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Cataloochee tract 213: Charles Ray Caldwell


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • \ SMoKY 1\//rN.PARK CNARlESRAYCAI.OWEt.l7RAcT /-.9..9.00/ICHES J'CA.l.E /"120CHAIIYS @ SURYEYoF /.9?8 . BY W.N...SLOAN . - ' ' 694 Page ................... · ................ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ..................................................... C. ... .U .. 4 ... .R..l. ... E .. S ..... .R.A ... "! ..... U . .A .. J. .. J) .. JN .. ~-- -h·-L----····- --·· · ·· · · ·· ······· ·· --· ·-- - -------------- ···· (2lli) ............................................................................................ Township .......... U .. A .. 'l .. JY. .. O .. JO .. .D ....................................... County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION ••• A11 l:MNlrir.ttl 1a -. aeaorlJ*l• •• ....._ ._ • .. •rMla fG4 aU •• ..,.. are _,..,.... la I tl• tl .. -.. DMJDXJB at .,., lt-aa 14• ul a t• 4o\lilta aapa • _,M .... .r.w..W.O.D ·c,: .,~_ M. l ..slttd. O~tLO .. Cor.- lt lMtlqJ & oo•• I fl .. IJD.1) • '- •• ••••• ltla_. Dl aorlbN a. t.O.aA. Cor.l .... fl. ),0..()0 "· .aa ••• ~u•••· -- :s: .l.'t _A6 11 -- .. ....,._ . 11,00 a-.t llarhl ....._,, ................ , ....... ._u.a • ., - ............. u ...... .. . ll11t--.. ·-,... ft ............. . •• •• ,_,. ... ,._, 1a4l •• or a10_. ....,._ ... o.It.o.- •• a • .u e• ,_,,., _...,. •• ••IW4 s.5Ml.B.c. oo•• " •• s • ._.. a. ,u ..-..a &»a•• lblaOI s. lt.&a a. "·"' ~ -·. uo:r ..... l&.at c .... , I, a pelat ai -.4 of •*" ~- U•• •• ' 4" aatat »•• 1a • fAIIU'IIl ot •to• •leN •• lorlht4 e.a.o. ""'• •• •• •· 10* •••• ••• • wl'l llld. •·•• o.a.o. c.. 1, -.. .. ,~ •• "'' •lull• 411tc1. . ... •• 404.11. .... ~ . .., ........ 11.M .•.•,•_•,• •o· f• 1•0•1 a.t. .•,•. ._t. b..l m.-,..uoa ot _.._ ~ U••• •u. ~-llftlla c••J· ,_. •• ••-~~•n "*' s. 64.01 •• la.M o--. 1, a pola on tb.e M~tta1.10ol lHell of Dla C.t4o-.. o..-. .o1. Shut A ... ,. -·· ., .. ~ ea..,.u .. _. t•"'• . t a t• ._._. ,_, J.a a _. Iii ••-· .......... , ..... .., .. ....... c.JA-.J. .... , .... .a Qea- 1'- .t lltl OIIN,.IM'Mr• C,.. ft ... ~---t. l•lt Oo•• '• a M• *-'l• M _. 'td.Ul o¥ • ._--_. 111. ••••• •~allf. -· .... , ..... c ...... ..... .wt •• ··" ... "'···· --~ ..... ... , --.. '• a*' .~ po!tl ta a~·,.....,. .... -. .... * ot • ................ . .......... lfM OoN• a, a pa' Maida a p1e11114 •'• •• •••• a4. ~· .,., ~ t• ..,,_, »>• ta .--. Ill ato-. -n• o.u. o~ 1. .... A.. w, . ... ..._._.... •. . ~tlta4 em_ •_•' "._* '. •.·.•.• .o..a .o4 eor. ••· -.... ·~ •· Conti'· A .,.. alai-- •• ... .... *• .........».l.• •o••t .................. _-·.,· . ...... , -ai,I. .I .·. . .... ., ., .. '• ....... .... {211)• " ao• .-.-.. oak -~ • ••• .ao ua••· . l·•· w. ao •• a. ...... a. -...oo • . . ............................. . - tritl ... •••·~· ti .. (aU)• · ··~·· 695 696 ••• ..u .. ... ........ - ~~ 91-lalllk ._..nllta)ti.OO ..... ' . ,697 JUtALYSIS OF TITLE Tract No., 213 1 s now owned by Charles Rey Calct-well and the he1rs at law ot At c .• Caldwell, and is totally embraced by state G:re.nt No .• 252 h'tsued by the state to J"ohn a. Blolll1t. As we have treaifed state Grant No~ 262 by mesne conveyances t:rom the time said grant -~ issued, up, through and 'including the time said grant passed by the la,st will and testament ot .re.mes R. Lo-ve to his exeoutqra, the same will not· be repeated in this ana.lya1s,. but may be seen by reference to· th$ ot the Sidney Nelson tract begilUling with - .. paragraph 1 Q,f said analysis• and ending with paragraph _lo .•. page 3 ot this abst:rao~, Tract No. 213 is eompoettd ot a 150 aore tract and a 5.0 a.ore traot dccdtHl by th~ Love Executors. We Will tirst ooa­$ 1der the 1.50 acre tract which is desoribed in a 4ee4 nom the execu­tors ~r J'emee Ra Love to J"~ F. · owen and A• c. Caldwell,. TJ:lj.s deed. 1a dated Ootobe;r 291 1972, Only three or the exeouto,-s a1gne4 this oon.• veyanoe. We. are· ot the op1ni.Qn, however. · that this detect is 1ml!Bte:r1al, since ell sal~$ of the Love Speculation· lands were ;ratit'1e4 in an· agi'eo­men~ and eonsent judgment entered in the caee ot w. t. HeuY versus w.L. Hilliard• e1 al. see the analysis ot the Sidney Nelson tract, page 3 ot thia &btJtraot. The abOve deed is ot record in Haywood County. see pagf), 700 or this abstract • Iti. on August 251 18'761 J-. F. owen and wite oonve7.S to Charlotte Caldwell, wite ot A• c. Caldwell, a one• undivided 1~· terest in the 160 acre traot mentioned in the preceding paragraph ot" 698 this an~lysis• This deed is ot reoo;rd in Haywood Couty. See page 70l ot this abstract. r . - IV. sometime prior to JanWU7 18, 189(), J. F. Owen died atto:t' first publishing his last wlll and tEua.ta.metlt• By said last will J. F. Owen devise!B to his dauenter, ChfU!lllJtte Mt Caldwell.- all his right, title and interest in the 150 acre. tract above mentioned• Both the will and tlle deed reoi tes that Charlotte M.t Caldwell and the heirs ot her '. body are to have said land forever~ Which und$r t he law or North Carolina, giv•a Charlotte Caldwell title in tee to one'""halt undivided interest in said land. . , see page 702' _ot this abstract. V • We will next oonsider the 50 acre tre.ot, which makes up and composes the remainder ot r.t.'raot No, 213. This tract is desori bed in a deed trom the exeoutors .of Jf.Ul18s R, Love to Andy Caldwell• bearing date of May 91 1883, and conveys to said Andy Caldwell a t~aot containing In making this conveyance t the executors re• served enrhai:t of the minerai interest with mining privileges. By 1n• fo:t"IDatiou gained outside of thfia deed we hav.e lea:rned e..nd are fully satir tied that Andy Caldwell and A, c. Caldwell al!'E.' one and the same person, ~ I • 1 1 ' ' and that the Andy Caldwell mentioned in this deed is the same person men• tioned as A. c. Caldwell in the deed from the Love executors to A~ c, Caldwell e.nd :r. F. Owen heretotore mentioned in this analysis, VI, On February 6 • 1905, A. c. Caldwell and wife Charlot-te, eonve.yed ,to their son, c •. G• Caldwell, the two tracts of l and ·above men• tione(l. The condition cited ill this deed is as follows: "The oon:dition is suoh that this i.s to take . efteot at A. c. Caldwell"a and Charlotte Ca14• well*a death; also, three-fourths intere:s.t 1a mineral excepted" This deed is of record in Haywood County. see page 704 of this abstract. t ., 699 VII, About the 76alr 1908• c. Gt Caldwell died intestate leaving surviving him .A• Ct Cald:well and Charlotte Oal.dwell1 his mother . ·) ., ~ and ra:ther; Cb.arles Ray Caldwell• Grover Caldwell, Fay Caldwell DaTta• and Magnolia Caldwell• b$1ng the o~y heirs at law ot c. G~ Caldwell. For attidartt as to the hei~ at ·law (Jt At c. · Caldwell• eoe pe.