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Cataloochee tract 287: James Jenkins


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  • ~~. . '· ' ' / SMOKY MTN PAHK JA/ti/ES JL'NKINJ 7RACT ZB/9 At:lf}l8 .S&A~E /"-20 CNAIN.S 8 ••· .:·~· • '• . . ..., · .. ·~{1' • ;:;~;,:' ~'~~0''if:o:<:''i':3~"J~!:<:ft\~f~~-,\~"~-';: .• ·..' ·.·.- ·_· · .. ·-·' . . ·_ · :':•·; e ., .< .. . ,, • ·,. • ··~··1·;-~gl'",;;:;f~t~¥:?1$r'1;~1~~i~~1~if~!~~q;i:i;f:\~~ls{\lfi,i~F·,~-.~~::·F··· •· .. . - .. ·:NORTH CAROLINA. PARK:COMMlSSION :':·~ -.< .... ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ·································································JrunErs····J·enk1l'lS····················································· .. ······················ .. ····················· .................................................................................. ........ .. Township ·························Rsyw-o-ocl···································· County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Traot (28'1) JOfl!h All b(t8t'inge t n th1e 4.eeo~:1ptton -•~"• t11rm.l 'fJ"Q.m the t111G mt1t141$11 em all 41$teDOe8 tll'\8 ..... sed i:tJ cha1ll8 01 66 f ;e•t• lhtslooing 11t co~er 1. a a• trOll p1pe ou t.bD 11orib bellk of Chestnut lll'anob, beS.DS Co:rLer 1 o:f tbt kl'• fi•14 JG~akiru:t Trnot '2G6) am Comer '1 of tbe :oba Bellr.oon lf~&Ot ( ;:;{H)) ; !b$nc• vr1 tb Jolm Jle1lmn i"Po\ N. at-e& m. '•'G Qom.,- ~ • o. f()" flt'.4 18& dofl'ble cb.eetnut 1n a aaaU bOllO'Wt Yl1tne&G9d bJ 6 I" f.ron p1p• 4r1T«JD at 'tile roota on t he soutbeeet; bJ a 2-Qft ot·' beerq J. lO...OO W-. .e& cb&tn 41.&-tant; tm4 bJ' 10·" o&.-tetnat bel!l:rill§ $ . 41-00 ~ •• ~l o he1n 41Gtant be ins oorn•r 6 of the John B•1l~.~~m i~.,act ( 290) ; Oo-rn•r 2'-. a 20° eucumn~r 1.00 eba in ~ notttlt of Obeot­ma.' Bhao.b ~.-&.! at ~;f!l.iit t ed ~ of e f 1ol ~ , wltnee .. -4 b7 8 28 lrO:n p!Jc• <hr1~-ll ·e.t the t"-&Ote Oll tb.• east tl14e; \:7 g• bl ac.k o k be nr in; s. 60.00 L .11 cbein 41a• ~ t.- ~~lll'l4 'h7 10., ontt tnm bearing s. 10-.oo w •• za obaln 411\t~t., being co't'tloJt' 6 of the Jotul Bell.,. :h•eot ( ~ 90); 1'ttwno•> a. e-oa E· Crotle~ -O t;estnnt Bn .ncb floltltl&f ea.e\ Comer 4, a 4!• oboetna\ $tamp ol3. the rldp b-etw.en CHl•et:nDt lll'$nob. t~ :;d Leettu~r-ooa J!'t'tnoll. N'rlbel l•l• Col'• I ~ing Otlme~ l Of the )Ire. Qeorp lt>GOU 'f,re.ot. (886) sn4. Co~m~ 4 -of the John Be11111111 fl'ao\ (ttOl; 'i't.etlN l.lJ ttttt. 1'141* •ltll. ,,. memaers .eoo WI. t h tbe Mn. Georp. G•ooeaa f"-O' (186) $he61 A ·.\" '.·. ~ . lWI '• •· Cal'M'Jl i • e 111 1ron p1pe on a rt4fe • CJOJ'D- ' o.f \bl l!re. GaOl'.. Oroo• Tnet ( !86 N14 oornt• 19 of J olm leJ.l.mla \Yeot ( 290). · .1 &•11 oheetnat blan4 en4 eortbtt a.T.J.J. cor. I 'Mara s. 20.00 w .... oham 41attJDi . ~bellOe • leevlng tb e r-14 p tft4 •ea-vla£ tbe M:ra • . Ge'Ol'p Gr-oo• n-aot •1 \b tile Jotm. Be'U-. Tr-••~ (ato) s. ''-M- •• Oom•,r 6. e. point 1n a as U. 'llPaGb at _1M e..a of • .-&t••fe,u. oomfl' 8 or the Oarlt.el4 l.n~ Tnot hl'ta} fl r4 1n u• Joha 8eil!lal 11net TbttnOit ltaY~ntr \be, J ObD . Be U-s ~ Traot (eto) • ttll t,be G-flrttelt JenkiN Trut f f-88 ) e nt IOWll s b l'~nt.l!a, td tb 1 t tt trlit&Al••• 1. 12-68 L ••••• J. t.l1ll. -- Oo~ f ·. • ~lat ,iifn a root 1n Oll••t•t a..anoll at lh• ~~Mtla of U. .-11 braaob .• Ooftler I ot tbe &arti•ll .J•kbl• -rraot tsaal. S•t • •" poet .aorlbe4 J.J . ow. I; T~• ap Qbenaa' BftnCib 1d. tb .s. 09-&l. •• !b plao. of t.Htrtootq. oontelnlDS tl.l.t •on• ANAL YSlS .OF TI~fE TRACT 287 JAMES JElHOBS OWNER This traot lies wholly within state Grant 252•t••••4 to John Grar Blaunt,Hov.29.l796. ·As the mesne eonveyances af­fecting title to the holdings under tlls grant have been thorough17 treated in connection with the Sidney Nelson tract,from the date of its issue down to the time title paseed by the will of Jas.R. Love to his Executora,and later to t .D.Gilmer,Trustee ana Adminis• trator for the Love Estate.the same will not be repeated hefein, but may be seen by reference to pages one to ten ofthis abstf&ot. 2. The first conveyance affecting title to this tract, as auch,is a deed from the F.xecutors of Jas. E.Love to Asa Jen­kins for seventy-five aores,bearing date,April 8,1885. This deed is signed by but one of. the four Exeou~ors mentioned in the preamble,and proven by the subscribing witness. This error·in execution was later cured bJ' an agreement and consent Judgment signed in the case of Henry et al vs Hilliard et al. see pas•• forty-one to forty-five of th1s abstract. In this deed,one-half the mineral interests with mining privileges was reserved unto the grantors. See page t,?o1 this abstract. 