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E. R. Fish to Leonard Kephart, February 20, 1951, page 2

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  • wcu_kephart-2470.jpg

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  • boys who live there. This winter we decided to stay put here in Windsor. So far it has not been a bad one, excepting a couple of snows and zero temps. Once a year we exchange letters with Granny Kephart so have general idea of the Kephart family for all of whom I still cherish fond memories and love. I am mighty glad that you have some worthwhile and agreeable activities following your years with agri- Dept. I have to confess I have not looked up the Sat. Eve. Post article but that does not mean I am not interested for it is still on my calendar to look it up at the library. We do not get the Post regularly. When I retired in 1944 I started in to do some consult- ing work but it amounts to too much travelling so I have about given it up. I find plenty to do around the house and yard together with some church activities. I have a modest shop in the basement with several power tools that made wood working easy. A garden in summer time produces much for storage in the deep freezer and affords plenty of exercise. At nearly 81 I keep quite fit as does Ida at 76. We send our love to you and yours. I never knew your children as well as I did you and your sis- ters & brother. Tell Francis howdy. As ever Uncle Ned

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).