~ #' aJ ot this e.bstr-e.ot. For"idavi t of the heirs at law ot c ,. G. Cald• well., se~ pe.~ .. 7Qfi or this ab~traot .. VIII . On Deoemb$J: 4, 19~6. Mila Palmer e..nd husband• w. A·• Palmer, . ..\licE) Palmer a nd husband1 o ... N. Palmer, Ella CaldW~ll Campbell and husband• c . E. Oampb$llt be ins the Only heirs at law of A. c, Caldwel.l w1 th the exception ot C.-. G. Caldwell, o,onveyed to Magnolia Caldwell, Che.l"les Ray' Caldwell; Fay Caldwell Davis and G~over Caldwell, said parties being the only heirs at law ()f c. G. Caldwell• all their . . righ"• title and 1ntel"eet in Traot No .• 213. This .deed ,1s ot reoor4 in Haywood County; See pa~ '107 <>t thia abst:raot. IX, on November 15, 1926, !la~olia Caldwell oonveyed to Charles Ray Caldwell a one-fourth tm.divided interest itt. and to Tract No. 213. As· t his dee4 does uot show 'tfhethet- Magnolia Caldwell JJas un• married at the date Of the $~eoutiont we have obtained an att1d$v1' to the et:teot N.agno11a. caldwell was u:nmarried Novomb~l:' 15,192&. see pa~o2•a of this abstract. I The above deed is duly recorded 1n Haywood County. ot this abstract. x. At'ftdavi ts ot possession on Traot No, 213 may be seen by re:tereno.e to. page 709 thro~ ?14 of' this abst:rraot. :X:I• SUJ;-veYQ:r•s atr1davit on t his tract may be seen by reterenoe to pa~ '115 or this abstract. 700 Page ................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preambl£ As Signed ., William n~ Thomas s Robe~" a. A, Love ] William t,. mllt ~a w. Lt Hilliard swnu~J. L, Love R. a.. A. Love As Acknowledged Proven ~ SmnUel L, Love, E.xre. Jtl! F. owen 1/ .A~ c• Caldwell L-----~------------~------------------~------------------- Dl!;ED 1. Kind of Conveyance ............... .. ..... ......................... .......... . 2. Date of Conveyance. ·---~-~-~~~?.~---·-·· ................. . i3. Is it properly executed ......... ............ p;----JU:dgtf .. .. 5. Before what Off1cer acknowledged .... ... : ........................ .. 4. Date of Entry and No ... ........ .......... ...... ~ ........ .............. .. 6. Acknowledgments, regular .. ... ..... N 0 ....... E!.S. ................. .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on bM~.3Q<if"/()' ............... .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ................. ..... ···········-·····- '\ 9. Date of acknowledgment.. .... .............. ................. .... .......... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL .................................................. .... . 10. Was privy examination of wife tak'!es--- ·----.... .. ...... .. 12. Was order of probate correc~ 26.,,6 ..................... . 13. Does conveyance con~n convenants- (a) of seizin ............. ----~Yef:( .............................. . 14. Date of filing· ~ record . _ ... ... .. __ . 322 ........ . 15. Book Uaywoo·a: .. Page...... .. .. _ .. .. . (b) power to convey ............ : ........ f.TO .............................. .. for ............................. .......... County. (c) against encumbrances .. ............. : ... Y ........... . (d) against chims of all others ......... :.~~-------............... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ................. .. TO HAVE AND TO ·rroLn--·t1r~--at"o-resa1·d-- · traot- --ot------ ------ 17l~b.enwnfla1fu~Q~~i~1~gEn~ · - ·nnd · --appurten:moes···tllereunto··· belonging·to··--------- · ... ·thQ··satd--·:r-.-··:r·----owen·--am'l ·A;·---e.----ca·ldlt$ll···-and··-thei:r· ·heire---to--·them.---an-4-------- ····their· ·only·--use···o:n·d·--bello·o-r -- r-ore~-.--- · · ......................... .......................... , ........................................... .. ······ ···········-- -· ··· ·--· ······· ··· ··-·· ··· -- -- -- ... · -···· ····· ·-·-- ·-· ·····- -·· ·· ··· ······· ·········-· ···· ····---···· ··--·-··-······ ··· · · ······ ·····----·· Exact Description of Property "That whereas J €U'nes R •. Love was seized of large tracts of land commonly oalle4 "Speculation Land" lying and bEJ"'!' ing i:n -the oounttes or Yenor.- Madison, Buncombe,: ltaywoo4 and JaoksonJ an.d · Whereas the said James R. Love made and published a last Wlll and testament in writing and appointed William H.­Thomas. Robert o. A, Love, William 1 11 Hilliard and Samuel L.- Love, executors, who qualified and took upon. themselves tho execution thereof& and Whereas the said James R, Love sold many traots of said land to different persons and authorized and empowered his said executors to continue the sales of $Sid land and to make titles, Now, '.I'.t!ER-EFORE"7 ~to • . BEGINNING at a looust near the top of' a :rl<Ige1 and runs s, 69 E~ 155 po~es to an ironwood in a flat near the Oatnlooohee oreekJ thence N, 39 E. 154 poles to a red oak n•r tne top of a ridge; thence Nj 59 w. 154 poles to the beginning, containing 150 ao::res, more or 1 ess • Shut B .. t 1: .".' ·Page ......... : .... 7.0.1 .... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ~~ ~"· .Qwen an4 wt.te t Mte Owen C~lot1a Oolwell mt$ ot A. ·c .• ·Colwell. ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed As Acknowledged ~L---~----~------------~------------·-----------L--~------------------- 1. K·i nd of Conveyance .. ...... :D. ... ..E.... ...E.. . ...D.... ........... .... ...·.. ... ,.... 2. Date of Conveyance .......&.· . .-....2... ·:~.·:7.::.. 6.. ~ . .......................... ... .. 3. Is it properly executed ............. .............................. :... ......... 4. Date of Entry and No ........ . ~.' ............................................. . 5. Before what Off·i cer ac k now1 e d ge d ......... .. .;.r..,... .... P,...,... ....... 6. Acknowledgments, regular .......... .. ..Y.. "e.:.s ... ............ ........ .. .. 7. If irregu. Jar, copy in full on b~c:.-~_-~... , i!i.9 ..................... 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .. ............... rct.IJ. ............. .. 