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Cataloochee tract 239: George N. Palmer


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  • . ,,; >., SMOK Y/v/ITN. PARK GEO.N. PALMERTRACT 187. 6'4 ACRE'S SCALE /*..,20CHA/NJ' @ ' · \ . ·,: '· . :- .. ,_.., : . _--r~}·,· .$VHYL-Y o, /.61'6~!;· BY W. H. SL o ·AJitL· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of · :~ . J Lands of ............................................. G.e.orge. ...N .. ....P .almer. ......................................................................................................... ;··· ............................................................................................ Township .. BaJW.Ood........................................................... County. 4·19 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION T:raot (239') J("JJ.Rlh All. beariap in tblit 4uQr1p,l<m ••M t~ from tbe tn• •rlllea ani all iieteliooa aN ... ._ e.a itt of 66 foet. B:t..'GilUUJiG -.t ool"Jlel' l , a potn1 in •• oontol' line of la4len CrMk at its inteftleotion •1tb a o•--. ll.Dt of tbls traot ·atlCl tu ». B. Burna traot (288). beJ.aa o-om•• 1 of tbat tra"01. J . 12" b1Qb, ;t.n41ng on tbe :no~tb 'b&D& of tilt oJ~e•t • blaltl IW4 sor J.becl n.:a. Dol'• 1. bee.n •• a.t&· I• -.10 ottetD 41atu t. t henee. with t he l>. a. B~•n• '• e...a B. C-o••~' e. • po1at • ••• of attp, oorn•• • Ovf_ . tb_.·._ •._-.·. J •. _ a_• _ Bta_l'Jltt _ -~- 1'-f_t_ (_U8) 8D1 • COl"UOJf Of tllt :A. Capb.l1 t~t ( I~ ) · set a I'* oheetnat pOet i n n molllitl of iltonee • ao1"1bt4 D.!. Co~. •• . - A 10" aple, blatel _& nd . ecr 1be4 B. f •.D . B. cor ', bean ·!f; ·-eo~<~.--- .-ot · · ·u•tmt: ....... ~·---· --·- · ·----- -~-----"--· ·--·-- · ··--'--- ---:-------·--·· .. ·--·--·--- . . . l)!henoe. lQ vtas thl ». lt. surrla ttMt HIM) ~ltb ttu• t.J .. O.ampb$11 ,,aot (e40 ) anti w1 ttl th• M&n4e:tG of l..~1em B14p. li• 10.1$ E. ".l"h" 'l '.i.... .1" 1"f' : wfl • .. .,., Shttt A - -.. .. ,';S;J .. ••• £.19 1.t8 .... .. , ••• oo 11.66 •• t6-41 •• A Pola' lit ao-es •• A J01J1- •• 14-!6 •• A '0111\ •• s.a L A I:'cUJ.Jl\ . 1. &MI •• A Pob\ J, t-08 w. OoJUr I • a 10" ft4 oak •tlUDJ 0t1 '•• lila, 'laMA -.4 aor1b.t v.o. Cor. 1. beSilB • oo:n:.r of tke .'•"• c__... ·, eU ,,.,, ( s•o) ant of t~ c. 1:.· Jelad' ,,.... ( !61) . . "· . . _ 1'ben••• l•<tSJls , ... V • At . O-bt11 toot {Ito) • 1fitb ,. C.:r. Yal•l' trao' C 241). lll4 ooattnutas 111 '' ••• •et•" of In4l.• a14... . . . . · B. 004'1 fit N. !Wl 1• - ~-. --.. --- ~-.- ... ~""~'~"' . ,..,,,....,,, __ ~ .-•-·-•c~. ,~~ ~-~-." v/,.,<'-'"'•- ·-< ... .,_;......._~__:,...,,...,....,~-.,_.A,..,.;..._,.~ _.,.,"<'o;-~,_--• · ·- ~~..-J">''---···· "'-., ~.-•..-· · •'·'" · ·".......,"-'·"'"" ~''..,._.~, • ..,.~__...--_.,.•-•....,....._.. _ ___ .~, . ~.--- comer 4. a 1'-" ob••taut . tn a bt1110b of .m •»""'• oft tbt o1a OOi'lltJ' trtt. bla!sl •td so:ribH a.:p, .Qo2'• •• o~ I• ~ Oorner I, Cornet J, a la .. s• roe.k .so ,eoat1l of the hn~or line JnttJ S!OllOtt Ct'.,_k . . Aa 8" p0plerlll611J4 •an4 ac~1b•4 J..,f•G•I• Co:r. I btaH s. n ... oo a. ·•• ob . . 1.u 41ttta.n,,. . f.blnM • $. 86·.0. ll. C••o•mt •zt 6 • • ~· teos,,.a biokoq st\tilp .10 obel:na of tntt7 Boll• Cten. ,l.•.t. a' ' " t"ll••ta•t ,eet 1n 'tlse oll etu11p .,,.,,. . o.t. .. . . .a- .rr,,..&,J.. ea.a1 A 10• M'PJ.u. 'laa.a e.n4 eoft.l>d ll.-r.O.P• Cor • .f., lte •• '• 11.00 1. ,89 .ttaia 4i at ant • . Wben•• a. a.u •• '"''' aoll• cn.t ft••ins eo•t.h .. et In4len C:reQ. fl.GWt.JlS tall'i• Oolllet 9 • • M" 4•d tbeatnn w1tb •»•out.a f bOtlCM s. 4S•l.l w. C<tmtat a. • ea•o••*•i w1~:b oomor ~t• ent wli• M -l!ttiee Oil top Slttitl\J R14p , bl~ o.l1i t'h):"lb.t 0 • .11 • · Co:r. Gl ". ._i t Jg oo:m•• I o·f •a~t oeo., n. O&l4wtll $raft Ill) - Wb•n•• • 4ee l h•nt7 tt14p wlth 1te mean4e;ra• &n4 tta• Gto. H. O.alt•U ~hot t ~11) s. .,...u •• J. Pout ---~---•·• --·•-·.--•.- "--~.c--·-A•"•···•c·'"··----~· ... ,,,, •• _. ••• "" ••·••·•··~-----~- ••••--·- ••'>·- · ""' •·•• .... ·-.-.•-a ... '"·-&l-···1fr"""'" ·•···-.. •·•· ............................ -------····---·..,--------.: .. --·- , •• , A Poiat .... a. 'lMG B. Con~~ •• a t• obtJ•taat ottk •ltb oor•:t -*• o top S'•bballalt7 D.J41', lJl•••• -.4 ael'ib.t a.a.o. Co~. • J.. oomer 1 of 'the teo. Bjf C•lt•.U ,,.., fIll) . . . . . Tunn, lea• tbt Cleo. H• Oal4WU 'tft.t\ C 811) t ba' OODtiJPdDI wt.ttl "tMM&ll• a... of s•aat7 Rt.lp · · · . . $ . 68-01 •• 1. ea..s •• •'' Comer 10 • • 10" looutt eproat "n o11 &tUlip• b 1DA2rk$ D4 w1•n•••••, bluet an4 aont.e« G,p._ Col'. 9 • em tO) lhen\7 l.U48•• tb.•nn, l•••llll sbee\7 Rt.l .. •• oo....ta s. Ool'Jlft' 11, a pot.nt at ·• a-.,e« h••look atdiJ• \be oll oom••• Set • . t• ots.atJuat po•t 1n e. 1110a.nd of etout•. IOribe4 '•'• Co~. a. . Tbevoe s. '-08 a. ------~---------4U---"··· . JfM- J)l•• .. -01 -SQIQ lll. ..... ooa.t.a.lniq ... 18t.& • .. ..u.•a.. .. -----···--·-··-- . _ A!T4LY~IS OF TITL~ TMOjf NO,. 25~ I* Traot N<h 239 is now owned bf George N• Pa~ and 1s ~otally embr~oe« by state Grant No. 252 issued b.y the state 1;o .1ohn ·Gray Blount. Ae we have treated state G'-'ant !~o. 252 by mesne · oonveyanoea trotit the tbne said grant was 1;$ue.s._ . up, through e.nd 1holudtll6 the tbne 1Ja1d g1-ant passed by the last w1l.1 and testa• .. men; ot ;Tames R. I~ove to his E~xeoutors, the salne will not be re-peate. a ll'l this analysis, but may be seen by reterenee to the anal,­sis o:t title ot the Sidney Nelson traot, beginninG with paragraph 1 ot said analysis and ending with paragraph 10.1, page 3 Of this abstrao't. II • Traot }To. 239 is embraced b:y three separate traota dee4ed trom Sta to Grant No,, 252 b7 the Tru$tee and E:xeoutors ot J'amea At On Ootob~:v oo, le75, . William H. • Th.oma'~ R'.