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Cataloochee tract 206b: Lou Palmer King


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • s -fl3'· 19 ·.w: ..>~ "i'-1 N ~5~..Jcw, t; z ;z. SMOKY MTN PARK MHSL.OUkiN6 THAcr ' , 8'1./2 · Ac-HE.S SCAJ.E I ":=ZO CHAIN~ \ \ ' ,. _,. DISQRI.Prl ON OF ?Hi ~· OFf'SB ;ms. LOtJ ltDiO ~f (206-1).) ~':1.~::, :·:~~ ~::t!'rra'-;,!0i!;~·~=:;:-:.o. AU -~ i.n th1a 4oaortP'1on •ro tu~ troa -. ~ . ... _. .... . """""t.,:..v4.:.;r. ~, •.•,u .o~ .u. ... ~~· tlu· ·· ~~ .~..~. 4.; .,...... .- ;. . ·. ..•..•. ~-e~--~..-.. '-"""~"' ·4.-U O· 1u1or..a..c. ...U....... -~~ at Col'n$r l.• -. s2• lbtte celt• trta o14 ar-lc8 aM. dbetsMo, on a bil.UMe, oad 1.,:so e:b1tna north f# .a bmacl, ~ and. 30!'1bed L.:?. 1; 1l.'h!1}nee, s. 42.-68 :;. Come:~' e, a cD.lstmt~ etvrl;P w1th mtneeaes1 1.00 oll'lin B(A\* ot G bJilmO-h,. Set a e~tnut poat sonb$l :r..:P,. a. a 221' •~•' bsd a. '5-oo w •• a oh& 1ll di:tt«nt., 'bl&H<l ad at:r1bf»> JhT. t..P. a; 3.FJ$ corer 3 , • 2&" nooa,nut .ook ti th old m :rka tm<1 trltneat~e.a, b~ nnl oor1t"'4 L• ~"• 6i Th~ne.e. a.. Sf'"'()? a. a.os Cosn• 4, a 34." lennila6 obee'tnut with old .tl.lrktl tm4 nt- !:f~ t~P~·~ a1• of a SMU hou.r.1 '16:~ 4\td · Ttumoe s. &7-ol E. c~rtutr· a. a 22" buelteJO nth old t tle:t'!ta em 111\nesaea, 1n • hOUO\t 1 bla.lad .and scl"iWil L.v. G. · A &• bellWOOd bean ii«IUJt .. 30 atulin db!ts•. 'bld04 EUI4 aot:1be4 :&.T.,L,..P• Ot :rno.- $ .- 41•lt w. e-.41 cH,.metJ e. a po!nt m th w ttMo.a. set a • hoatnu"tf ;> J8t ao:-1~ t.._P. &, An 19• ema-ut be.on Ttl. 10.-oo E •• oa mu·un 4ta,ant, bl~ aa4 eor1bo4 a. r .t.P. 6; ~e N. U-01 w. s.u A ac•,au baach :rton uoJtllwat ••• 1 ••• ••• :=.:& :ti::r.::-=='= :=: ~.1~ o14 Th~Ot s. 59.o,l •• c.,._. s. a e• all\ with ~H)JtMI' . ~b, . bet4to en oU hllAta t:h9fJttml1 'b:laaA ant $Cl"1W L.P. s, A lf• apl.e ~ StJUt.~et •30 o}ll1n i lutant, b~ fJJ:tl. SU1Mi B.!.t..:~. e; ~•• s.f•lB s. ~. . . e,. .• .D.·•.. . .... .~ . .•. O..h · . .s.a. o.u • ....l· .'··k···a .4.. 1.·· .· 00 ·e·.·21aln .aCN1h .- .• a ....,_"l.·1· ... _ ....... ·t... ..._, .., _ _..,. ~..,.A ._....,.,__ '~'. ~~. ;n Vii. ""' .,_!ail>,.. . ..,., ..,. .,.~, ~~U.~ - v. _. ,..,~ . w• ~ • ·•• A 1$• 1moDJe . ·~. $ . t;O-QO ~ •• 21 ohain ilia,ant, ~a ~u• Ml11'"-ael ll.?,.t .,lt .• 1; i""utltw:G, s •. 4$•.11 w • ~ ·~~ flow ao~hwst oo_., lC• a ~" \' J.oeust ~t t.h oome" ~~d.t s, ~,., a cheataut r~~ tJed .b$4 L.P. 10., A u• wld.te ul.aut, ~., s. zo·-oo : . .15 ew1as dta~t. ll-1_., an4 t!Cl"ibe4 .n.T.L.P .• 10; Tho•·• s. St.,.'& w. ~ . .· . . . . y Comtl' 11, a 10111 401\4 o~atnu.t with oJ.d mtlr!m QM •lt• neaea o.n top « Den. t OJ' iile~:r Pen ) il1~, It\ a cbitstnut ffQ8t eelZibd L.P. 11, A s• ohoo'tml" t4Jiilh •~•t .• o-e en~.n iiaant, bl4ae4 Cl'l4 :aor-l\:'44 i.1'•L•Pt UJ . 'f:ileat$ J w. 21 -lS '• C(;~. l' l!t t\ 14" . t'Ul~.· s~!N' With ol4 COin.· ttr Enl"·~· . · .. 1 on top. • t:~t ~. 1U4GG $~th rJt • k1101h, 'b~ and IUU."'1~ t..P. 12, . ' A, 2\l0 ohee1aau.t be~$ south .oo \lba1.n !l1stant.\ b<!llz.04 and eelr'lbe4 a.'l.t.l.,. l&f \ 'rb.cnao ti• 6•12 S. . ) .A. '0" botMll tMt4ft s. 30-60 a •• zs eh&l:n 411tant. bl.a.zed and •orlbd.t lhTtL•?• a.~ i'h-.oaN2t« "· c:omu l,,e.n o14 box ol4or etUI'Ilp at erad ot a ~ bound- 11'111 ll!let - set e 4• omatDut voat stJrl.btd L.? . l4J Tht)MO S., 8'1*05 A• T:raot No • 20f>....b l• The first convoyanoe for oonsiderat.ton, herei:u io a deed trom. .;Tames Ih I&ve to Robert Boyd• .o.on-veying 100 ao;rea, without min• $ral re$ervat:t.on. otll.e:r than 11 1.860" • r.rhe d•ed is regular in form but bea:rs no date It is properly e:ll:ecuted. and acknowledged. Re• corded in Book ''H" at Pa&O 372 • recgrds of I!aywood Count y .. see page .;-') .f-" of this Abstract • 2. We ~e unable to find any further conveyance of record aftect; this t:ra.ct until in 1922• • at tha t time, in a proceeding pending in the Supe;J:'io;r Court of Haywood County., N, c • ._ in which Jo:Q.n Boyd et al.,, were :plaint:J.i'f~ vs, Maggie E. Ma.rsball et al., defend~ts, R. T, Bcyd1 Oommisei.oner, ~:ported to the Court that, :PU4"~wm t to an order of the Cow;t d:l.:t"Et9tin.g :bim sp to do 1 he had sold the tract herein, containing *'l.OO a<lres moi~e or leea"''"to Ml'"8• Lou l'al.lJ$:r - J. F. Palme~ fol' the sum. of $535.71 for 3/7 undi v1de4 -5.- · UB.d~ · aat~ ·· .Gii' JaauapY . .a.., 1922--r th& G.a:u;art .. m&dc$ · &:n ·GPd&J.L ... ·-·-··· .. oo~~i:tl8 thE;t aal~ re:pQrt~d as aoove s·tate4 end tbe sat d CQmmi ~eioner to a:$ec:rute a deed theJ;'efor. (See p~& rfi.) 2 ot this Abstract). (For :f'U.rtne~ plead:tnes ln the aboVE) P:roceedi~ §t1e Analysis and abstract of the D,t.Boyd. 'l:'ra(;rb, page:;s 2-;tS>- to .;!P.::t . herein} • ~ ~. J. · 4, P\lrauant tQ the eooV$ ~~de1" 1 :n. T. Boyd, Oe>mtl1.1sJ1oner 1 executed a de_.d to Mre. Lou Pallll$r and J, F • . Palm~r, showing that in t~ p:!l'Qoeedi:ng entitl.ed n.L.BoJd, lhG •. t1..Love, Magg~.e E. MS.J!'eball et al.u Ex Pa:rrte, he vms di~toted to e~ell. "the intereust that the eaid . 558 parties Uad in the land as berE;inatter described, as heirs a.t law ot Robert Boyd, deo6)ased" • The deed turther shows that the Ml'CB. Lou Palmer end a. F. Pal.