9. Date of acknowledgment.. ............... ...l.:..i.Q....-. .o... c.. ............. ...... 10 . wa s pri·v y exam·m ab·o n of WI· fe ta k en ..........N....o... ..... .. ... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL....................... ............. ...... ............. 12. Was order. of probate correct ...l • ................... 13. Does conveyance contain <:,W!Venants- 14. Date of filmg :f.QJ' record ...... .... ... : ... : .... : ..... :.;. 0 . 6 ......... .. .. . · !~0 15 B k y P ~ ~:~ ;:;:~zi~0 --~-~~~~;:::::::::::::::::~~~~::::::::::. : :: :: : :: ::: : : :: :: • fo:o . . . _~ f\!~~-~ ... :·.:·._ ··_· _·_·.. ....a ~~::::·.-- ~-~-~~~·;:·---- (c) against encumbrances .. .................... YffS.................... 16. Does de~d .contain OnMJt:ifm\iif~U.\rr&i~ons (d) against chims of all others.................. ...................... or restnctwns ... 1n1H9re·at ........................................ . TO EAVE AND '1'0 Hott>--·tb& .. atoresa;:a-.. ·on&-half'--·t:raot 17 · ~Ij~raWltRuotihlV·11~f:lv11e~-,-·(l:n,d···app-u:MQnan:c(nJ·--ttler~unTc)···t>«lo~ng· .. · ········ww--·th•·--·•(lt·d···Charlotta···eolwell·· dwing·· hel'-·luitural· · · li·~,·!t'l·--·an\'t'·· .. hen····· ........ · -"to·· ·h~r--·wct1ly ···be1rs·--11nd···~hoi-r···oJlly · use·· ·a-nd:·· 'behQ9:f --· for-ever•--······--········--·· .. ····· Exact Description of Property At a looust neu tbe top ttt e. ti~ _and J!'Unl south 59 E$$t 155 pales to an 1rcnr- ·wood_ 111 a t-lat near Ostal~ob$e or~ek; ""'thenoe North 39 Eaa'C 1·54 ))olea to ·a red ()Sk ne~ th-e top o:t a r14ge J thenoe N•th 59 W$st l .if5 poles t9 a black o~: thenct south 39 West poles 'Co the btg1Jm1ng, containing 150 aores; more or lts$c• Shut B NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF WILL 1. A verbatin copy of that part of the will affecting the lands abstracted is required. 2. Set forth in detail all items of the will bequeathing money legacies, or placing any specific charge upon the land, and following abstract of the will, give all proof contained in the record of the payment of such legacies, and the satis­fl;\ ction or removal of such charges. 3. A detailed outline of all petitions, orders and decrees relating to the estate from the time of probate of will and qualification of executor until final discharge, must be shown. 4. Such excerpts from the probate proceedings must be shown on this and immediately following pages, and in chronological order. 5. Always show whether or not testator left a widow, and show that her dower right has been barred by acceptance of a devise in lieu of dower, by participation in a division of the estate or in some other manner. 1. Date of will.~28~1889 ............................................................. . 2. Book ...... 2..................................................... Page ... .243 ................ . 3. Date probated .. l~~8~18.~W ...................................................... . 4. Common or solemn form ....... 0.9.miD:QJt ....................................... .. Testator 5. Witnesses rr ..... L ..... Ha l~ .. - ~..nd. ... J .... A .• K~.#?.~~l" ............. . 6. Is attestation clause correct? ..................... Y.e.S. ............................ . 7. Probated before .J..K.tB.O.Q.n~_, ____o _,,S _.o _,:_ _______________________ __ to 8. Letters issued ....... .... .......................................................................... . 9. To whom .. 'ill.. J:: .. -.:P:almar ............................................................. . 10. Book ............... ........ .. ... ... ................ ......... Page ................................... . 11. Final settlement .................. ............................................................... . Devisees. 12. Book .................. ...................................... Page ................................... . . 13. Inheritance taxes paid ................................................................ ~ ..... .. 14. Any conditions or reservations in will? ........ JfQ.. ...................... .. 15. Has will been contested? .. .I':!o ... r e.cor.d .................................. . 16. Has will been construed by court? ................................................ .. second~· I give and deVise to my daughter Charlott M.Calwell. all that piece or parcel of l ant\ Wh ieh I formarly deeded to her, to-wit:­one• half interest i n the t ract ot l a nd vrhere I now live and -fully described ln ·tite deed I made her, and, at her death the same i s to descend to the heirs of ller 'body; and, I further gJ. ve and devise to my said daught er Charlott M, Calwell all nr:t right, title a nd . equitable interest which I have :ln an(l to a o~rta.1n tract ct .l and si t uat ¢ ~ lying and 'being in t he county of Hay­wood and State of :tlorth Carolina ~ on t he water s of Jonathan's Qreekt Which l and A. .. c . calwell recently purOhased of L.H.Henry, containing 158-f aeres more or less. TO HAVE ~'I) '1'0 HOLD the sam.e unto, my said daughter• Chal'lott M. Oalwell, and the beirs of her body :t"Qrever. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defect in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet D . ~age.:.~' .. :c. .. :. ...7 .0..3. .... NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION - - ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ W1111am H. Thomae !:; .... :Robel't . c-. A. Love SWnuel La Love w. r., • . ut ll1urd = P~ven e Willlrua x... lUllia;rd "' SelJlU!il L. · Love, l}xra. !I .IIndy Colwell 1. Km. d of Conve-yance ... .......·. . ...D... ...E......E... , ....D... ........ .. ·. 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ~.9.. ...~ ~------............................ . "-------3. _ Is it properly executed...... ... .... · · p-- J' ~ · .. · ... · .. 4. Date of Entry and No ... .... .... ...... ............... ........................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...! . 6. Acknowledgments, regula r ....... ... ...... JZ:~~N ................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ... 8,..2-.83·-·-···--···· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .................. ..... ~ .......... ..... . 9. Date of acknowledgment............................... ............ ......... 10. Was privy examination of wife t~~-- - ------"· ......... ... