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Cataloochee tract 218: Palmer's Chapel Church


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  • :~ - . ~ . .:.:- . 'i. .;·,. ~.- . . .., . ,..r ; ..:,. . ·• . .. --~ ·>· ... · . '. . . -·· . .;._ ·, ·. SMO!(Y/VITN.PARK PAlMERt$CHAPEI.. CNuRC:NL or /.47ACHES SCAI. E · /•:::20 CNAINS @ ·i j :...._ _.;• 684 .·' Page ................................... . NORTH' CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ...................................... P~~.S- .. ~JU. ... OHUllOa--........ . ................................................................................................. . (218) ............................................................................................ Township ............. ltAYil)()J) ............. ...... : ................ ............... County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION ••• Allbt$J1.awa 1D tJdrj ._.,.. .... · ... ,_ ... .. ..... d au .cu. ............. 4 .. ill" ....... .. BIGlllSUO at 001'DW1.. & ,._. ta lie ••• U• ollie Catal-.. ... o-a.. · • .......... ·. -- .,. • -"1· - .... •1-• - -,... . . ... W--..4-. .~ .. .. .;.r -jp't" (. Q- .t).. ...,. .. -·-- ·. •. . - -.- Ull - ....... "' •. Ylt. •• ••Mea Of till l.U A Po.IJll ,. .• ··~-. C••J"oC•i•a a ·•. ••. » 0'1»' tu •• •• UIJI t11 • ...- ·~ , .. lll-... ._., a ··~ l1 .. o.t -~ •-.! ~-~-:_JJ~.,.,C"\4J~Nl c.•v~l •.,,. .., • ••• 1 ••• a,~"'~w.a-~~ A _l.P lit ... o# ,_ 114W . lJaJIJl d-.... .,,.-•• .. , .... c. QOJt 1, ..... ~ •• .. ••• ....... . m - .... - .,._ .... ...,_ -- .t.tll tla• -. .. ""·~·- •. fo.l!J ...... ..,. . ..,......, . •••• Odclwtll ~- (,Mt..e) ......... Co .. ·f. • _*>fi ..-et lfllpMt•-beaM a w-.. -. ,lA~1 114 ~- --•.. c~ oar._a . -_.. ... . •• ... ,••-t ot_· ••a•~'--..o a·,. ,.! _-., l.·C~~W _., -· • a ... -. - •""• uw.._ .. • _ ,_ ~- .. ,....,..). ....... , - ·-· - - J!llll'l!lf - ....... ~,._. . • ..... ._. lu¥1. ..•• »·. ,i.C014111'U .hat, c-.,y,.....)• ~. .. ,... . ... .,. ····-. ........ - ·- -~·- - ta• C -~·· flOftWaire l••' •••• 685 r. A.."iALYSIS OF TITLE TRAO'l' . NO. taa TrflOt No~ 218 is now own~d by the Truste~us ·ot Palmers Chappel Ohtaroh. This tract contains approximately one ancl one­tourt_ h aores, and is totally em'braoed by state Grant No, 252 issued . . by the s .. ate to J'ohn Gray Blount. As we have treated state Grant No. ' 252 by mesne conveyances trom the time said grant was issmd,. up thl'\1 and 1nolud1ng the time said grant pe.esed by the last will and testament ot James :R~ Love to his executors, the same will not be repeated in . ' this analysis, but may be seen by reterenoe to the analysi.s of title ot the Sidney Nelson Tr:aot beginning with paragraph one of' said analysis, ., and ending with paragraph 10, page 3 or this abstraQt~ II. The first instl"lllllent we will consider afteot1118 T:raot No'! 218 is a deed bearing date ot ~,e s. 1857, hom ; , R~ LOYt tor himself', :r. R~ Love, n. Love, J. B. Love and William Weloh, exeo~ ters of' Robert Love; deceased, to J'esse R~ Palmer ~ This deed oonve7* to r. R~ Palmer a tract of land containing 150 acres, more ox- less, Which I _, i • said tract embsoe.oes Tract NO~ 218. At the date of' the execution ot th1a ' . deed, :r. R. Love was seized of e. on,e-ha.lf' undivided .interest in state Grant No~ 252. And trqm examination ot the last Will and testamen~ ot > Robert Love• we