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Cataloochee tract 232: George Bennett


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  • SMOI<YMTN.PARK U£0RGE BENNETT TRACT 4/.6~ACRE.S SCAL £ /"'•20CHAIN.S @ SURYEY OF 1.928 BYW.N.SLOAJV NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRA€T OF TITLE of Lands of ······································Bennett······························'··············································'·················································· ............................................................................................ Township .... Hl'\-ywoud··············-·····-···-································· County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Traot (232) !NOl'lil : All hf!.i~rlngs in this 4e~r1p'l10D V<'8A tul"'ld from the true Ml'iiUil and ~ll ttate.n~ea are expreaeecl in ohe.ina of 6a feet. BEGlNJU JHi &t ~rnt)li 1. a plentei at ra:1e at C.lOlT~r of f-en<;:-e ,_ Qtl:me-r lO of t hQ ~ ,. G . B.. Me-sGe:r trnot ( 2Sl all4 · $- CJO.mtl" ())f the W ~ lh B~net t tract ( 283) • set a 4'" cbeatnu't l'o~t eorib~4 ~{ . H . a. Cor. z. A 9"' bl&Ok oak 'blnsoi o.nd i:Ct'1heil .B.:tt. w.a. B. Cor. 3. 'heua w •• 19 otail\ iistsnt. l'r.ouoe. up a t•:-tmch 'ii lth ita s .. ss Gornerr ft . a point b&aiilG the bnm.cb. at mouth of a sprtnc branch from ~~t . B . Benn•tt•s hou·ee. a oo~ of the Vi' • B. Jle:rm.e t t 't l'aet t 255} • Set · ~"''e:t 1n e. tnouna o'l etone-i&. scribed \. a. s. Oor.,. An fl" QUOttmbar bluaeil rold aor !had .!l. T, VI •. lh~ . Cor. '• bitan w •• oe oh!'!iu dJAtsnt . trbtr;e• up the sprtns bnmob with . i'i. &i-l$ w.. 4.16 OerDrtr !, a point at tbe and of e ditch, e. corner of Shut A -... .. ••• a.ot ) , ttl• w ••• · a.uett taot i ~e) 1~~ , leev me tM bftllell. I . Bl·10 'I• OOI"UI' t • . a ple:ntd atone .in n fiel.l. A oorner of \be ti'•B• Btl:ldt'i tftlot t 2!8) f httnoe. lh ..... "• corner e •. a 10" obea'tnat em top of D®t Jl&narataia bl11UI aid ·. eor1M4 -~ .a • .B. -Co:r. 6 • • ootnel' oj t a.. w .a, :~tn1~tt tnoi t &WH • .m r eoanoot 'bltatl4 ez1sl eonht a.f . .. . s.a. c_., •· ttean s. 1-...oo z. .ea oba1n 41et•'• · ~be:1oe, l~-v ~na tiB w . a.~t' tn•' (au l an4 4o• .a=k r14 .. wf. ta 1 '• 11111Ha4•"· i:. t.& ... ~ s • A Polot •· et-ta •• C:om.a- 6 • pob:' «a top of Jlmk » 'b•twee 1-110 6" -~o&•• abo.-41 a111 eorur b7 ••o•D• Jleeeer. bt1118 OOIJl.l' 9 Of. tbe ••••»• ·~-- trut (Ul). An 18" aeetaot ..u .bla ... w aor1lt.& a.t. o.J. CoJt. 1 'NAn &.fi•OO »• .&1 obW.1 tietant. · • 'l'lwtJ:lo.• • l••vtq tb• 1'14s- .,. wlt 11 tb• w. Q »· ..... , ... t (!Jil) . • e. oa .. ta a. tb• plate of BIGllfUJi. oontalrlirll a..u Aona. ''" . ."i'"' ' ANALYSIS OF TITLE TRACT NOt 832, 1. Tx-aot No• 232 is now owned by George Bennett, and is 108 a pol"t:l.on ot state Grant No • . 252 issued by the state to J'ohn Gray Blount. u we have f'ullt treated state Grant llo., 252 1n the analysis ot title ot the Sidney Nelson t:raot trolil' the time said e>rant was issued by the State to J'ohn Gray Blount up ·to and including the. t:tme said Grant Pe.ssed by the last ~ll o·:r James R. Love to his executors, the same rill not be repeated in this analysis, but may be seen by refer enoe to paragraph.J......tlu"o~ 10 o:r the analysis ot title to the Sidney Nel$on traot wherein reference is n11de to the different instrunents w.a.k- 1ng Ull tlle mesne ooaveyanoes to said Gl;'ant.. '!Tact lfo'•· 232 is a portion of a · tifty aore traot deeded to w, :r. and A, c. Bennett by the Love exeoutore, and e. pQrtion of a one b.undred acre tract deeded to L• M. Bennett, w. J' • Bennett, a, D. t, Bennett and At c. Bennett by the Love exeoutot"St 2, On May S, 1883, William H. TltOmas, Robert Gt A. Love, Samuel L •. love and w. L., I!illi~rd, executors; , conveyed to w. J. Bennett and A. c. Bennett a tract of land containing ftf'ty acres, more or less, which said tl"aot· :t;s a portion. of state Grant ·No" 252, and embraces a part of Tract No~. 232, This conveyance is only si.gned by w. L. li1111srd e.nd samuel L. Ulve ... however, thts defect has been cured by an agl"ee"" ment and ool:l.sent judgl'lient ente:r;oed in the case of w. L.., Henry, et al vs w., L. Hilliud, et al~ wherein the heirs at law of Robert Lo..-e and J .R. Love ~J'$ part1es1 and tully consented to and ratified all s ules of the Speculation lands nw,de by J. R. Love 9r his said executors. A copy of ( . 109 this consent judgmen1 and agreement may be seen by reference to page v 41 throusb: 45 .ot this abstract. In making this conveyance, the said exec.mtors or :. :R..- Love reserved. one-halt of the m1n$ral inter~st in sa14 fifty aore tract.- The above deed is duly recorded in Haywood co., and ma1 be seen by reference to page...llao:t' this abstract. s. on May 28, 1872, William H. Thomas, Robert G. A. Love W1111mn ;t, H~l11ard and Samue.l L. Love, executors, conveyed to L, M. · •. , Bennett,. w. J, Bennett, D. a. L. Bennett and A• c. Bennett, a tract ot land oonta1•1ilg one hun4r•d acres, more or less,. which tract is a po,.;1on ot state Gran~ No. 2521 and embraoel!l a part ot Tract No, · 232. This con­veyance is signed by samuel L, Love 1 w. L. Hilliard and· R. · G.. A. Love. However, this defect has been cured by the agreement and consent judg­ment referred to in the preceding paragraph ot this analysis. The said executors• in making this conveyance• reserved one•ltalf of the mineral interest in said tract. This deed is duly recorded in Haywood County. See page~of this abstract. 