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL................... .................. .......... ........ 12. Was order_ of probate correct..a--~:s ................ .... .. 13. Does conveyance contain w enants- 14. Date of filmg ~r record ........ ................... 256 .............. .. . ~:~ ::,::~zi:0 --~~~~~;::::::::::::::!~:~:·: :·:: ::::::.::::::: ::·--·-- 15. f~:ok .. . .. -. ---~~Od ... ~-a-~~::::: ·--~-~-~~~;:· .. . (c) against encumbrances ...... , .............. Yes . ......... ...... 16. Does de~d._containOH~~'ifn~iji\tftvisions (d) against chims of all others.... .......................... .. ... .. ... or restncti<lfhte;t"·c:nlt . ro:served·-----............... . . TO UAV E AND TO -rrot·n ..,. he ·a:roi•e-sai·u--·-trac1r--of'· · ... --- 17· 11-urwitHe tB.'ttft~!~tlese-s-- a.nd··ap:p-'ilrt-enano-e-s···thex·eto···belongtng···'·--··---·----···-­....... tmto--·thEJ--··said · Andy -- eolwell--· a· nd-- -h:Ls- - he~s -··to--· ltis ·· and ··-thoi.r- --o~y------------·-- ······--·uete---an<l···be-hoo-f' --·f or-G-ve:r-.--·-··-- ---·---·--·--·--···--·· ···· ············· ............................................................................. . Exact Description of Property "That whereas .Tames n, Love was se1Z$d ot large t:raots or lru:u'l _ commonly o.e.llsd "Speculation x.anan l y'-ne and being in ·!he oount1os of' Yancy, l!.:ad1son1 Bunoombe, :rrs.ywood and J'aokson; and Whereas the saj,d J'runes R. Lovo made and publ1she4 a last w1U and tet:it~nt in wri t1ng and appointed W1ll1em n. Thomas, Robert G. Ar; Love, William r.. Hill i ard and samuel L• Love• exeout¢rs, WhO qualif ied and took upon thetAS~lves the execution thoreo:r; and . . · Whe:reas t he said ~eo ~ - Lova sold :many tracts of 41d land to di:fferent ~peraons and authorized and er,llio\vered his sald e:p.;eoutol's to continue t h¢1 salos of s aid land and. to rtlake ti tlcs,_ l:TOW,. TIIE.R:EFOFIE", ete. Ch~ B:tG CATA!.OOCHEE CREEK 13EOINN:OYG on, fl locust, Andy Colwell•s s .. w. corner. and runs s-. 4ot w. 36 1>9les to a l arge ohestnut oak on top or the moun• tain J the-noe up and w1 th the top ot the · mom1tain r-r. 50° w. 64 poles . to a maple; then N... 40° E. 128 poles to a small dagwoo4 • then s,, 50° E. 04 polea to a stake, Andy Caidwell's line; th<llnoQ with said line to the beginning, containing, fifty aores, more or less. · Shut B .... :.:.7..0.~ ..... . ' NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged rn ~ c • a • c .. w:r'l&L t:"5' 1. Kind of Conveyance .. D.ead .......................................... .. 3. Is it properly executed ...... Ye.G. ................. ................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... a-a .... ltQ5--........................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No .................................... ................... .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... J.J? ............... .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular ........... ye,e ....................... .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ......................... ....... .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .................. yee--------------· 9. Date of acknowledgcment .. ... 2 . ..,.J~..,J._S).Qfi .............. .. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... Yea ............. .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL .. NQ ............................................. .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ........ ",{(;UL . ................................ ............ .. .. 12. Was order of probate correct..Tqts, ........................ ...... . 14. Date of filing for record.2.t!!tl~l.9l.e ................... .. 15. Book ....... ,4~1.. ........................... Page ...... l ...................... .. (b) power to convey ..... Yes ............................................ . (c) against encumbrances ... 'l.~S ................................. .. for .............. J1ey.1'1:00d ............................ County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .. Ye.S ........................... .. or restrictions Se.e .. be~aVJ ........................................ . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... TO.nA,V..E;. MID .TO HO.LD---the .. af'.OrE!S&i-d---t:raets----QIL ........... . ..... pareeu ... ot ... ~and ... £nd .... el.l .... rrivilef§J'S. .. and ... appurt.enanees .... the~4\ ..... J.n.& ... to .... th.e ... ... c .•... .G •.... Caldwel1 ... and .... h;1.s. ... he1r.s ... sna ... assi~-., .... to ... thej,JL ..... . . only .. us.e ... a.Tl.d. ... be.hoof. .... for~ver~ ..... : ..................................... ~ ....................................................................................... .. Exact Description of Property Ftrst Tl'att1U - BlinDm!!tlG at a loeu at .near the t e>P Qf a. ridge and rtlllS Scrqth 59 Eaet ~$5 !X?le. S to &.n 1;ronv~oii 111 .,a near eatalooe}lee Creek; thenoe N• 39 E, 154 poles w a red oak near the top of a ridge; thence !'if 59 w. 155 poles to a black ookt thence s. 39 w. 154 )?Olee to the begil'lll11l~.h oon• taining 150 acres more or les.s. · Seee&'ld 'fl'act:•BEGINNDtG at a locust J!!Jiiy Caldwe11'~ south~· west co:rner ·and runs S.Olth 40i West 56 poles to a ~ol)g ohe•t• nut .~ on top of the In.O'Untai+U 'Qlep. up and 11d. th the top ot the motutta1n N, 60 west 64 poles tc a maple; tb9nce r-r. 40 E. 128 Pt>les to a anall dog.,odt thence s, 50 E• 64 poles to a sta-. • And:[ Caldwell's linei thence, vr.J. th said line to the beginning, containing 50 eu.tli"es l110t'e or lees. The eo:ndit1o:n .is such -~ th1$ is w take a affect at "\• c. Caldwell and e~rl.ottt Q4dweu•~ deata; also tl'J.l>ea•fom.-tl1S inter~~tat in mineral exceptBdt Sheet 8 \ _j \ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HA.'YWOOD CQtJ'NTY :a. E141'14ge Oaltl'WU1 'btt1ng duly swo:rn, 4eposea and •r•: 'l'hs.t he was well ao.qua1nte« w1t.h A• c. O$ld,...ll d\UI"'i" ins hi a lit•tble J that· A4 Ch O·eldW(:Jll ditd somettlne dllJ"'iq the ye@ l914t an4 lett tJUJ'V1 "fiq· bia as his only heirs at le.w, Oha~;Lo'tte. :M, Oa.l4wellj hie widow, Mila Pal.mer and husband, w. A. Palmer, Aliot Palln.eX' ~nd huaband1 a. N• Palmer, Ella CSI,ttPbe~ ' :~-:. and husband; c. E:t Campbell"' ~4 the he1i'S Of' his son-. G~ ·~.., · Oaldwell, who diN pt1or to the de~th ot h.~s f'athe:r• A, o .