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Cataloochee tract 209 and 209a: Johnathan Woody


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  • .· 597 595 Page; ....... .' .......... : ................ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ....................... .......... :~. ..9 ..JL~--~---~---~ · -······· ···W. .. O.. . ~. .. ll .. J ......................................... :. ...................................................... . (~9) . ···························································································· Township .............. li .. A. .. Y .. :W ... O. .. O .. D ................................... County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION •.,n._M •w e-at.. a.u. ..... ....•,,-• •.. ._~ .•.,•..• ..t.. s.a. •-t..•& omt m&&• t••••• N DltlfDG •• .... 1, e. ~ otlilp).t .,._ .... ao .Sa •• 014 ...a. o.. la• • .- t•, • ••·aat·aaDU •~•"- •• 11• -.Je ~- lQ.liH4 alll Hl'l11a4 J.I.OOI'• a. - s. 1'1...6-t •• I... .PO.l n' t11 top tllt 4l'fJ.dil ""'"" Oa._OOOble 0.0. alll Cal•ll A 10• JMtU1!HI04 l>latle4 ll#l aorl'bt4 8. '• J•li• NOt &. Cor• a, b!t:­s. UO w •• 14 Obll.n 4iatnat. · •• •· owaw. •~u • ,_,"" • top -. 4l•AM ••• Qa'-loo-. •• a4 Oaldllel.l ,.._ c..- a. a »>Uit wllb wiw .... •• ta•t-a•oUca • ~ '"*-•an ,...._ •• • t• .._._. pot~l ta a liiiUI1 « ,-. t.11114 aill lat"lbe4 .1 •"• 10. It Uo•~•• A •• •• ,., ttl.-t • .ort'tiiA a.'· "·"• ~q_. a. c ... a lll.,. ••6.00 a. .aee~attt._,. · -~ n. 11-12 w. ••• comw •• a point t:hOWG "' .-.. bJ ts tJ.Jpl»n w~. Sei a t• poet ta & f1.ICIQI4 ot -1101111 ae7Ue4 d,W. Vt>. I.C<lt• •• A u• etoopJ.aa •••• \llli..S aai aorlb14 ••'· J,w. •• a. o .... ..,. :s. -.oo .a •• 16 t.Sa 41a..a • ..... s. n.t6 •• 17.ft ltt ,.. Ol .. 8\:ntdDfJ. OOb\&llllJISit.,a Almt•• Shut 4 ....... ~ .•..o.o. ·•; . ... ~ : ,,::i; ...._ __ w · 4QIIAIUIIOQ)t_,. ..... ) . .•.w... .............~ ... ... .,....,._ •. , .... .,.'- ...,.,....., · ·· · · . . . . · . . ··. · . ' . . -.a.,.,_ . ....,..11 ......... .. C..., .. • poaa at llltt•culloa •'•*"' '•••" -..... .. ..... ,.., la • - 01 .... ....... ~- w.o . ... it .A JO* ... . ,. .... Mft&114 ••• i. '• a., ........ ·11..00 ............... ' ........ . .,.,.., .•, .. ....... .. ~·--a.o.•s. -~-------· ............. •• .._.,.a ... ._.. -~ a.plll- ·ot ................... u ... . ' ,,:;.- l' .ANALYSIS OF TITLE . . . Tracts 209•209a "" J. H~ WOODY t . All or the lands w1 thin Tracts 209 and 209-a are ooYered by State Grant Number 252 1' issued to John Gray Blount alld will not, there­fore~ be recited in detail herein but may be seen by reference to the Sidney Nelson title 1 beginning at the first page of this abstract• J3i\ 1 wherein all of the holdings under the above mentioned Grant from the date of :1. ts issue, have been treated by l'llesne conveyances down through the time when said lands :passed by the Will of James R !' .Love to his Executors; There are two tracts Of landl as indicated by the above numbers; ()ne or fifty an:l the other 011e hundred acres. However* tbe chain of title is the same after the deeds from the Love Executors, and will; therefore. be treated as one in this analysis. 1 ; On November 1,. 1876• the Executors of James R. Love , by two seperate deeds conveyed the lands herein to J. Ih Wood,y; Eaoh of these deeds is signed by ~hree of the four exeoutort named in the preamble; acknowledged by the oath and exa..111inat1on of the eubscri b~ng witness~ There are no mineral reservations and no irregul'fll.\%~ other than the fact that it is signed by but three Executors, which we think is immaterial because of the Agreement am. consent judgment in the case of Hilliard vs • Henry • See page +I of this Ab- 16 k. stract. The above deeds are duly recorded in Book "N" t pages 143 and 144, respectiVely, records of deeds of Haywood County. See :pages {.? tJ/ and lo Q 2t of this Abstract. 2. Under date of October 181 18841• Jonathan H, woody conveyed both or the tracts desoribed in the two deed$ referred to in paragraph one • to stephen L. woody. This deed doee not state whether the grantor was mBl:"ried or single but, as a matter of tact he was a widower, his wife having died some time prior to the date of this deed. In the deed there 1s reserved to J. H. Woody, the right to live upon the 100 acre tract and to keep such stock as he m.ay wish, during the course of his natural life. .Appearing herein (See page &- t:? f ) is an affidavit establishing the fact that J .n. Yioody was 'UiliDarried at the time he executed this deed; also _that J .H. Woody • himself, is now dead. The above deed is regular as to the covenants of seizin and warra nty; acknowledged by the oath and examination of the subscribing witness and duly recorded in Book e, page 103, records of Haywood County. See page C f:! .3 of th1 a Abstract • 3• s . L. Woody and wife 1 .Minnie K. Woody1 conveyed both ot these tracts to L . G. Welch. by regular warranty deed dated Decem­ber 1 1 1919 'Which is properly executed• acknowledged and recorded in Book 54,. ·page 339; r ecords of I{aywo od County. See page C, !) ~-- of this Abstract • 4. By warranty deed, in due form, properly executed, ack­knowledged and recorded, L. G. Welch and wife, Effie, conveyed the tracts herein to o. L. Woody and J. H. woody under date of August 25, 1920. (Book 55, page 529, records of Haywood County) • See page lP tJ L.t? of this Abe tract • 5, Under dat e or August 5, 1922t o. L. Woody, unmarried, conveyed "all his r1gh t. t itle and ihterest in and to said two tracts of land" to~. H. Woody. The tre.ots are not described by metes and 'tiolUlde but refere to the record ·or the 4'ed .tn.elltioned in p~agraph four tor . description• This deed is of record in Book 59; at page 174, ·records or Harwood county• See page • ' o 2 ot this Abst:ract • ... 