~r "became the last and h1g}\$8t bidder for said land a gi vi:ng the sum ot $714.29 for the interest o:t the heire ot Robert Boyd t deceased; and giving the sum ot $635.71. for the int­e: r•st ot the beil;'Q of w~cr•a.B.Boyd, deceased; and that both bids had beQU reporte.d to tb.e court and conf:Ltmed. This deed is properly exeeuted1 aoknovr led~d and recorded in Book 61 1 70 • records of HaywoOd Colmt7• It contains t~ folloWing "By this deed the party ot the first part oonveys to Mrs • Lou Palmer a one•halt' undivided interest e.nd to J". F. Palmer a one•half undivided interest". 5• J. F, Palmer died, intestate, leaving one child who inherited his interest, Howewr. the child has, since, died; thus leaVing the estate ill its entirety to Lou Palmer (now Lou King} • his mcrtQ.e~. v '-.) v- Page .............. ---'············ ·····-· ···· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Sig-ned As Acknowledged Vil!4L.HILLXARD end w. L. ll!LLLiRD P. W._ EDWARDS ; S.GJJJifL, L. LOVE1 S.AM.•L. L • . LOW subscribing wttnesa. -E'Xecu tors JOHN A. SMI'lli and his heire 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... D.eed----------·······-·····---·-·--- -····· 2. Date of Conveyance .. -t};o.2Q.l8!1-9---··························· 3. Is it properly executed ......... yeS--······· ············----·--·-····· 4. Date of Entry and No ............................... ......................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowleclge<C-.S-•0-.--·-·-·---······ 6. Acknowledgements, regular Y-&S·····--····· ··'···············-·-···· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... - .. J-:fO---··············· 10. Was· privy exah1ination of wife taken .......... -_,. .......... . 7. If irregular,. copy in full on back. ..... ........................ .... .. 9. Date of acknowleclgement ... l,2•30-J.£l85 ...... . 12. Was order _of pro~ate c~rrect. :·Yea·· ··· ·· ·· ···_··· ······ ·-······· 14. Date of filmg for recoid .. l2.•5lM.la85 ................ . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... ..................................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ............ : .. No-------··- ·····-· ····-------- ·-··--·····-------···· 15. Book ........ ltVJ' ......................... Page ... ·---272-----------······· (b) power to convey ..... .... y-es ....... : ................................ . for ..... Ha:ywo.()cl.. .................................... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions .t ... mine.ltal ... ... w.ith mining .... pri.vilege.s ... reser.ved---··········· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) -·T-0--HAVE- .t\:ND···TO---HOLD·-·the··-e.-f-or-esaid·-·-tr-ac-t-··O:f····lanc!l···· ·---·--·---w1t-h---th&---pr-1-VilefY3S--'l-cas --th&r-eto--b&lon.ging---un.-to---·1i·ne------· ............ said ... .rQb.n .. Jj, ...... Sm1-th--anl---h1.S---lleir-s,--to----the1r---ODlY---wi&---and----beh<l01!--········-·· (c) against encumbrances -------NO-······--·············-·-·-- ······ (d) against claims of all others .. N-0---·--·- ··-········ -·-········· --· ··-··- -t'-airE:rve-r.---···· ·····-··---····-·-·-·······-- ·-·····---····-----·--·------····-· ·- ···· -·---· --·· ····-···· -·--------········ ····------------------------··········-····· ·.-·····-------··--------·····-···· Exact Description of Property KNOW ALL MU.l'l BY 'reESE PRESENTS; Tbat 1 VIHE:£1EAS 1 J'anes R. LOw -was seized of large tracts ot land oomnx>nl.y called " t1on Land B" lying and be 1ng 1n the Co~ties or '!encyf Madison_,,. Haymod and Jackson; and, VI.HERF..AS , the said .James R ~ Love mde and published a last Will and testament in wri tine; and appointed William t., Hill• tard and SatQ.UeJ. L. Love, acting executors vtho q~alUied and toolc upon. themselves the ~eu tion the reot, and the said James B • t.ove sold many tracts of said land to different persons and authoriz~d lUli j~Sid executors to continue sales of sa :til lend and to make titles; NOW 'IREREFORE ~ at c., t BI!UINNING on a euga:r tree Qn south a1 de of said Creek, aDd tben running s. ol w • 176 poles to e. stake; then s. 29 E,, 90 po1es, to a stake i then N. 61 E., 178 poles to a st~e 't then _ N., _ 29 w • ~Q poles te the begillllillS, containing 100 ac:res more or les-s .. Shut B , .1 VV Page ...................•......... ...... ....... NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged JOHN A.SMI'lli and JO.flN A• SMI'lH JOHN A. SMI'IH SARAH SMl'lH, b1s SARAH ·SMI'm SARAH SMI'm wife z. R. PA.lXIm 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... De.e.d. ........................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... 2.~~~.leB.2 ............................. .. 3. Is it properly executed ......... y,ea ................................. .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... .T •. P . ................ .. 6, Acknowledgements, regular .Ye$. ................................ .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back., ....... , ........................ .. 9. Date of acknowledgement..2~.l.~-J..~ ........... .. ....... .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... Yaa ........................ . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... Y0.4J. .............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. .... .. Yes ........................................ .. 12. Was order of probate correct ... Yes .............................. .