4 11 On September 131 1893, Matilda Bennett Woody, G. D. L• Bennett and wife, Sallie, conveyed to w.. J • Bennett a tract ot land con­taining ninety acres, whioh said t~aot embraces the Whole of tract No. 232 as well as tract lio. 233. The land embx-a.oed ·in said deed is a portion of the fifty acre tract and the one hundred acre tract deeded by the LOVe exeouto:J;"s to the Bennetts. In thls conveyance, A• c. Bennett, who owned a one•fourtb undivided interest 1n the one hundred a ore t.ract • and a one­half undivided interest in the fifty acre tract, failed to join in said oonveyanoe, leavillg hi$ one-half interest in the fifty acre tract, and a one-fourth interest in the one hundred acre tract, outstanding. This convejanoe is duly recorded in Haywood County. see pageJ:..!.iof this abstract. 5. On or about the .year 1896• w. J. Bennett died int~state, leaving surviving hilll ,~~h.e he·irs at law set out in an affidavit on page~ o-r this abstract• Thereafter, George Bennett and w. B. Bennett, sc>ns ot w. :r. Bennett, attempted t:9 bUy trom the rest or the heirs or w. ;r, Bennett, the ninety aore tre.c t <lescrl bed in the deed to \V • J' • Bennett , and atter acquiring what they thought was all the interest or the heirs of' w. J'• Bennett, divided said ninety acre traot, and th~ part appo~ q(?t>}-<;p t1oned to .lftllflt.-. Bennett being no• designate<\ as trae:t No. 232,· and the part apportioned to w.. B. Bennet.t being designated as tract No. ·233.· , . The followins listed conveyances are -from the hetrs or v1. ;r. Bennett to George Bennett oonveytng their tnterest in theit> rather's estate: A: On February 7, 1922, Alice. Hall and husband, M,~ . N. Hall, conveyed to George Bennett a one• seventh und1 vided interest in the ninety acre tract belonging to W • :r. Bennett. This deed . is duly recorded in Haywood county .. See pa~ 116of this abstract •. B: On May- 2, 1921, R •. H •. Bennett and wire, Cora, oonveyed ·to George Bennett all the int$rest · he had tn the ninety- acre tract belonging to Vi • :r • Bennett •. This deed is duly recorded in Haywood County., C: see page117 of this abstract. , On October 12,. 1621, w. B. Bennett and wife Iva ·. oonvey$d to George Bennett . a tract of iand <!ontaining tort~ftve acres. The description in said deed embraces Tract No. 232. Tnis deed is duly recorded in. Haywood County. see page 118ot this abstract. D: On Marcy 121 1924• w. B. Bennett and wife, Iva_, conveyed to George Bennett a tract of land con­taining one acre, which said tract is a portion o~ ?-Tact No. 23.21111 This deed is duly recorded 1n "ilaywood County. See page 119 of t his abstract. 6. The above listed conveyances are the only conveyances which we have been able to find of' l."&oord affecting Tract No. 232. We have been 1nf'ormed., and have obtained an affiRavi_ t to the et'teot that James R. Bennett• one or the heirs at law of w. :r. Bennett, died intestate Without .): :.'".: Wft laMA P.ft.tV to 4H'"" Of 1--f B• Blnttett, thlt woul4 leave tbtt ' lat .... '~' ,. ·~ hell'• 1nh•tte4 •trout lamet n. Jennett outittUMUG• ta .,,.,,.. to eOf!uin t hta laten~Jt, at'l4 to · obtain the out-eteAalas tawr••• ot ·A• ·c. ~·''• • .JlQve aooUH4 a quit olum 4Mt s1 'fltJ«. • o_..e.t 4e·•t~tptlOu ot '1\'aOt · lif«>• ea ·trxm;.· A• e. Betute'' uct all 'th6 hetl'a at 1a11 ot w. 1, ._et:t,. aeoeaaea, to ·OGOI'Bt· BeJD~ett. M• quAt 4lala claM t e 11211 ~•oora4 111 tta)fto4 count.y. seo JE'8t.J...U-Of ·tns.o ab•ttao"• ? t A8 wt .ue w•l.r 4. epqUq UJlOIJ po•afHialon, toJ> title ' to ft&ot no. sa~, we hAW ob-..d.nfd atttaavita to the ttteo~ tllo.t GeOre* Dennett eel thoae onaer WhOJl he eltdJ!IIt btl..-e beea l.n the oontln•ue• OI*\1 actve• JOtle•l• of. •l4 tao' Wl4.- ~(®• IU\1 .... 1\le ate• ua ~. to'l. perlo4 of thlrtf ~ an4 *"· Slil ;;affid~v~ts::~ .,. ' > NOllTH OAIOLllfA H.\YWOOD COUN'l'Y· A, .o. ,Bennett• be1n.s 4uly awora• depoaea and saJtt !Jltt h1.a mothft't r, M• Bennett, ha• btHta 4ea4 tor • aumbW ot ,_r•t Q4 lett frtD'ViYil'lg her the tollowtq helt-s at. law cape• bt•· ot 1ltho~1 t1 ng real estate t ·w. :s. :BellDe~~l, • 1rho i.e ~ow c.tee4 • w1te• a naDl81 taura. who ls atill . lYing. A• e, BelUlett • W1te . Callie Bennett <h D, L• Bennett ... w!te, Sallie, Who are both 4ea4. Swon to and subaori bed before me this :f .. day ot ~.~ 929 ot~9~t . '0"" '' =..... !;!) Page ............... 112 ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT William :H. Thomas In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged I Robert G.t A• Love Samuel L. LOve and w. Lt Rilliard Proven bi W. L. li1lliard snmuel L• Love Subacrib ng Witnea sea Executors w. J'. Bennett A. c. Dennett 1. Kind of Conveyance ........ .... ~-~c; ................................. . 2. Date of Conveyance ............ ...5....•...8...•...8. ..3.. .. .. ............. ...... . 3. ·Is it properly executed ... ........ ...... .... ......... .,, . ... p ····· ··· ······· · .. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .... .. .... ...... ....... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on backl2•30•85······ 9. Date of acknowledgment .................... ... ........... ............ .. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ...... ..... ...... ...................................... . 13. Does conveyance c~{)in convenants- ::~ ~:;:~zi~0 ·~·~-~~~;::::!~:~~~:::::::::·:·:::·:·:::::::::::::·:·::: (c) against encumbrances .. .................... .... Ye·s················ (d) against chims of all others .... ...... . ..... .. ................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ..... ............. .... .. ...... YEHf·············· 6. Acknowledgments, regular .. . .. .. . . ·wo .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge. . ... . No· .. . .... 10. Was privy examination of wife t~s ··············· · · · ····· · · 12. Was order of probate correc):2;;,;3~•ae· ·········· ·· .. . 14. Date of filin'1/or record . . . ....... .. ... ... 248 ........... . 15. Book ... ··naywood ... Page ... ............ .... . for ... .. .... ........... ..... .. ........ .. ........ County. 16. Does de~d. contti}l~liffl tvitf\ti~ifl pttfito.ns or r estnctwns .......... ....................... ........ ...... .......... ............ . To have and to ·hold. tl:re··o:r·oresata· trac:t ···of'· ·· ····· 17 · H1Irti'ir il~h <~~~ ~~V1lentea··ana appurtenanoes···ther·e-to···belonging ·tmto·· ·············· the···sat·a· ·vr•· ···:r~·· ·· ana·· ·~· · ·c · ·· · ·:sennet"t,····ht·a ·· heirs ··· ana: · ··asstgns· ·· t·o··their····· ············· cml ~r· uae···a:nd ·bohoor· · roreve~··· ························ ·················· ································· ················ -- --······· · ··· ·· · · ·· ····· ····· ········· ··· · ··· ······· ···· ··· ······ ···· · -- --··· ···· ·· ·· ···· ······· -·····- ..... .. .. . .............. .. . . .. ........... . ........ ··•······· ·········· ······· ···········-········· ············· Exact Description of Property ''Know all men by these presents that whereas J'amea R. Love, deceased, was seized of large tracts of land COXll"'- monly oalled "SJ}eou_la t1on Land" lying and being in the coun"" ties or Yancey, Madison, Buncombe and Haywood, and whereas said James n .. Love made and publ1 shf)d a last will and testa• ment and appointed W1lliam H, Thoms, Robert G. A., Love, William L. Hilliard and samuel L. LQve executors who qual1• fied and took upon themselves the execution thereof, and whereas aaid J'amea R. Love sold many tracts of said land to different persons and authorized and empowered his said execu .. tors to oo11tinue the &ales aforesaid, and to I!Ylke t1 tlea, Now, therefore, we, William H. Thomas . Robert G. A. Love, William L, Hillial'd end Samuel LOve, execu!ors as aforesaid, do hereby. conv. e'1. to w. J'. Bennett and A. c. Bennett the follow 1ng tract of land n Lying and being in Haywood County on the mters of Cata• loochee Creek desori bed as follows: BEGI NNING at a hickory a corne,- of the Bennett home tract, and runs North 10 East 6 poles to a oh~stnut; thence south 87i West with the line or survey mf.Ul(:t #Or. D. J • CoOk 62 poles to the top of t he moun­tain; thenoe a Northeast oourse W1 th the extreme height of the mountain to a large maple, :r. u,. woody's corner; thence with his line south 28 West lO poles to a dogwood, Bennett's cQrner; thence w1 th the line of the Bennett tract to the beginning - Containing fifty acres, more or less. Shat B 113 NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT ~--~~I=n~P~re~a=m=bl~Y---------.--------~A~s~S0~ig~ne~d~---------.------~A~s~A~c~kn~o~w~le~dg~e~d ____ _ ttob4lJ"t o, A• Love w. L. H1111ard and &u~mel t~ Love Ex~cutors samuel ~. Love \h I.-. Hillta:rd ~ . ()., ~·• LOV$ R,. o. A,. Love samuel t. Love William t.,,. H1lliar. 4 '" L-• M.. Bennett ! w. :r, Be-nnett ; D. G:• t. Bennett 0L-~A~·~a-~~ ~B'e~~1nn·~~-e~t~t· ~______ _L ____________________ _L __________________ __ 1. Kind of Conveyance ........... ~-~4.. . .. ................. .. : : ~~e;~r:r~:::~Y ;;;c:~:e:~~~~-~~-;~-~-~~~ . J.~~::.ri: 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .............. ....... ... .. ...... .. !J. Da te of acknowledgment.. .... l L Did officer a ffix SeaL ................. .... . 13. Does conveyance contain Nonvenants- (a) of seizin ........... .. : ........ ~Y$8 ..... . . .. .. (b) PO\~ e r to conveJ .............. ...... .. ... N 0 ... . (c ) agamst encumbrances .. .. .............. .. 'Yi .. ................ .. (d) against chims of all othe rs .. .......... ~r:J ........... . 2. Date of Conveyance. 5.'-'-.:?.8-?2 ................... . 4. Date of Entr-y and No. li. Acknowledgments, r egular ·: .......... .. Yel ................ .. 8. Did a ll g r antors acknowledge.... ·ye·~~0 ... 10. \Vas p rivy examination of wife taken 1~. Was order of pr obate correct.. .. ... l'f;l .... 14. Date of filing for r ecord. 6 .. ~1•72 15. f~~ok . . .. .. . . .&.l~Q~4 :::: ~a-~~::: : ~!!:. ::: 1G. Docs deed contain any specia l limit ations, pr ovisions or restrictions .................. ..... .. ... ... ................... ......... . E xact Desc ription· of Proper ty "Now the:reto:re1 we . William u. Thotms, Robert G-. A. Love, Wil.iiam !.·• Hilliard end samuel 1.. Love. executors as afo;resai(l . S.n oon$iderati an of t he prem!aes and in fUrther oons1dEJralion ot t he· 'S\ll'Jl or TWo Run<lrecl Dollars 1n hand paid by L.- M. Bennett, w, J. Bennett, o .. n, L. Bennett and A. c. Bennett, the :receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, bave bargained!. sold ancl oonveye . d1 and by these presents do baro-­ga1J1• sel and oonver un-to t he aatd L. lJI• Bennett, w. J, Ben­nett, G, n, t . Bennett and A. n. Bennett and his heirs t he tollowing ttact or land 111-ng and being in the County or Hay• wood1 bounded 88 follows: ON TEE HOQG!NS aRANCH A TRIBUTARY _OF .THE LITTLE CATAtOOCHEE BHetl!fflfi!M • E\t 8 hickory on the side of t he mountain above D-. J• Cook's• running North 86 East 160 poles to a ohestnut 1 thence North 26 East ?5 poles to a hickory; thence ':orth 32 ·west S6 poles to a dogvrood and a small chestnut above the head or a branch; tb$noe .. south 50 West 184 poles to a stake; thence south 10 West 38 poles to t he beginning,. Conta1n1ns one Hunired Acres, more or less. Shat B Page ... NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ="~' Matilda Woody . Matilda Woody Matilda Wood'r o:s G• D• L• ~nnet and G. Dt L. Bennett a. D• I J. Ben'IIn ett -' Wite, Sal.Ue Bennett Sallie Be=-.:nn=:.::e:...:t:....::t:...._ ____;t--.::::::S.:al:..:l:..:i::..::e~Be~n:.:.:ne::!..t~t~-- ~L~----W-• __ J_._Be·~:n_~ •_t_t----~--------------------~------------------ 1. Kind of Conveyance .......... D.~.O.d ---------··----------- 3. Is it properly executed.... .... .... Y~.8 ..... .. . 5. Bef~re what Officer acknowledged.. . J • J?.« 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ... ...... .......... ...... ......... . 9. Date of acknowledgment .. ... J .. 2.~-~~..:-~~- -- ........ -.. 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........ N..O ....................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- ~:~ ;:;:~zi:o --~-~~~~!~::rt~.