6·t There is of l.""eeord • in Deed or Trust Book 12 • page 2a.,. Haywood County'• ell. Wl.paid Deed of Tru$t to the Federal Land Dank or Columbia tor f23oo.oo 1 dated .T~uary l :a 1924 and due :tn semi-annual installments,. !n the. body of the instrument the name appears as .T.T.Woody' but it is properly exeQUted and acknowledged by J.H.Woody• see 18~e '~ V of this Abstract* '• Mfide.vits establishing possession may bo seen at :page (;c>o to page~t thi.s abstract. Engineer's affidavits are at page 61~ '·~ ="""''' ell ::s NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION . ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT in Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged :R •. G.A~LOVE SA.M1 t, Lt LOVE VI• L!t lU:LtXJJtD P •. W,. EDWARDS 1,1bin€ witness L_ ______________ ~ _____________ _L ____________ ___ 1. Kind of Conveyance .... Deecl................................ .......... 2. Date of Conveyance .......... ll•l+l8'1G······················· 3. Is it properly executed...................................................... 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .... Pro.bate ... Judge 6. Acknowledgements, regular Yes----································ 7. If irregular, copy in full on back.................................... 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........ ~f6: ·········· · ········ · ········· 9. Date of acknowledgement... .'-•2~187.7.. . ...... . . .. . .. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........................... . 11. Did officer affix SeaLH O. ........................ ....................... .. 12. Was order of probate correct ........ yQ ......................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants-- 14. Date of filing for record .... 'Zc'!l!ts;l!¥!l81:9 ...................... . (a) of seizin ...... I'IO........................................................... 15. Book ..... .N .•.............................. Page ....... -144 ................ . (b) power to conveyYes................................. .... .. ........... for ............... Ji~Y.:m:>.OC. ........................... County. (c) against encumbrances .N CL............. ......................... 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all othersNO---··········· ··················· or restrictions ....... ..... .. ~10~----·· ····· ·· ··· ···· ··· · ············· ·· ···--···· 17. Habendum clause <Quote fully). TO liAVJiL ~ID .. TO. HOLD .... the .... ator.esaid. ... tl!-&0-'~---0.f. ... ... . ... W~'t.A ... .... ~PP\U't.~llanGes. ... th~re.unt.o ... be~~ng ... unto. ... tll.e ......... . ----~~A.4_ __ ,~;. . --.H_,.._ __W ®.¢J.y __ am ... hi.a ... he..1r.s. •.... to. .. .h1a. .. and ... .. onlr.--:USe ... anQ. ... behoo.f .. . .... ro.r-~Y.Qr .•............................................. ·-· ·········---·· ·······-· ·-·-························--····-···-······ ··---·············· Exact Description of Property ., IDWYi AtL MEN l3Y TID£S;E P.RlfSENTS# Tha t t WlfE:AEJB f .:rames R, L~ve , deoeas'd• was setz$d of large tracts o:f' . lmd commonly oalleQ. "Speou1at1on tandn l.yine; end being in the Counties of Yancy, Madison, Bunoaube 1 HaywoOd and Jackson) and• WHEBE.AS # the s~td J'emes R. Love made . and pqblished a last Will and testament in wr1tirl$ . and ap~inted Ylilliam !h Thonms1 Ro'be.:,t Gt A, . Love • William L. Hilliard and Sant,f;J< .,t .t LOve •J;eoutors 1 vrhO qual1f~ed and took upon tlHunaelves t he eucut1on thereof; e4dt VflmtEAS, the sai d Je,mea n. Love sold. IlllflllY tracts of said lands to different persons and autltor1zed and empowered his · said executors to continue the anles of said lands Wld to m.ake titlest t'iO\V THEREFQR1!! 1 etc,. On tl1e Waters of Cata l.ooohee Oreelq Bl!".'Gitn~n~_ G . a.t a r_ orke d ntl'iP_• l e just_a bQve th. e t__ ·~ in_-. th. e_ ~oad.f!J lead,1n_s fl'an Oata.l.oooheG to · MoG~e's Caldwell Fot..k and . tbenae ~umuns .s outh 12 · 120 poles to a dog?rood in a th1 ek hollow. above tta1d road J t hence f.lorth 20 poles to a st ake; thence South S~ East lf7 poles to the;. Conta ining 50 aores more or less. Shut B ~"' NORTH CAROLINA PARK ·coMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged P.Yi .EDWJ\RDS subsox-1 b :1ns Witness ~ J,, H,. WOODY and his ~ heirs 1. Kind of Conveyance ............. P.~.~c?-................................. . 2. D a t e of C onveyance ..........l...l..•...l...•...l...8....7....6.... ...................... . 3. ~ :t pro~erly e~ecuted ...................... "Jir()biit·e···-Judge 4. 5. e ore w at Officer acknowledged .......... :....................... 6. Date of Entry and No .................... ,~r:·s··· ···-· ................. . Acknowledgements, regular ............. ~-.. 1~---···················· 7. If !rregular: 1 copy in full on ~::.~z.;;;jj)!'1"7"· ····--······· 9. Da e of ack Iowledgeme~f-···· · ····· -····· '········· ·· ······· · ····--··· ··-- 11. Did officer affix Seal... ..... ~~---·-····················-·············-····-· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ..................... ~ ................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife tt'e"if··-···················-·-· 12. Was order _of probate correc7.-9•l8'7'1 ................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- ~:~ ~fo\;::z:: ~;~~~;~~~:~1~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 14. Date of filmg fornfecord ............................. 