3, On aeo.20.1895,Asa Jenkins,joined by h1s wife,Martha deed in regular form,properly executed and of record in H&Y110od County,conveyed s. boundaey,said to eight aores, out of the tract mentioned in the previous paragraph,to James Jenkins, the present owner of trsot 287. See page-? Pof this abstract. 4. On March 3l.l9l5,W .J .Hannah, Trustee and Administrator for ~he Love Estate,cc;,nveyed ftfty acres of l,a.nd,joining the above men~ioned seventy-five acre tract,to Asa Jenkins. For llUthority of W.J.Hannah in connection with the Love Estate,see pages 76 to 80 of this abstract. Copy of deed me.y be seen at page zLof this abstract. 5. Under date,Oct.27,1913,Asa Jenkins and his wife,Mar­tha Jenkins,bJ deed in regular form,properl;y executed and of reoord in HaJWood Count;y,oonve;yedto James Jenkins a boundaJ'1, said to contain twenty •ores. Description in this deed covers a part . of the boundar1 mentioned in parapaph two herein aDd a part of the boundar¥ mentioned in paragraph four herein. Attention is directed to the fact that the de~d under disouaaion in this paragraph bears date ov•r a 1ear earlier than that of paragraph . four. It would,therefore,appear,nothing else being coneidered,that this deed was without authority and invalid. However,it is known that Aea Jenkins had been in posaeeaion of the lend in question for many years, probably holding it .. under some unrecorded bond for title or agreement. .In the recitals of the lian.nah dee4,mention is made of the fact that Asa Jenkins had purchased this tract from R.D.Gilmer,Trustee and Administrator, and had paid $llO.OO .of the purchase money from time to time preTiously,the balance being paid at the time this deed was ex-ecuted. At any rate,if t he deed was invalid at the time it waa executed,we are of the opinion thatthe execution of the Hannah deed remedied this invaliditJ and that James Jenkins now has sufficient title. · See page 2.:J of this abstraot. 6. Mineral reservation• of paragraphs 2 and 4 herein have been cleared up by a recent deed to the state of North Caro­lina from H'llgh J.Sloan et al,owners of all lUUIOld land and mineral interest formally belonging to the Love Estate. see page ~J~ of this abstract. 63 Engineer's affidavit may be seen at page ~of this abstra~ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged W, L. H:tllia rd Sal!ltel I. •• Love 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... Deed. ..................................... . 3. Is · jt Ilroperly executed ............... .'!fl$---·-·········------ --------- 5. Before what Officer acknowledged. .... c. ., .s. • o.• .......... 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ......... ....... .................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... 4,"'9~····· ··· · · · · · ·· · ········· 11. Did officer affix Seal... ............ ...... J!:Q. .............................. . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ....... ]!.0 ......................................................... . (b) power to convey .. Y.Q$ .............................................. . (c) · against encumbrances l-TO-··············· ···············'·········· (d) against claims of ~---Jas- ..... 'f{.,. .... !,QV!e 2. Date of Conveyance .... -4-...a-•1885································ 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ·!:tO····································· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...... N-o····· ·························· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... ~iO·· ··········· ·· · ·· 12. Was order of probate correct. ..... YH···························· 14. Date of filing for record ....... 4;.~--65·· · ········ ·············· 15. Book .............. g ......................... Page .. £.9························· for ·····················flay-W-ead·······················County. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions f3~ .. mi-n·er!d .. ·int:a"re'S't .......... .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully1f:O ... iave ... an, d. ... to .. halcl .... the: .. a.f~OI'-GG&t-d .. -tr-ao-t, ... <tl·f .... land ......... ........ .... tlle .... p.rtv.Uee;es. .. a.nd ... ap.:rur-~n.?.U-eQs .... tJ:l- e~-ot-o- -- -helon-gjing ···tmt·o····t·he· .. ···· .. ··· · ········Ba-1d---AG&···.J4.mkins---allll-···ll1·S· ··he-·i1N~---to .. ·h.