~::::.::.:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::.:::::: (c) against encumbrances ........ Y~-·--------· ··---- - ·- -·-----------·- (d) against . chims of all other s ..... J4!t.~---·····---------···-·· 2. Date of Conveyance. ·-------~~-1-~~-3 ........................... · 4. Date of Entry and No ....... .... .............. .................. . 6. Acknowledgments, regular : ... .... Yes ............................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............ YO.S ................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken . . .... Y~-'---· ·--- -·- 12. Was order of probate correct .............. Y.O!!l ................ . 14 . . Date of filing for record _ .... .. l.:--.~~-4. ..................... . 15. Book ... . .... .. . ... .... ..... .. fL ........ Page .... .. 16.4 ....... . for . . .. .... : ..... __ IlayWQO_d ____ . . .......... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions '·------- ····· ---NQ ______ __ ·······---·- ----- -·· ··--·--·· ········ Exact Description of Property AD.TOIN!NO THE LANDS OF .T. D. COOK_, ET AL. BEGINNilfG: At a hickory on the side of the mountain above .r .. D .. Cook's; running North 86 East 160 poles to a chestnut;· thence North 26 East 3'1 poles to a rook a oondi tional corner; thence North '71-l!- West 198 poles to the top of the mountain to t wo small sourwoods; then with the meanders of the top of the mountain to J. D. Cook's corner; thence North 87 East 52 poles to a chest~ nut, the original line; thence with the said line 6 poles to the beginning, containing 90 aores,. Shut B ( . - \.J NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY • A. c. BENNEi'T; being duly eworn depos~s and says that his brother, w. :r. Bennett, died about the yea;r 1898 ant lett surviving him the folloWing heii·s at law oapable or inherit• ing his real estate:• George Bennett • w. B •. Bennett ""' RQbert H. Dennett Milas Benttett - Alice Bennett • Tine Bennett - M,. E. Bennett ... J'ames R. Bennett • Wife Mary Bennett, wife Iva Bennett •wife Cora Bennett, Tti:f'e Arema Bennett (D1voroed) 1 husband M. N. Hall, wife Mary Bennett, wife Zennie Bennett, died without issue, sworn to and subsoribed before me this d day or January, 1930, My Oommdssion Expires May 27, 19:51 • )' NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Pr4iamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed M. N. Hall Alto~ Hall As Acknowledged M; N. Hall Alice Hall :.~.l _ __________________ _L ____________________ ~ _ George Bennett -L----------~-------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ................ D$H- ---·-··------- ·-·---········· 3. Is it properly executed ...... ·--·--·-·-·------ --------·-··--· ·······--···-· ·-· -· 2. Date of Conveyance ... .. .. ..• a.~-2""'22---······· · ··················· 4. Date of Entry and No.·· -·· ·-··-··- --······----··-·········-·············-···· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged _____ __________ J:.P-•- --·· 6. Acknowledgments, regular .. .. ------------YGS-----.............. .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back·------·-- ·-·· -- -··--··--··--·--··· 9. Date of acknowledgment ___ _____ ----~_2.o_22_ _ __ __ 8. Did all grantors acknowledge. ________________ ___ Ye.e .......... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ______ Ye.S ......... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ............. -- --·----····--- -- --- ----- ----·-·······--· 12. Was order of probate correct. __________ :l'E'-$ ................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ....... 2~7.~.22 ............ : .......... . (a) of seizin ......... ............. .Ye .•... -·-·-·-------·-··--·-···-···-···-- (b) power to convey .... ..... .......... Y.$._~-- --- -----· --·---------··-- 15. Book -·------ - .............. 5.7. .... ..... ____ Page ...... tlBe. ........ . (c) against encumbrances __ __________________ T•~------· ··-···-·- · -·--· for ___________ .... Hanoo..d .. ·---·--·-·------- county. (d) against chims of all others .. ________________ X~"---·-··· · ·-- 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ........................ .. --·· ····· --------------·-·-·-· ·········· ············-··········· ··········- ·······-······· ··-····· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully)-·-·---· .1'Q .... ba:V.e .... fm.d ... 't0 .. hol_d_ the ... afol'e..aj.d. ... trac.t ... o;r: ......... .. ________ pueel ... ot ... lan.d .. .and .. all ...•s•• --.and .. _a.p_p_m't.enano.e~t .. :there.t.G ... be~~---------·--·· ---- ___1___o__n ·e .:•..-'"nU~- --•-'Lo .. ..t h._ e . .. .aa i.d ___a --ea--r-g-e. ___ .-mu_-en-ne.•lt t. , ..h. __i_ e . . h..ei rs . ...a --n-_d .. a-s' s· 1g n-•-s,. ..t o- ................... . ........ tAt"_l' ___ on.l.Y ... us.e .... and ... beho.ot __ f_or.ev.e.:r. .• _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Exact Description of Property ADJOINING THE LANDS OF W • G. B. }lESSER -AN-D SUNOREST t .. UUBER COMPANY BEOINNlllG2 At a hickory on the side ot a mountain above 15.· i, Cookt:a, e.ncl runs North 86• East l&O poles to a chestnut; thence North 26° East 5"1 poles to a rook. a conditional eo~ne. r; thenoe 7lt• West 198 to the top ot the mountaill 'tiO two small sourwoods; thence with the meanders of the top ot the mountain to n. J. Cook's corner: thence North 87 East 52 poles to a chestnut, the 01'1ginal line; thenoe With said line e poles to the . be­ginning .. containing 90 acres, 1110re or .less. "'!'his being Qne l.Uldi rtde shEll'& or one•aeventb ot the w. J'. Bennett 90 aore tract." Shut B \ J . 117 ' Page .. ......... .. ......... ............. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT 01.'' DEED OR GRANT ~------~In~~Pr~e=am~b~l~e--------~--------~A~s~S;i~g=ne~d---------,------~A~s~A~c~kn~o~w~le~d~ge~d~---- JLI _ ~··.-.