143 ............ . {c) agamst encumbrances ·---~~---·-·I;:ro···················-···-··· {d) against claims of all others ............................. .......... . 15. :0:0~ .. ::::::::::::~~~~:~::::::: .. ~~~-~:::::::::~-~-~~~·;:····-······ 16. Does de:d. contain any siSal limitations, provisions or restnctwns ..................................................................... . TO IL\VE Al-ID TO l.i.OLD···tller··atoro-said· ·tracrt···ot-···land··· 17 " ¥ift~m~li\aus:Pt'i~i"fSrdfl···nn<l·· a ppu:rt·enancErs·· ·tl1ereunt-o···bel·onging··and···the·-····· ······&hii<t···J:~·· ·li•'··wc:;ody···Md· ·· "llt·e···hetrl!·t· · ·to·· ·n±·:l··-an·et ···their· ··only···u-s-e-···and·--be- -·· ··· ··········lioof··· ·~:e>revet·• ···· ········ ········-·····················-· ···· ····· ······ ·····-··· ···· ·-··--·- · ·······- - -··········-·······················--·--····-···---···-········---·--·--·······-····· Exact Description of Property WH.BREAS • J"~$ R. Love, deceased, was seized of large traots oi' land, commonly called ••speculation l..andsn lying and being in the Cou.nties of Yancy, 'Madison., Buncombe, Haywood and Jatkson; and, ~ • the eaid .Tames R. tove made and published a last will and . t.estrun.ent in writing and appointed Williem. n,. Thomas, Robert G. A. LOVe, William L• Hilliard and samuel L. Love 1 executers, who qualified end took upon themselves the execution thereof; and, WR.ll"l\l'.iAS , the said James R. LOve sold many tracts of land to different persons and authorized and empowered his executors to continue the sale or said lands and to malta titles; NOYI THJJ:REFQRE, etc. on the waters o'f Catalooch80 and bounded a.s follovrss ... BEGI:NNING at a spruce p:Lne and forked chestnut 1 12 poles west .of ca:talooahee Creek and then runnins Iiforth 90 East, pass:l.n.€5 over a. clitt of rocks, crossing aa.1d ere$~, 90 poles to a s pruce pine and birch; thence s outh 7 -West 178 po].es to a stake ; thence South 70 west 90 poles to a stake; thence North 7 East l '78 poles to the beginning, oo nta.ining 100 acres more or less. Shut B .r.n. C) = "...' , NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF .QEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed 1• H.- WOODY As Acknowledged G:t L., PAJ'JimR • St.tbf.J~1bi.n8 witness-. ~~----------------------+-----------------------~~--------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ............. De.ed ................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ...... .lO.~J.~l004r ...................... . 3. Is it propedy executed ........... .......................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ....... : ..................... ......... .................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged.Q . .f~l.a·.O.•·············· 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... YC.S ................................ . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ....................... ............ . 9. Date of ac k now Ie d gement .1. .2 ,. . :-. :1-". -~b-l t:'.!i\iL9 .4... .......... ... ... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........... }lQ ......................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... J~IQ ............... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL.Nf. ............................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ..... Yea ............................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ... ~2~ll~~6.94 ............... . ~~~ ;~\~:~z~: ~~-~~~;~~¥.~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 15. Book .......... G ............................. Page.: ...... l.0.3 ............... . for ...... .H.ay.wood ..................................... County. (c) against encumbrances .Y~.3..CL ................................. . (d) against claims of all others.:.Y~~---·················: ..... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ... ........... .Bf.G. ... Below ......................... . Exact Description of Property on t_he waters or 1318 ca tal ooohee _1-­joining the Love Speculation tanast BEGINNING e:t a spruce p1ne and forked chestnut, 12 poles weet of catalooohee C»eek and thenoe :running North 7Q East• passing over a el1tt Of :roolt s, said Cr$ek1 90 polee t.o a stake J thenee South 7 Wect 178 PQles to a stake; thence south '17 ~est 90 poles to a stakeJ tbenee ,NQ:r't:Q. 7 East 178 poles to the beg1nn1M, eontain; lOQ aO:tlee ·more or lees~ . · satd J. R. woody rese:rvea unt\!Old the riellt to live · Upon Said land and to ra1ee ettd kt)ep suoh sto()k as he ~ vrish, during the eouree of his m1ture1 l!fe• .U.e.o OnE> other traot; _ BEGn;mnJG on. a I!ltlple just above the tun of the road.' leading fl'om Catalooohee to Jesse McGee'~ Cal, dwell Fork and ~ng south l.a East 120 poles to a doSWQod 1n a ~1oh hollow above said road; th~o• south 93 West 67 pol$e to e. stalte; then North 12 West 120 pgles to a stak~; south ~ East 67 poles to the b~inn1ng 1 oonta1n1ns 50 e.o:res .rd.O:re o:r less~ Shut B STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY says: ..5. L, Wood v • being duly sworn, deposes and That he is Z .f>-'T':;.?:f age,. and has been a oi tizen and rea14en1l ot Haywood County fo;r z..s-yea%'8{ tha1 he was well acquainted with J"ohlla• t~ Woodf• and that the said .Tohn.athan H. wood.y is now dead; attiaat further states that on November 18; 1884; said time being the da'e ot the execution or a deed by .Tobnatban H. woody to s. t. woody tha' J"obna• than Woody was .unmarried, his w1te having died sc:IJBtime prior to 'this date. SwOJ:>n to and subscribed before :me th1' 1 7 2 day ot 'At-&e::-1929 • . /{/e,~ My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 ~- 605 f .