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Guyot and the Great Smokies

items 15 of 27 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10295.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • *e large eeale, and en* of tho Mack Bouataias* showing the posititnss of the paints measured * ere la preparation sad will be published, together with the felsoussloa and remits of the barometrical observations, in the Smithsonian CoatrfkuUoas, to which X saugt refer to further details.** Guyot was not, however, dostiasd to realise his long ehorlshod plan of an extensive stenograph en the Appalachian eystasa for the^Ssfttiasoniaa Contributions*. His only later work la his Manuscript "Geological nates on the ISeuut&ia region ef Wk Postern Horth Carolina*, transmitted February 88, 1888 to the Biroate* of the'Coast and Geodetic Survey at ^ashi»gtoa# 1>»G* $vea at that time he had not abandoned his cherished projeot$ for he asked p®»i«slo» to aake a copy of his notes which, he says, will save his. *e good deal of labor wijea writing jay final memoir for the Smithsonian Contributions*. fhls eommnioati&n to the Co set end Geodetic -Survey in ■ lebruary, 186$ is the Gayet Manuscript which has obtained, of late, sors considerable publicity. Guyot* s explorations la the Great &»ekle* ia discussed in the chapter, wGayot«s Pets*1, in the "txite of the Great fiaokiea* by &» %• IKaeoH. flais chapter contains an extensive list of peaks {reprinted with some errors from a secondary source], as ueaed b? Guyot* which could not then be correlated with the present £ay ncaeaelature. "Shis list of unidentified peeks led to a search for other articles by Guyot. which might solve the riddle. It developed that Professor Leonard C. Jones of Union College had written for a French University a treatise on Guyot. la compiling the Bibliography la thi* treatise Professor Jones had learned at the Idbrary of Congress of a manuscript written by Guyot deposited In the library of the Coast aed Geodetic Survey. fhe Guyot menuseript has been ef much value to students of $»oky history but of far greater value is •fee copy of the - 4-

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).