• Oalct-well. '/ ·}' -n-· PUBitl ' My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 \ STATE OF NORm OAJlOLDU. lt.A.YW OOD OOUN'l.T t:Jr.-.s., . /i Z ?e /,c(&!/, being duly awf)l."Bt dQoaee an4 sara: T!Ult he 18 Zti 1ear• ot as- an.4 hae been a o1 ti1en an4 Jteeid en'\ Gt nayweot ooun'tJ' ter ..2:$;.,. ,_.,_.., that he 1raa weU ao• quat~te4 With c., G• Oalclwell duriDg his lite tiM; that C., 0• 706 oeJ.t•eu 1a now 4ead and left s~ ving him the t0l1ow1q hell"• a .AnlUl caldwell; wid~• Charles Ray -" ldweU ;if!" ,#Pover ouc.t'*•U ;llct''· . 'ra1 . Caldwell DaTil Magola Cal dwell sworn t(» enct $U'baor1 "' before me tbia~Vl~ .• daJ ot N-ovember.1929 ~-~~( _,,;_ ,-t; -.: ' My Commission £xpfr~~·May·27, _1 931 . . 707 Page .................... .... ................. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ~ r~nmt hus~>- ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance .. Q.\d..t ... Ol.ail!'!. .D.eJ~d ........ . 2. Date of Conveyance.U~~~9.25 ..... ............ .............. . 3. Is it properly executed .... ..... YDS. ... .............................. .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................ .............. .......... ....... .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged.N .. Pl!:& ... J .• P-. 6. Acknowledgements, regular .Ye.S .................................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ................ .......... ........ . 8. Did all grantors aclmowledge ......... Yes ........................ .. 9. Date of ackno;vledgemenL .. l,l."":l3-o-l.t.2~~?. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. J~~ ............... . 11. Did officer affix SeaLYe.S ........................... . 12. Was order of probate conect ..... YetL ......................... . 14. Date . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- of filing for record .... ~l.,-~gQ~_lt.~~--............ .. (a) o f seizin .... :.f.JO ...................................... . 15. Book ........ 'l.~.......... .................. Page ..... 26.4 ................. .. (b) power to convey .. NO .................................................. . (c) against encumbrances ... ~.'?. ..................................... . for ........... ~1~-~ ................................. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of a ll others.!iO. .......... .............. ....... . or restrictions ............ NO ................................................. .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully).TO .. l:U. V. E ... .&,-n. ... TO .. HO:LD .. :the .... afor"e.sai.d ...t raO.ts ... or ................. . ·····~l':O.els .... o.f .. land ... and ... a:Ll ... ... Bnd ... ... .the.:rrennto ... be~, ....... . ......... Q.~M ... t.~- --- ~-- - -·~~~4 ... l®?gQ.~ .... C.~-~W§I.llt ... Q®~ ... j,~----RW. .... O.~rlW~.l.l.., ... Fa:r .................... . · ..... C.aldwel.l ... D~Vi$. .... ~nd .. <l~.v.e. l' ... C.~~-we.l.l.~ .... t.h~ir ... he1rs ... e.nd ...;ns . .,. .... to .... only . use and benoor :f'ore1ror • Exact Description of Property AdJoining ·~ lands ot Ft.J,_Oald.well, Harri~Wn Ca1dwell1 s.L.\Voody mil othets1 bO'Ul1<10d aa :followst .. First Traott ... B~nooNG at a locust near the top of a rilge and runs South 59 Eaat 155 poles to an iron• woOd in a flat neal;' Cataloochee creek; th$rtOe N«rth 39 F..ast 154 pcles _to a red oak near the top _ or a ..,idgeJ ·then()e NQrth 59 West _155 poles to a black ook1 thence south 59 Vleet 154 poles to the beginning, con• taining 100 acre$ more ox- leee, Second rttraq_t:• m_G.•lm!:ClliQ. . at a locust!_ An.dy C_ aldwe11'_ s s .w • carnal;' and :r.una s~uth 4(}1 west ·:56 poles to a long che etnut oak on to :p ot the mountain, then up and u1 th the . top of' tb.e mountain liartb 50 West 64 l;)()les to a ma.plea thence !forth 40 East 128 poles to a small dog­WOodJ thence south 50 East t54 to a stake, Aa17 Oaldvu~u•s; thence With said line to the beginning containill€ fO acres no:re or less, S!Jeet B B'l'UE ·OF NOR'l'H CAROLINA .~ .. OOD CO'f;JN1'!' .- ~ :.~ ~~,\ t:t-~, t£T;C:(J.=L~e((:, be~ ~ul7 aworn, -depoe•• ucl T:bat5he is •11 11oquaS.n.ted wii;.h DBgola ' C~ldweU.a that on November 11·1 l9~th 8&14 ~te .betng the t~ Magola Oalcbrtll o~n· vere4 b(t:r Sll~J'ee~ 1J a otl"tain. traot ot land to Charles ner Ca14• . ' ' wellt that on ea~d to.te, to Wit• No•em~r 15, 1926, the •aict Magola o•).c~we.l,l wae lUUD8.rrit4, sworn to and subsor1be4 before me th1.- ;3 o 487 ot Novem":r• 1929, ! J . . · .. · ' ....... <. " • ~- ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged I..l.l Q 1: .0..:. ~ !I . DEED 1. Kmd of Conveyance .... ....... ------ -··-· ---·-··------- -- 3. Is it properly executed ... . : ... ------- ---- ---- ·· ---- ------- -···---- ·· --· ------- 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... ...... !! __ )?_llf ..... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on bfi•a•za··-----·:··-· ... :· 9. Date of acknowledgment .. -.- ----- ·--- --·-- -----··--- --------- ·--·- ----- -- -· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ................. ................... : ................. . 13. Does conveyance contain ~venants- ::~ ::;:~zi:0 --~-~-~~~;::::::::::: :::~~!!:~~-:-_::: .. ::_· ---·-··-. (c) against encumbrances .. -----------------·--·~~-ye·- - ---------·--­( d) against chims of a ll others .. --------·------·--···-~~~---·····---- 2. Date of Conveyance - ·----~-~-""-J..:t"> ... ~t.\ ________ -----····------ 4. Date of Entry and No. _ ___ . ___ ·--- - __ ·····y· --------·-------------· 6. Acknowledgments, regular __ ________ ____ __________ (t_li$'!i _____________ _ 8. Did all grantors acknowledge __________ --- - --- ---- - ---~-~~- --··· - ·· 10. Was privy examination of wife tak~ - -- - - _____ ....... 1.1 ... .. 12. Was order of probate correct ... 12~a!:-e-···--·- 14. Date of filing ff 4 record __ ___ ________ : _______ "2 43 ________ ______ _ 15. Book .. --··rraywo<H\ __ ___ . ____ Page .. _____ ... :. --- -··-- --·- for . ·- - ---- --- ···---- ----- ---· -·- ·- --- --- ---· -· ----· -·· --- County. 16. Does de~d . contain a~tf&~~b~io:ttin.Wlfl<t!ed or restnctwns - · · ·· --· · ·t:nt·(~Jl'lt·at · ·· · ·--- - -·- - --- · ·-- -· -·· -· - - - - · · - '1'0 FA VE MID TO HOLD· . t ·he -a:tOX"e:s:ai tl" ·one-four'Oh····- 17. Htifilfi4i1 ieude ~ilii1i~---·s:n····~·ld··traot~·or· pa:roels··-w~--·lana·-·and·· all··-prf.vs.