· ~ Page ................ ! . .... ..... , .......•... : .. . ' NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged j ~~ L• W()()Dt G,fid wife~-·-. S • I.,, WOODY ~h L. WOODY .. 14INN1E X •. WOOJJ!' MINNlE lt, WOODY MIN.fiTE K. WOODY ~~----------------------~----------------------~----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ............. li.Ell.e~L .............................. . 3. Is it properly executed ..... :.; .. YejL .............................. . 2. Date of Conveyance ....... l2•l•1Dl-J························· 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what -Officer acknowledged ... .J._P ................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... l.2!'!!l~J.9H ................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular 't~B-··································· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ..... :.:yea---······················· 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ...... .!fO ........................................... . 10. W<.~s privy examination of wife taken .... ¥68·············· 12. Was order of probate correct .... 'f-&1\:J ............................. . 13, Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ... J.2.-2titi910·-·················· (a) of seizin ...... l'es ....................................................... . 15. Book ..................................• 54. Page ....... Q.f ................ . (b) power to convey ....'L .......................................... . (c) against encumbrances .I~m .................................... . for ............. l:I1a¥WOOd .............................. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ... J:~-~---························ or restrictions .......... ... .}10 ................................................ . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ·:T.O. .. HAV:lL .ANIL.TO Jl O.t.n ... the ... .abOv.e.. .. de.S:Ol"Uuad ... .}..a,nd ... a.nd ··-·-----~t~:f:~fei!i!infJ---~~o~iw:~i~~~tfn:} ·:.:::::::~!tlfi~~~::~:;~~:::~~i!~!:::~~:-~l:j~:t.:::·~t.:::~:~~t•w:~~;*-ii:::~i;~:::~Iij:::'~~~::::::::.-.:::: Exact Description of Property on the wa.t ec~s of Oatalooehee Clreek adjoining th$ lands cf S tu1.~~~st L'Lm.\be~ C011J.}En7 • · Fbe"tt. Tract i • :BEGIJ.mll'JG _at a . Sl'WGe pine and for~ed elirc;.~tnut ire west -of ca.talooohe~ creeki tnenoe North '10 East, pa$a1:na ove~ a olift or roco1 ct?osa• S..ns. &atd: 03.":$11J~ 90 pole$ to a ep$"Uee pine and b.:iveh.J thefl:O$ ·south V Wee~t 1'18 po:l,es . to a s"tnke; then1ee S(I)Uth 90 Weti3t 90 pole$ to a $takei thenoe North '1 Eaat 1'1e po:Lera to th~ beginning, oontainir~ l.OO acre$ mbt• til 0,7 less. seo<md 'l'raet; ... BEGI.NNING on fc:rt.U" maple~? wove the ttUm of ·tlie l"oal that leadt4 010111 Oata1oeebee O~eek to Je.ssf) !>A~Geets on C:alElwel.1 ff>:ric ana runs soutb 12 East 120 po-~es 1io a dO!$WOod in a J'teh hol.l.ow a bQve said f"Qad; thence south ~ WEtat 67 ~l$e tp a stakei t~ntlf!l Nor~ 1.2 West 120 po.les to a staket thence south S3 :n:ast 6'1 pmles to the ~g1nn1n~.h 0<$\aining 50 o-cres l$;J·:t'e tr~ leas. S!Jut B ~ ~.. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble t. Gt WELCH and 'rife EfFIE WEl.Cll As Signed L-. G. 'f."ELCH 'EFFIE WElCH As Acknowledged ~~-----------------------+------------------------~----------------------- t 0 • t. 'f/OODY and c J • lf. WOODY .".' ~ 1. Kin.d of Conveyance ... J~~-~Y~e.s; ~Y ... P..~--~------------- 2. Date of Conveyance .......S........2. ,. 5...~...1....9...2...0... ......................... . 3. Is It properly executed ................. c .......... ........................ .. 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... J..~,F_.. _____________ _ 6. Acknowledgements, regular Y~UL ................................ . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ............. .-..................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .... :Y.e.S. ............................ . 9. Date of acknowledgement... .... ~~l.f2J.L ............ .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. 'f~_fL ............ .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........ ................................................ . Yes 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 12. Was order _of probate corr9~l~l920 .................. . (a) of seizin ...... X~~L .................................................... . ~:: !::~-~~::~&;:;~:1~~::::: ... :~~~~~::::~~!:~~;;_::::::::::: (b) power to convey. ...Y.. ...e...s. : ............................................. . Ye$ (c) against encumbrances --------------·y-·:·--------------------------- (d) against claims of all others .......... £3..t3 ...................... .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions )~-~------------------------------------------------------------- ., Exact Description of Property Adjoining tbe la.nde ot sunox-oat L\U!lbel.- company. FU',st TraQ~i DEGIN!iflNG at a ~PrUQG p1ne and forked ohe$ttiut, <;a pOl.0$ Wast of Cataloocthe~ Cr~ekJtnenoe North 70 East, paseine over e. olitr of rooks; cross-• ing .satd creek, tO PQlee to a ~p~oe p!n• end birch; t ~nee south V We-$t ·178 poles to a stake 1 theno• s outh 70 \,"est 90 pOles to a stake; thenoe No;rth '1 East 178 poles to the beginning, oon.taining 100 aores men-a or less_. seoand Tract: BEGnmiNG on four maples above the tt1l"n of the roa<l'"tlla t lead$ fran Catalooohee O:reek to lf>"Seo 1!oGee's on Caldwell Fork and runs south 12 East 120 ~lee ifo e. dopQfd 1n a r1oh llollovr abOve said l'otld: thenoe s outh 83 We~tt 67 poles to a stake; thenoe NJ.1ilth 12 Weet .120 »Qles to a etake.J thence s~uth ~'3 East 67 poles to tl'le beginning, eontainiitS 50 aol'es more or less, Sllut B Page .... 