· ... _. _~- _· . ot_;t_· ----~-----------------~---------------- . Deed 1. Kind of Conveyance .. ....................... ......... ............ .. . 2. Date of Conveyance .. ... ...1...5...-..2...-..2...1... .................. ............. 3. Is it properly executed .. ..... ..... ... ........... ~u.· vlt,'l.i· t·•··.o.·•···.€· .·, ! ...... ,..... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... .... ....... ... ................ . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ....... .............. ..... .... ..... . 4. Date of Entry_ and No ........... ............. 11 ............................ . :· ~~::~le~!:te::s, regular ........... --~~Yea·· ...... . . g o acknowledge ... ...... .................. ............ .. . 1~: ~~:e o;~c::k:;;~e:=~-~-n.~~fl.:.:.:. ·:::::·:.::::::: ·: ... :::: .. ·::::::::: 13. Does conveyance contaiWivenants- (a) of seizin ... ................... ······:rea ................. . (b) power to convey ............... ........... Yes······················ (c) against encumbrances ................... .... : .... Yea············ (d) against chims of all others .. .... ....... ................. ......... . 10. Was privy examination of wife t aken ........ ~~- · .... .. . 12. Was order of probate correct ......... , . ...... XEt.~ ............... . . a.7•23 14. Date of filmg fo57ecord .. ...... ............. ........... 090 ........ .. 15. Book ····················· --.:·· ···· ·· .. ....... ...... Page ....... ..... ......... ...... . for ... ... ..... .... ..H....a..J..W.....O...O...c..l. .. ....... .. ............. .... . County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions .. ..... ............... ..... .... .......... ........ .... .. .............. . -·· · · ········- -· ····· ··········· ··· ····· · · ·-- -···· ·· ··-·· ··· ·· ·-- ---.- ---···· ·· -· ··- --- --- -- ······ ·· ···· ···· ·· ·· ··· ···· ···· ·- ··· ····--------· ····· ······ ·· ·· -···-··· ·· ·-··-··· ·····-·-· ··· ··· Exact Description of Property amnm.ING: At ca. bJ.ek Ol.'Y on the aide or a molm.­teltt above n. :. Cook•&, an4 mnat North e& Ia&~ 100 pol" to a. Ohestnu1 J t l'..enoe tlo:nh 26 East 3? poles to a X''OOk, a ooncU t1oaal owntr; thence Jtonh ?li West lt8 poles to t he top of t te fl.tOUntail'l to two :SOlQ:'tr004s J t hence with tbe meGniU'• of the top ot t he DDuatalD to :r. D. Cook's corner J the neo :north e7 East 5a poles to a Ch«Jittnut, tho or1g11Ull. lin.,; t hence w1 th said ltne G po.los to the b&e1nn1ns • oonteinins so sores:• more or lese. "M¥ sban belng O·ne eiGhth, I now deed and sip a\'nay all f'nterest in my Father's land to George Bennett". Shut B NORTH CAROLINAPARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ o w. B, Bennett aaA ] 1f11"e . w. B. Bennett Ifa Btnnett w • :a, :6elUJ.ett Ira: BenD~ ~t -' Ira .Bennett ~~~~~~~------~-------- 11 GI!Ql'l!G llellllatt 1. Kind of Conveyance ........ Deed---: .................................. . 2. Date of Conveyance .. ...... ~O~l2~2l. ....................... .. 3. Is it properly executed ...................... ....... ................. ... ... ... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........... J • ... p. •........ 4. Date of Entry and No .... ... ................ ................................. . 6. Acknowledgments, regular .... ......... Yes ........................ .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ................................ .. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge._ ........ Yea .................... .. 9. Date of acknowledgmcnt ..... .l(}!!lol2!it2]. .... ······· ····· ·· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........... yQ ..... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... ................ ................ ...... ..... .. ...... . 12. Was order of probate correct.. ............. y.a ........ , ........ .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ... .... ... ~,-..22 .................... .. (a) of seizin ..................... Yes ......................................... . (b) power to convey .................... Yes ............................ .. (c) against encumbrances ... ............... Ye8 ....................... . (d) against chims of all others ...... YfiS ...................... .. 15. Book ............ ........... 5'7 ......... . Page ......... 589 ..... .. for ... .............. ..... ... .... Hay.w.Qod ............... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ... .................... .. .... ..... ................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ........ ',r.Q .. haVe -an.d .... tQ .... hOl4 -the- ·filf•oresa-1-t\---traot --Or .......... .. ........ parc.el ... ot .... land ... an4 .. .all ... pr1Vilegta .. an4 .. app\U"tenanoea -- -thereto----b~----·-------- ······-.1onging. .t .o. .. the ... .. Geo~ge ... ,Bennett,•.. . hia. .. he1r.a ... ana. .a, .... to. .................. . ....... . thei:r ... o.nly ... uae ... a.nd ... behoof' .... fore.ver .. · ... ::: ............................................................................................... . Exact Description of Property ADJOINING Tin! LANDS OF W, _G,, B. MESSER, SUNCREST LUMBER COMPANY a ET AL. BEGINNING on a $tone on the North aide or a b:re.nch an4 in the lin~ ot w.o.B. Messer Bennett land, and ;"Uns south 20° West 24 poles to a stone at the mouth of' a small branch; thence Nol"th 80° West and up with the meanders at a branch 40 poles to a stone at the mouth or a ditch; thence North 84° West 78 poles to a stone in a field; tl1enoe North 654 West 67 poles to a. small chestnut on top of Bank Mountain; thence dow.n the mountain with its meanders a Northeast course 491- poles to two 8II1Bll sourwoods a thence south '71-i East 16'7 poles to the beginning- containing 45 ac.res, more or less. S/mt B 119 Page ......................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Si.g.