-1s· .. ·a·nl-····their·· ·only-···us<S···a·m···be·hoo~ .. ........ to.~e.r,..-................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Exact Description of Property Know all raan b-y these presents that whereas Jus . ft. tove ~ dee'd we.s sei~ej of lar8e t:r11ets ot land,. cQii.11.nonly ca lled Speculation l.E4ids, lying and bei.P.€;1n .tlte Counties ot Yancy, Madison, Bunccmbe . Haywood ani Jaoltson am wm reas the said Jas. ~- tove mnde and pub• liahed e last will am t estament invlrit1nt.:~ andappointed , William. H. Thomas, Robe r-t G. A • . tov-e1 lliam. t. Hill:Le.rd an{!. aaw.e l L. Love, It'xecutora, Vlho qualified d took upon themselves the execution thereof'; ana. whe:roos th e said Jas·. R. Lo\"El sold many tracta r:£ said land to different pe :rsons anl a uth <Jl'l.zed and empowered his said exe­cutors to continue ·the sales of sa:i.d lands and ·to wake titles. :r:row t he refo:res-s-r,-,,_,3-~t~ .. :BEG!N~l! N:G at a spruoe p in~ on the :scnth side of c r eek near said Jenkins t 1eld and rtms North 50 East 79 poles to a beech in aaid creek; then down witll tlle moon&:l rings of the creek 38 poles to a spruce pine, then No rth 2~ !~at 31 poles to a c lwstnut at the head or a hollow; t hen South '71 East 58 poles to a euc.urrfber; then South 5 East 79 poles to a stake; theh to t h(U beginning, eonmtnlng 75 a.eres, more or less. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ ASG ~$nJUa1 == ~~Ma=·-~.rt~h=a·=~3~e~n~kl- =n~a· =------~--~~------------~------------~----- 1. Kind of Conveyance ............ De:ed .................................. . 2. Date of Conveyance .. J.2.~0-~l.S95 ........................... . 3. Is it properly executed ................... Y~S ........ , .............. .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... J.t:ft ........... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular ......... Yes .......................... .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ................................. .. 9. Date of acknowledgement.. .1...2....-...£ : ..0....-..1 :.:8 ...9....5... ............. .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ................ Ye.s ................ .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .......... Ye.,s ...... .. 11. Did officer affix Seal... ...... NO. ........................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct...Yf;l.&J ............................. .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ........ 3.~2.7.'!0a .................... . (a) of seizin ...................................................... ................ .. (b) power to convey ......... ....... Y~~L ............................... . 15. Book ......... ......... 2.5 .................. Page ...... 583. ................. . for ............ ~.Y'~fQQfl ............................... County. (c) against encumbrances .............................................. .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of illPI'alliiliiL ... ,€t:CMt.O:l.'8 .... .. or restrictions .... nO ........................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. !r9. ...0 0V$_ __$.o _M ....' t.9. .. h.ol.d .. th.e. ... fit.!.or.e.tual..d ....t .mo.t. ...o t. .. J.ant ..... .. ----~-A4 ... :Y!..ttb ... ~ .. :U .... ~~-rt_l$_g~_$ .... ~.n4 ... aJIID~-~-"-~-mn.e.~;ls .... o. ... b.elon.ging ... u.nt.a ... the .. ...... sa i :d ... .•.... .... nrr1 ... 1l:ts ... he~s .... t.a ... h1i;L.ti£nl. ... thei.r ... .only ... u$e .. .an;i ..... b,eb.Qof .. ......f .g _ rm:r~ .................... .,. ................................................................................................... ,.. ......................................................................... .. Exact Description of Property on a spi\H)o pi,.ne on 1b a l-To:rt h s i de o"t the Gbestnut Br aneh; t hen03 !:fo:t"th 25 Iih $1; 31 pol es to a ohestnut at t oo head ot a hollOw; thenee South ?7 :Ei.\st 68 poles t o a cucumber; thence sou t h 00 East 4 pol.ecs to thG el~estnut branch to a rook i n m 1d 'bl:'a neh a ¢> n­dit iot"ial corner bet .tJeQU. lwa. Jenkir~ am. Jenkins; t henc-e ·west with t ie r-~ an ders ot said b~neh to t he beginning a oomitional line be tween too $aid A-sa Jenkins a nd. James Jenkins , being Qight aores mom · or les!t., ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamb e A s s·1 gner As Ackno\vledged w. J . Hal'll'ltlb .. . Trustee w. J. rrannah, Trustee \'1. . J • Hannah e.nd Administrate r A sa Jenkins 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... Da.ed ..................