6.QJ.,......................... · NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ."8' Q_; •-· " ~'WOODY,_. un• f dted o. L. WOODY ~~----~----------------+------------------------r---------------------- "' ~., I. U• \VOOD! ... ~ L-------------------~------------------~-------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ... Wer~ty···Deed-·············· 2. Date of Conveyance ... ~5..-lf2a······--························· 3. Is it properly executed .......... Yes··························· ······· 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknow!edged ... N-otary···Ptlblie 6. Acknowledgements, regular "fea···································· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back........... ......................... 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......• .,. ............................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... B-5•1922····················· 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken.-.... ................... . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ........ ...... .. yeuf······························ 12. Was order _of probate correcL ..... 'fes··························· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filmg for record .. 'S.1~1t22······ ·· ··········· · (a) of seizin ···············Yes··.... .. ....................................... 1 1 5 6.· ~D00or0(b) power to convey. ......... y&e-· ····································"" eks·~--d:·. .~. e~_c.·~.o -~n···'-~-n-~~-.· :v.~an ·.d ·Y·::s::pe::::c::i:.a. l ~l~i-g·-m~i::t:a:.t·:i:·o:~ .sn0,1p·~r·~·Vl:.·s·i-·o·n· .s. (c) against encumbrances ·······Ye-&······························ (d) against claims of all others ......... yeS····················· or . restrictions ············· ·N•···'but···~onvere-·········· cnly··'Qlle•h·alf···tmd~v:l:ded···-s.ntere-~Jt 17. Habendum clause . (Quote fully). ·TO··'!IAVE· ·JU'!lY'J:O ·HQUJ·· · the····aforeeatd:···tra~···o.l'·· ········· .. ······ ·······pa~?ts-e1···&f···leutd···aJtd····all····N"iV~:legel;1·· ·atJ.d··appu;rten:ance"$'··thelre-tmto-···1.Je········· ·········lomt1·ng····tf>···the···ea.4.d···il,···H·····VrOC'JdTt"···hi·s····ne!r·s···e.nd:···as-s·:tgns·i;-···to···tne1Y ......... . · ······· ·cml:r···u•···and····behoc-f···torever,·······~---: .......... :.: ........... ~ .............................................................................. ~ ............ . Exact Description of Property Being the f,)l).e-b.alt und:hidecll interest or the party o:t tne first part in ml.d to· tho$e t'WO ce:rtatn t:vaots o-r JS:reels of land 1 as tullsr o.e Etcri beti ill that certain deed tnAde . a,nd e~ecuted by lnJGw. Welch and wite ~ Effie '\'leleh to th$ sa1d o., Lt Vlood.y and . J • a. Wct>dyl \rJ deed dated the 25th day Of .August, 19201 and wldeh said deed is d~ly re~orded in the ofi'1 ce of the Rest ste:r of De(Jds of l!ay• wood Co\m:ty •. N&:rth eatolina, in 130ok _of Deeds Nlliilber 55t ~ge 529• to which said 4eed and . record reference · is hereby made tot: a f'tlll and complete desqription ot said two t~aets of land; the f"irst tract containing _100 acres :ttlWe o:rt J.ess alld tP.e otx1er ~raet containing 50 acres more OJ' less• Jt beins the 1ntentio$ ~t the said 0. L. Wooc1ty to conver the said J, H• Wof>dy all or his rtght, title and interest in and to said two tracts of land. Shut B . £0$ . ' Page ... ; ............................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF MORTGAGE Mortgagor to l!'EDlmAL !.MiD· BANK ot Colum.bia Mortgagee NOTE:-In deeds of trust give name of third party. (NORTH CAROLINA) 1. Kind of instrument ..... De.e.d ... Qf: ... Tl:u$'1;. .. .. __ .......... ... . 2. Date of instrument. .... l:t!!:l~l.f.~ ... _.. ........................ ........ . 3. Consideration $ .2~_QO .•. O.O ........................................................... . 4 · ~~Y.nStt:Sll8fi1-.!tmnual ... 1.nstal.lm~,n~$ 5. Is It properly executed'! .............. J.~.S. .... ~- --············· ·················-··· 6. Date acknowledged ...... ~ii!!2~1.9.24 ............ . 7. 'Before what officer acknowledged'! .... N .•. :P .......... ..... .............. . 8. Was privy examination of wife held? ... :!"~~ .............................. . !l. Date of filing for record .. l~5-~l924. .................. .................... . 10. Recorded in Book ... ........ .l2 ...................... Page.2~L ............... ..... .. for .................... Hay.~_Od .................................... County. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title? ....... . . ........................ Y~.S ............................................................................ . DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY All that Oexotain ptece 1 ~:too 1 r>r "t; of le.nd1 ¢.on., ta1n1ns 100 acre& :more r:Jr lesaf s1tqate _1 .lnl.l$ aX).d ~~ng in catalo~~e 'l'ownlih1Pt· a.bEX1t 2~ miles tron wa,nesv111e, Hayve>od C(JUnty1 N. o., tUld hav1ns such shapes.mett~Uilt _ course~ and di(Stanoes __ as will more ·fUlly appar by :retexo• . enoe to a plat thereof lllade by J,w,sea.ver, ~n.·, 1C.