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .... Ye.B. ....................................................... .. 14. Date of filingr:or record.~2~1~~~ ................... .. 15. Book .......................................... Page ....... : .......... ............... . (b) power to convey .. Yes .............................................. .. f or ........ Hay:YIO.od ................................... County. (c) against encumbrances ... Y.e.S .................................. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... Yes ........................ .. or restrictions ...... N.o ........................................................ . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. TO .. .H.AVE ... A.ND .... TO .. HOID ... tb.e. .... abP.V~ ... &r.ant.Q.4 ... P.r..QlU$. ... 1 ........ . ............ to ... the. .... ... J ..... R .•... J?.al.m.r .... and .... b1s .... he.1r.e. ... and ... a.B.I.1!ns ..... to ... h1a ........... . ............ and .... their ... onl.¥-... us,e. .. .and ... beh.oar .... .t' .... ......................................... :··-........................................... .. Exact Description of · Property Lying am being . on both sides ot the Spruce Pine Branch,waters ot Cate.looch~e 1 . a t:ert ot the a.toresa1d Smith t s old tract, Bl!GINNING on seoon'l corner of his old tract• on a stab r tmn.oe :running south 29 East 90 polee to a s1:nke J thence North 61 East1 runni~ with this line. to a stak'e vmere Smith and Palmr llae mad a additional linet thenoe runn1m with the additional line, eross1ng the aforesaid branch, to Sm1th•s t1rst line to a s taktft then oe running South 61 Wee~ to the beginning, containing 50 aeres more or le.sJJ. Shut B Page .... ~! _ !:)} __ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ :r •:R • P Al.W!R ant\ J • R. ·P.u.MER POLLY i;NN PALMER J. R. PAlMER ~.. POLLY ANN PA'wml POLLY ANN PAL11ER (,!! ~----------------------~-----------------------7----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... l)eed ........................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ~O~l.~~E393 ....................... . 3. Is it properly executed ...... ~eS ..................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before 'vhat Officer acknowledged .. .J.,P .................... . 6. Acknowledgements, regulaYetJ. ................. ...... : ............... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .......... ......... ...... ......... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ... Yes ............................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... l()'!'t2J.•l893 .............. . 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife takenYeS ................. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........................................ ..... .......... . 12. Was order of probate conect ...... Ye$ ........................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of fi ling for record .. 3!!!2J..!I!!l89.f;L ................. . (a) of seizin ..... N-0 ........................................................... . 15. Book ........ {).. ............................. Page ... 358 .................... . (b) power to convey ...... N.O ............................................. . for ........ .Hay.wo.od ................................... County. (c) against encumbrances .NO ........................................ . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... :feGJ ........................ . or restrictions ... ........ .. NO .................................................. . 17.. Habendum clause (Quote . fully) .. '1'.0-ll~Y£ .. .A.ND ... TO . HOLD. ... t() .. him. tlle .... sa¥\ .... J .• F •. J?.almer.,..... · ...... hi.s .. lla1r~s ... t$.d ... assigJUt.for.e:H.X' ... wi .. th ... all. ... th.e .... pri.Vilege& ... tuld ... appur.ta.nan ... ...... ces .... ... belongit!,g.; ... .and. ... tl:J;l .... said ... .r.a •.... and ... Po-ll1---Anu ... l?a.~----OOV.enan' ..... that. ... tb~.r ... nll .. _wgr~n.t ... ,e.n.d .. a.tte..n4 ... thQ ..... t1t.l.Q .... to .... the. .... saut. .. asa,1.nat .... tla ...... elaims o:r all :persone t4lt>maoever •· Exact Description of Property On the we. te:tls of Ca taloOC'hee creek and bounded as tollows,, on the Spruee Pine BI'mlOht Bm INNING on a st·ake on or neel" the top of a hill on the spruce ;rldg$ in tlle old line of the Jno.,A. Smith land and with said line along top ot ridge to J .R.Paimt'lts line to a stake corner ot J' . H.Palmer-' s land which he bought. of Jootes Slnith1 thenoe a south course 9Q P,- to a stake in lke of Smith old l~na; theneo I'h 61 E• w:tth said line to a deep hollow to a stake; then dO\:"'Jl said hollow to the head of a small drain near a ten ce; then a st rai gb. t line to the mouth ot a tlraint then st:re.~ht to the beginning corner., 35 ae~s .100 :re. at" leas. Second Tl'a9;tt :BEGINNim on a stake in line ot Smith o.Ja tract• near tOp of spruce ridge; then. s .• 29 E.9o P. to a stake; then tr .• 61. E. vd th said line to a stake in a. d1 visional l~ne; then with the d1 V1 sione.l line crossing a bra nab to fir st. line of Smith. old lend to a stake; then S • ol W •: to the beginning • Containing 50 acres more or 1e sa. S!tat B v-- Page ................... • ... .. .... ....... ...... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged [; JOliN A, SMITH and ~ SARAH · Sr.llTII 1h1s JOBN .A • SM!'!H SARAH SMITH Jom~ A., SMI'm SARAH SMITH , f \*lite ~~--~~----------------+-----------------------~----------------------- ~ J • W., WARD and .! ; EMILY 0_. WMDthis -:s wife 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... D!!t&.cl ...... , .......................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ~~5~1BStL ........................ . 3. Is it properly executed ...... Y.ea ........ , ............................ . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... J •. F ................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ........ Y.Q$............................ • 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .. .. , ...... ,., .................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement.J)."".l4-ool.eae. .. . ......... ... . 8. Did all grantors ·acknowledge ............... :Yea ................. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ......... Yea ........ . 11. Did officer affix SeaLYeS ....... ........................... ....... .... . 12. Was order of probate con-ect ... yg ............................. .. 14. Date of filing for record.-3-21..,.1-89$ .................... . 15. Book .............. 6 ......................... Page.:: .. ~:S55 ................. . for .................. Uww.W. .......................... courity. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ..... N~L ......................................................... . (b) power to convey. ..N....o.. ..... ........ .......... ................. .......... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or n;strictions 1f ... minel".a-l- --1nte~e.s~---·······-- (c) against encumbrances N.O ........................................ . (d) against claims of all others ..... Yes..: ...................... . . . .res.e.rv.ed. ................................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully).'fO: llll.VE .. Alm ... TO .H.OID .. the ... sd,4, ... J" . .,M.-~a~d-:-tmd-·-·W-U'e, .... . ............ bim ... a.~d .... b.i.e ... .e ... md ... as.s1Sll$. ... f .or.e:m.r._ ...... F.ur't.bel:"JJIIr.e., .... the .... eaU ... J ..• Att·· ........... Bmitll .. ,d0at.h .. ... and ... detend ... the .... .. .and----1nte~eet--- -1a---th•·· ............ l~d .... and .... llr.~ses .... ab.o.-m .... des.or.1be.d ... :tr:ee ... 8lld ... olear ... ... the. ............................. : ... . &tnlPfttt!ila,aililf ..· lawtully claiming the same. i ot · ·. · · · · · ~:la~~~cnptwn of Property Si tua ttt en the Spruce Pine branch ·on the wa-tsrs or Oata looahe~ creek; boUIIded as follo.vs:• BEGINNING on a stake on said Sm1_tb. 's first line• on or ·near the t .op or the hill on the spruce ridge above Smth ttel.d and running &l with the sa,M line to J.:R.,Palmer•s line to a stake• being· the Oerne:r ot P~r's lruldi thence Southerly• With a additional line ot SIIIith's and Paltmr's; 90 pQles to a stake in Smitll's line; thence North 6l East Vd th said 11ne to a deep hollow on the side of the Fork mountain, to e. stake; thence dolltlt down said hoUo\f to the head or a anall drain near Smith fence; thence a straight line to the mouth of a cb."a1n; thence a straight line to the beginning, oorner, 35 aol"es more or less. Shut B .U.J. 0 ="...' NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed J • Mw .WARD l!:Ji,O:LY WARD As Acknowledged J. Mt WARD EMILY WARD ~~--------------------~--------------------~--------------------- UJ ~ J • R. PALMI!R .;.. ~L_--------------------~--------------------~--------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ........ ~d-----·-··· · -···················-···--·· 2. Date of Conveyunce.ll-lS..l$Sfl .......................... .. 3. Is it properly executed .. Y.e&--·-··-········--··---····---·····--··-··· 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged . .J'.,p ..................... . 6. Acknowledgements, regulatyes:····-----............ : ............... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................................. .. 9. Date of acknowledgemenL.lli!!tl'•l.SS5 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ..... y-ei:l----·----------------------- 10. Was privy examination of wife taken:.y,.s .............. .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ........ ........................... .................... .. 12. Was order of probate correct... .. Yea. ........................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ... .N.O .......................................................... .. 14. Date of filing for record-5•21•1895--------------, ...... .. 15. Book ....... e) ................................ Page.-366---------------------- (h) power to convey.NO .................................................. .. for ....... H.ay.v,o.Qd .................... : ............ : .. county. (c) against encumbrances .. }~() ...................................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all ............................ .. or restrictions i --Of---mtnea --GX-Ce-pte4 ....... .. 17. Habendum clause . (Quote fully)fO. . &"\l'E· ·AND· --!.ro -!lOU)- --the--·-sai(l----J-•·R11Pttlmer-*--:·nati--·111s--· .......... heU_tJ. .. anfl ... ass1~---to:r:•ve~•---·-·---~tbe~e,-- --th•-··sai-d·· ·1·•·M··VlaN--·4Q·U-------··· ........ war..- 1 ."' 8._ J J.t.~.an_d ... 4e:r_ : _• ·4_:---t· he_ ._. •. :r~. s_.-_•h. )-1-t_i..• - t·l_ _.e _.•- ·----&·lil_----it~te_r-et!t_----1 -n- -1ih&--·l·snt1.---__e a:----pft- ......... ... ab.ove ... 4~s-~be.4 ... ~m: ... m.JJ5eli-t----1.1.11-·he1r-s ..., ... ,laWfull7--·-&l-aim• 1AS the sam.t:h it the ~Des excepted. · Exact Description of Property ·Bl!.n-INliOO on a stake on John A. Smith • s 1'1:r$"t line on or nea:r tbe top of a hill on t~ sPtuce l'idg$ abOve Smith field; thence running Wast, . "With ;3a:ld line, to J' •• R ~ Fa~~ts to a stake, being the o.o:t.tler ~t _Pf .l.lm~~· s land; _t henoe south~utly'" wi tll a c::oad it1o~al. l1;.n~ '1 ·$mit h' s land; _ thence NElltth 61 East mtl\ saj.d line to- a deep bellow o:n. the side of the fork mountain to a stake 1 tb.."noe &>n $.aid h'Ollow to t.he head of a small ~a*.n neu a h1ckol7t then~ a $traight line _ to tlle mouth ti1t said "ain; thence a st:ttaight line to tbe beginning corne:rJ containing 55 acres :more -C!Jt' less • Shut B ."s' = .".' NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Si.gned w. D. SMITH N. J, E. SMI'IH As Acknowledged vr. D., SMI'l'H N.J' ~~------------------------~-------------------------7----------~------------ 1. Kind of Conveyance .......... J)e$4, .................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance .. ~!i!!9!1!1'1ea9 ................................ .. 3. Is it properly executed ...... :Yes .................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No .............. : ........................................ .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... J'\•pj,········ ......... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular -----Yea\····························· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ................. ............... .. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. :tee .................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... 1•&-lEJS9 ................... . 10. wa~ privy examination or wife taken ....... Ye•----------- 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........................................................ . 12. Was order of probate correct ... Ye&-····························· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin --Yell------·-···························-············-··········· (b) power to conve~ ... Y.e.S .............................................. . ~:: ~:~: ~~--u~--~~~--~~-~~~~:::::~;~~~~~:::::::::::::: fo1· ............ H.€17:WO..od ............................... County. (c) against encumbrances Ye&-···································· (d) against claims of all others .. YeS---·-·'····················· 16. Does de:d _ contaf ~Y special limitations, provisions or restnctions -'i--~---~-r~----~XO~.pte4 .......... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote_.fully)'I'O .. :HAVE· -AND--.-T-0-HOW---the --ator--eeaid----tr-acHi···Q-;L"···pal'Oel· .......... of ... l.and···and .. al.l ... ;pri'V'Ueg.e.s .. elld. ·.a.p:purte.~-ea ... the.reto.---lleloqlJia---to---:the .......... sd4. ..w .• :o •. smt:o~,, ... :tw1rs: .. qd. .. .ase1gna.., ....t %).;rever-.., ... t.o---h1s---a-nd---th•1r---•llly---·· .. .......... us•--~---'belleq.t.--t~•ve:r-•-------·-·- ···············-····-------------·-·-·-·-···---··--········ ······--: ............. :··:·············-'······--········ Exact Description of Property BEG:INNIWG on a sugar tree on. t he south B1de et W,d creekt tbenee :running south 61 \Vest to ftd &110m ttee at Ward fs cornerJ thence, w11;h "W~i•s 11ne to tb$ spntce branoll, thonce ~» the b:rdeh tc> the lll&Uth -of a dit~h at a . .-take; . theate1 w1tu the b:rauh to r~•Nolana.. •s sout~at co:r:u r. at a etake; thence No rill 61 E, to Bnd.1tL tourth o0rne:r to a stake;t:nenoe to 'the besinn1!16t containt~ 25 or 30 aQJfea n;.o~e or less .. Sllett B 65 . . . 5 . . - ~ Page .................... : ...................... :' : ;~~ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION .\ _, .. ABSTRACT OF WILL 1. A verbatin copy of that part of the will affecting the lands abstracted is required. 2. Set forth in detail all items of the will bequeathing money legacies, or placing any specific ·charge upon the land, and following abstract of the will, give all proof contained in the record of the payment of such legacies, and the satis­faction or removal of such charges. 3. A detailed outline of all petitions, orders and decrees relating to the estate from the time of probate of will and qualification of executor until final discharge, must be shown. 4. Such excerpts from the probate proceedings must be shown on this and immediately following pages, and in chronological order. 5. Always show whether or not testator left a widow, and show that her dower right has been barred by acceptance of a devise in lieu of dower, by participation in a division of the estate or in some other manner. (f, l.• }'A,l.I,IEI! :: :::: of.,Il ~~~~;::;;!~~! ~:~ 3. Date probated . . ...............................o ~!o ..m....m.... .,o. ..n... .................................. . Testator 4. Co_mmon or vt:mx;or~ifji·r··:···T·~··'·ii·····orao·e·········· s. W1tnesses .. 11.