·bert G .• A. Love, Wllliam l.t: Hilli~d and samuel t ·• . Love, eX6outOl'$ · . . oon•feyect to Ja It~ .. ~almer - a traot ot l(Uld o$ntatn!ng 76 acl'e~L mo;ve or :J.esa . _1il1oh ·- ______ . ·--·. ----- --.~·tfl[O}-®llrG.t~e-a -:porl!1oiCof u-.r~f-"'JQ.';-2~9~ - -1~ · will be not toed. that · onl:t t.hrit~ pf ~h$ ~;xe,uto)"'s s'-sntl4 . th1$ . oonve~nctf#,.. Howevc:Jr, \his .def,ct has been oure4 by en ~eement en4 ·consent ju-ag­ment &bte:red in the ·e,.ae . ot w • . Le: :e:enry versus w. L• E::lll1ar4. see ~-ly:si.s or th~ ~d.cmey . liTelsClln Tl:'aQ~• .J?ase. 3 ot. this abstraet. The a~ deed is ot reeol!'tl in Uaywo.pd county~ See page .7i: 2 IJ)t thta abatr~u~t. Bt on Y~th ~ _. iaai1 J tt n,. l? an~ w1te oonve:re~ to a •. N• Pal.t"lle':t the a:forementtcm.ea tract ot le.n4, Thts deea is· or record 111 na,.weoa county. Se$ page 7 ~1 .. ot this abetr~ot . Ct on April 111 1004, W1ll18lll H, Thomas, Robert 0:• A• LO"te-1 · Willie t . 1Iill1tl.l'4 afid Se.mt1~l t, LOve, e~eoutora, conve)'eA ··to G" Nit Palmer a trcac"l ot 1and etntaitq-116 ·'-15 ae~s, t®l.1e op · lese 1 1fhiob trao1 em'bJ"aO,e~ a ~rti(Jn ot ~et No,25911 In. matc1ns thi~J c•~"'18Jlee the •eoutors re• ee:tVe« :flln~~u· Qt th~ .~rui#al · Sl\t$"st with ltli:n1ns pr1.Vllegesj Th~s 4e•4 is o:r :ite"Col:'d in . Haywood Countl'~ · seo page ,72P ot t l'lis abatraot, Df on ootobel' 21• . 1895.. :a. D. GilJne~ • 'ti"Ustee and •zulbni.nistre:t~ de· b<)tU.s non, oonve~d to G.t N. Prtl.mer a traot ·o:r land opnlat:tdna 48 aorea, more or less, which ea14 ttaot embraces a. por~ton . . or ~ct No• 239. . ... In maldns this. c·on-reremc•. -the asa14 'l'rUetee reserved Qne•halt' O:t the mineral lntel'S~t w1 th lld.1l$ns pt1V1leges. . As we t:-eated the a~hor1 ty et n. n, Gilmer to mnlte oon• ve7Mces ot ~he· I.ovo speoul~ti.on !=.l.nclls heretoron. the sQJ!l& w11~ , ~tot . be ~e,pea!,ed 1n this... e.nal.. rsi•t.· but nzy be eeeu \ly reterenoe to the analysis or "l'ra•t No. 2$~ 1 _page wo, .. 69 ot thts abst:r~et. The above deed ~ ot reoQ:td ln Haf1'ood county~ se~ page 2 9( o:t this abstract. :u:x. As we are part,i.a~ly <tependS.ns upon possession t~ ti tl& ~ b$1"~ obtained at:tidavtts ot· posdtselon. said aff1dav1 te may be seen by 1"eterenoe t& page Z!J. .· .... t¥"o~ot' thi~ abstract. XV. ~lfOl"* & a.:rt1dav1t to ~re.ot tlay be seen by <'"--·-- _._.,....~ ~, .. -~···~v-- . ___ .• , .... .-, .... ,.,....._,.,....,~.,.,,,...,,,,.._., • ..,..- ~- · · •· ·~-.. -.- •"<· • •~.- ~- --.___..,.,..,,....,~,,. __ "'·"<'""'"' • ·-.-..-"· ... . -..~ .. .-,, • ..-•-~:?·•--···- .. ,.-, _, .. ,...,.-. ~- •' · •·• · l -~---·~•--' N• .,..,_ :~.·~--"•·•-~ • re:tereuce to page Z 'lf}>t this abat.not., .. ,PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance .... hl-<l---··-------·-·--··-·-·····-··----------· 3. Is it properly e~ecuted ...... ~-YOlJ-----········-·· --·-· ---------.------· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. J?l'obQt<a.---Mge. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back----·-------······--·······-·-··--·- 9. Date of acknowledgement .. lO.~lS-115 - ------------ .. 11. Did_ officer affix SeaL .. !io- ------------------·····-··--· -·-·······--···- 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .... N'O---······-················--········'· -· ·- -------·······-···· (b) power to convey ........ Ye:J-----·--·-··-'··-·······-··- -··---········ (c) against encumbrances ····-----N.O- ---·····-····-············---·· (d) against claims of all others ....... NO:······--·····-·-····-·-·- Pt w. EDW.An:OO subscrt bins· _w:f. a 2. Date of Convey::mce .... l-0!'!!2~15'15 ........................ . 4. Date of Entry and No ........... : .............. , ............................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular -Y.$$---···------·····-··············--: 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... N0-----··--·--···-···········- 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .....• ,. ... ,... ........ . 12. Was order of probate con-ect .. Y-tUit--:·-·····--·-···-··-····-··--· 14. Date of filing for record .... u~ ..... l$'15-----·····--·-·· 15. :0:~~--::::::l{;;:~:::::::::::: .. ~:~~:::::::g:~~;;···-------· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ---------N-0 ..................................................... . 17. Habendum claus~ (Quote fully) T-0- HA'VE .. AND---'I'-0 HOLD .. th& ... .afor.e.aaid----tt."ae.t .. of ... J.a,J:ld ..... . ________ w1tll ... the. _ privile&$$. _and __ -ttp;purt_emnc_e.s. ... th.~r.eunto ___ b.elm~ .. unto .... the ..... . ·-·----Sa.i.d ... :r .•... B .... P~~l!-.. and .. .h1s ... he.1r.s•----t-o ... h1s. ... a.m .... the1:r .... onl7-... ... and. ... behO.of ........ tolreV&t'-•-·-··-··········---- -··-·-···-····-------····--------·- ··--·-·---- ---- ----······-· ·---·-·--- -········-·-····--············ ----·-------------··········-······--···-··--····--·······-···-·········· Exact Description of Property KNOW ALL MEN BY ~SE PRESEN'J:'S, Tba t 1 WHEREAS., Janes. n. Love, deo~ased, w~s sei.Zted ot l~a• traets ot land 09llll0nl1 oal,led "Spe~lation tands'' lying and being in the Counties ot Yall'OYt- Mad1SOll.; Bun~tnbe. Ratmod and J'aokse>nJ andt WERBASt the sud Ja-mes B. Love made end put.Jlish.ed a la$t will and ttatamnt in wt-1t1nt and appointed William H, ThOlllaf, · ltob~rt .... G. A•,ard ... .a.rli. S$'11Uel .... l.. . .. LoY~t, .. ~~ecutfi>J."I~< WhO qualified and -~ up:;n tnemsel•s· the exeoutton ther-eof; and, . . wa.EREAS t the said. J"ttne~ It·. x.ove sold many trao•ts o:f sa1 d land to dU't'erent pers-ons and authorized and EJ~tpe)wered his eel'id exeout• ors to eonti:n~e the l!lales of ~;JaJA land and to make titlesl On t~ waters ot Indian creek, waters of oatalo0onee creek, tirld bounded as to l.lows• Sltut 8 . . · J~n fllaOtt . B$Jl1fiJN(} at .• epao• pbt • . , · 'lber s•• ~40 of IJ¥l'aa er...,tt alt4' ••· · · · =!:S:Jllt1::=:!,~~.!:!•t, a: t'1at* talC -.u ... J? 1tllo top ·. f~Sf· a 11!'1.,•; tn~••• !tol11\ . ea Wt 10 POl•$ "0 a hio:lOl.T lil 8 .tlatJ ~-- S* 100 ~le* •• · •roeit~ . ~· ettUik; ·ta a .... , . thence So$ 63 .BUt: tO JQ1$e to · tbe besllUlbS t oo:ntat n1U,S fl a~ s ~e oxo l.etl$t In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ :r. ~'• P.AIJIER .=".' \.!1 r-------------------------~~----------------------~----------~------------ 1. Rind of Conveyance ..... ,J)-$6;4 ...................................... , .. 2. Date of Conveyance .. ~~l88i---······························· 3. Is it properly executed ...... Yea ..................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No .............................................. ~---· ·· · ··· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... : . .J.,.,P-t----········· · G. Acknowledgements, r egular ........ :fet--........................ . 7. .If irregular, copy in full on back ................... ; .......... .... . 9. Date .of . acknowledgement..l.2 .. h188fL ............... . 8. . Did all grantor s acknowledge. ...._ .. .........' "J'.elil----····--···· 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken ... :f ............... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ...... N O -··········································· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ............... Ye$. .............................................. . 12. .Was order of probate ccinect ... !'ell······;··-·--·--······--······ 14. Date of filing for record ... ;-U.~30~J ............. . 15. Book .............. !!.~...... . ...... ..... Page ............. J.,$ .......... . (b) power to convey ....... ..... Y.ea. .................................... . for ........ llqm.od .................................. County. (c) against encumbrances ······----Y.e8----·········· ·············· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ........... Ye& ................... . or restrictions ... No .......................................................... .. 17. l:I.abendum clause (Quote fullyreO .. lU.VE. AN!LTO ... ll QLD ... tb,e .... abo.v.e ... granted ...'.em18.ea ... tQ .. ......... tne .... 1\181d ... .G,. ... N • ... Pal.ltleli'.1, .. .b1s ... .be1ra .. E1Jld ... as81sna-t-·-to ... hta ... us.e .. a.J¥t ... bel;I.Oot .. .. . .... .. tOJ'~·'·· ·· ···· · ··········· · · · · ······ ·· ····· ···· ··· · ········ · · ·· · ·········· · ··· ·· · ·········· · · ---······ ········· ·· ·· ··· ··· ········· · ···· · · ·· ·· ·· ··· ···· · ·--····· · · ····· ·· ····-- ·· ···· ··· · ··· · --· ·····--· ·· . . L .....•...••... . ....... .. . .. . ... . . . . . . ... ~·- · ··• · · · ··· ·· · · · ··· ······ • · ·· · ··· · ·· ··· ··· · •··•··· • •· ··· ··· · · · · · · · ··· · · · · ·• · ·-· · ·· · · · •·· ·· · •·····• ••··••·•········ · ··• · • •· ·•• • • • • ·•· ··· •· ·· · ·• • · •· ·· • ---·-··· · ··· · ·· • · ··••··• · · · ••··· ·· Exact Descr iption of Property Shul B ,NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed · S.AMO'EL L. LOVE .w. t. rl1+-tiARD As Acknowledged R• A~ L• )lY.ATT t Subsoribtng witnes.s, ~ Wm.R .THOMA6 1~0~T G. ~ A.LOVEtVllQ.tL•HlLti.ARD f and s~'t t.ton,, ~~----------~·~E~x~e~oanuto~:~r~s~------------------------~--------~----------- "' ~ G• N• PAUlfili -":s' ' 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... D&ed ..................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance .. 4.~U~P.l.SS4: .............................. . 3. Is it properly executed ......... NO .................. ,. ....... , .......... . 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 5. Before what Officer ack)lowledged ... C.,.S .. ~C- 40 ............ . ' • > 6. Acknowledgements, 'regular :.Yea ................................ .. 7. If irregular, copy, in full on back ................ ...... ............ .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .. .'N.()' .............. , ................. .. 9. Date of ·acknowledgement..4•ll-l.SM ................. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... --•-.......... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... No ...................... : ........ .. 12. Was circler of probate correct. ~ .... y~Q. ......................... .. 14. Date of filing for record.4,.W.J..l.iitl8EJ4 ................... .. 15. Book ........... ~Q,!' ...................... Page .. :555 ................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- , (a) of seizin ........ NO ....................................................... .. for ............... lif'.y.WQ.od ................. , .......... County. . 16. Does deed contain an~ special li~itations, provi;ions or restrictions j,: .. ot ... m1ne;r.a.J. .... 1nt~~t .. w1-~h·-·mining ... pr.1v;l,-l6Ge&---ref*l·l"Ved.