-E• dated 1916 and Qopied bf w. :a. ~anc1s, ; ... twrne:v, Deee~ber 1923• and copy of wbic.h ts Qn f1l.e with the Fede:r."al Land Benk Of columbia 1 end l)()Ulldtd on tbe North by the la.nds ot stmcl.-e;st c_·-P.mPt.Jllt P_ft the Ea~t ,by thtt l~d~ _ot 1_9hn .ca_• l,4W9l1_; en t:ne soutl.l l>'Y the land.~ ot J;IJE1t'f E, woody ancl on the wes" by t:te __l anA a . ~ tlJ,e Sunor•~ _L 'UIIl~r co~n7 ~d m.o:re part• 1cularly deeel'ibt}d as toll.ows; This 1 s tbe llama tract of land as conveyed $'$) 1 ~a. woody end _ o.L .. Woo<!y _bf deed dated_ August . s_ 5th.1 _l920 and r_·. e col'd• ad in Book 551 -page 5e9, and containing J.50 acres U.Ol"e otr less. · All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet C f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY S ,L, Wooclv ,, being duly sworn, de40 poses and says: That he i{ well acquainted W1 th tlie ownership and possession of two certain tracts of land now owned by :r. H-. Woody• and more particularly bo~ded and described as follows: Tr~ots 209, 209·a. Tract # 209. BEGINNING at Corner 1, a bunoh or maple sprouts 609 .86 chain above old road, one 12"• one 9" and one 6", and small sprouts, the 12" maple sprout blazed and soribed Je w, Corner 5• thence s. 17•47 E. 22,.69 A Point on top thee, dl.vide between Oatalooohee Creek and Caldwell Fork 038,53 Corner 2, a point at the place of old dogwood corner as shown by stephen woody set 4" dogwood post in mound or stones blazed and scribed J,W, Corner 2, A 10" bellwood Traot #209-a, bl. a zed and sori bed B, T •. J, w • . No. 2. , Corner 2i bears s. 5•00 w •• 16 chain distant; thence N •. 81- 3 w. · 8.12 A Point on top the divide between Catalooohee Creek and Caldwell Fork 16,73 Corner 3 1 a point with witnesses at intersection of marked boundary lines. Set a 4" ohestnut post in a mound ot stones blazed and scribed J'. w. No. 2, Corner 3, A 36" chestnut blazed and soribed B.T.J',W, No, 2, Cor-ner 3, bears N. 6-00 E~t ,33 chain distant; thenoe N. 18•12 w, 39.96 Corner 4 1 a point . shown as cor­ner by stephen Woody Set a 4" post in a mound ot stones scribed J'. w. No, 2, Corner 4, A 24" stoop-­ing chestnut blazed and scribed B.T.J,w. No. 211 Corner 411 bears s. 49-00 E. •16 ohain distant{ thenoe, s. 77 ... 46 E. 17.74 The plaoe of beginn ng, containing 59;38 Acres. BEGINNING at Corner 1, a point beside a 36" ohest• nut stump and a 3" chestnut sprout, Shown as plaoe ot old corner by stephen woody, The 3" ohestnut sprout blazed and soribed J'. w, Corner 1. A 14" ;flo;_ ·~~~~'"1.-,f ' chestnut blazed and scribed B.T.J.w. Corner 1, bears s. 64•00 w. ,23 chain distant; thence s. 9-06 w, 27.96 Rough Fork . flows Northeast 44,41 Co~ner 21 a point at intersection ot marked boundary lines Set e. ·4" post in a mO'Wld o:r atones scr1 bed .r. w. corner 2, A 10" bireh blazed and scribed B.T • .r.w. Corner 21 bears N• 56•00 w. ,30 obain distant; thence N. 69•01 E. 24.57 Corner 3, a point not marked;. thence . N. 8•36 E, 14,00 Stnal1 stream flows West 32,00 Small stream flows West 42,23 Corner 4, a 15" hemlock blazed and scribed .r. w. Corner 4, stand• 1ng 150 chains Northeast ot a branch, A 16" hemloolc blazed and scribed B.T~J, w , Corner 4 1 bears N. 3•30 E. ,31 chain distant; thence s. 72-48 w. 20,34 Rough Fork flows North 25,61 The place ot beginning. containing 92.11 Acres, Affiant further states that .r. H. Woody and those under whom he claims, to wit, A. L. Woody and L• G. Welch, s. L. woody and Johna• than H. Woody ; have been 1n the open, continuous, notorious and ad• verse p8ssession or said lands under known and visible metes and bounds for a period of 30 years and more; cultivating same;· taking timber and firewood therefrom, pastlU"ing same, and. making such other uses ot said lands as they are susceptible ot; aftiant further states that he has never heard or e.ny oontroversy ,as to the title or to thepossesaion or any portion ot the e.bov:e described lands. sworn to and subscribed before me this I 7 day ot:tl~ ; 1929, ';• ~~~~ ;rfrt'~ ., %7~~~~~:t'·'~>:~f"1-,_f1~t~jl:'> ·r·~;; ' / >6J·1 :- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY ~i{.~.F . --;:~: , being duly sworn, depoaee and says: That he is well acquainted with the ownership and posses­sion or two certain tracts or land now owned by J. H. woody; and more particularly bounded and described as tollows2 Tracts 209, 209•a (Tract) BEGINNil-tG at corner 1, a bunch of maple sprouts, ,eo 209 chain above old road,. one 12"; one 9", one 6" and small sprouts, the l2" maple sprout blazed and scribed J. Wi. Corner 5t thence; Sa 17•47 E. 22.69 A Pointon top th• divide between Oataloochee creek and Caldwell Fork 38.53 Corner 21 a point at the · place of · old dogwoo.d cornex" as shown by stephen Woody set a 4" dogwood post in mound ot stones blazed and scribed J. w. Corner 2 A 10" bellwood blazed and scribed B..T.J.w, No, 2, corner 2, bears south 5•00 w •• 16 chain distant; thenoe, N. 81 .. 13 w. a.laA Point on top the divide between Cataloochee creek and Caldwell Fork 16-. 73 Corner· 3, a point with witneusea at intersectionof·ma:rked boundary lines set a 4" ohestn~t post in a mound or stones blazed and scribed J, w, No·~ . 2 Corner 3 A 36" chestnut blazed and soribed 'B.T.J,w. NO'• 6, Corner 31 ·bears N. 6-00 Ee ,33 chain distant; thence, N, 18•12 w, 39.,96 Corner 4 a point shown as corner b7 stephen Woody set a 4" post in a mound or atones scribed :r • w. No. 2, Corner 4 A 24" stooping chestnut blazed and scribed B.T.Jt'r'h No. 2, Corner 4, bears s. 49-00 E. •16 . chain distant; thence 1 s. 7'1-46 E, 1?.74 The place or be­ginning, containing 59,00 acres. (Tract) BEGINNING at corner l, a point beside a 36" chestnut 209•a stump and a 3" chestnut sprout, shovm as plaoe ot old corner by Stephen Woody, The 3" chestnut sprout blazed and scribed J • w. Corner 1• A 14" chestnut bl~,ed and soribed B .