find that his executors were not authorized to o·onver land~ However, this detect in the atorementioned 4eed has been cured ~1 an agreement and oo:nsent judsznent entered in the case ot w. L, HeJU7 . -1- 686 ver•u• w, L• H1111~d. see the analysis ot t1 tl-. ot the Sidney­Nelson Tract, page 5 of this abstract. The above deed 1 s ot reccr d in He.yw<>Od Oouniiy, See page No, 2EsG of th1e abstract. III. Thweatter, prior to the yeQ.r 18961 Seese R. Palmer died inteetate; and on FebJ.tUary us, 1896, his heirs tile(\ a petition for partition ot tlle lands, belQnging tQ :r, R• Pal,. mer at his death. This proe1eed1tl$ has been tllllt treated in the analysis ot title ot Traot llo• 240. see pf1Se :t-To-. -132, ptll'agraph 3 of the analtais ot Tract No, 240, By retere,noe to said proceeding, it will be found that Lot No. 2 was allo-ted to Ellzabeth Palmer whioh boundary embraces Tract No* 218. soe page No, 445 ot this abstract. :rv. ~om the records we tind t,he.t a few days atter the proceeding for Pal''lli tion was tiled. by the he ire ot :r, R, Palme:r, t.hat his Widow1 Mtuoy A. Palmer, tiled e. petition asking t~at her dower right'f in the lands ot ht;1' hul.lband be s~rt aside• This prooeed'* ill8 has been tully treated in 'thfll ane.lys14 of Tract No. 240, See 4, page 432 or this abstrao1. We have been intorm.ef. by the surveyors that the tract laid ott as dower to Mary A. Palmer ell'l­br• Oef Tract No. 21a. _ Seti> page 4~0 ot this abstt-aet. We now have Traot No. 218 'Vested il1 illizabeth, Palmer and M..e.ry At Palmer by two separate proceedings. v,. on June so, l89~, Elizabeth Palmer oonveyed to Mary A. Palmer a. tract ot land oontain1ns 55 aores. being the same ·, land alloted t~o Elizabeth Palmer ln the part1 'tlOll proceeding her..,. . . - - tot~o>rt n~ent4 to. t••• is 414.7 l-eoo:4•4 b HaJ'"Od ceu~t,. • .s e• »Sse. 688 :. ot tld.e ab•t,.-aot • vz.. on.. AUSU't . ,, J.S9e, ~ A• Pllllme~ co:nve7•t to the lUg .catalooohee lletho!Ust ohu;reh 'l'raot !To.. 21e. 'l'lli.a deed 1e ot reoot'4 ln. HaJWOQd Count;r. stt »~ 689 ot th1e abstracrh Surveyors affidavit may be seen by referance to page 687 688 Page ......................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed ·' As Acknowledg-ed ELIZARE!H l?ALJ4B1R ELIZ .ABl'~ !tH :PAijMl'~R G. L. PAU11.~. Subsoribing Witneae lriARY A. J?AL.JAER 1. Kind of Conveyance ........ wer-ranty···Deed·········· 2. Date of Conveyance .... &-~0-l$6······················ · ··· · ·· 3. Is it properly executed ........ y.eS···································· 4. Date. of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer ackuowledged ....... (l. .• -s .• {) .......... . 6. J\cknowledgements, regular -······Y-es······················--····· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .......... , ... : ..... :·:········ ··· · 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .............. Ye-s················ .. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... ..... 4-l-l-18-98············· 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken ............. ............. .. 11. Did officer affix Seal... ............................. ......................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ........···················"'· 13. Does. conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for r ecord.·-·8•30-189·9······--····· ······ (a) of seizin .......................... yea ................................... . 