- 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. TO. .:flAVli: . AND .T.O ... ROLD .... the ... af'cre.aaJd .... traot .... Q:f ... ltmd----- ......... With ... :U:l .•... p:r.ivilege.s .. .e.nd. .. ap.pur.temne~s ... thereunto ... belQMi·nei--·ml't-0·-·-the·---- (b) power to convey ...... "fe$. .......................................... .. (c) against encumbrances ...... NO ................................. .. (d) against claims of all others ..... N:GL ........................ .. ......... sa1.d ... Q ...... lif ..... I?.almer .. e.m ... l:d..s .. he1rs,. .... to .. his.-.and ... the1r ... .only ... U&t-.. an4---be--... .. ........ .hoof ... tbJ:'.e11aJ~ .............................................................. : .................................. ................................................................................. .. Exact Description of Property KNOW ALL MEN BY 'Jll:ESE l'Rl!SENTS t That 1 WI:1£."RE.ASt James R. Love ,deceased was seized of large traets or. land eo.nmonly called "SpE: culat ion Lend" ~y:f.:t'lg and being 1n the counties Of Yancy• Ma41son 1 Buneqn1be, H~od an!l Jaokaon; and, WHEREAS f tne said .ra1ne~ R.. LOve made ~ published' a last will and testam&nt in wrt tin; and .appointed William lh 'rhomas, Robert G• _ A• LOve, Vlill:lam L-, Hilliard and samuel t. Love* -exe~utors 1 V410 que.J.1,t1ed and took upen ;thems,lves "the execution tlle:~teot& andt ·- . WI:ImllAS, the said Janes _R, Love sold many tx-aets .or sa14 land to d1ttelt"ent. persons end -authorized and empowered his said execut­ors to continue the sales ot said land and to make titlee; NOW THEREF<!lE t et Ot . ' on the waters of Cataloochee Creek and bounded as follows;- Bmnmnm at a $pl'Uce pine, the s outheast corner ot his '15 e.ore traot and runs s. 2 E. ae poles to ·a locust on top ot the ID.otm.t a in 1 tben with the top or the moun .. tain a N.w,. oourae 1?2 · p<)les to a chestnut at the junction of a rid~ ; then North 45 E., '10 poles to a chestnut on the r U'!ge ; then a. 62 E _ 20 poles to the s • w. oo:rne~ ot abov• ~~ ~itt • ~- ~ 01!~ Re.. wt. t h the line ot ea :ld traot 90 poles to the beginning, containing 75 acres mo·re or less. Shut B -"'•"•:r~. i.; -;j,' NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged R.D.GIL'MSR R. n. Gi lMER R~ D. GILM!t'R T:ruste•· G, N. P.AI.MER 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... !)eetJ, ........................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance .... .l.~2.1~189.5;L ..................... . 3. Is it properly executed ... NQ-.......................................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ................... ..................................... . :: ~~~~:1~v~:::=::t:~::::::;~~=~~~ .. ,~~~~::: 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. O.iiS:•-0·,--------·---- 7. If inegular, copy in full on back .................. . ............. .. . 9. Date of acknowledgement..9 .. J..a-lS97 ....... -· . 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken ... .-................... . 12. Was order of probate correctyea-................................. . 14. Date of filing for record .... 9.15~8Sl'1 .................. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ...... ...... NQ-................................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .No ............................................................... . 15. Book ........... 9 ............................ Page .. ~'!/, ..................... . (b) power to convey ..... YeS. .......................................... .. for ........... ...... Ha.ym.od. ......................... County. (c) against encumbrances ... N.O .................................... .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... NQ ........................... .. or restrictions i -- m1ne~l---intE¢eat .......... .. .. m1ning ... pr.i.v1lege.s ... reserv.e4 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. 'I'(). RAVE .. ,AND .. TO. UOIJ) .. .. the ... ator:esa1d ... tr~u~t ... o.f .. lan4 ..... ············'W1.-th. ... the ... pr1V1.l.e.ges. .. .and ... ... ther.eUl1to ... belonging ... unto ... .. ........... said ... G .... N ..... PalJ'Der ... a.nd ... h1s .. heirs. .. .and ... ass1gn.s., .... t-o ... h1s ... and ... thei.r ... only. .. ..... use--and-- b&-ho.ot"---tor.ever ..................................................................................................................................... : ......... .. Exact Description of Property _ 'lliiS DEED male tnie tlle 21st day of Ootobert 1895; b;y R. D. Gil.tnel"~: Trustee tor 'tale heirs at lavr of James R, Love 1 de• ceased and others owners o t the lands lmavn a$ the "LOve Specula.• tion Land$" and as AGJministratQr d& bonis non with the will anne:ad of James B. Love .t deoeased, to G, :N, l?almer of the County or Haywood Stat~ aforesaid; Witnesseth, tbatt WHEREAS; .:rar.nes R- Love, deceased; under a Decree Qf the court or EqU1 ty ror BllllC)¢m:be county, made in the year 1857 end under the proVisions of' a Deed or Agreement into on tlle 16th daY of Ocrt()ber,l857t by Janes.R. Love 1 R. M .