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Correspondence between William Day and Chase Ambler

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12657.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • <t Suited MnUs iw%je«' ©tomtoms, (Bwcitmati. Canton, 0., Oct. 31, 1899. Dr, C. P. Ambler, Ashevilie, N. 0. My d ear Doctor:- I have yours of the 26th inst., enclosing statement of sums paid for me for various purposes, amounting to $22462, for whie^h.I enclose my check. You do not enclose an account for professional services.* Please let me hear from you in regard to sane. I assure you that I very much appreciate your many kind tier- to me while in North Carolina, and remember with pleasure the p±o&«( met trips ve had in the woods and along the streams together. Ycu must have had a great time in the Yellowstone Park country. Your account of game there makes the little shooting we did in the Caro-"- lina Mountains seem as little game. Indeed I think I would be will- in!;- to swap my turkey*" for your elk, to say npthing of the bear and. other animals which you seem to have had no trouble in killing. I know I should have enjoyed, the trip with you, but doubt if the exposure would have been good for me. It.would doubtless have been a case of kill or cure if I had tried it. I note your re in regard, to the national park in the Carolina Mountains. I have not yet received the literature which you say was mailed to me. I shall take pleasure in sending you a note, giving you my vie the subject. I am not at all sure that you will not suecee* you push matters. The project to give the north-west a nation park ought to help you. They certainly hSave no more health:

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).