15. Book .............. u ...................... Page ........ .f).ll···········----· (b) power to convey ................. ....... y-e-S······· ................. . for ······· ····li&yw-ood·································County. (c) against encumbrances ·····················'!8-ll········· ······· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ........... ·-··········¥·&8······· or restrictions ············No-······:········· ················ ··················· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .... ~.Q ... HAVE----AND· -TO - HOLD - - -~he- -- above---d-eaor-i-bed····lan4--···--·--·-­.... an.d ... :p.remiae.a1 ... w.1th .. a.U.. .. t}le ... appuxt&nano-es--tbere-to---be-long-1ng···Or·--ill············ ....... any--wis-e--appe-rtaining 1 --'unt-o---tbe···S&-1d···p·arty--of···the····B&Gond···ps.r·t······· .. ·· ---bei-rs--- and-- a-ss- -igns-- -·to---the--.o-nly··· Y&& ···and··· behoo£--of···t·be-···~a-1-d···Mar,····A·.-·····--···· .. l?a.lrner, her said heirs and ass_i.sms, forever. · · Exact Descr1ption of Property On Big Cataloochee Creek and Indian Creek, a tributa%7 of Catalooclaee Creek, in the Oounty of Haywood and state of North Ce.rolina, an4 baing Lot. No. 2 in the psrtition of the Jesse R • . .Palmer lsnds. and bounded and more ~1ly described aa follcws:- J:BGINNING o.t a spruotJ pine on the North Bank of Indian Creek and corner of Lot No. 1 and runs thence I• · 36 E• 24i poles to a white oak at~, corner to Lot no.l, then~Je rr. 11 Et 11-l/3 pole& to a white oak oorner to Lot No. 1: thence w. 20 E. 13i poles to a black oak bush, corner to Lot No, ll thence N• 37 E• 10.1/3 poles to a stake and pointers on the to~ of a ridge; corner to Lot No. 1; thence ~h 25 W• 34-2f5 poles with top of ridge to a small maple on top of said ridge; thenoe N. 18 w. 26·4/5 poles to a pine on top. of the ridge; thenoe N • 15 w. 12 poles t o a spanish oak on top of a ridge; thenoe N. 44 F.. 3 poles to a chestnut on top of tbe ridge: thence N. 35 w. 33 poles to a chestnut on top of a ridge; oorner to Lot No. 1 in old Mull line; thenoe IT. 70 E. 26-2/3 poles to a chestnut, w. /l., :Palmer's oorner; thenoe s. 35 E. 30 poles to bead of branch, w. A. Palmer's corner; the.noe down the braneh to the fork, 22 poles: thence down tpe branch. with ;palmer's line • e.s it meanders 112 poles to e syos:more at the mouth of the h, W. A. l'almer • s o orner • on oatalooohee C. :reek: tbenoe up cata.looobee Creek s. 78 w. 16 poles to a J:.7nn. corner to old Horne t:ra.oti thenoe up Oata­loocbee Creek S, 71 w. 36 poles to the mouth o:f Indian creek; thence up said Creek as it meanders, 75 poles to the begin­ning. containing 55 aores more or less. Shut B -, - · .rL.I 689 Page ........................................ .. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged 0 ~ 'MABt .AD .!.ALJIBR k. W;. JAOOBSI ~ subscribing wi tneal b-----------------------~------------------------~----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ........ .J)G6Hi. ...................................... · 2. Date of Conveyance .... S.;..6•l.89f;J .............................. .. 3. Is it properly executed .................................................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer ackno\~ledged .... -t)··e·S·a-G·• ......... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ....... y~Hl--.......................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................................. .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ..... yes-........................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement... .. 9 .... 9!!'!l.e9.8 .................. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .......................... . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ...... J'Q ........................................... .. 12. Was order of probate correct.. ....... y.s.a ........ ~ .............. .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record.l.~l--l89S-----------...... .. (a) of seizin ................. Yea ........................................... . 15. Book .............. 1.0 ...................... Page ...... 482 ................. .. (b) power to convey .............. .' ................................. .. for ..................... Ha.ywooa ...................... County. (c) against encumbrances ............. y~,a ........................ . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ...... ........ ...... c ........ . or restrictions ............................ ......................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. fDO .. RJo.1"1~---J•l-UJ ... I_l!() ... 110-lJ) ... ,all ... f.".na ... m:ing·~l~r .... tho ... .. abovs ... mentionea .. Jm.tQ .... the ... ae.ia ... ~rustaes .... o:f ... the ... 13ig. .. c.e.talooehe.e ... ).aatho41at - -l~pitlC-opal--O-lnl;J:o-b.-. -St?-uth- -- -of.- --VI$-St ... na,.yw.oca ... c..trout-t., .... the:J.r .... sua~sso!!-& - --an4---.. - f .orever. .......................................................................................................................................................................... .. Exact Description of Property,_ lliOW A~ 11'11l BY ~~lmaE :FRESRN!Si That I • l!leri A&"Ul Palmer of the oounty o£ Haywood• 1n the ste:to of North Carolina• in cons14er- . ation of the eum of Twenty Dollars• p_ayable as follows:- For snd 14 consiliora.ti.on of the loTe I beer to the c hr~stian religion* I herebJ su'bsor1be tbe ebove amount of $20,00 to the Big Cate.looobee . JB.etbodtst ~:O:~a.l Cburoh south ot tbs west Haywood at. the re-ceipt wblrreo£ is hereby acknowledged; Have gre.rited b-arga.ined. sold and releasaa ana. b!f these presents. ao grant, 'arga1n, sell end :relesae unte H1rem J .colwell, G_:L.,Palni.a:r, Andrew c. Bennett, Trustees o£ the Big cataloocbee Methodist Episcopal Churoh south of west Ba.-;vwooa Oireuit, and their suo9&ssor~ in offioe • - • BF..GlDUTG at a birch on the bank of Catalooehee Creek and runs do-wn the creek, passing a l8rge LJml. oorner ot Jesse ~ .. Palmer 160 acre traot of land, nlao corner of the Mull tract• 26 poles to a syosmore at tho mouth of the br~ohJ thenoe up the branch 21 polea to a maple on too bank of the bral')Cihl thence s~ 20 East 16 polee to tho be3in•• containing li acres more or leas • Shut B ...... ·· ,; In tnat that ea$4 pre_llliaea ehell k~'!!;@.!~t ke}>t; mata­taiJletl -.a ttf,apoae4 of e.a a plaCe of Uvtae 11'01'8h1J, for the · tf tbe mirl1atJ.7 u4 mtllberehip . ot . tht Jle,hodtot S,1eoo,al ChlU'oll, 801lth. ••tJeot to~. tbe ~. and miaiaterial appoint­mtat of aala Church, as trom t1UI6 to time autho:ttiec1 and AeolP'­ed \7 the Geaeral 0 onterenoe tit said c buroh ana 1»7 the AJUl\U\1 c 'nfe7tt&oe 1ft ~hill whoae bou.ada the said p.