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Chester A. Kerr to Horace Kephart, March 11, 1931, page 1

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  • wcu_kephart-1670.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Blaze New Trails Smooth Old Ones Leave No False Trails Behind 'AMPWBPHART & EXECUTIVE STAFF M ^ fm m OFFICERS Chest,.* A. Kerr, Director #AKE TEMAGAMI^ Curt,ss a Matterson Pr««™t Henrv Woodman, Asserts " I ■ ■ |j III |HI.Ill 111^. . Howard C. Hoople. V,ce.Pr«.de«t Melvill. Wr.ght, Associate TEMAGAjUI MUvlMAL toREST Andrew H. Mercer, SecreWrrTre«urer ONTARIO, CANADA 210 Walnut Plaee Syracuse, New York March 11th, 1931 Mr. Horace Kephart c/o Macmillan Company 60 Fifth Avenue New York City My dear Mr. Kephart: You will gather from the heading on this stationery and from other printed matter which I am mailing you under separate cover that "Camp Kephart" has become an actuality. For our second season in the established camp we anticipate a group of approximately fifty boys. The camp season will commence on July 3 and end on September 3. Between July 7 and 28th all campers will be away on canoe trips, returning to our base camp on about the latter date. About August 6th all boys will leave base camp again for the second series of canoe cruises which will consume most of the month of August. During this midseason period, that is, about July 28th to August 6th, we shall entertain as guests the fathers of some of our campers and shall also have as a special guest Dillon Wallace of Labrador fame. If it is possible for you to arrange your affairs in such a way as to allow you to be our guest sometime between or during the period July 28-August 6 we should feel greatly honored and would forthwith make arrangements for some formal dedication of the camp in which you might have a large share.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).