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ...... ---······.Y6&···························· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... .t-! •. P..., ............... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ................................... . !). Date of acknowledgement ..... !;>.~26--~-l6---- ·· · ···· · · ··· · ··· ··· 11. Did officer affix · Seal..:Y.$S--- ···· ··· ················ ········· ·· ······· ···· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .............. :Uo .................................................. . (b) power to convey, .... .... Yes ......................................... . (c) against encumbrances ..... .1'1.0 ........ .. .......... .............. . (d) against claims of ~s .. th,Q. .... I.Qv ea·········· I 2. Date of Co"uveyance ..... S-~-31-wl5·· ··· ········· ··· ·· · ·· ··· : ....... . 4. Date of Entry and No ..................................... ................... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ·····Yei!J······························· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... .. Yas······················ 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ....................... .... . 12. Was order of probate correct ... Yes, .............................. . 14. Date of filing for record ... -4•5-l&···························· 15. Book ················44··················· Page ....... ·-21,················ for ........... u ayw-ood-·······························County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions -?3·---:m.i-ne-!?H-i···in·t-erest············· ······ -- · · · ··· · ·· ····· ·· --· ······ ·············· · --- ··········· ··-·--·-········ ··------·······-··­17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. To---ha·'Va···Cl-11-d···t-o-·h-ol d-····t··o····tt-dJ-e-re-said.--·t ·ract····of ···"llm.d··--· ........ ... th.a .... ... a.."l.d ... a:pp.ur-ten an o~s--- --th-e i>etu"1:te··· be ·longing· ··unt-o· ··tlle ·· · · ·· ........ e~_id ... Asa ... J ,en.kins ... am ... .. .tl@-ir.S:----a-rd-----a.s--sign-s···te···h·i·s···atd--·-t· re·jr···only············ ........U S.(l) _ __u nd. ..b .eh.o.o:f' ... :r.or.e.vcr-. ................................................................................................................. ................................. . Exact Description of Property This deed rr..ade this tne 31st day of Ma rch , 1915, by w. J. Hannah Trusjcee for th~ heirs a t Jaw ar Jas. R. Love, deceased a nd others , owners of the lunds !-(.own as the Love SpecUlat1cn Lams and as Administrator d.e bonis non wit h the will annexed of .Tas. R,. Love, deceased t o ,Asa J enkins of t he County of Haywood and State ot N~ c. W I T N E S S E T H: TTIAT WIIEREAS J as . R. Love, deca.<i.sed under a dearee ot tre c()urt of Equity for :!uncombe County, ~T . c . in tho year 1857, and under t he provision ot a deed or- agreement entered i nto on -the 16th day ot October; 185'7, by Jas. n. Love, _R. M. ITenry, Jas . I., Henry , Wm, Welch Jolln B. Love, Dil lard Love and W. ln. H. Thomas, be came, Trustee for him• self t he par tie-a above named of the s aid Lov-e speculation lands, lying i n tre Counties of Yam y , Madison, Buncanbe, Hayw ood and Jackscn with pa 'l e r to na ke sales of t he s am e O. l'l..d execute dead t h erefor and whereas tho said J us •. R. Love di (ild seized o.n d possessed of t he said Love Speculation lmds, as trustee as aforesaid; am wherea s , the said Jas . R. Love nnde and published et last wi l l am t estwnent in writing and a:r);, ointed Wn:t, H., Iiobt . G • .A.Love, Wm. L·. H1111e.J;'d, and Sa:ro1 l .~~ , Love, Executors, who quali f i ed and took upon themselves t he exocut1on t .b.ere oi\ and whereas t h e said Jas. n. Love sold. many t racts of said lands to dif.tarent p <¢Sct1s and ~~ utho :riZed and empowered hi.s said executors to oa.1t1nue t he sale of' sa id lands and malta titles ~erefe; · Shut 8 . ' '--.___./ AI{) \7HP.:REAS u pon the death of the said Wm. I .. f1ill1nrd, the sole acting oxocn~to r . of the said J e.s . R. Love, dec eas ed, tbe CiUperior Court a£ ria.ywood vounty; at Spr ing Te nn 1891 , 1n t.he ease of w.~ L. Henry B..'1d W. L .