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Western Carolina University (21) View all

G. S. Barr to Horace Kephart, July 10, 1920

  • wcu_kephart-1860.jpg
  • In response to Kephart’s July 5,1920 request to the U. S. Infantry Association, G. S. Barr sends a list of military books they can furnish him upon receipt of order.
  • Wfje ®ntteb States Miantrv association Winion Zvutit Pmlbmg July 10, 1920. Mr. Horace Kephart, Bryson City, 1.0. Dear Sir: In accordance with your request of July 5th we are enclosing herewith a list of military books which we will be glad to furnish upon receipt of order. The supply of our regular military catalogue is at present exhausted, however, if you do not find just what you want in the list kindly advise the title and we will procure same for you at the regular retail price. Thanking you for your interest and trusting to hear from you, we are Hespectfully yours, THE U. S. IHFAIWHY ASSOCIATION GSB/H By