~··--r:·~···-pen;'lanl··--···--····--··--·····--·······--·····'-······· ··· ··· ·····························--··· ······· ·········· ··· ·····y·········· ·· --···························· ·· · 6. Is attestation clause correc~,? ·····i'\··~_···········_i!'i··--······c·············. P b t d b f R • J!.·• v8uy;~.·ne .v .s • . • 7. ro a e. e ore .J\me···e······ltlO·········"'·'·········'··'·········· :~ g~::~~~!·::~~~~~ to MARY WOODY Devisees. 12. Book ......................................................... Page ................................... . 13. Inheritance taxes paid ......................................... '! ............................ . 14 . A ny con d1•t •1 ons or reserva t"1 ons m• W"l II?• ..........N...O.... ...••....... ....•...••..• 15. Has will been contested? ...... ~~-·-·····················---·················· 16. 'Has will been construed by court? .......... ~9. ................................ . * l want . 't:rJl{ !le:ughte~ Man Woody • . to baw $150.()0 out ot -~ c~s--c1al _ Bank and r.LLS) the Smith plae~ joining t~ J. r. ~r IJlaoe. * * * All c<1ses and authorities relied upon to cure any defect in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut D Page ... b .. t?.~·-· ··~······ · · · ·· ····· ···· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ J4ARY WOODr aM MARY 'WOOD't M.A1tr WOODY ~ €J ... LtWOODY 1 ~). hush.~ s . L ~ VIO®l' S. L"' WOODY ~~~~=-~· · ------· --------~-------------------+------------------- riJ =."3.:': " L-------------------~-------------------L-------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... ....... l)eed ............ : .................... . 3. Is it properly executed ...... ye&-·····--····--·· ····················· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... Q .•... g., ... Q.,. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .......... ...... .................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... 5-a.-1911··················· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ...................................... ................. .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin --Ye-$·····---·----···--------··························----- ···-­( b) power to convey ... Ye&···---------------------· ·············--····--- (c) against encumbrances YefJ ................................... .. (d) against claims of all others .. y ............................. . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ~8•11JU· · ·········--··· ·····- -------·· 4. Date of Entry and No ....................... : ................................ . 6. A~knowle dgem ent s , regular y.-8 .................................... . s. D1d all grantors acknowledge ...... yea····--------··---------·· 10. Was privy examination of wife takenTes········· ··----··· 12. Was order of probate correct ... Yes······················--···--·· 14. Date of fi ling for record ..... ~l•lt"U-----··----- ----·- 15. Book --------35------·----·--·-·---------- Page.·-5-'f····-·--- ---·-- -- ---·· -­for -- - --·---Baywo-~- ---· -- ----· · --------·------·-·---County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ···N G-·····-- -··· ······--··-- ···················· ·······-- ----- -- 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ·ro···XIA.VE ··:.UID··1'o ··now-- ·tn-e----at'cli'EniJaid···uaot···or--partiel ············t>-'t····ltm.4 .. ·nnd· ·tl:ll-.---~. irt·lse;e • iJ ·a~···al>·pur't_ on_a noe-s_·-t-hel"et.o-·--b e_.101t61_.· ng· •·· ·t9. .... ......... -- -th•---aa~ -.--J ..... F ...... l' -end---Wlte----LCNe----Palm&···th&i;r-···he:h•--ancl--·1ld-- ·ei-$Jl$·t:···to-··th-eb-··Qf11Y···tuttt·a·m ·-'behoot···torew:t•·---··----··-----···---·---···-···---··--·········--·------·------------ Exact Description of Property BlSGllmlNG on a flig~ tree en the south side of 'a14 Ott;•kl 1benqe lr\UliJ.~ S®th _61 west to a 1"6d O:lln 'U-et' at: W~d •s oomer; , · thence wi.tll Wal!d'&ll lllle 1» th~ . $prtte• breinObJ then e& \lJI the branth to ~- *»Uth Qt a ditch • at alee • then ee with the br atoh. to William NO~.,. and•s southeast corner at a stake1 thene:e N.· 61 E • to StU th tourth QOl"n$ir to a staket thence to the beginning; o>ntain!ns 25 or 30 acres mwe or lese. S!teet 8 oo r __ Page .. .......... .' ..................... .. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF MORTGAGE Mortgagor to z. u:. NOLAND Mortgagee . IWtY WOOl>Y NOTE:-In deeds of trust give name of third party. (NORTH CAROLINA) 1. Kind of instrument .. D.eed ... Ot ... Truat ............................... . 2. Date of instrument... .. s-e.l$:U .............................................. . 3. Consideration ~St-00 ................................................................. . 4. Maturity date .1~1.!!!>19.12 ........................................................ . 5. Is it properly executed? .... 'te$ ....... ,. .._. .. ............... . ................. ·.:. . . 6. Date ack"nowledged 5~lJU ............................................... .. 7. Before what officer acknowledged? .... Q.-.s..c.., ........................ . 8. Was privy examination of wife held ?'f:eil ................ .-............... .. 9. Date of filing for record ..... S!!i!l-~l9l.1. , .............................. .. 10. Recorded in' Book ..... ...... t-'-p.t' .................... Page .... 