- ned As Acknowledged w. B • Benne•t w. :r. Bennett w. :r. Bennett and Wit e., Iva Bennittt Iva Bennett Iva Bennett aeorse Bennett 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... De.ed ......................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ....... ~~&o!24; ............................... . 3. Is it properly executed ......... .................................... ........ . 4. Date of Entry and No ........... ..................... .......... .............. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... 1 .• P.t~- -----·· ···-····· 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... ...... ..... Yea ..................... . 7. If irregular , copy in full on back. ............. : .......... ....... .. . 8. Did all grantors a cknowledge ..................... Tea ............ . 9. Date of acknowledgement ........... ~l~24 ............... . 10. Was privy examination of wife t aken ............... yu: .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL .... .................................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ......... Yea ........................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing f or· record ......... .'l~-'1-~U .... : ................ . (a) of seizin ········ · -- -~- - - -Ye.llL ......................................... · 15. Book ................... .... 63............. Page ........ 2l.4 ............... . (b) power to convey .............. .Yes ................................... . f or .......... l:Iayw.OOd ................................ County. ( c) against encumbrances ............ .YeS ......................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .............. Ye.s. ...... . ........ . or r estrict ions ................... ..... ............................................. . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully ) .. .... 'l'O ... ItA.VE ... ANJ) .. TO. . .HOLD ... the .. atoreaa14 ... trac.-. ... or ... p&l'!'!!'! ........... o.el ... of .. l.an4 ... and .. all ... p.rlvil.egea ... and:.appurtenanees .... there.~-- -belOD81116·· · ........... :t:o ... the.:-said .. aeo.rge ... Benne.t:t ... and ... h1a ... heirs ... an4 .. ass1gns.,. ... to ... the1r---oal7 ............ use ... snd .. behoot ... fo:rev.d•-----··-----------·············-------- -------- ------·-----------·-- ----------·····--------------------------· ------------------···---------···· / E xact Description of Property BEGINNING on a stone on the North side or a branoh ~d 1-. t.he line or w. a. B. Messer Bennett land1 and r'Ulls South 20 west 24 poles to ·a •tone ali -t;he ,m.auth or a small bre.noh; thence with old road where the b~anoh now runs 2&6- poles to $ etone in conditional line be­tween w. Be Bennett and w. G. B. Messer; then with &aid line North 'llt west &t poles to a stone, t he beginnlns. c·ontatntns one acra · JnOre or less. , Shut 8 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY -~~~"-~;;;2;;;;;Z;;~W~;;:::..... • duly aworn, deposes and aaya th t he was lt'ell e.oquaiated with lames R, Ben­net11 one of the heira td 1•• ot w. z. Bennet'IJ that the aa14 .Tamea Rt Bemn«t"tt waa neYer mur1e4& that the ae.14 J'amea R~' Ben­nett d1e4 without 1•a'ring iaaue, and that hie heil"a at law ut his brothel"• and sietel:'a, ohilu• ot w,. :r. Bennett. swom to and aubaor1'bed bator me thia_Lday ot July, 1929 ;¢-/·~eo't~i-i~~~ My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 \ / ' :; •• O!l4. lllft A• Slgnod A• Admowlod ... . ' aeo,.. Beanett 1. Kind of 9onveyance ... ... .. Q.Ui-t---0.1a1Ja--Jee&--- 3. Is it properly executed ........... ..... ..................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... _.I-.P.t·············· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement .... ......... .... yGJI{.._ ......... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ...... -........... ..... .... ...... .... .. .............. .... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .................... ·-- -N'O··············· ·· ·· · · ····· ············· ··· (b) power to convey .................• rt.························· ······· ··· (c) against encumbrances ············No·········· ··················· (d) against claims of aU others ..........•.......... ........... .. 2. Date of Conveyance ............................................. . 4. Date of Entry and No .................. : .... ~ ---······························ 6. Acknowledgements, regular ··········Tee······· ···· ··············· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. ~----1'. .· ········ 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........... y ....... . 12. Was order of probate correct.. ...... Yea·························· 14. Date of filing for record ... ........... ,----:G-18981·········· 15. Book · ···· ·· ·· ·······~·-· ······ft····· ·· · · · Page ......... --~---····· ·· ··· 16. ~:e~--~-~~~--~~~~!~~~~-;-·;;~i-~~;;~~:,u:~~~isions or restrictions ..................................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ....... ... :Tf) .. JJAVJ ... ANJ) ... T() .. JJOtD---~he- - -eboft -- ·--J'ih4· ··tftOt• ........... ot--lad---tos-t~OJi.--'dth-•11--·\bt---!)dv11-'e --u4--QJ.~e--ua•··'-------­ ··-······-th4--:~.--~7---ot---th•---~- --JUt··---hi•--·Ut-r•--•d·--ll··t.~··:·rQiftV--··· ........... in .. .t.-e:--•$Jlll)1••·····························-· ······· ··· ···· ---- --- ------- ----- ----------- -------------- --- ----- ------······· ·····:··············--······· ................................. . Exact Description of Property SAID J)EE]) GlYmS A OOB!UtO~ DESO~IPTIOlf OF M OltOROJ .m'l'! - .i.'f S!Jut 8 . "' l 122 STltTE OF NOJ1TH C.t..P.OLINA IIA.YWOOD COmTTY poses and s a;rs that he is~years of ae;e and has been a resident e.nd citizen of .raywood oomty ror.a_yeara;- that he is tTell acquainted with the ow.nersh1p and possession of a tract or land now o1'1!1ed by George Bennett situated in Catalooohee township and more particularly described as follows: BEGL~ITNG at corner l, a planted stone at corner of tenoe corner 10 of t he w .a~B. Messer traot (231) and a corner ot the w, ·n. Bennett t;raot (253) set a 4" chestnut post scribed w. B, BiCorner 31 a 9" black oak blazed and scribed B.T, ~ . n , n,. corner 31 bears North 12•30 West !