• T1 J.w. Cornel" 1 1 bearss. 64•00 w ••. 23 chain distant; thenQe, s, 9 .... 06 w. 2?. 96 Rough li,ork flows north• eas-t 44.41 Corner 2, a point at intersection of marked bounda:ry lines set a 4" post in a mound or stones scribed J * w., corner 2, A 10" birch blazed and scribed B.T.J.w. Corner 2 bears N, 36•00 w •• 30 chain distant; thence, N. 69-01 E. 24e57 Corner 3, a point not marked; thence, N. 8-36 E. 14.00 Small stream flows west 32.00 Sme.ll -1- stream flows west 42,23 corner 41 a 15" hemlock ""~· blazed and scribed J", . w •. Corner 4, 150 ohalna northea•t or a branch A 16" ht~nUock blazed and sor1be4 B·. ·r.J .w. Corner 4, bears N•. 3-30 E, ' ,.31 oha:ia distant; thence s. 72-48 w.' ao.M RoUgh Fork flows north 23.61 The plaoe of beginning, containing 92,.ll Aore•h. t" ., . . . Affiant further states that 1. H •. woody and those under whom lle claims, ·, to wit, A.. · L·· woody, L• . a .. Weloh, s.- L• . WoQdy and Johnathan :s: •. woo4y, have been in the open• continuous, notorious and adverse possession ot said lands1 under known and visible metes and bounds, for a period ot thirty years end more; o.u ltivating. same, taking timber and f1rewoo4 therefrom, pasturing same~ and making· suoh other uses of said lands as they are susceptible of; affiant further states that he has never heard of any controversy- as to the title or to the possession ot any portion· of the above de$ori bed lands;~ 4~ sworn to and subscribed before me . 1929~ My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 -2- 613 Page ................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAR OLIN A, -~~~-~~~-~~---···········--COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO JOh.nathan HiWoody AFFIDAVIT. H ., '''ilb --. .......... : .. ~-~-!.:~----·---~~~~---···-······································• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the f()regoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds · oLLf~Nw.~-~~------------------County, in Book.. ........................ , Page .......... ~----------·--··· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abs.tract .hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the· above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as betwe~n adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. S:worn to and subscribed before me, this -:.o;~~ ?!;;t-"'~ ~ --~ 19~IL ./id/.LLt/Z~1'-~----- pot1fy Public. M · · . D~c .• l9th,l9~ 1 y commiSSion expires ....... , ..................... . -:lJ ~ {A) I --------------·----··-'--Y:: ................. ~ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid.", The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current y~ar, .19 .. 3.0:, at $.28 ... 0:1 ............... , in the name ......... jf.!.~.!.J9.Q.4.l ............................ and the taxes for the past ten ye~rs have. been paid or not paid as follows: 19 .... ?.~ .................... .-~A~P. ................................... .................. 19 .. 2.6... . ... : ..... ~.P.A.IV ............................................................. .. ; . 19 .... ~. .. ............. ... ... :P.All.!.. ..................................................... . 19 .. ?'!... . .. \ ... , .. ~Al~ ................................................... :~ ......... . 1L.g_~ ............... ...... f4.l.l? ...................................................... . I9 .. 2.e .. :· .:., ...... , .. PA.t.D .............................................................. . 19 .... ?:~. .. .............. : ... !>AU? ...................................................... . 19 .. ~,~-- .. .......... ~A.l~, ............................................................. . 19 .... ~.5.. PAID 19 .. ~.9.. . ... :.ff.O~ ... PA.IP ........................................................ . ASSESSMENTS Not any LES PENDENS Not arq MECHANICS LIENS JUDGMENTS Kot any Shut G Page .... Ola-.---------------- NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION ,.IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as d,isclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instrum.ents and court proceedings of record affecting th.e same from and including the beginning entry there of has been careft~lly ·examined and noted, and that the foll~wing named owner .. .... : Traota &O. ·and 209a 1.B. WOODY ................ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ' ,. '•' ~ ENCUMBRANCES s, Deed 1n t:ruat t.rom,;r.a. WoodY to Federal Land Bank ot Coluabi& r .. 1ate:red 1a Deed ot 'lruat Book 12. pase 22• • This .... ~-~------····day of ·'·-~P-~~~---: .......................................... 1 19 .. ~~. Address ......... Aahe.Y.1.l.).e .•.... N .•.. _,Q_, _______________ •.....•....... Attorney. 20f" 208 . I \I"' I / 209 209-: 210 211 12 I,X / v 213 I ./ -a. I) 0 /'1 ').A) - J)O • 38 • aa f1elda©60.00 oodland ' lO.OO Jam:.:s Caldwell 155.82 30 aores\oultivatcd land t-50.00 20 acres f iolc: .. pasture; 20. 00 20 aoros .~rasp. · f1 elda ~o.oo 76 nar·es '\.vo~antV' lO.OO G room framed house 3 room h oxed houne barn . S . 'f homas Caldwell 3 room log hou.'le fl':trned bnrn loc nmo}: e hous e 116.18 47.58 20 acres grass tl elU.s~o.oo 27 ac.t•os woodland( 1 ;~ .00 ?homao Cald,·: ell 46.27 ?o/;_.~w?· A\ 1oo.oo I ~'"'$•) • l:K>O.OO 250.00 f1,850.00 1500.00 400.00 1000.00 '160.00 600.00 150.00 300.JO 200.00 100.00 780.00 600. 00 300.00 200.00 1200.00 700.00 125. 0 150.00 ,/,j . ,. 