/1917 edition is considered a standard manual for campers after almost a century of use. Living and working in a cabin on Hazel Creek in Swain County, Kephart began to document life in the Great Smoky Mountains, producing “Our Southern Highlanders” in 1913. Throughout his life, Kephart wrote many articles supporting the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.