-emieea are s1 tua tea • . · WbAMle'Yor it shaU tteeome neoesea.t'7 o:r mq be. 4eeme« &x,pedien' b7 the :propel.' auth0r1 tJ ot the sat.d J«ethodiat Epiaoopal Obu:rob soath of the west . Ha7W"d ouov.1t to ·sell or otherwise diapoee ot .the sa.\4 berae.illed premiaea or aD,V P'-l"t tbareof • tbe aaid Jletho41st. B»iaoopsl Clmroh south JDa7 • aild it ts hereby ... power•A, to aell ar otherwise diapoe• of the aame bf and through the said . ~a1fe.e ana. their suooees~a unaexo .ena pttra'tUU1t to the rul6a .&tid wplattotla of the tUec.iplihe ot the .said Methodist Bpiaoepel Church then ana at that time. CoTenut• of g.-eral w6X't"en1;J. :RelU.quiabment of right of dower or homestead~ ' 691 Page ................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ~ l!AYWOOD ------------------------------------COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO P ALM])R t S OILU?EI. CHURCH ----~~-~~!-~~---;~---~~-!~"'--~~---------------------------­Traot Number 218 AFFIDAVIT. ________________________ !~.! ... ~-~---~~~-~~!'! _________________________ , being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of.. .... ~l-!~-~-~---------------County, in Book ________._ §l. ........... , Page. ... .?..?. ................ . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga- · tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. -tf~v0~ ........... .!S!.. ... T····f--··-··············-· ······································ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ______ f.. d ~of :~--l!a,-:/-~0Z. ~-- .~L:· ·-------- - -- --- -=--_.:-'YLti??. ....... ~.<--- N otary Public; M y commi·s si·O n e·x pi·r e!rA': .p..)•<, ,.. ...l.t..(. hl930 7« ....•..• . .,. ,_ ' - • ~· < - TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating' year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ................................ , in the name ................................. ..................... .. ~ .......... and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows : 19 ......... . -········ ··········.···· ··································-·-·····················.·· --·-·· 19 ......... . 19 ......... . 19 ......... . 19 ......... . 19 ......... . 19~---······ 19 ......... . 19 ......... . 19 ......... . ASSESSMENTS lfO!fB LES PENDENS lfOII MECHANICS LIENS 1f 0 lf I JUDGMENTS • 0 Jf _I Shut G ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND ,OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : Palmers Chapel Church Tract No 2!8 ................ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any · lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES NONE This ........................ day of .................................................................. , 19 ........ . Address ....................................................................................... . Attomey. .· 215 216 . / 217 218 _.,.. Bl4re4ge ~clwe~ U•¥• 9 rooa :tr&llled ),J!Duae 122.98 10 stall bup . .44 x 4.6 2 stall barn ' \ 2 room loe )lo\lSe \ ···.· , 1' 70 aores bottom land ~ ' 33 aoros woodlaDd < 10. ;O Geor,.:e H. aldwell 6 room framed l,ouse ''>arn 150.58 ,./ .~ pp le house t! crib 10 acres cultivated land '· .;}).00 40 aores 'p ·:er fields •.'4 b.OO 100 acres woodland ~10.00 \./ J. H. Hall 121.44 ., . \ (alrea il.y purchased) \ ' Cntaloochee School 3G x 48 f'.r·ancd house Lot 1.25 1.47 / Palmers Chapel Church 30 x 40 fram ed hoUEe lot 219 220 221 / \ /). Jl q I "' Mrs. ;·:. "' . Pn l1~er 145. 