• Henl'Yt James t,HentJ, \Ulliam WelCh; John B. Love, Dill:lard Love and William H. Thomot, became Trustee far h1lllself' am the paid parties a.tove named ()f the said "Lo'Ve Speculation Lends" lying in the Counties of Yaney, Madison, Buncombe r Raywood and Jack$n, with power to ma~ sales ot the same and execute tit las therefor; and, WHmRE.AS,. the said Janes R. Love died seized and pOsses a• ed of the said Speculation lands as Trustee as aforesa id; and, w:amE.liS 1 tl;J.e said Janes R. Love made and published. a last 1'11.11 ~na testane11t 1n wr1 tinS and a :ppointed W1lliam H, Thomas, Robert G. A• Love1 Vlill:Jam L. Hilliard and samuel t. Love, Exeoutora, vmo qualified and toOk upon themselves tm execution thereof; ani 1 V-IHEREAS, the said .Jm~.e s R. Love sold ma.ey tracts ot said land to difterent persons and a.utoor ized and empowered his sai4 SIJuJ B euoutote to C)()ntinue the sales and to nnka titles; an4.1 . . .· . WlllmEASf Ul* the death .f)t ~ eaid W$ll.iatn L~ H~lllard the ~~le a ott~ . ex.ou1»r or. ·the $aid James R.• ;LOVe • 4oo$Ue·dt the Sl1J'!i19J:~ 0~' ot ~oal . oountr • . aft Sprt,ng IDe•• 1891• .. iii.· the case of fl •. L. fltm"Y and w. L•. HErll7, AOD.11U.$t)'ator ~t n. 114• itel¢71 de• o•s•4 v•• w. 1.,. HilliaH and oth$l'S tlppointea the , eald BiD:t&1ber 'l'l'US't~:e f&r tl>,e ~irs at law ot ;r'SJll.(l.$ ;a,. t.ove deoea.s<td• am ·Q:tlle::ra1 o~;Js .at ee.ia LQve SJeCn.latio.n lan!s.t vtttlt pow'r to make £talel ot ae$4 lallt\e end execute tbl.l''t;f~l and1 . . . . . . . WHEREAS, the . sa~ lh n. Gilmer was appOinted Adtilinia,ra• tot de 'bff>il.ll$ non w1 th the wUl anntxed or James :R, tow • ·aeceaa&d• by 'the sup~l!'i~ Court ot Raywocl c~nt7• on tbe 18th «a,- ot t'Jeptem• 'ber, 1891; a:dl, WB!!."RE"~t the said R-. D •. 01llne.r, ~stee* &o·iil d14t on the 11th d&y of MsrOht lS95t emou.te bed for title to G. N.- Pal.m.el- fb:r tne land he:rein deaer:J.bedt upon .111~ ;payment ef a note fo~ $79,50 Vlb.ieh ana note was reoe iV&d b:( w.w. an4 !it.M.str:f.ngfiel.d and paid ~o th·~· STA~rE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD OOIDTTY George rh Palmer, beiq dul:y sworn, 4eposes and eaya s Th~t :tte isJLyears o'f' age and has beea a ci titen and resident ot Haywood County for.;z.,L-Yea:t's; that he is well aequaint~d with the ownership nnd possession of a tract ot le.l\d purcha8$d by him troll 1., R• Palmer and the Trustees and EXecutors ot Seines a, Love: . aa14 tract being desori bed as follows=. BEGINNING at corner 1, a point in tho oenter line of: Indian c~eel~ at its inteJ"section with a common line of this traot and the D• Ht Burris tract (238} cornet• 5 of th~t t:ractt A 12" biroh• standing on the North bank of the creek blazed and scri be4 D,. n, ·corner s .. 'bears N• 8 .... 46 E, .40 chai.n distant; thence with the n. H• Burris t:raot (238) N. 8•46 Et 2th66 Corner 21 e. ,Point on ~op ot Indian Ridge, cor• ner 4 ot th$ n. R• Bttttis Tract {238) and a oornex­of the v. Av Oe.mpbel1 t:ruot (240) set a 51t oheqtnut post in a.mound of $ton$s1 so:ribed c. B. Corner 4, A 10'' maple, blazed and scribed B.T.D.-B. Cor.ue~ 4,; bea:-s : ... GC>-45 E. ,09 ohe.itt distant; thence lea,.ving the D, H. Burris tract ( 238} with the v t A. Carnpbe:Ll tract (240) Eut<l, Witb. th$ meanders or In<tlan IU,dge, N. 38•28 E. 1•91 A P()1nt; N!!' 0•55 E,. 3,53 A Pointi N,, 9•37 w. 4•19 A Potnt; N. 11•17 W.; l,Zl A Point *' N. 24•Z5 w .• 2•<;)0 A Point; N. 20•23,, J.i!,• 2t89 A Fotn!; N, · 24f.26 w. 4f32 A PQ1Jl.t; N. 2•55 E, 2t.37 A Point) r1 •. 35-45 E. 1.98 A Po1ut: N. 9•08 w. 4t~ 56 corner 5,. a _. ).1o~" - ~e~ ~f!.• k ,~~~.-~-1! .. 1;2:R .}~g_;~ F~46!,_ !>i\IJ.t~".g~~-~---·~- _ scr· oeu. "~•'a ~;.~OJ;'ne:~ "J ve+.ns a corner qf the V~ At oamp bell. trao t ( 240) an~ ot the o • J ~ l?e.lmeJ" 1;ra<r~ ( 241) thence leaving the V • A. Oatnpbell iiraot ( 240) · wt th the c. J. l?a]Jner traot { 241) and continu.tng with the meander~ of !ndian Ril(ige N., 00 ... 3'1 w. 2.68 A Pointj N. 2&-31 w. z.97 coner 41 a 14" chestnut fn a bunoh of six sprouts off'' the Old corner tt'e(l, bl~zed an~ !~'ca. rl. m1beerd C ao.• r.Pn •e. rC 2or·. n' @4~4 -..0~.,·:9:. <thYoe:rnne•4e.". s5 .•. 7a7 •1·~. 4._. w. ,2.:! CAJ'io ... h. ;;;u.g~ .roo.a. .~o or~e oen-cer I!ne J?retty Ho,ll.ow creek An 811 popJ.;uo blazed and sorl. btui B. T,G•P• Corner 3 bea~s s. 71•00 E • • 24 chain distant; thence s, 26•06 E• ll,,66 Oorne;r6 a 40" deae.'!{ed hl:3kory et;ump • 50 oha.ins East of' Pretty Hollow creek, set a 4" chestnut post in the old stuJilp fltribed a,P •. Co:~;ner ~. A lO" pople.r 'b1azed and t~ori bed B.T.G.P. Corner 4,. ·'bears N. 51-00 11:, ,27 ahain distant; thenoe s. 2•5aw. 2.31 Pre~tr Hollow c~eek flowing southeast 24~95 Indian Creek tl.ow1ng East32~61 corner 7 1 a 36 tt 'ead chestnut W1 th sprout ,a; thence s .• ~10 'fh. 20~90 Corner 6 1 a 56" ()hestnu~ with . oorne~; lllS.rks and w1tneasee on to:P Shanty Ridge blaztd e.n4sot1bGd t}.:P. _Corne:r 6 be; Qol1leJ' 2 ot. the GeO.~ge H t Cal~lw.,~l ttao. t f:~l5) l.. .t he. noe down shanty .R;I.Ase with its l!l&ander,, and w ih the Qec>.• H. Caldwell tl"~Ot {215) s. 57..,32 E, 4,45 A Point1 St 35-05 E~. 2.,'1& A PointJSf ·32•45 E, 2,27 A Point: St 28•32 ·:&, 2•85 A ·Point; St 51'"'05 E· 5.47 A l>qin.t J s. 49 ... 15 E1 .. l.Z3 A Point; s. 6~25 E." 2,87 A Poin.t1 s • 47•00 E.t 5.1 "1 A .:Point; s, ?a-.46 E. 7 ,a5 corner v, a 7u chestnut oek w1 th . corner mark$ on top shanty · Ridge1. blazed and ·eel':!. bed -G,R.c, corner 1,· being .OOl"ne:r 1 of the George H. .. ·Caldwell tract '\215)1 · thence leavins the George H • . caldwell tra.ot 11 (2 ·5) but oontinuins w1 th the meanders or Shanty · 1dg$1 s. 6&-01 E, 2•04 A Point; S, 22--31 E. 4•28 A Point; s •. 74•47 E. 4,46 A Point; N, 62-43 Ew ,47 Corne):" 10 . a 10" looust sprout on old stump, With ma:rks and wi \nasse.s 1, ·bla-zed and sori bed G. P" corner 7 • on top Shanty Ridge; thence leaving Shanty Ridge N. Oo-46 E .. 