Western Carolina University (21)
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- Western Carolina University Publications (2491)
- Western Carolina University Restricted Electronic Theses and Dissertations (146)
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- World War II in Southern Appalachia (131)
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- Appalachian National Park Association (53)
- Bennett, Kelly, 1890-1974 (1547)
- Berry, Walter (76)
- Brasstown Carvers (40)
- Carver, George Washington, 1864?-1943 (26)
- Cathey, Joseph, 1803-1874 (1)
- Champion Fibre Company (233)
- Champion Paper and Fibre Company (297)
- Cherokee Indian Fair Association (16)
- Cherokee Language Program (22)
- Crowe, Amanda (40)
- Edmonston, Thomas Benton, 1842-1907 (7)
- Ensley, A. L. (Abraham Lincoln), 1865-1948 (275)
- Fromer, Irving Rhodes, 1913-1994 (70)
- George Butz (BFS 1907) (46)
- Goodrich, Frances Louisa (120)
- Grant, George Alexander, 1891-1964 (96)
- Heard, Marian Gladys (60)
- Kephart, Calvin, 1883-1969 (15)
- Kephart, Horace, 1862-1931 (313)
- Kephart, Laura, 1862-1954 (100)
- Laney, Gideon Thomas, 1889-1976 (439)
- Masa, George, 1881-1933 (163)
- McElhinney, William Julian, 1896-1953 (44)
- Niggli, Josephina, 1910-1983 (10)
- North Carolina Park Commission (105)
- Osborne, Kezia Stradley (9)
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- Sherrill's Photography Studio (2565)
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- Southern Highlanders, Inc. (71)
- Stalcup, Jesse Bryson (46)
- Stearns, I. K. (213)
- Thompson, James Edward, 1880-1976 (226)
- United States. Indian Arts and Crafts Board (130)
- USFS (683)
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- Western Carolina College (230)
- Western Carolina Teachers College (282)
- Western Carolina University (2008)
- Western Carolina University. Mountain Heritage Center (18)
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- Portraits (4667)
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- Speeches (documents) (18)
- Text Messages (0)
- A.L. Ensley Collection (275)
- Appalachian Industrial School Records (7)
- Appalachian National Park Association Records (336)
- Axley-Meroney Collection (2)
- Bayard Wootten Photograph Collection (20)
- Bethel Rural Community Organization Collection (7)
- Blumer Collection (5)
- C.W. Slagle Collection (20)
- Canton Area Historical Museum (2110)
- Carlos C. Campbell Collection (784)
- Cataloochee History Project (64)
- Cherokee Studies Collection (4)
- Daisy Dame Photograph Album (5)
- Daniel Boone VI Collection (1)
- Doris Ulmann Photograph Collection (112)
- Elizabeth H. Lasley Collection (1)
- Elizabeth Woolworth Szold Fleharty Collection (4)
- Frank Fry Collection (95)
- George Masa Collection (173)
- Gideon Laney Collection (452)
- Hazel Scarborough Collection (2)
- Hiram C. Wilburn Papers (28)
- Historic Photographs Collection (236)
- Horace Kephart Collection (861)
- Humbard Collection (33)
- Hunter and Weaver Families Collection (1)
- I. D. Blumenthal Collection (4)
- Isadora Williams Collection (4)
- Jesse Bryson Stalcup Collection (47)
- Jim Thompson Collection (224)
- John B. Battle Collection (7)
- John C. Campbell Folk School Records (80)
- John Parris Collection (6)
- Judaculla Rock project (2)
- Kelly Bennett Collection (1575)
- Love Family Papers (11)
- Major Wiley Parris Civil War Letters (3)
- Map Collection (12)
- McFee-Misemer Civil War Letters (34)
- Mountain Heritage Center Collection (4)
- Norburn - Robertson - Thomson Families Collection (44)
- Pauline Hood Collection (7)
- Pre-Guild Collection (2)
- Qualla Arts and Crafts Mutual Collection (12)
- R.A. Romanes Collection (681)
- Samuel Robert Owens Collection (94)
- Sara Madison Collection (144)
- Sherrill Studio Photo Collection (2558)
- Smoky Mountains Hiking Club Collection (616)
- Stearns-Grueninger Collection (222)
- Stories of Mountain Folk - Radio Programs (374)
- The Reporter, Western Carolina University (510)
- Venoy and Elizabeth Reed Collection (16)
- WCU Gender and Sexuality Oral History Project (36)
- WCU Mountain Heritage Center Oral Histories (25)
- WCU Oral History Collection - Mountain People, Mountain Lives (71)
- WCU Students Newspapers Collection (1923)
- Western North Carolina Tomorrow Black Oral History Project (69)
- William Williams Stringfield Collection (2)
- Zebulon Weaver Collection (109)
- African Americans (390)
- Appalachian Trail (41)
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- Cherokee art (84)
- Cherokee artists -- North Carolina (10)
- Cherokee language (21)
- Cherokee pottery (102)
- Cherokee women (210)
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- College student newspapers and periodicals (2012)
- Dams (130)
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- Folk music (1015)
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- Forest conservation (220)
- Forests and forestry (1271)
- Gender nonconformity (4)
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park (N.C. and Tenn.) (197)
- Hunting (57)
- Landscape photography (26)
- Logging (134)
- Maps (84)
- Mines and mineral resources (21)
- Paper industry (58)
- Postcards (258)
- Pottery (139)
- Railroad trains (91)
- Rural electrification -- North Carolina, Western (3)
- School integration (15)
- Slavery (5)
- Sports (452)
- Storytelling (243)
- Waterfalls -- Great Smoky Mountains (N.C. and Tenn.) (66)
- Weaving -- Appalachian Region, Southern (281)
- Wood-carving -- Appalachian Region, Southern (328)
- World War, 1939-1945 (175)
H. M. Misemer to wife Martha, September 19, 1864, page 1
Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).
Athens Ala Sep the 19th 1864 Mrs. M. J. Misemer My Dear wife after an abscence of about three weeks I attempt to address you again though I have nothing of importance to communicate I received yours on the 7th inst yesterday it was the most satisfactory letter I have ever got and I was much rejoyced to hear from you and happy to learn that the raiders had missed you ent -irely I supposed that they had taken every thing you had and you don't know how thankful I am to God for his protection in protecting you and my little children in my absence our regiment is camped at Athens again have been here 5 or 6 days our regiment had the pleasure of helping to drive old Wheeler out
Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).
In this letter of September 19, 1864, Henry Marshall Misemer (1832-1865) writes his "Dear wife," Martha Misemer, from Athens, Alabama. He writes with not much news, but is happy to hear she was missed by the raiders. He says General Rousseau got in trouble for not capturing Confederate General Wheeler and explains why. Some men in his company were killed or captured, but he stayed behind due to a lame horse.