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Climatic Treatment of Disease: Western North Carolina as a Health Resort

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13963.jpg

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  • disabled, then it especially behooves us to take into watchful consideration the strength and character of ourselves, as well as of our enemies. The chemical and mechanical laws of life have, hitherto, almost entirely engaged the attention of investigators in the study of the circumfusa of the invalid. For a number of years committees from the American and British Medical Associations have been engaged in securing data for the comparison of the invasion of acute diseases with meteorological changes. Although these latter are largely x-factors in the problem, they have a much wider significance than usually supposed, since they make possible conditions not only devitalizing to the individual, but favoring in many instances the growth and development of infectious germs. The tides and changes of the great atmospheric ocean, in which we are submerged, are of the utmost significance. Its weight, as measured by the barometer, indicates the pressure which our bodies sustain. The moisture in suspension not only increases the weight, but modifies its influence upon the individual, and this is measured by the hygrometer. The changes of atmospheric temperature, as recorded by the thermometer, are of well recognized importance. The atmosphere also varies in its composition, of which, from our present standpoint of consideration,oxygen and ozone maybe accepted as the most significant, since these agents materially lessen the growth and development of all the microscopic forms of plant life. From the observations of a number of our most competent physiologists, it is probable that the amount of oxygen absorbed in health does not greatly vary whether the individual is at the sea-level, or at high altitudes. If this is correct, the accepted belief of increased oxygenation of the blood from breathing an air rich in oxygen, as at the sea level, is not true. The effect upon the individual of an ozonized atmosphere is generally conceded to be beneficial, yet,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).