­------ l"l-tJfiS·-··a:na;··app\&'tenanoea··ttler·Erto --bel-cJngtng··to-·-·tne ·-·•tt··-cnarley--·BaT·--- -- - - --"9'11l:dwe"l1· · - &.na- · · trls- -h~t·rs· · ·and··· a-ss1gns·- - w- -- thei].9·- ·only- -use···and---b~hoot· · ·-- · - · - - - · -- --- - - -· -.rc:P-J"~Ver:• · ·-· - - - -···· · -··· - ·-· - ------ --·-------------------------- ---·-----·-'·-·--- -------- -- ---·-·--·--·--·-·- ----------·-··------------·-·--··--·--·---·---····---·······-···--- Exact Description of Property First lfraot • BEGINlf!:t-1G at a looust near t he t(')p of a r!ase, and ltUns south 59° East 155 poles to an iron· wGod 1n a flat neQ Catalooohee oreek; thence North 39° East 154 poles to a ~ed oak near the top of a ri~e; tb~noe ·. No:ttb 59 ° West . 155 . poles to a bl.e.ok oak r thence south 39" West 154 poles to t he beginning. containing one hund:red and titty aons, mo:re or lese. Se<.~oni Tract .• BEGD1N'ING at a looust, Andy Caldwell's Southwest oo:rne~and run$ south 40i West 3G poles to a long ohestnut oak on top of t he mountainr thene:e up and with t he top ot t he moun1a1n North ~ West 64 poles to a maple; thenoe North 40° East 128 poles to a smaU dogvrood; tbenoe South 50 E•st 64 poles to a stake, . .Andy Caldwell's line; th~U'lOQ w1 th sa1 d 11ne to the be­sinning. oontaining :fifty aares, more or les.s. Shut B !'"'- ... \.._____; ;J.- I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I STATE OF NORTH C.AROLI~iA HAYWOOD COUNTY 709 Charlotte M~ Caldwell, being duly sworn,. deposes an4 eayas Tha' she is~years of age and has been a o1t1zen and resident ot Haywood county tor...z£..yearsJ that she is well acquainted with the OWDer­$ h1p and possession of a certain. tract ot land now \'wned by the heira at law or Gudger Caldwell, more particularly desori~ed a8 followas BEGINNING at corner 1 1 an 18" and a 9" double maple on top of Wash R.1dge1 blazed and scribed o.R,O, corn• 1, being alsO oorner 3 of the F• w. Woody Traot (211) A 4" ohestnut blazed and scribed B •. T·,c.R.c. corner 1, bes rs s, lO•OC w, .22 che.1n distant; thenCJe l'r~ 41.;,48 JJ, 11.00 Road beat-ing Southeast 32.62 Corner 21 a point at inter$eotion or two marked boundary lines and 1.11 .~11 streQl1l and . spring head flowing Northeast· Set a 4" hem.­look post in a mound of stonEt$ scribed c,n.c. Corner 2 An 8" poplar blazed and sor1be.. d n.:a.o .. R.c. Corne~. 21 besr $. s~ 68•30 E.. ..12 ohain distant; thence · s. 49•22 E •. 14.47 Road beartng Northeast 16,27 corner z, a point at end of marked boundary- line set a 4" ohestnut poet in. a l!lOund ot stones blazed and sor1 bed c.R.c. corner 31 A 10" chestnut blaaed and scribed B~:T.o. R .Cw corll&r .3• bears s. 61,.00 w. •l7 oM.1n ~stant; thence N• 40-43 E. 2.92 Road .,bear1ng Northeaet 11.54 corner 41 a point at th~ inte~_seot1on ot twQ boundar;y lines . being a corner of . the E. ldredge c. ald'W'$11 Tract {214} 1 t h. enoe with th. e Eldredge Caldwell Traot (214) s. 54-ua E. 32.~ Corner 5• a point on the Northwest bank ot BigOataloochee C):eek, A oorner of the Eldredge Caldwell Tract ~14) set a 4" ~~~stnut post in a mound ot stone$; ~ he11,~e l the Eldredg$ Oalcilwell Tract ( 214) f::l, . 57.,..43 E• .ao center line of Big Catalooohee Creek flowing Nort~ t> &.97 corner a, a 14" double rQd. oak with old oo:r­n. er marks and witnesaes blazed and sca-1bed C,R.c• cor­ner 4J thence s. 42•21 w. 32.97 Big cate.looch~e creek :flowing North 30.-97 Corner 7, a 4" loollSt poet 11). a · poplar t;~tump near the upper. end o'f a mev.dow, the old oorne:r; thence 1{. 65-33 w. 3'1•64 Oo.rne;r a, a . point b~side a planted stone vd th. wi tnes:ses EUtd-pa1nt, set a 4" chestnut post i .n mound of s-tones ~oribtld c.R.o. corner 5, A 24" cheft~nut oak blazed and scribed _ B.T~c.R.c. corner 5-, bears N • 52•00 w. ~30 ohain t\istant; thence . s . 43-23 -w. s. 69 Corn~r 91 a 40" chestnut oak . blazed and sari bed w. oorne;r 3 ~n top ot Wash Ridgf!t being alao ao;rner 2 ot the '..a-s. s. L. woody tract (210) m4 corner 2 of the F. w. Woody tract ( 211} • A 30" chestnut oak -1- ·' AtftMlt further statea that th~ heirs ot Gu<is'er. OalhtU and ·those u:aaar whOm they ole.P!l, to w1t1 1~ F, owen, A• <l~t d8l.t­well1 M1Ua Pal.l\ler* Al.ioe· Pe.l:met', Ella Campbell ,. have H8u 1a the o~on, c,ont1nuoUJJtY ut-ieu, fll14 advet'IG possession ot al4 lands;. tmdtlt- tmown 'rtsi ble l'l'letea and beun4s• . to:r .,. peno4 or 30 reazoa and 1110l!'GJ oult1.vat1ng same• te.k~ng ,1~~r an4 tire~4 theretrom, }')asturtng same., and ,tiJttOh othe.r 'tses •t ta14 land$ as they ue susoeptible ~fJ attian·t :tul-ther s·tates that sh' bas never ~ar4 ot any oontroTtn"ey llB to. t .he. 'tt.'tle or ,to t~ possession ot UT portion: ot the above desor1 bed '-\bds.J . ' 4.~- ~ .. ·.·· ~- ·: ·J·.· .. . . ·.. · . .~ · · · . . sworn to ana eubsor1 bed bet o:re me this :J o 4ar ot oot obe:r, 1929,,. 44<8H~0 · My Co::iil,;s::,l.:;~ Expires May 27, 1931 \ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD CO'ffi'7TY ~eposes and That he is~years ot age and has been a citi-zen and resident of Haywood County fo1"42years: that he is well aoquaint~d with the ownership and possession of a certain tract of land now owned by the heirs at law of Gudger Caldwell 1 more par­ticularly de$0r1bed as follows: BEGINNING at corner 11 an 18" and a 9" double maple on t-op of Wash Ridge• blazed and scribed c.R.c. Cor-ner l• being also corner 30f the F. w. woody Tract (211) A 4" chestnut blazed and scribed B.T.c.n.c. corner 1; bears s. 10•00 w. •22 chain distant; thence u. 41-48 E. 11.00 Road bearing southeast 32.62 Corner a. a point at intersection ot two marked boundary lines, and in small stream and spring head :f'lowins .Northeast set 4" hemlock post 1l1 a mound or stones scribed c,n.c. corner 2. An 8" poplar blazed anti scribed B.T.c.n.c, Corner 2; bears s. 69•30 E ... 12 chain distant; thence s. 49•22 E. 14.47 Road~bee.rineNortheast 16.27 Corner 31 a point at end of marked 'boundary line: set a 4" chestnut post in a mouad of stones blazed and scribed C• R. C, Corner 3, A lO" chestnut blazed and soribed B.T .. C.R,c. corner 3, bears s. 61'""00 vr. .17 chain distant.; thence N. 4(}o!