•f39. c.hain dis-tant; tl1ence, up e branch with its mean der~ •. south 27•54 · West 2.96 oha1n.s; Sonth 54•48 West 3.j58 chains to Corner 2,' a point beside the branch at mouth of a spring branch from w.: B.. Bennett's houeEt ,. a oorner or the w •; B •. Bennett tract ( 235). set a pos-t in a mound of stone~ •. scribed w,B,B,. Corner 4a An 8" cucumber blazed end scribed B •. T•:· •. B.,.Biir· cor-­ner 4~ bear~ south ~0-30 west .,oa <l.hain distant; thence up t he spring bran3h with its meanders, North '79-06 West 1,.74 oha!ns; North '70•05 West 3.,30 chains; south89~l5 West 4.,36 cfiains to corner 3 t a point at the end ot a d1 tch.,, a oo~ ner of the " '" :B •. Bennett tract ( 233); t henc~ 11 leaving the branoh• North a~·lO West lB.M oha1n$ to Corner 4; a planted st one in a field• A corner or the w. B-. Bennett tract (233} thencei North 64•53 west 12.15 chains to Corner 51 a 10" ohestnut ·on top of BUnl»: V.owttaln blazed and scribed w.B.B• Corner a, a corner Of the w. B. Bonnett tract (235)!' An S" sOur\TOOd blazed and scribed B.T .. W~tB.B. co:rnel'" G, bears south 1~00 Eaat · •22 chain distant.; thence, leavtne t be w. B. Ben~ n~tt trHct ( 233) and down Bunk ridge With 1 ts meanders, No~th 25-52 Eafit 2,ss chains; JTorth 3•35 west z~ol eha.~ns; North 2'5•58 East 4.~5 chains; North 39•42 East 2 ~ 15 chains to corner 6;. a. point on top of' Bunk mountain between two ll" sourwoodsli shown ·as corner by vr, G. B. Messe:r, being comer 9 of t he W:, G·, B• Messer trao·t ( 231) • AB 16" ()hestnut oak blazed and scribed B. T. G. B. Corner 1 bears south 35 ... 00 East· .51 chain distant·; t hence leaving the ridge and tvith t he w. G. :e. Mess·er tract ( 231 J south 68'1-55 East 41.22 chains to place of beginning, oontelning 41.53 acres. Affiant f'Ul"thEJr states t:b.e.t George Bennett and those under whom he claims, to wit: w. J. Bennett a.l'ld hi s heirs at law, Matilda Bennett, D• L, Bennett and A. c. Bennett, have been in the ~ -. opea, ofl»,\tuuous, adverse and n.o~o:r-.o\1$ pos•esst.on or ea14 lad under kn~n and n•ible _., • ., and bouau ':tor a pe.r1o4 ot thirt7 ,ears and more • cultivating eame, · teldng tblber EUid ri.rewoo4 th~rett-oa, pasturiq SfUDet il:ttd meld,ng euea other U$88 Ot edd land as tb.87 are auao•ptible otJ atf'ian'l :rur~her etl 1iefJ that he haa ne'Ve:r hee.rci'·or any ~ . . t" , . . ' ; \ .,: "- . · . . Zf/~.~ . ' - NOiiiPiiO Mv Commisslc · Expires May 27, 1931 ' · STATE OF NORTTI CAROLINA HAYWOOD COutffl _~....1...!..1... .....W... .... .:.. ,__,.,;£.~~a'"'t!2~.wa.. .h ,..z_ __• being duly sworn. de-poses and. says that he is..2£..years of age1 and has been a resident 124 and oi tizen of Haywood county for..,; that he is well a'3qua1nted with the ownership nnd possession of a tract of le.nd now owned by George Bennett situated in Catalooohee township, and more particularly described as follows: BEonn;rina at co:rn~r 1. a planted atone at corner of tenoe corner 10 o:r the VI.G,B • . Messer traot ( 251) and corne.r ot the w ~ B1 Bennett t rt'tot (233} set a 4:" chestnut post scribed w,B,B,. Corner 3, a ~" ble.ek oak blazed and sQri bed B. T. w.n.B, Corner 3., bears J~orth 12-30 w~st .,39 chain <Ustant; thence, up a . branch w1 th its meandex-s, soutl1 2? .. 54 West 2.98 chains; South 54-4.~ West 3~58 chains to corner · 21 Q point beside the branch at of' a spring branch from w •. :e •. Bennett's b.ouse,. · o. corner of the w •. B •. Bennett tract (233) set a post in a mouild of stones• scribed w. 13,, :a •. corner 4 . An e:r cucumber blazed ..u"ld scribed B.T,.W •. l3 • .B·•· Corner 41 bears South 30-30 West .oe chain distant a t h$nce up ·the spring branch with 1 ts meanders. North , 79-06 West ,.74 oha:lns; North ?0-03 We at 3,,30 chaine; 59•11 West 4.36 cile.ine to ooraer 3, a point at the end of a ditch, a cornex- o:r t he W,. B• . Bennett tract ( 233) ; tllenee leaving the·h, North. f33-10 West l8,.84 chains to co. rner 4,. a planted stone 1n e fi.eld,. a corner of t he . w, n .. Bennett tract ( 233); thence North 64•53 West 12 .. 15 chains to oorner 51, e. lO" chestnut on top of Bunk mountain blazed and scribed w. B •. B •. Cor-.ner 6, a oor·ner of t he w. B. Bennett tract (.233) • AJ.1 8" sourwood blazed and scribed Bt. 'l';~ w .. B. B. corner 6; bears south 15~00 East -.22 chain dis. tant; thence;. lea.ving tha· w. B.• Bennett tract (233) and down Bunk ~idge with 1 ts meande;rs. North 26-52 East 2,00 chains; North 5-35 West 3.01 chains; North 25-58 East 4•35 clm1ns; North 39-42 East 2.15 ohaina t .o corner 6 1 a point on top of Bunk mountain between two 5" sourwoods, shown as corner by W*G.B, Mosser. being oorner 9 of the w. G. B. Messer tre.ot (231) • .!n 1au chestnut oak blazed and soribed B.T.o.B. corner 11 'bears south . 56-00 East . 51 chain distant; t hence leaving the ridge and with the w, o. E. Mees-er tract (251) south 55 ... 55 East 41 1 22 chains to place of begin.."ling1 containing 4l.o3 e.~'l"es. Affiant :rurtl1er ststes that George B0nnett and under Whom he claims, to wit: w. J, Bennett and his heirs at law. lJatilda Bennett, D. r.. Bennett and A. c. Bennett, have been in the open, oon­tinuoua, adverse and noto~ious possession ot said land under known and 125 rtatb1• Mttta ana bounu ro·~ a p•1od or th1rt7 Je4U-8 ana DD"e - oult1. va"ac ._, takbg tlllber and tS.:nnroo4 thts-etrom. past'Ul:'1D8 ••• an4 m~ttq such other u••• ot sald lan4 ae 'they ~· auaoept1ble ot.J atrtut tunluJ.