• H•anry, Adrainisttoa tor of R. M. H~n~J, deoaaead , ao;ainst Vi . L~ Hillia nl, executor and others appo inted one R. 11'. · Gilmer, Trustee tor the heirs at law ot Jaa. 11. Love , deceased and oth~rs owners o-r t he said Love Speoulatio:n Lands, with power to rrn lce sales of the said lands Ur"ld execute titles t herotar; :\.HD VH-E REAS the ooi d Jl. p • . Gilna:r wu s appointed Admi n:tstra.toJO de boni s non,with 1~he w:tll anne&eMof Ja$~ n. Lov·e, deceased, bytha Superiol" Uourt of Haywood Ccunty on the 18th day of Sept. 1891 a nd; :.VIlliREAS the said n. »~,.,Q11J.le r, Trustee as afoltes&id a t spring Term, 1911 of the Su,~eiior \oic;v.rt of Baywood County, towit on Jl'obr: ary 15, 1911 ~ resigned his '1"1-ust eeship ar the estHte of J :;.s, R. Love, d.ecansed ~nd oth ers to t h e J"udg~ or the Supnrior l.'ourt, holding said t erm, which was immed:iat~ly accepted by t!le said Judge, and '?J1ereas t ile sai d B .. D. Giloor, Admin1stra tor with thew ill a nnexed or Jas. R. LoveJ daoeased, resi gned as such admini str.:1to r in writing ·to tlle Clerk of t he Supe rior C ~,u rt of' Haywood County on the 16th da:>r of Feb mary, 1911, Vlhose resie;nG.tian wus acce pted i rrtred i ately b;r t; clerk or the SUpfl'ior Court; rmd Wl"C reas all of the executors <::.ppointed by ·;1\e last w111 and t e s tainent ot Jas. R. Love , decoased a t t, ,to time of t he said resia;nat:l.on of the sai d R . . D. Gil.ller wore dead; and whereas after the r e:.;i gnati on Of t he said R. D. Gilmer, Trustee , as aforesaid on tbe 1 6t ll. day of February , 1 911 u t th~ Spring Tenn 1911 ot the GU) Ol'ior oourt or Up.yw ood county, the Jude;e pros1<.1i:rl{,.:; holding said ·term of oourt o:r Haywood County, the j t;tdge presi ding and holding said term of c curt np po in:'ced 'a . J. Ra;maht 'i'ntstee for t h e heirs at law of . J"as • R. Love deooosed Slid o'thers, <»Jners of said Love Speculation lAnds with full ·power t o :r;eke or said l-ands and execute titles t here­fo r, and rJr~roos t he s,., 1 d W. J. E;;mnah was a :;p ointed administrator de bonis non wi t h the ra ll annexed of Jas. R. Love, dec eased , by the SU ~ ~H"lor Uourt Of Haywood CotL."lty on the OOth day of ltebruary, 1911, wh.e:reas R,. D. Gilmer , Trustee or t he estnte of Ja s . R. Love and others sold to Asa Jenkins t ho heroirmf t e r d.escri bed land o.t $2. GO per acre and t11o said A3a Jenkins at various t ines p~lid tlle sum or $110.00 on the said fif'ty acres of land t o t he s a id R. D. Gilmer, Trustee ns .:; art r£ t he purchase money; and whereas t he :::eid Asa Jenkins, has this day paid to W. J . Hannah, Trustee and. A6m.1nistro tor as aro r esai d, ·the sum of $'1:4 . 50 ' be i ng the or ·the pur otulse money in full with interest; Now the :ro:tore, ... ---ete. Dl!:GTrlUNG on ~- s take , the nest eo r·ner of E. A. tea t w r,·10od ei ?!lty-one e.cre tmot and runs Nort11 80 20 poles to tlY} ~3 outheast corner of h i s own seventy-five ae r o trea t; thence Scuth So V!est 160 poles to a st ake; thence :;o rth 30 East 39 poles t o a ti il'tFi. a t a branch; t hen oe 1.'Tost 26 pol es up bran ell to a :popl ar , Jenkins and Phillips cor ner; t llt:m oe South 12 Wo st 64 )ol es t o Jenk i ns comer; t;,.'~·wnoe West 55 poles to a ere stnut on a ridge; t henoe south 45 poles to u elle s.trrut on :Jlide of a r ide;e ; t hen ce East 44 poles t o a buckeye in a hollow ; t hence North BO Ea st to the be g:1nnin.g, conte :lning i'ifty a.ores. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged f .s A$8 :fE:mld n :1 ana = f ' ti]A.. ~~~a~--u~~- ~,~J<~~nnt.~·•in·n~s-~--------+----------------------r--------------------- Q",'j Q,j =.e.o ~~J~j-~ne~y_J.~·en~•·-~• ki~·~n~s~------L---~--------------~--------------~---- 1. Kind of Conveyance .. J)e~---·-······································· 2. Date of Conveyance .. 1Q'•2-7-•l3-·································· 3. Is it properly executed ......... y'C!a··································· 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... J-.-p-1 ............ . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... 4Ml,2-•l5----·················· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ......... y$'$···············: ..................... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ····'Y'En!f······························· s. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... ·--ye·s······················ 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ...... Te-s············ 12. Was order of probate correct .. ·Ye-s······························ 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record.4,-•5-l5·························· ····· (a) of seizin ··················Y.