-43 E. 2.92 Road bear~ns Northeast 11.54 corner 4 · a point at the intersection ot two boundary lines being a corner of the Eldredge Cal(lwell Tract (214) ;. thence w1 th the Eldredge 711 .. .::.:!dwell Tract ('214) s. 54•03 E. 32.84 Corner 5, a point on the .N'orthwest bank of Big Cataloochee Creek, A corner ot the Eldredge Caldwell Tract (214} Set a 4" chestnut post in a mound of stones; thence leaving the Eldredge CalQ.well Tract ( 214) s-. !57-43 E. .30 center line of Big Catalooohee Creek . flowing Northeast tl-97 Corner 6- a 14" deuble red oak with 'Old corner marks and witnesses blazed an,d scribed c,n •. c. Corner 4J thenoe s. 42-21 w. 32-.97 Big Cata.looohee Creek flowing North 36.97 Corner 7, a 4" locust post in e. poplar stump near the upper end of a meadow, the old corner; thenoe N. 55•33 w. 37.64 corner a. a poin1; beside a planted stone with witnesses and paint Set a 4" chestnut post in mound of stones scribed c.R.c. Corner 5t A 24" chestnut oak blazed and scribed B.'J.l.,C,R.c. Corner s, bears N, 52""00 w •• 30 ohain distant; t hence s. 43•23 w. &.69 Corner 9, a 40" chestnut oak blazed and scribed w. corner ~ on top ot Wash Ridge• being also corner .• . 712 a of the F._ w. Woody Tract (211) A 30" chestnut oak blazed an4 s.c:urih$A D~R~ W~ Corne~ ~~ beus s ~ 42•00 ~~ · t20 ohain . (,\i"'t.anta thenot up lllld with ~be Dt4tallAe~a of wa;,h B148e and nth the F. w~ woody' wraet (211) N, 4~19 w ~ 1.5, A PointJ N; ~23 W, 1.11 A. Fot.ntJ ll• &-SS W, l:t62 A Po1n-.; North 61'!.'-08 Wt; 2~34 . A Po1J!ltJ N~ fifltOiof)S W~ a~~4 A P01l_'tJ Nt 39~13 W~ 2•22 A PoLntt. N" 49~11 Vi~ 2.10 .A Point; N~ 4~56 w. The plate ot b6g1nn~na,. oonta1Jllng 199 rOO acres~ · Attie" ~th• a't;atee that the hei~a of Gudger Oe.14'!ell 8114 those under \mom he ola1JU1 to w.11, Gudger Caldwell, J',. F~ Owen~ A~O~ Caldwell~ Mila Pal~~, Alloe Palme~ and Elizab~th O&U!lpbell have be•n 1n the open; oont1nttou.a, adve:t•.e. and notorious possessiOn of aa14. lan4 un4e:t known a.n d visible metes and 'bounds fer a period. ot. 30 r•B.l'• aa4 mortJ oult1v~t1ng same, taking timber and firewood therefr-., pa,turiDS same, and making e®h ether tttses of said lands as they are su~cepttble . . ot; tttt1ant turtllet sta1ahl that he hail never heard ot :any oontrovel.'•Y as tq the t1 tle .or tci the l)OSsess1otl ot said -·la.ndaj swo-;rn to and. subsortbed b•:te~e me thte :30 day ot ootober1l929 '- ~ f•'' . :3<. ~-~~!11 .' My Cormr.iss;on Expires May 27, 1931 ~~~~~ ~ _··.· an ·· · ~ .~ ·. . _' . . . . . ) STATE OF UORTH CAROLINA RAYWOOD COill1TY , .'/J /f . ~ ·• being duly sworn• 4e- . - and says: That he 1-s .5..:7ye~s ot age and has been a o1 tizen and resident of Haywoad County :ror_SSyeare; that he is well ar. queJ.nted w1 th the ownership and possession of a certain traot ot land now owned by the heirs at law Gt Gudger Caldwell, more par­ticularly described as follows: BEGUOONG at ootner 1, an 18" and e. 9" double maple on top of washR1dg.e1 blazed and scribed c.R.c. co~. ner 1, being also oorner .3 or the F.i. w, Woody Tract z ( 211) A 4" ohestnut blazed and scribed B .• T.c,R,c, Co:rr:"" ner 1• bears S • 10•00 w • • 22 chafn di etar:rt • thence ,. N, 41-48 E. 11.00 Roe.d bearing southeast 5B.62 Corner 21.. a point at interseot1on of two marked boundary l nest and in small stream and spring head flowing Northeast Set 4" hemlock post in a mound of .stones scribed c,R.c. corner 2 An 8" po:pler blazed and qoribed B.T.c.R.c • . ·Corner 2t beE> s. 68•30 E. *12 ohain dis ... · tant; thence s. 49-a2 E. 14.4'7 Road bearing Nartheast 16,27 Corner 31 a point at end o:f' marked boundary line set a 4~ ouestnut pGst in a mound or stones blazed and scribed c.R.c. corner 3, a 10" chestnut blazed and sorlbed B.T,c,R.c • . corner 3t bears s. , En-oo w •• 1'1 oh~in diat•ta thence N, 40•43 E. ~.92 Road bearing Northeast 11.54 cor­ner 41 a point at the 1nte;r.osect1eno:t: two boundalT line• being a .oorner of' the Eldredge Caldwell Tract (214)J thenoe with the Eldredge Caldwell Traot (214) s. 64 .. 03 E. 32.84 Carner 5, a point on the Northwest bank of Big catalooollee Cretik1 A or the Eldredge Caldwell 'l'l"act ( 214) set a 4" ohostnut pt>st in a mound ot $tones; thenoe ,leartns tl,le Eldl"edge Caldwell Tre.ot (214) s. 5?•43 E, ,30 cente~ linG ot Big Catalooohee Oreek flowing northeast $.9'1 Corner a, a .14" . double red oak with old corner marks ana witnesses blazed and scribed c.R.,o. Cornel" 4; thenoe s. 4.2•21 w, 5~h 9 7 Big ca. talooohee Creek :flowing north 713 3€h97 corner 7. a 4" looust :pest 111 a poplar stump ~~~:tar the upper. end at a m$$dow, the old oorner1 thence N• 5~33 w. 37~64 corner a, a point beside a. planted S'tione with Witneaaea and paint set a 4" chestnut post in mound et sor1be4 C,R.c. Corner 5, A 24" chestnut oak blazed and sQribed B.T.c.R,o, Cor ner 51 bears N. 52-00 w, .::so ohain distant; thence s. 43 ... 23 W, 8.69 Corner 9, a 40" chestnut oak blaz•d and sor1 'bed Vi • oorner 3 on top of Wash Ridge, being also ·l- O()ftlU'' 2 ot tb.e M:i:"Dt a. L. Woodf t.•raot ( 210.· ) and corn•• a. e>t 'fihe F• w •. woOdy Traot (,211) A ~0" oheetnut oek 'bla:at4 ancl .. ~tibe· ct B.,T.W~t CO:'ne:t 21 beara s. 4~0 Et .ao oha~n d1•tarttt theaeet up and W1 th the meander• ot waah :Riitge and nth the F, w, woody traot ( 811) · N .• ~ 42->;1.9 W • 1.5'1 A P~d.n.' J N, 2~23 W, l• ~1 A J?o1nt; NOl-th s-~e . vh 1.&.2 A :Poin~1 Nt 61•03 w, 2,.36 A :Po1n.t; North 57•58 w., a,.t4 A Point; ll• 39*13 w. a-,22 A Poin~JNQ~'h 49•11 w,. 1410 A Point t . r1.. · 43-66 w.• 3.-eo The plaoe or be!i!U'11.ng1 · oonta1n1ng l99y00 aoree. Affiant t'Urther state a that · the he1ra ot Qudge:t Caldwell a4 thos• uncler Whom he olaima,1 to w1 t, Gtt4gt)r OaldwelLt 1rt F-. Owt:a, A .. c .• . . . . li.J /r. . . . . ' . Caldwell,_ Mila l'alme~ 1 Alice Palmer and Elizal,etll Cablpbell have been in t he epen, ()entt:a:uws; adverse an4 notorious poescut~d.on ot aa14 land Ude,.- known and V1$:l.b1'e metes and bounds :t'Qt. a. pc1c:Jd ot 30 years atui •:t•J oultivatlng satne1. t$k1ng timber anCl ti~•~o,d theren-•, paatt¢!ng Jame, a.nd mald.u.g sooh other uses ot .,.id lands as th~7 are ' -. ., ' suaoeptible Pt; a.ttiant f'ul'ther states that he ha• never heard ot QJ' oon,rov$rs;- a$ to , the t1 tle or to the potu3ts•1on P,f • t portion ot the abov$ aes~ribea landa. swo.n to and subsori b$d be tore ., . >~ My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 Page ............ 7.15 .......... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, } HAYViOOD T ------------------------------------COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ____ MB_S_. ___c_ ._ __ M_._ ___C ALDWELL ___c rt; ___ u._._ ______________ ~-- ____ p~~-~~-~~---t~--~~~---~---------------------------- ____ mQf _ ~ _ ;?