23.99 corner 11; a point at decayed hemlock .muap,, the old oorner se.t a 4" ohestnut post in a mound or stones sorited Q.P. Corner a, thenoe N~ 4•08 :m, 1. '75 'rhe plaoe ot BEGINNLl'lG• containing 187 .o4.aores. Affiant t'urth~ states that he snd those under Whom he olaill1S, to w1 t: J. R~ Palmer and the trustees and executors ot j, R. Love have been in the open~ continuous• adv;rse and noto~OUI possession ot said lands unde1" known and visible metes end bountta, tor a period ot thirty ~ue and more; Qult1vating same, takiq timber and firewood theretrom.; pasturing same,, and making suoh oibe:r ,-..c~ ~·--· •,«·~-~~-·.--· ,.,....-........-~-·.-- -··-- us•s ot said lands as they are susceptible at; affiant turtmr .,j;-;' states that he has neve~ hef,l.rd of any oontrotersy as to the title or to the poss$ss1on of al\f portion ·of' the above desoribed land. sworn to and subscribed before me this z:..s-ae.y of ootober,l929 M.f!;~ My Comm1ssk;:; Expires M£y 27, 1931 STATE OF NO:RTH CAROI.INA HAYWOOD OOUNfY 795 .. F"' ~ • being du).:y sworn, deposes alld says~ ·That :~ 4-yee..:rs Of age and has been a ei ti2;$D an(i resi• dent ot Hayvtood county 'for c7~fyears; that he is well acquainted with the ownership and possession ot said land which is now owned by George Nt l'allnert and more particUlarly desorib&d as 1'ollowst BEGINNIN;G; at corner 1, a point in the eentel" line ot Indian-creek at its intersection with a common line <lf this traoft aDl the, Dt n. Burris tract ( 238)~ be~ng oorner 3 ot that tract. A 12" birch1 stand1ng, on the North bank of the creek blazed e.nd scribed n. · B. Cornel" "•· bears N. 8•46 E• .40 · chain distantt thence with the D• H" Burris tract ( 238) ~h 8•46 E. 25 ... 66 Corner 2, a point on top of Indian Ridge• corner 4 ot the . D. tr • . Burr1e tract { 238) and a oQrner of the v-. A• campbell tl,"aot (240) set a 5" chestnut post in a moun.a or stones, so:r1bed. D• B• corner 4.., A 10" maJ)le 1 ' blaz•a and saribed B.T.,D.B• corner 41 bears N. 30•45 E! .• o9 chain dis'tantJ thence le(\V1ng the ·J)~ II. Burris traot (238}<. with the v, A, C:hi~:t>b~l.l t:r~ot ( 240) and wi_th . the ~~nders of Itulia.n B1dge1 N.- 58•28 I~~ •L91 A Point; N, 0.55 E; 3.53 A Point; N., 9•37 Yf11 . 4•19 A :Po1n1q N.- 11~17 Wt~ lt31 A Point; Nt. 24•35 Vi• 2,90 A Point; N, 20•25 Et 2,89 A Po~nt; N .- 24-26 W • 'h 32 A l?O~li't J :t-r • 2•53 E. 2-•37 A Point; N• 354 45 E. lf~$ A Point; N. 9-08' W, 4.58 Corner 3, a 10" red oak sttUnp on top Indian. Ridge, . . bla:ze4 and. scribed J -., .. ('!.. 'Co-rnep- 5,.- -ba:ins a oe.:rneP of - ~he v. At Campbell tre.o~ (240} and of the o. J. Palmer traot ( 241) i thence 1 ~ning th~ v • A~ Camp bell tract ( 240) with the c, ;r, Palmer tl'act (241) andoontinuina with the meanders of Indian Ridge, N. O<i-37 Wt 2~68 A Point; N,. 25-51 w. 6.9'7 corne:r 4, a 14" chestnut in a bunch ot six sprouts off the old ootner tree,c blazed &nd s ori bed G;P• Corner 2, theno~ ~~ 77 ... 24 W-. t~2? _ C, _J, Palmer Co;rner Z; 24.00 Corner 5, a laree rook .ao south of the center line Qf Pretty Hollow oreok• AI!. 8" pople.l' blazed and sari l>Qd B.T.G .• P. corner 3 bears s "ll•OQ E• .24 ohatn d1stSJ1t; thenee s. 26 .. 06 E~t ll,eG corne:r 61 a 40" decayed hiokor·; etUJill) · ,50 chains East of Pretty Hollow Cl'eek, set a 4" chestnut post in the ~ld stump scribed ct.P. Cornel' 4, A 10" poplar, blaJ;ed and soribed B,T.G.P, CQ;rner 41 beal,"SNir 51-00E. ,2"1 obllin distant; thence s. a<-58 Yh z.3l Pretty Hollow creek :flowing sou,theai!Jt 24,9 5 Indian Creek flowing East 32.61 Corner 7, a 36" dead chestnut w:1 t .h sprouts; thence s, 48-15 w, . 20~90 come' a, a 36" chestnut w1 th corner muk$' e.nd witness"* on top Shanty R!dge1 blazed and aor~'be<l G'4P,. . c.orner . 6;, . bel~ oorner 2 or the o-eorge n-. Oal4well trao. t ( 215) ; the. nee do."h11 Shani;y Ridg. Q w1 t!l 1 ta:~ mean.dere, and with the Ge~ge !I• Caldwell tl."aot _(215) s~ 57i"'32 E, 4.45 A Point; s~. 3&-oa E. 2• 76 A Point; Sy 32:•45 E• 2t27 A :Point; s. 28•32 Et 2t85 A Point; s. 51•05 E:~ 3•47 A Point; s, 49•15 E• 1~,33 A Point J S, 6~25 'E• 2~tS7 A Pointj St ~7,•00 E., 5,17 A Poi~t; s. 76•46 E-~ 7,85 Corn•r tJt a 7" chestnut oak with oor't' ne~ illal'k$ on. top Shru1ty Rtdge, blazed scribed o .• R.c. corner _1 being corner l ot the aeo;rge H• Caldwell trf,lO" (2lo) 1 thence lea·nng the m~o~ge :u, Ca.1ctwell t~act ( 2l5) 1 but continuing w1 th the meanders of Shantr . Ridge s. 68-.0l E'• 2.04 A :Pf>int; s, 22-~l E. 4•28 A Point; s, 7~47 E. ~1:..45 A Point; ll .. 82-4.-3 E. .47 Corner 10 t· ,e.lO" locust sprout on Old stum,p1 1'11 th mfu.•ks e.11d witnesses b;Lazecl and seribGd a. P. Corner •t1 on top Shanty Ri~; thenee leaving. Shantcy Ridge N11 00•4.6 E~ 23.99 Corner · · 111 e point a. t a. aeoayad hemlock sttmll> t. h.· e ol. d co. rna:r 1 Se't a 4" chestnut post :J.n a mound or stones scribed a. P. corner a; thence N., 4•08 :n:. 1. 73 The plaoe of be­ginning, eonta1n1D$ 187•64 Acres. Attie.nt further states that he and tho~e under whom he claims, to wit• :r, R.: Palmet- and the Tl-ust~es and Executor$ of .r~ R. Love have been in the open• oont1nuous1 aave:rse and notol"ious possession ot saidlandsl- wder known and Visible metes and bounds, tor .a :pet-1o4 ot thir-ty "ars and. oore; -oUltivati~ same, taking timbet- and fire­wood tharei'romt pa$t~1ng same~ and maldng sueh ot~~;E' u~es, ot paid lands as th~y ar~ auaee:ptj,ble or; a.1"t1a:nt :.f', $t~tes that h$ Jm~ nevtt· llo~d ot any oon:troversy as .to the tit~e or to tha .posseS"!!