~S- ··· ····· ···························· -- -····· 15. Book ·············-40······················ Page ......... ·-·500············ (b) power to convey ............... y-e"S··································· (c) against encumbrances ·············Ye$························· for ··················:riayw-ood·························-County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ............... Ye-s···-,·········· or restrictions ···················ne-············································ 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully).!Jilo-·· i'ltt·Y$···wl:d···to· h oltl--··the····atore-s-a14;·--tr~l"O·t···o·r··paro·e1 -----of---·l€11d····a."'lti···a-U----p.ri"Vil·egea····an·cl··appurten·ano·es···-t·he·nrto·······to ... tbj -----sai-4---J:~y----1-en.kitUt·;··--'his--··he-1-rs···and···as--s±-gn·s--··to···-thei-r···only···us·e····ali\··················· -----bf:J-hoo-t---'1''0~ve·!t········· ·· ········· ··· ··· · --------------- -- -- - ----·----- -- --------------------- -- -------- · -·····----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------·---- Exact Description of Property Beginning on a cuowabar on the lo t-~~ corner of the 75 ao;re tract l'lith the olcl. line ot As~a. .Teliki.ttS to a top of ridge to a cl"J.estnut, a line in t11e Leatherwood tmot, vd th t l1e divide of t he ridge oond!tion­alli .e bet\lJe·en Asa Jenkins am GeorgeGrooms; tll3noe WithA$8 J'enldne line to the second llollow; than with the branch to chestnut near J"imey Jenkins house wmre he now lives; thane e with t he chestnut branch to the ~ginnmg, oorne:r on the ouo'Ulnbar, containing t wenty acres mo:re or l•s• NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ______ 1i:AYTOO]) __________ COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ' · - - - · :;rADtr ··n~tx liif -aiid--w iiit_._iLt.:ili· - ·- -- ------ · ·---1ENKt·.ta-.---h cr1gna-te·4·--1-;r--surlei·-···---·---· · - --- ·as · ·nu-cT·-~BB---28•t· - · - · - ---- -- · -- -· - - - - - - - -- ·- ·---·-· -- AFFIDAVIT. ·---·- ·-·---·-------·--}i~--c-;----.n-.tou-rn··---···--··-----·-·-·---·---·· being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds_ of _______________________________________ County, in Book __________________ ________, Page. _________________________ , Hayw ood · 81 . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of ., the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in' in every case, i and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworn to and subscribed before me; this ~~day of:;:-~iiiiil)--'1' __ , 19_30. ~:,.~~£1(~-~-----· / \____ Notary Public. M · - · . · . / ) _n I Y y comm1sswn expires.,--~--'--·-- -,.L- - ----· . 0~_/...,. / 18,.., .\931. --··------·-----------7~-~-(!-:_t;d~ \ \ \ . \ TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid!' The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property ih question is assessed for taxation f9r -the current year, 19 .. 50., at $ .... 4 .• .41 ............... , in the name ·---···-~-~~~-~----~~~;l,D~L ................ and the taxes for t~e past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19 ....2...1.. . ·················'"-~~---·················-························---·--:·· 19 . .2.6 .. 19 ... ~~- ................. l.~l.:P ..................................................... , ... . 19.~.1 .. . 23 19 ......... . PAll) · ····-·· ····· ·· ···-· ··· ·····o.••·-- ·- ······ ········ ·----------·-· ·· ··-········ 19.~.tJ .. . 19 ... ~. . ............... ?-~~~P.: ........................................................ . 29 19 ......... . 05 19 ... ~ ..... ................ ?A-.+~: ......................................................... . 19.~Q ... ASSESSMENTS .lot an;y LES PENDENS Not any MECHANICS LIENS JUDGMENTS Not any . .............. PAil). .......................................................... . . .............. J?Al..Jl ........................................................... . •AID . · ----------- ----'·-'··-- ------- ---··············-------------························ ····· ............... ~A.l.P ........................................................... . . ....... J..OW .... PAI.lL ................................................... . . .:;-;: ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION TRACT No. 2e'7 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the- title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : 1 JJ4iS J BNKINS -----1-a ..... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed_ h&eon. · .. ENCUMBRANCES 1. 'taxes to:r the -yea~ 1930 not paid. 2 • . one-halt undivided mineral interest outat!llld1ng in Love Be1ra, This ....... 6th ........ day of ............. D..e.~.em.b.t.r. ........................... , 19 .. ... ~9 ... ..... ... .... . .. .... .. ......... ... ....... ......... ... ................. ....... .. ~ ..... ............... .... d ••• ··· Attorney. Address ....................................................................................... . 282 284 287 288 289 251 - 2 - PRESBYTERIAN MISSION SCHOOL About l0 1Acres of Clearing 32.46 1 11 11 wood School Building 1 Dwelling and OUtbuildings JONAH B. PHILLIPS 37.66 'Acres of Clearing 26.69 · " '' Wood 2 Dwellings 1 Barn end other Outbuildings JAS, J»>KINS 1",7-' ·~Acres Pasture J.?~ ~ " Cultivated . 11.76 " Wood 42.46 Acres 64.35 Acres 28.19 Acres Dwelling, Barn, Outbuildings and mill W. G~FIELD JENKINS 12.10 Acres Cultivated ,. 2. 76 " Oro hard 22.80 u Pasture 4.07 '' l¥teadow Total of · 41.73 " Cleared 52. 26 " i'/ood 4 Dwellings 1 Barn Outbuildings SPENCE PHILLIPS 93.99 .Acres 4 3.37 .Acres J.• ~. 1/f'l'( 17.80 Acres Cultivated and ~ Field 4.18 " Orchard and Pasture Total of 21.98 " Cleared 21.39 " Wood . ~~ 3. 22 ·• outside ~ ~ ...---- l 2 Dwellings Barn and Outbui+dings \'lm. J. HM-.TNAH & JAS. H. HANNAH 32.44 Acres I 12.40 Acres Cultivated , 20.04 " \'/cod _. - ... -· . .. ·-· I .. .. - · 6...... .5 tJ() ·- ··-········ - -- ~ --.. ··-·-·· ~ 'L , V J l . 0·Ao ·- .... ~ ..... 7 -- -· ··---·-- .. ··-- --· ··--·-. ···- - --- --~--~---------.1, ---· -------·- ·--·-···· ./ 0... o_ o _____ _ _ - _./?_o. p_ __ o ___ __ ~ 20 --~~ (J ···-· . . . -- -.. - •... _.., / 0 C>o o . .. . .. . , ,. . . ~ . .. .. --···· ·---·· -···· £g. 5( .. 5 Y-:\~~~--- ... - ooo I /·OOC:)CJ ~ . . ---... ··-··-···· .•..•. ··· ···-·- ··-····--· ..... •···· ···· .. .•. , ~ . I .. NORTH CAROLINA, HA.YWOOD COUNTY. ) } ) ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE ) OF ~Im LANDS OF SIDNEY NELSON : IN CATTALOOCEEE TOWNSHIP, HAYWOOD COUNTY. . • ) } AFFIDAVIT H. C. WILBURN, being first duly sworn, says: ' That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County in Book _______ , page --------· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investigation he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise em-braced in the several component lines shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and ad­justments were made as between adjoining land owners so that ' there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworh to and subscribed before me, this the day of ----------------------- Notary Public. ,/ '' ··· / Tract !?287 28.19 AoreB 18 Acres Cleared Land, ~J $25 10 .Aorea Woodland• Q $10 1 5-room Dwelling House 1 Corn Mill 1 Barn Crib, Chicken House & Spring House A})ple House Fipe Line Total .~450.00 100.00 aoo.oo 150.00 150.00 1oo.oo 50.00 ~To :me:rohan table timber on this plaoct. The buildings are the bast or any plaoe on Chestnut B1·anoh. Th1 s J>laoe has a nioe smll orohard for home oonsu~tion. The mill is very small but oan aooommodete the oom:r:uni ty in gl'"inding corn. Water is :piped to the spring house. I would ra~he ~ ·! ave this rlaoe than any on ChE>stnut Bl"anoh; t hink 1 t he.e more value th:, any othfll place t'or e. good little home. NAME L. A. Hopkins, (130 J. C. Hopkins R. Price ~. M. Caldwell,(393 George Phillips .Jonah Phillips James .Jenkins Garfield Jenkins Spence Phillips John Heilman TAX LIST AS GIVEN BY OWNERS ON BIG CREEK ACRES acres listed at $1120.00) 51.36 40 ?5 acres listed at $2200.00) 39,20 50 70 28 120 31 1200 .. VALUE $550.00 638.00 203.00 375.00 259.00 880.00 381.00 6600.00 287 288 289 ' ' . , James Jenkins 5 room framed house 3 stall barn 2 sheds Spring house Grist mill 40 apple treas 28 acres land © 20.00 TAX VALUATIOl~ $269.00. -4- Garfield Jenkins 93.99 5 room house Barn and 2 sheds 3 three-room boxed houses Crib 40 acres cleared land : 20.00 53 acres woodland G:ll 10.00 150 ayple trees TAX VALU.ATI01~ $880.00 SPence Phillips 43.37 4 room boxed house Log house Shed and stable 18 acres cleared land :::~ 20.00 75 apple trees 25 acres wood land TAX VALUATIOll $381.00 700.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 G50.00 40.00 560.00 .,._ . ,. I $1750.00 __::C::..·f.J_.