63. .................... . for ...... .............. Haywo.od ... . .............................. County. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title? DESCRIPTION Ol< PROPERTY l3m!N!ttNG em a tll~l' tJ~t" on the s~th $id.e 0'£ o:r~ekJ thence rutlning Swth 61 west to e t-"e4 elm tr~e at WEU-d" s c or :r.e r: tll.e t:tce ~ · w1 t h W~d ,. e line to- th~ S:Pl"'Ue e;1 ln.•an.Ch; thence up the br~ell to t).e mouth_ of a d1teb. at a stake; then.ce- wi tl1 the b~och to W1111anr. Nolend's corn9~t- at a stake; thence Nortll _61 h'ast to_ smith•s fO!n'th corne:r 1 to a ~tallf thEn~ to· <J;be• be~, conta1n1DS 25 or ~o acres ~eo!! lees. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shttt C "~' ="...' Page. .....v...U.....V.. .....·. ................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble AR Signed w. n. SMITH N~ ~- E. SMI'l!i As Acknowledge« w. D .• SMITfl . Nt- z, Et SMI'l'll ~~------------------------+--------------------------T------------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... J).e$4---···· .. ···· ........................ . 3. Is properly executed ..... ~ ---:fes.········ .......................... . 2. Date of Conveyanc~l2~1&88· · ······· ·· .. ················· 4. Date of Entry and No ..................... · .... , ............................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... J :irPt ............... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ............ : ...................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... 1,2-1~168$ .............. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ··¥-68····-............................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge. ~ ....... lf'EUI······· .. · ·--~ .......... . 10. Was _privy examination of wife taken ...... y~e--··· .. ····· 11. Did officer affix Seal... ...... NC,) ........................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 12. Was order of probate correct ....... .. Yd:···· .................. . 14. Date of filing for record .. l.•l4....;...'J.8t<J ..... L ........... . (a) of seizin ----~'f-8$··· ·- .. ····························· .. -................ . (b) power to convey .. l'e&·--··············--.. ·········· .. ····--· .. ····:· (c) against encumbrances Yea .................................... . 15. Book ........... up...................... Page ... fJ09 .................... . for ............ Ea';1W004---····························County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... ye8-·····-................. . or restrictions ···N"O······•·············· .. ······ .. ····························· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. ~Q .. HAVE .. ANJ) ... T.O: .H.()l'J) .... tbe .... ~e.$(ljl .... tJ:'.aot .. ~-.. ~oel ............ Of---lea4---&~d--aU---Pl"lvi-lege•- -·and·-·&PP•t-enaneea---tJe~'ti&-·-·be·lQllg·!Bs·············· ............. flct·· 'tbe···i·a·H···-'W·•»,Slnith···h~l"'s-·-an'<l--·ase·!glia··· 'f-~-ev~•-···to· .. his-.:·oalf···uae········ ............ Q.4---b•·>························ .. ·················"········'······················· .. ······················ .. ····························································· .. ············ Exact Description of Property Shut B "..' .B ;.. ;)U.J Page .............. ..... ................. ... ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged WILLIAM T.; NOLMID MARG.AR E'r NOLAND . · ~~-----------------------+------------------------~----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... Dae.d ........................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance .. ll•.2e•l815. .......................... . 3. Is it properly' executed ...... Ye$ .................................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... .J..,J? . ., .............. .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular --TU------.......................... .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................... .............. . 8. Did all grantors a cknowledge ......... y ......................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .. U•2S•l$95-............. .. 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken ... 'f-ee--------------- 11. Did officer affix SeaLYetJ. .............................................. . 12. Was order of probate con-ect.. .... YEt8·:------------------·------· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..~ 5,~~S96. ....................... . (a) of seizin, .. Yes ............................................................ . 15. Book .... .8 .................................. Page ......... .&.g. ................ .. (b) power to convey .. l'«<£L ........................................... .. for .. ...... Hoy\VCUXL .................................. County. (c) against encumbrances Yes .................................... .. (d) against claims of all others .. Yes. .......................... .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or r estrictions ···· ····--NO---·· ·--· · --······· ·· ··· ··--··--·--···--· ·-- ·····---- 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. TO .. l;U.VE ... ~ID --- -TO -RO-W.--the ... .ntoresaid---t-raot---•---pa-:reel ............ or ... land .. and ... all ... p.riv.ile.ges ... and ... appurt.e.nane.ea ... the~.eto. --be-lon&l-~----\o----- ·-----------the. ... sajd .... J ..... Fif -··Palme~-,. .. his.