---·----­' f ·.lon ot- a~y port. :ton of the above desori bed lands. swotrn to and s.ubsor;t_bod before me th1$~day ot oatqber,l929 ul ' My CornrntSSiOll txpu~s May i.l, 1931 S'l'ATE OF NORTH CAROLlNA n:AlWOOD COUNTY . /-I 7[~ f3t;_ .. • being duly sworn~ c.lepos•-s and sayai Tha~ he is:;'l;f'r•ars o1' age ~d has be~n · a citizen and resident o1' He.ywood co'Untr to:r~yearaJ that he 1s: well acquain-ted wi"h the ownership and ' ~osaession ot a certain tro.ot 01' lancl now owned by George N• Palmer~ more part~cUlarly ;follorrsa BEGINN~G at corner 11 a point in the center line of Indian Creek at its intersection with a oommon line ot this· tl"itot and the n •. H. Burris tract (238h being corner g ()1' that t ract, .A 12'' birohr. standing on the North bank of the creek blazed and· sOr1bed D• B. Corner 31 bears J.T, 8•46 Ill• .40 chain distan~j thence with the· D• :rt. Burris tract ( 238) N, 8• 46 E• 2&.66 Corner 21 a point on top of Indim'l Ridge cor­ner 4 of the D. ·-11• Bu~,.s tl!aot ( 238) and a oe;rner or t he ~~ A• Campbel + t r caot ( 240) set a 5" chest- · nut post 1n a mound ol""·"stones scribed c-.n .. Col'ner 4. A 10" maple• blazed and scribed Ih T.D.B, Corner 4, bears N;; B<r-45 E • . ,09 ohai:n distant; theno. e tho D. Rt Bun1s traot { 238) with the v, A. Cafil.Pbell tract ( 240). and_ with the meanders of t ncUe.n R~s!l$e, N-. 38•28 E. 1.91 A Po1nt : N• 0•55 E, 3.53 A PotntJ N. 9•37 w. 4.19 A Point; N. 11-1'1 w. 1•31 A Poin.t·;·· N, 24•35 w, 2.90 A Point; Nw 20 .. 23 E• 2t89 A Point; Nt 2~•26 W* 4.32 A :PointJ Nt 2~53 E, 2~37 A PointJ - N • . 35•45 E-. 1.9a· A Point~ N, 9-08 w, 4.58 corner 3 a 10'' :red oak stump on t .op Indian Ridge, blaz~d and sen b~d"'" V ;u r Col:'n$1". 3j be:ti'Itf a --oomer ·or · thEf v; ··A:; ··--.. · -----.... ~ .. campbell 1raot ( Mo )~ Eu!d or the c, J. Palm~r traot (241); llienQe leaving tha v. A, CamPbell tract (240) with tbQ c. J" • Palmer ti~aot ( 241) and C(Jnttnuing with i;he moanders o:f' Indian Ridge, N. 0~37 w, 2.&s A Po1nti N, 25•31 w. ~.97 corner 41 a 14" oh~stnut in &. bunoh ot .B. :J.i x.. su..· ... ~ o.~t. s.-o. .r ~. the. old .on..o rner trE,le 6 'hla2led. a.. nd'T. §.C:I:l:b~.a,, q~p~ .!' ~rite!' i':i; 'tn~ oe s., ~2'!1: w;- -.2'7 c • ..., , . 1'm.-~corner 2!; 24..,00 corner 5t a large rook .20 sou~h or t he center 1 ne Pret ty Hollow Creek M 8" poplar blazed and scribed B.T.G,P. Corner 3 beat's s. 71•00 E, .-24 oha1n distantJ th~noe s , 2&•oe E41 11.66 corn~l" 61 a 40n ~ecayed hie.C.:ory s tUliX,P .50 ohe.1ns E$.st ot Pretty :Hollow creel':, set a 4" chestnut post in the old stump sori bed a.P. · cornet 4, A ]~'.."' poplar blazed and sori bed · B.T.G,P. Corner 4, bears N. 51•00 E •• a? oha1n distant; thenoe s •. 2'1458 _ w. 2,31 Pr$tti H~llow Cl"'eek; flov1t•s south• ~ast 24•·95 Indian c:reek tlow n,,g Ea113t 3~!.61 cor:ne;r '• a 56" dead chestnut wtth sproutat thenoe s. 4&i'l5 w • . 20~t90 Corne~ a, a 36" che~tnu" with co:rn~f marks and wit• nesse• on top shanty Ridg• blazed and' ,<u.·1bed G~P• Cor-ner 61 being ao:rn$~ 2 of the t'Je·Ol'ge H. Ga1dwell · :-tttaot (215)• . th$loe down Shanty Rid~~ with ita _ mee.nd~rs, a.XJd and w! th the George' H. Caldwell tra:ot . { 215) s. · 6'7 ... 32 E .. 4-.45 A Point; St 35•08' IS,:,. 2.,76 A Point; s,. 52•·45 E. 2-.27 A Point; fh aB-32 E. 2,.85 A Poi~t 1 St . 51•05 E~ 3•4'1 A St 49-15 E-• 1~53 A Point; s. 6~25 E, 2.,87 A PointJ s. 47~00 E• 5 .• 17 A Po1ntj s., 78•46 E. '7tS5 corne;o 9·1 a '1" chestnut oak with corner lllAla.-s Ql'l top Shanty PU.dge,. blazt4 &ld, so!"1be4 G .. H.c. , Col'ner l) be1ng o()rner 1 ()t the Gt:Jorge H. Caldwell traqt ( 215) 1 ; ·thenoe lea'V1ng the George u. Caldwell .. tract ( 215} 1 wt continuing w1 th the . meudeH ot Shanty Ri·dge1 s. 68•ol E. 2;04 A Point; s. 2z-31 Et 4•28 A Point; s. 74~47 E. 4t45 ·A Point; N:t 62•45 E • . ,.47 co~er 799 10; a lou l<>aust sprout on old atUlllp, wi, th llle.rks and w1 t"* nesses, blazed_ and sort bed. G,B • . Corn~r 7 t . on top Shanty Ridget thence leaving Shanty Ri<lge, N. Oo-46 ~· 23e99 corner llt a point at a deoeye4 helhlook s~umpi' the old c-ome~, set a 4" ohestn'tlt post in a mound Qt• stones -scribed G·,.P• Corner .e. ·thence ». 4•08 E. 1.,73 The pla.oe ot begiMiDfh containing 187.64 Acres. · A1"1"1ant f"tlrther states that r:reorao :n. Palmer and those un4ezo whom he olaims ~ to wit, :r • R • Palmer end the Trustees and Executor a ot J'~e$ . R., LQve have been in the open1 continuous, adverse $.I1d notorious poss·e~sion ·a-r said land; undeJ;> kno~ and. rtsible metes -and bounds, tor a pe?10d of thirty years and more; '~ult:tvating &SlrlOt taldng 'th1ber an4 ·: ' ~!~.~!R!1~ tn.e:r~~ol'lla ~astl.!rine; sam~, · ~4 .~~ns. ~~h Q1;b~tr u•Qa . . ot .Jia14.. . ·- .land.s ae they are euaoeptible of' a:rrian~ turtb.e;rtJtat•$ that he he;a never hearc:l of any oon tToversy as to the title or te the possees1on ot any portion of the above deso:t·i bed land. Swor-tt to and sub.aribed before me t~is~~ day of' Oetober,l929. H. e_,f1li&.~Ul3LIO .· > .. . -'\ l .. 799 .•... · Page ....................... , ...... ,. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, .......H...A..Y...W...O..O...D.. ...........C OUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO O.B:tPALOR AllD WI FE ALICE PALME ··············---~~~Jg~A~-~---~~---~g~-~~I .. A~---········· ........................ :~.f!AQ.'r: . .lfW!Eli ..... 