4, 'ilO.OO ' ,; I , . t - 1080.00 ",I..·I ... . ' ' '/ •~ . - 3125.00 480.00 630.00 --~~~~----~- :;oo. oo 1000.00 500.00 990.00 150.00 1!.>0.00 2U.OO aoo.oo 325.00 2690.00 l45o.o:.> ' 6 room f r a r:cd house 1000.00 '.~ arn, crib 8. Smoke houne lOu.oo SprinG House 2l.i.OO 20 acres cu l .. iva tcll :~' ie ldn ao. :j_. 1600.00 8 acres na s ture ' 25.00 200.00 19 U0 1' i; fl I'IOOdland 15.00 275.00 3200.00 ------~----~~~~-- '~ hnrl es ay Caldwell 199.00 6 room f '.r·::•Jed houce 6 a ta.L1 'mrn 4 ;ld log stables ;;moke and can house :; ·rin,.: iiouse 20 ac .·es oultlvated :L'i e l dsC.100. 00 20 uores " " C.GO.OO ,;o :. ores rmstures 25.00 139 n c r cs wood. land • 1 2 .00 aoo.oo 400.0(.) 100.00 100.00 50.00 2000.00 1200.00 500.00 1390.00 J.., ./ . / ; I . .-t - 6540.00 , ' APPfu\ISAL OF CATALOOCHEE PROFERTIES. l•:AP NO. 204 206 206-b 20'7 20'7-a 209 209-a 210 211 I / 0'.7NER ·.;. L 3UTTO:-! HEIRS All .:oodlend l:R :~ . I .CU J:I!7G 48 Acres C'.lltivated land 45 Acres woodland Barn nouse 89! acres woodland D. V;.. C.AJ .. D\'."EJ )L 30 Acres erass l and 20 Acres :ioodlc:1cl Barn Log ~I ouse 12 Acres Bottom land 6 .Acres Upland 1 Dwelling - log Barn JON.A'l'IT .. <,?T ·:;oODY 10 Acres grass fields 10 Acros old fields 39 Acres ;.. o ·Jdlo.nd 14 Acres flut land 20 Acres old field 58 Aores woodland Buildings s. 1 .. ·.:JOD'Y 15 ,,eros olC:: fields 32 Acres ~ oodland ;.;·. ·:oo:F 100 .l.pple trees 25 Acres rollina 1 :md 25 ~ores old fi~l d 66 .Acres Tioodland Buildings . 222 ~ l l \ 10 ;,.ores bottom l and 5 i~cres bottom lend \ 25 Acres Old r ield , 30 Acres old rields '\ 64 Acres r;oodland J\ DWelling house · \ Barn 1 . Can house ' '-----". ' Lea. t house Spring .house and shed Log barn and box house tight plant and garatse .:: ;:10.00 ., 46 .00 25 .00 ~ 15.00 ;~' 3~5. 00 20.00 0125.00 20.00 ,j 20.00 10.00 20.00 (:100.00 20.00 15.00 10.0:) 1:).00 ' 1-0.00 20.00 l5 .0J : l :JO.OO 100.00 40.0:1 25.00 '· 10.00 - 1 - ACRES .AMO.' ~TT 48.45 Y3.02 2208 .00 1125.00 100.00 100.00 1335.00 50.38 1050.00 ·400.00 200.00 200.00 18.60 1500.00 120.00 100.00 200.00 50.38 20 0.00 100 .00 '780.00 02.11 1400 .00 400.00 870.00 2000.00 46.74 150.00 ·180.00 11G.l8 200.00 1000.00 500.00 ~ 90.00 310.00 "\. 1500.00 \ 500.00 \ 1000_.00 \ ?~D;OO ' 640.00 $.5oo.oo 10.00.00 · 2~00 10 00 100. 0 3oo.o'o 410.0'0 ._>1-85 .oo / v )3533.00 1335.00 .)4868.60 ' ~/ ,;1850.00 v 1920.00 )3770.00 ..,--.- --- 1080. 00 J// ':1:6'70.00 .';5?50.00 _,/'/ ,;630 .• 00 / - . .(;..'"-· · .:·3000.00 \ / \' . \ / \ f \ I \ i ; ; ,:10, 000.00 MAP NO. OWNER ACRES AMOUNT 48.45 ·-., ' . 206 MRS. L KIN 93.02 1 / / 207 2-room o Log b 23 acre cultivated land @ $40.00 25 acre6 field pasture @ 25.00 45 ac~s ~Odland . @ 15.00 i TAX VALUATION $695.00 @ t .<_. oo $ 100.00 100.00 920.00 625.00 675.00 _'l'1 f'--' " • ,"1-~c..,.,..U / i -( J.·--.. -:..:~ . !_ a -~/~·- ~~~~li~ ~·. / -.., ) ·1 l t ~1!,.. (. ~-~ - ~ ':·;!.-l .__.: .: ~ ~ D. W. ciALDY:'ELJ. ( 2-room log ~ou~e 25 acres gra~ fields 25 acres woo~\and ' ' .' \ TAX VALUATIO!'{i (Se~Tract ( i 50.38 @ $60.00 @ 10.00 no. 207a) 100.00 1,500.00 250.00 +i-S" 10 acres bott l d @ 100.00 1,000.00 8 acres field woodland . 160.00 :$ 485.00 2,420.00 I,O{,f '.t}/) / 2-tf/ ~ -- -- --- --- -· ..3, ¥ S' J' .o 0 1,850.00 .1'; _,., i ,_.,. I r ~· .. , ....... c . . r " :;·!11 <:.) ~ - - 207a D. W. CALDWELL ·~ 18.60 y/ Barn 200.00 .. >/ Log house ./ \, _l::.O;;:;.;O:;..;•::..;:O;.;:O:...._.:.l.z.•4.::.:6:.:0~·:..::0:..::0_ -'~- . _ T~ VALUATION ' $1, 050':..~.0 to~ 65 acres. /1 (/•j ) .. ' . ··- ,. ; ,. .· ........ (' .) /_ ... , ... ~ .. 208 \ .TMID!:S. CALDWElL \ / 30-acres culti~ted land /@ 20 acres field P¥ ture / ® 25 acres grass f~'lds / @ 76 acres woodland \ / @ 6-room framed house ; ' 3-room boxed house \ Barn /\ 155.82 50.00 20.00 60.00 10.00 TAX VALU.ot'riON l -. ~320.00_ / . ·" ..,.. :· \,..._ t~:··.r..." i~'/' 'L· .::,)._ ,. ''\ , :-::-:~ ~~·c ... . ' J' i · (,- ·;· ··.· { .'j~{).t_• (;t""-...., - _e.r «·'( •¥" ~( 209 209a L /; jl /r .· f..' JONATPJu:i WOODY 10 acre~~s fields 10 acres ol~~~ds 39 acres wqpdland \ \ 59.38 @ 20.00 @ 10.00 @ 20.00 l .TONATP.AN i'iOODY 92.11 G acres f],at lap.d @ 100.00 6 acres c tiv ted land-@ 50.00 20 acres old f lds @ 10.00 GO acres wood _nd ~ 20.00 ?-room frame ouse Barn and j TJr g house TAX VALUaTI~ $2,090.00 / 1,500.00 400.00 1,500.00 760.00 600.00 150.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 780.00 5,210.00 I ,I,'( ' . ..,. 1,080.00 600.00 300.00 200.00 1,2oo.oo 4-1 r? Y 700.00 .:1;::.2;::..5: _;0• ::-.;:0:.,._;::.3.z.;1, :.:2~ Bryson Cipy,H.C. Oct.~d,I928. .. s.hevillc, ]l oG. Mr.Sloan a sked ne to mail you list of ·r... • .. .·i. .'·. t \ (I Catalo~ohee . \ h .ve bern c.O!'lputed.The \O:ith e.rel.1.S :f'ollJWf!:- I • • ;{f."'' .! .-_:.:·.:-.. -. J . r.~.C a lch'H• ll. o o •.••.•••••.• o • . • 0:· .15 .nci'f'>!'l · · C " 8 94 ,.~ n · ' . . . • • J.J 0 !1£: • . • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " .. -,-~ ~; ~ .. · ~ald w All ~cho ~l Lot ••• o••········ 2.!6 ~ \ = .. _. '/ . I.: .(;\<.tton Heirs •••••••••••••• oi7.4! '' · : .·_.. 1\:e.ri. :::.h J.~. ;_>alJner •.• o • o •••••• o • • 6 7. 24 : ~rs.Lou King tract ~ ! •.. . ~.o•• 9 ~.02 II If tf f! .~! 2 o o o o o o • o 23 • 5 7 . •I:."i.(~a.ldwcll tr:..:; t T (hOI~. e) • • • I8.GO ·. n " ' ' · 2 • •••.•••• 50.~~8 -· ·: .. ,_ Jomes Caldwell ...... .... .......... !55. 82 _ ·· · Jor~nathan :.voody ,.: I ••.... .. .. o 92.-II ' · ! n t~ ••••••••• • • 59.,38 ~~ · .... i".~rs . ~-~ . 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Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).