- etate• th&t he bas never heard ot any oontro-rorat ali to the ~ttl• It poaseflaie. ot any por~lon or the above described laa4. ~ ·. ant \ l , ' swo~ tc1 .an4 subsor1be4 before me thia-4--ruar ot J'lme, 1929, . A/:r?; tz!:' . . . . My Commissio·. c . ' ~110 . . . . ... t.Xl{lfes May 2.7, l93l ;·'· ~· - :·: ·.>:: · :· : . I, ,.'·;· ·.···.:.·:'··'>· .. ". .· :-. : :> _~ : C• · ...·, :.:-,:· ·,~·, ' INA PARK COMMISSION TAXES ,.,(Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ................................ , in the name ............ ~ ................. and the taxes for the past ten ~ears have been paid or not paid as follows: 19...... . .................... llot .. ~hJ,4 ....................................... . 19 ....• .................... .Jal4, .................................................... . 19 .... 8.'/ ..................... Pal-4 .................................................... . 19..... . .................... hJ,-4-·-·····--·~-------····················-······-··-··-· 19..... ---·---·-·-····· ···:·P&ir.4 --·····--····· ········ ····-· ·'·--······-·-···--··· · ·· 19... ·· -··· ·--·· ·-····- ·····Pill4·····---- ···-· -················-··-· ----- ···-······· 19... . ·-···-······-·- ·-·····Jtal-4·-·--·-····-····-············ ··· ··· ------ ----·---· ·· . 19... .. ..................... Ja.l4-----· ------- ---------·-------- -- ··· ·-- --····-- ··· -- 19.... ---·········-----·--hl.4 ................................................... . 19.~10- ------------------~-:.Jl.&IA------·--····-------·------------ ········----· .... .. ASSESSMENTS ·Nome MECHANICS LIENS JUDGMENTS Shttt G - · NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, } ------H--!--Y--W--: O___O___D__ ____________ COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ___ __ Q~OR9.J.. .. ~-~~m!f'l'. .. m~----1'4.t~ __t. wa'_ ____________ _ ____ J,r~~~~J ... ~~-~~-~-~--~--~Y-.. ~--- -- ---~CT .. Jf~41 .. .3~;}, ____ ___________________ __________ _________ __ _ AFFIDAVIT. ·------------~:!! ... 9.:t ... W.~~--------------------------------------• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds oL.Jigf~_Q_~-----------------County, in Book. .... ~~-----------·--··• Page ..... ~? ................ . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land . Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ---~day of ..... .$.~t~~R ... , 19.iUt. -y~d---~~~ My commission expires .... ~.P~~l.J~Q_._~950 .......... A(.~--~-------------- v ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described-land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : ~~· ~ct No. !32 ................ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES l w -~ dl.!la RaJ\'lQOd CO:urit:T fW tho )'eer. ltat. a. ~81 Jnte~ ootsttutdtng - no:w ~- bJ' S~leldo -ad e~. · · As we -~- rel JtD« entlr&3.7 •tlPOlt po8eeefal•, tQ'/1 t1 tle to 'this eact. WfJ have Gbtn1ned ~evl• .og posneestoa. \ / 'i . ,/~ k, .. ;' i l 't \ {. i ~ /j' 1 ' .I .'l •' !{ . This.·-··2 '/············day of -····· · · ·· ···-~----··-·· ··-··· · ···--- ··- · · ··· · ·· ·-- · ·• 192g ... / · ! ' ~ '· )\ r: Attorney. I Address ....................................................................................... . j 22'1 227-A 228 229 2aa 231 .. .}· 231J..13 231-C ', .. \' 232 ' •, ' \ ,• /\' I ( -o-s. H. Nelson 50 I 'r 25 aores cleared land C!I40.00 / .~ 1000.00 25 a.orea woodland e1:15~0 ·~ ~ ·l i i.A 375.00 4 room box d house "'v""'. I '/" t 2oo.oo 3 stall barn _ ___.l;;..o. .o _.;..;oo;.;;... _,. &;""l;;.6;;.7;;.;5;;.;•;..;0-.,0 J. l;. Stikeleather all woodland 1 ~ 10.00 81.75 J. G. : ~ tikelcnt her 315.16 ilook :FishinG namp :~ oad Campa Old House and barn 15 narcs cleared land ' 10.00 300 acres woodland C10.00 J.~alntow J~i~hi. Club All woodland imbor reserved ll. N. Hall 18 aores w·;odland , ,10.00 29 aoros c l eared l a 11d e•o.oo 3 room b oxed ho, tse 3arn 4 room lo~ }louse r;. G. 3 . liesser 3:.J.'15 39.4'1 817.50 1500.00 50.00 200.00 1/ 450.00 ). ., . ·, :. .. ., : 817.50 3000.00 5200.00 33'1.50 100.00 2030.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 ; I • l i •' •1 33'7.50 26 ~0.00 / \ . 98.23 43.38 3 52.86 250 aores c l ea:.-ed lund & ____.,9.J acres woodlamV '· 10. ou 12 l'Oom framed hq(lse I barn & mill blu ~ · Hill & ·~ 1ature11 119 1C S1iol.•e House c'!: ;Jhed -"' A 'Ple House . ' Ceme nt i'rui 11· house Gas house ll Plant Old sohoo:V' House i.;ea t hou~1e , --1:!96 pen, i .' ~ Apple l)'Vuse , 1\ "' Barn · ; " a. r~o fran ed ~ 188 Smok House ~ Hoo . . -<pp1e Ho 3 r om log ho e _ _ O.,_l_.,g,. lo .: lmrn , .:.p pl e house / Barn ' Loc; House ,·,ppl e Iloua Barn ., \ 148.8:> orohnrd.s• IOO. I ' • \ "• .. 41.63 1 .. acres ultivated :r.nnd , I 0.00 10 acr e ~:~ ·~ odland t';lO.OO 18 l and ©89. 0 25000.00 930.00 '!800.00 1200.00 500.00 aoo.oo 50.00 500.00 1500.00 aoo.oo 200.00 50.00 100.00 600.00 400.00 25.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 100. 00 2oo.oo ,150.00 600.01) 200. 0() 150.00 1300.00 100.00 1440.00 iJ_ 30405.00 ~8<JO.OO IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44 11 '122 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w.. c. Woody .--/ _ 6DBiinot liote d) Jf:ilf·o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r"" 156 acreo 1,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 " 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.lJett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (.A.l1 listed on Big ea.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht•nrulh 182 acres 1,602.00 Vi. J. ila.nnah . -· 4!5 II 540.00 J. BlaillO Harmah 55 11 880.00 J e gs-v Smith ...... ·38 " 2'15. Ov \;' . D. Meese~ .. <.35 11 721.00 L. l~. Hall. 5.-;,' ) G<J u l 298.00 J. Hannah -·-··-·· l Z " '116. 00 •:, . H. Hannah .-" 12 " 110.00 I . V. Halmah _,.... 26 " 275.00 .. 1,7Db n ;::Z , 456.00 ·- .. -.. -----. - · ... -·--~ J:J I~ \:,_ t i ~ 0 6,656.00 •..• ii:;,~ 00 GfoJ t • vi:> •

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).