-~ ___•• . - 400.00 300.00 300.00 25.00 800.00 530.00 150.00 200.00 50.00 35.00 360.00 75.00 »>f ~/~ ~ / ;v \ .. ' \ / \ 250.00 _..$ ....;.; ...94.;;;..;5:;,.;::.~0..:;..0 ___ . / 287 288 289 290 282 James Jenkins 5-room framed house 3-stall barn 2 sheds spring house Grist mill 40 apple trees 28 acres land Garfield Jenkins 5-room house Barn and 2 sheds PAGE TWO. @ 20.00 3 three-room boxed houses Crib 40 acres cleared land @ 20.00 53 acres woodland © 10.00 150 apple trees Spence Phillips 4-room boxed house Log House Shed and stable 18 acres cleared land @ 20.00 ?5 apple trees V 25 acres woodland John Heilman 1,322.35 acres of land 8 $5.00 Presbyterian Mission School 5-room ~ramed house 3 sheds 40 x 60 school house Land (Agreed price from owners $2500.00) 28.19 93.99 43.37 1322.35 42.46 $?00.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 250.00 40.00 560.00 $1?50.00 :~400 .oo 300.00 300.00 25.00 800.00 530.00 150.00 $2495.00 .] 200. 00 .. 50.00 35.00 360.00 75.00 250.00 $ 945.00 -~800 .00 100.00 1000.00 400. 00 :~2300. 00 NAME L. A. Hopkins, (130 J. C. Hopkins R. Price ~. M. Caldwell,(393 George Phillips .Jonah Phillips James .Jenkins Garfield Jenkins Spence Phillips John Heilman TAX LIST AS GIVEN BY OWNERS ON BIG CREEK ACRES acres listed at $1120.00) 51.36 40 ?5 acres listed at $2200.00) 39,20 50 70 28 120 31 1200 .. VALUE $550.00 638.00 203.00 375.00 259.00 880.00 381.00 6600.00 \ CO:MPARISON OF APPRAISALS - HAYWOOD COUNTY PROPERTIES Tract No. Owner Acreage 2nd Haywood 1st Haywood Buncombe P-ark Tax Award 235-a .T.H.Woody Heirs 183.00 $3, 500.00 $3,200.00 $2,080.00 $2,230.00 $1,104.00 $3,708.50 249 J .s .Woody 149.19 2,635.55 4,000.00 2,968.00 3,475.00 1,650.00 4,500.00 253 Mack W .Hannah 152.06 5,?57.10 9,345.00 7,623.00 9,170.00 1,602.00 11,023.80 264-b L. A. Hopkins 51.36 632.10 638.60 650.00 () 2, 02 7. 20 277 J. c. Hopkins 61.41 3,782.90 3,036.38 2,285.00 550.00 5,235.95 279 R. Price 85.50 1,430.50 1,079.00 1,285.00 638.00 2,000.00 281 Geo.Phi11ips 45.2'7 1,039.25 928.76 960.00 203.00 1,500.00 2~ J.B.Phillips 64.35 1,408.40 1,018.50 1,665.00 37 5. 00 2,518.45 28? Jas.Jenkins 28.19 1,899.80 1,909.75 1,750.00 259.00 3,051...45 288 Garfield Jenkins93.99 3,405.40 2,714.90 2,495.00 880.00 4,487.67 289 Spence Phillips 43.37 1,363.40 1,268.70 945.00 381.00 2,016.44 ~ 290 John Heilman 1322.35 5,289.40 6,611.?5 6,600.00 7,2'12.92 - - ------ --· --·· )--;--·---~- . " ' l> vi ~/0 1(.)•::1. I. - ., C) ··i ~ v,L?I' i \ 0 (NOTE: Tax valuation f'or 130 acres, $1,120.00). •' f; C7H'ST1WT BRAUC ii Aim U.·rT.S'l11T. :.JTliG ~RAf"· :;'S . owners and Olalmants. 265-a. .'trr..G.White, Clvtr.:ants,,~'rn.G·.Nhite nnd wife florence '.Yhit~ !f.t.S1.eJ·linc-,.:r .c. 27f>. J .Sn.n .ecther•,vood.Cl~imunts,.J .Sam Lentherw::,od and \7ife Jane Leatr1en7ood, 1\!t.sterlin~~.r;.c-. 2 76. r!trs. "!r.:. :~ . iihi te et al, C le n • :;-:lorene c .vh 1. te and Husband , .vm. G. White, iir~. dter line, i:i .c. J.,.. I::lns .r-.;uriu roberts und r~uob:, nd ,Cho.s .C .:ii.oberts. ~ rJt. :;.;terltnc t .; .c. ~ ( ~Jrs.'j: clitha Clerk ~nd husbnncl ,E.P.Clurk, ~ "' no:lport,';enn. ~ i._ l~~rs .Cat he rine .Leuther.voofl (divorced) • .J ~ - Mt • :3 t e r l i.n e , ~·i • C • , ~rs .Alice ~hornpson ~nd husbond,~heodore Thompson, L Akron,Ohio. ~ 277. J.r. •ropkins. Clai.mants,J.C.Honki.ns ~::na wife,i~;El ybf'll : J-e.~;~·"'ff:l:&-fff6- t«ue~~:~::ra~~u~s. j1t. Sterl in :· , if .c. 281. Geo. ':' .?hill1.ns. rlo1m;n~s, Geo.W.PhilliJ8 and wi.fe Viola Phillips, Ut.Sterlin~:, ,n.c. Chas .c .r,oberts, Trustee :for J. ~~ .CaJ.d·N €!11 • .!\~t . Stcrl inn- i·:. U. ····~·*~*·~··· ~ ·· · ·· · . -· 284 . Jonah B .Phillip ~. Gluirnnnts ,Jonuh B.~h1111ps and ~ife.u~r ~uret ~hillips , ~t.sterling,N.C. ~~ ···· ~ ···~ · ~~ ? ++• ~ 287. Jnrnc3 Jrr1 1'\''4nc. ('.lnis' fJnts,Jamf' r: Jrmkins uno wife F l l rn J cn;:-inu. ;;;t. S t cr line, lJ. r;. 288. GDrfi~ld Jcn~ i n~ . Cliirnants, W.Gurf1eld Jc~kinc und ,·,rifE~ , !'dD Jcnki.n o . t. r..u Jcr:1.::irw D.:-.:d his w·ifc Jenk1ns ~llfe-·'eotnte) o.ll of fit. St erlin~: , ;; • c. G.U .Ward,~ rustec , Ja~lrsvillP , U .C. M .K. ~u1t on, !r in . I ·ocd o f 'Irust , erlinE.~ . . (; . L.A.Sutton,'l.rU~1ti t> for 7'l.i . ~3u tton,J;eed o:f ~· ru e i, .. ·t. :Hcrlinc ,_,. c . ~89 . Spence Phillips. Cl~iJnonts,~pence Phillips nha ~1fc, .i1achol !.'hillipa , :ht .t>terlinc-, ... c. J. ~ .Cula ~e ll, ~rust e e f)r J. ~ .Le a t herw J o d,L ~ edof Truct , ~it. dterl ing ,H .c .

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).