_~~---------------------------------------------- AFFIDAVIT. ---------------~'----Q,, ___ !il~~----,-------------------------------· being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of. ... lla:l~.Qd _________________ county, in Book. ___ m_ _______________ , Page. ... ZfL _______,_ _____ , That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows, that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ay of·-~~~ ,_)L .... , 19.~f __ . ~~-------------· . - -:£.~n;,_~ No ary Public. My commission expires ... ~m.l.JtQ.,.1.930 _____ }:/_ ___. ~ .0_, ~--------. ----------------------- ------, (Fill in all bhmks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year ,whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." Th~ use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .. , ....... , at $ ................................ , in the name ........................................... , ........................ and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19 ...... .................• , ... J?all············································· 19 ...• ·················~····································'····················· 19 ...• , ................. ,.., • ....................................... ......... .......... 19...... ·················Pill-A··············: ··········································· 19..... ·········:·······ft.ill···················································· :·· ·· 19 .... . 19 .... . 19 ..••. 19 .•. 19 .. 1C) .. ASSESSMENTS lOlli LES PENDENS lfOHI MECHANICS LIENS• B 0 N J JUDGMENTS NOB I ...................... .,.,, ................................................... . ··············· ·······hlil·············: ·············· ························· ········· ······· ······Pai-l················································, ···· . ..................... ,.., ..................................................... . ...................... Jal.a .................................................... . Shut. G NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ,· t~: ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner _____ ; ClLUU.IS BAT OALDWEl'..L an4 ~the~• ____ ___ ______ ___ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed he.reon. l. a. a. ENCUMBRANCES TRACT _.N O. 213 lll~nt -.aauet Mr.a. o. M. Caldwell, 1"tloorde4 in J\14$Plent BQok 4_, Paee 311. J'udgmen' asainat -·· c._ .M. CaldweU, reoorde4 .in ludgtne:Q:t Doeltet. IS• page 151. J'udglutnl agunat a. N. Pal.Jae»,~ reoorde4 111 J'udS~ntnt DOtke't z, page 10.9 • 3'udp.en1' ,e.ga1nat a.. E, c~bell, rtaeordecl 1n lttdsmont :DOQk~t a, page St3. This. . ----~-3..;:, _________d ay of ........ J)Qt.Obl~-----·------- ----··----·-··--------· 1929. . . Attorney. Address ...... ---------------- ------ ---------·-···--···--····----- ------·······-··--··········-- 20f" 208 . I \I"' I / 209 209-: 210 211 12 I,X / v 213 I ./ -a. I) 0 /'1 ').A) - J)O • 38 • aa f1elda©60.00 oodland ' lO.OO Jam:.:s Caldwell 155.82 30 aores\oultivatcd land t-50.00 20 acres f iolc: .. pasture; 20. 00 20 aoros .~rasp. · f1 elda ~o.oo 76 nar·es '\.vo~antV' lO.OO G room framed house 3 room h oxed houne barn . S . 'f homas Caldwell 3 room log hou.'le fl':trned bnrn loc nmo}: e hous e 116.18 47.58 20 acres grass tl elU.s~o.oo 27 ac.t•os woodland( 1 ;~ .00 ?homao Cald,·: ell 46.27 ?o/;_.~w?· A\ 1oo.oo I ~'"'$•) • l:K>O.OO 250.00 f1,850.00 1500.00 400.00 1000.00 '160.00 600.00 150.00 300.JO 200.00 100.00 780.00 600. 00 300.00 200.00 1200.00 700.00 125. 0 150.00 ,/,j . ,. 4, 'ilO.OO ' ,; I , . t - 1080.00 ",I..·I ... . ' ' '/ •~ . - 3125.00 480.00 630.00 --~~~~----~- :;oo. oo 1000.00 500.00 990.00 150.00 1!.>0.00 2U.OO aoo.oo 325.00 2690.00 l45o.o:.> ' 6 room f r a r:cd house 1000.00 '.~ arn, crib 8. Smoke houne lOu.oo SprinG House 2l.i.OO 20 acres cu l .. iva tcll :~' ie ldn ao. :j_. 1600.00 8 acres na s ture ' 25.00 200.00 19 U0 1' i; fl I'IOOdland 15.00 275.00 3200.00 ------~----~~~~-- '~ hnrl es ay Caldwell 199.00 6 room f '.r·::•Jed houce 6 a ta.L1 'mrn 4 ;ld log stables ;;moke and can house :; ·rin,.: iiouse 20 ac .·es oultlvated :L'i e l dsC.100. 00 20 uores " " C.GO.OO ,;o :. ores rmstures 25.00 139 n c r cs wood. land • 1 2 .00 aoo.oo 400.0(.) 100.00 100.00 50.00 2000.00 1200.00 500.00 1390.00 J.., ./ . / ; I . .-t - 6540.00 Bryson Cipy,H.C. Oct.~d,I928. .. s.hevillc, ]l oG. Mr.Sloan a sked ne to mail you list of ·r... • .. .·i. .'·. t \ (I Catalo~ohee . \ h .ve bern c.O!'lputed.The \O:ith e.rel.1.S :f'ollJWf!:- I • • ;{f."'' .! .-_:.:·.:-.. -. J . r.~.C a lch'H• ll. o o •.••.•••••.• o • . • 0:· .15 .nci'f'>!'l · · C " 8 94 ,.~ n · ' . . . • • J.J 0 !1£: • . • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " .. -,-~ ~; ~ .. · ~ald w All ~cho ~l Lot ••• o••········ 2.!6 ~ \ = .. _. '/ . I.: .(;\<.tton Heirs •••••••••••••• oi7.4! '' · : .·_.. 1\:e.ri. :::.h J.~. ;_>alJner •.• o • o •••••• o • • 6 7. 24 : ~rs.Lou King tract ~ ! •.. . ~.o•• 9 ~.02 II If tf f! .~! 2 o o o o o o • o 23 • 5 7 . •I:."i.(~a.ldwcll tr:..:; t T (hOI~. e) • • • I8.GO ·. n " ' ' · 2 • •••.•••• 50.~~8 -· ·: .. ,_ Jomes Caldwell ...... .... .......... !55. 82 _ ·· · Jor~nathan :.voody ,.: I ••.... .. .. o 92.-II ' · ! n t~ ••••••••• • • 59.,38 ~~ · .... i".~rs . ~-~ . J . /ooc1y !lei.ra ••••• • ._ ••• i •• 74 .. ......... ~, • .'1 • ::·.· o \) d;,r • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • •• a. I I 6. I 8 · :t:·:'- ·~ .P I l:itn. t. ~- i ~ t} . 47.58 · -- --· ·· ·r ·. ': ••••••••••••• 46 . ~ 7 ,;7.. c·l.,.' fr....! ~'"\'.n~· t • !: 1 ~·/' f: ll . !99 00 ""--~::--'' ~ (,. .,....._. • • c,. • .,"f . '-""' .L\ ' I • . • • •• • • • .. t • • • • C?4- Eldrf'urre Ccld7Tell •••••• .•• ••• I 22. 98 --~~·~~· Geo. H.Ca.lt1 \'le lJ. . ....... ... .. ... !50. 58 --- . J . F. .. Hall ..••.•••• o ••••••••••• ! 2I.44 Inc~~ D.i'l C re(• k ~c ho ol lot ••• ·• • • • ! • :.: j :-. ·~·p<:.! lr~e r s 'Chapel Church lot • • • • • I.i7 Mrs. •'f .i~ . !?ulnar •••••••.• o ••••• I45 •• 6 : : ' '· tV .A • .?&lmer • tr~ot !' I •••••••• . •. 52.~0 Linton Pulrr.or •••.•••••• o ••••• 47.55 Yourn v ~ry t ~ 1ly , ., It ,, ' I W"I :.,.• .• . It " If " If It ., " ,, !f " " If )( It It traota that -.... ~.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).