25.i ....... : ......... : .... . .,/ ., AFFIDAVIT. ___;_ .,: ...... ~~9. .~ !!~~~~---·········--·---··-·-------··--·-·-·····• being duly sworn, says: ·That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission !.' : ' as such in' the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Offi<ri,of/~egister of Deeds of ...... ~J!.Q.Q .•................ County, in Book ...... 8l. ............... , Page ...... ?!-~---··-···.' .· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he ~nows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of .ith 1 /e cr~,in -of title shown .in the abstract ·hereinbefore-set . ··'. ·· ". · - · ·--- ~------·--· _An: actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, ;)~md'iadjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or 'contr<.>Versy \ at.the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land . Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ~ · ,' ----~1.1tiay of .. ................ , 19.30 .. ·-----~1-'t:::tr:~"a._~/ / ~/ Notary Public. M /' '· . . C~. /),, 1931 y c.?~nnsswn expire( / ····-····-·········r···-- . ., >] i ' ................ 7f/,.@...r~·-·····''·-·· \ I \ TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." T.he use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property i~ question is asse.ssed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ................................ ; in the name J~~Q.,tl:t.Jr~b.~r ............................ and the taxes forth~ past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19~1. ... . ...... P.AilL ............................... -·-··-········· ................ . 19 .. ~(}- ············P-A-ID··················--· -········································ 19~- --- ....... 5.'.A_f;Q ___________________________________________________________________ . 19 . .2'1... . .......... .P.Al ll .............................................................. . 192 .S... . ...... ~AID ................................................................... . t9_,gs... . ........... i?Al.1L .............................. .'.~ ...................... ... .. 1924.... . ...... :P,Alll .................................................................. . 19 . .2$.. .. .......... .NQT----~A;t];) ................................................. . 192$.... -------i?i.I:O, .............................................................. ··· 19 .......... ···· ··-· ·····-··· ··· ··· ······· ······· ···· ······ ···· ··---- -----· --······· · · · ·· ····"'-; ···· · ASSESSMENTS LES PENDENS BQ:NE MECHANICS LIENS JUDGMENTS Jutlgmflnt aga..$-nst G-. It.Palttle.v , a.o-cke1H~d -~ Judpan~ DO()k &t ZtP• se No•l.Oi Sllttt G < < ATTORNEY'S CERTifiCATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title · to the Within described hind as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of r ecord affecting the same from and including the . beginning entry' there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the fgllowing named owner ...... : ........... ..... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES x. Thl•S ..•. .. , .................. day of .......».>. -~ ...................................... , ueo. ... Attorney. Address ...................................................................................... .. 234 235 236 237 v v 239 240 /~ 241 -6- w. B. Benne't 39.36 5 room framed house 40 x 50 barn Apple house Shop Smoke house & :.,prine house 12 acres cultivated land tUOO.OO 12 aores " " ®60.00 11 acres woodland @10.00 J. ~·:. Burgess 35.25 5 room frru~ed house Old barn 10 acres cultivated land GlOO.OO 20 nares cultivated land ,,;eo.oo 5 acres woodland n,lO. 00 J. Vo Woo if:''\ , c: 73.61 6 roo:n :f1• ed hc#{Be 1 ')./5 tf') · rock a 11 1 hoye :3 log bar s ,./ 2 room 1 (Vf1ouse 35 aare.aJfiultivut ed land ' 20.00 39 nor~ no .,dlwHl · 10.00 ! 6 0 J. V. '·:,iod.y 1 · :i ) '. . 7 fb 15 aores culti va:ted land C:Go.oo 93.30 78 acres woodlW1d <:·10.00 ... , ~"l,So- 44.62 71.20 49.75 Geo. 187.64 40 no Ui nd ~70.00 6 roor.: / 4 a tall 1; '·,, b :·xed lm r.n" 148 ucrffo woci'dland ' 10.00 V. ,, • Canpbell 35.31 All :r;:;st;.,re la.nd ;;25.00 1000.00 }e"' .... 7YJ - 300.00 ' 100.00 150.00 50.00 1200.00 720.00 150.00 50::1 .00 100.00 1000.0() 1600.00 oo.oo 600.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 70D.OO 390.00 900.00 780.00 100.00 75.00 6!5.00 375.00 510.00 700.00 100.00 300.00 2100.00 260.00 375.00 430.00 2800.00 80o.oo 350.00 50.00 1480.00 875.00 36'70.00 ' '. 3250.00 ' l /. '/· 2190.00 , 1'Pao.oo 850.00 ,/ l . 885.00 3440.00 ) . ' 805.00 5480.00 875.00 IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44 11 '122 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w.. c. Woody .--/ _ 6DBiinot liote d) Jf:ilf·o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r"" 156 acreo 1,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 " 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.lJett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (.A.l1 listed on Big ea.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht•nrulh 182 acres 1,602.00 Vi. J. ila.nnah . -· 4!5 II 540.00 J. BlaillO Harmah 55 11 880.00 J e gs-v Smith ...... ·38 " 2'15. Ov \;' . D. Meese~ .. <.35 11 721.00 L. l~. Hall. 5.-;,' ) G<J u l 298.00 J. Hannah -·-··-·· l Z " '116. 00 •:, . H. Hannah .-" 12 " 110.00 I . V. Halmah _,.... 26 " 275.00 .. 1,7Db n ;::Z , 456.00 ·- .. -.. -----. - · ... -·--~ J:J I~ \:,_ t i ~ 0 6,656.00 •..• ii:;,~ 00 GfoJ t • vi:> •

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).