66 35 acres bottom laud Gl25.00 1:) acres pasture C; 25.00 99 acres woodlandCl5. 00 20 x 40 ~d store house ,box r.ara.(;esnnd 2 8 room f r rurw(i l1ouse .r.i. h t plal!t house ~3,1c,kc J!o,:s e and Spring h ouse :lor: l:: ap]lle house 50 x 65 barn ::ov. barn . . ~ ~ •, ' 0"·'~ , . H. "• ''' ·lr:Jer . . · · _... IJd"'"' 163.29 ;;u acres b ottoll)..··Iand l l2b.OO 49 acr·as uple,rfd c4o.o .. 4 :•ores u,p:t)cr flat land ' 50.00 60 ucr ·.~ l}-1ioodland - ~": ; 24~- ~tore bldg. old ' arn. <\_ shed ol bux ho~e ;·1. II. Pnlmer 59.15 6 room f 1•aned house 5 s tall bnrn s , ri1l{~ House E.. apple house 54 acres cultivated land ··;:;o.oo 5 acres woodlandl' lO.OO l"l . H • I 'fll m l' 52.06 · r,o,-; house r:. tl hod · J Smoke house am' crib .' ·· , 20 norco oul\ivated fields / ·, 34 acres wood.l aml lilO. :.JQ · bO. OO $1500.00 aoo.oo 100.00 100.00 7500, 00 330, 00 600.00 300.00 71>.00 300.00 1000.00 1000.00 L~· . $10, 330.00 32'15.00 4000.00 4000.00 1200.00 ,/ 125.00 1325.00 1000.00 ... 150.00 1150.00 4375,00 ,, 32!)e00 F ' 1650.00 300.00 50.00 1200.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 1000.00 300.00 9,600.00 3750.00 j 1960.00 200.00 ~0 .0') ~oo.oo ·· 200.00 . 580.oo '7St;o.oo 600.00 .... 300.00 7o.oo 2700.00 50.00 160.00 50.00 1000.00 340.00 3725.00 1540.00 Bryson Cipy,H.C. Oct.~d,I928. .. s.hevillc, ]l oG. Mr.Sloan asked ne to mail you list of ·r... • .. .•.i. .'·. t \ (I Catalo~ohee . \ h .ve bern c.O!'lputed.The \'71th e.rel.1.S :f'ollJWf!:- I • • x~ ..,.. ..! .-_:.:·.:-..-. J .r.~.C a lch'H•ll. o o •.••.•••••.• o • . • 0:· . 75 .nci'f'!'l · · C T 8 94 ,.~ n · ' · · · • • J.J 0 Il£: • . . • • • • • • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " .. -,-~ ~; ~ .. · ~ ald w All ~cho~l Lot ••• o••·······-2.!6 ~ \ = .. : '/. I.:.(;\<.tton Heirs •••••••••••••• oi7.4! '' · : _.·_.. 1\:e.ri. :::.h J.~. ;_>alJner •.• o • o •••••• o • • 6 7. 24 : ~rs.Lou King tract ~ ! •... ~.o•• 9~.02 II If tt f! }! 2 o o o o o o • o 23 • 5 7 . •I:."i.(~a.ldwcll tr:..:; t T (hOI~.e) ••• I8.GO ·. n " ' ' · 2 • •••..••• 50.~~8 ~·- ·: .. , Jomes Caldwell ................ o ••• !55. 82 _ · · · Jo r~nathan :.voody ,.: I ••........ o 92.-II ' · ! n t~ ••••••••••• 59.,38 ~~ · .... i".~rs. ~-~ . J. /ooc1y !lei.ra •••••• ._ ••• i •• 74 .. ......... ~, • .'1 • ::·.· o '' d;,r • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • •• a. I I 6. I 8 ·.-.. .. h os • C'. a ,.1. ~.· ;·t .·; ..J. ~_.!. . .tI I .-t. (.. :·!••~ n. Jt ,.;- c" "L } • 4. 7 .,5 8 . ... - ... · ·r ·. ': • •, •. •. •. • ••• 46.~7 ,f7o. c·l.,. 'fr....! ~'"\'.; n~· l " !: 1 ~·/' f: ll . !99 00 ""--~::--'' H . .... ..._. e • <,. • .,"1 · '-""' .L\. ' I • . • • •• • • • .. t .. • • • (jt4- Eldrf'ur-e Cc ld7Tell ••••.•.••••• I22. 98 ··~~·~~· Geo. H.Ca.lti\'lelJ. . ....... ... .. ... !50.58 ... . J .F. .. Hall ..• o .• o •• o .• ••••••••• !2I.44 Inc~~ D.i'l C re(• k ~c ho ol lot ••• ·• • • • ! • :.: j :-. ·~·p<:.~ lr~e r s 'Chapel Church lot • . • • • I.i7 . . ~ar~· ·;:.i~. r?ulner •• ~- ••••. o o ••••• I45 •• 6 . . . · '· t'/.1" • .. almer • tr~ot - I ••.•• o •• . •• 52.~0 .Linton Pulrr.or •••.••••••••••• o 47.55 Yourn v~ry t ~ 1 l y, ., It ,, ., W"I :.·•· .• . It ,, If " If II ., " rt !I " " If )( It It traota that -......

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).