--llei-7UJ--.and----a-ss-lgns-, .... to- -th.e1r----oB1~-- '11ee·----···--·· ........... :and ... beho.ot ... fo.revel>•-----··-··············--·····---· -· ·-·····-·-·--····--- ····-- --- --·········································--·······--···· .......................... :------- Exact Description of Property Adj o1ning the lands or G .L • Palner run .r.F.Pa.J.mer 55 e.ore 'tract, and tl:e tove Speoulat1on lands a:nd others= • BEGINNING at lwF.,*s ooi'ller ot l'lis 35 acn-e tract and tcp ot spruce ridge at a stakB;thenoe 1 ~th J.,F.PaJ.JlJi}rts ocm.d1tional Une 55 acre traot, oo poleS· to a stak~ t t ren ce with w,.n, s~ru:th t e, nocr G. ~. ~I'll••· . 1.t~~a to a stake in a hollow; t~nce,. w1. th the hO. ·. • to the lle ad of a. b~ dl ; the no~ _with the branctl to the m.outh or a ditch, to the Spruee branoh; .. tnenoe with the bl'anch to the mouth at '~!he . oreEkJ thence, with the original line to the beginning,. oontaining 23 acres more .or less. Shut 8 ..) I v _ _ Page ................... , ..................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As AcknowlPdged .".' Q = ~.. ~r-------~--------------~-----------------------T----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ............ D~ ................................. . 2. Date of Conveyance .. Q•l-?...,.1020······························· 3. Is it properly executed ...... Yes-------------·---···--··------ ·--····· 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. ,;f. •. p,. .................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... Ye.&:···.-····························· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ..................... ........ ..... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... :"'".~~---·················· · ··· 9. Date of acknowledgement ... 9.-...l?.~19.0.2 ... ............. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ....................... . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ... .. ~TO ........................... ............... . 12. Was order of probate correct ... 'f.e.S ....... .' ...................... . ~:: ~:~: ~~--5~~~--~~~--~~~-~~~:~:~~;;!~l:f~:::::::::::::::::: 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .Ye.S. ........................................................... . (b) power to convey .. Yes ............................................... . for ........... Hay.wo.od ................................ County. (c) against encumbrances Tea-.................................... . 16 . • Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .. Ye& ........................... . or restrictions ... see ... N.ote ........................................ . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .$'0 . HA.VE ... JUID ... 'J:O .HOLD .. the. ... .... t.r.act ... :or---pa:r.oel .... o.t .. .. arld .. alJ. .. privi.lege.s. .. .and ... .a.ppur.t.enanc.ea .... thereto, ... belonstM-···t.O-· ............ tJ;l.e ... :sa:l.d ... J..Ou ... Felll;er., .... he1r.s. ... end-.. -asa1gns .. , ... to ... he.r ... only. ... u.s&---and,···behoot-- ............ to.raver • .................................................................................................. ·.. .......................................................................................... . Exact Description of Property Adjoining the lands ot Dill:lard Cald• well and sunores·t Lumber Company. BEG.lNNlNG on a sugar tree -on the south: side or Catal e creek} t.bence s_. &1 w. to a. red ella at eornerJ thenoe with Ward •s lim to the . . . nchS then up the branch to the mouth.ot a ditch or stake; ttenee with tm brmoh to Wjtr,. . Nol.and·'s s, E. COi'ne%'1 o.t a stnk:et thence S~t 61. E• to · Smith's tOJ:'th corner 1D a staket thence to th& beg.inning containing 25 or 50 aares l'!X)re or l6ss •. SE!loond Tract tBEGniNING at J .,R•s corner on · tOp of a lill"l at a stake~ thence with J' .lhPalmerre oolXI.itional. line 90 .I>Qles to the third line to e: stake; thence with WjD .• srnith 's line to a hollow at a stake·; thence with the hollow to the head ot a bra:nchJ thence with branch to the mouth of .a ditah at a branch; thence the branch to the mouth at tle creek; thenee with the or1gtnal .line to tm beginning, containing 23 acres oore ar less_. Third T:ra c,t: Bm nJNING on a stake on or ne er the t<>p ot a hill on the spruce ridGe 1n the . old line of the John A. Smith landt t~enw1th said line along top ot ridge to J' .,R.Pelme,..ts, line to a stake corner ot :r .• R.­Pal. xoort s land which he bought at James Smith; thence a South 110ourse ' ~o · poles to a stake in line of Sm1 th t s Shut B ·• 2 .. ~lcl .\dJ 1menoe Nt 61 :E, with said 11ne to a 4•P hollow to .. · a stake f tbell <10\nl sa! d. hc>Uow 'W -.aA ot a ~l -~ near • fenceJ thet1c; a stta1Sht 11110 'to the mouth ot a dJ'eamt the-a trt:rsigllt to the bte1an~ eorner1 05 a-ctes more l)r le.-'* 'fmth ~~tl ... :a:nnnmxm <>n a etalte in line ot· ?iii']if.,y~ tract, Dear the t -C'.P at spruce ridset t.~ s, 21 E. 90 pOl~e to a s_tak_.e_; t_b· ... e_·n .. N• 61 E~ ·f4th ea!4 lW to a stake in a d1:ns1onel ·une1 then, _ w~th. tiY• :t&lo·na.l line, OJ:OEI*'iqJ e. braDOht tt) tiret J.1ne. ot .· Smitb.ts .,lt\ lend, to a st8keJ s. G? w, to tbe be,slnn~. 00J);'ta1~1DS 50 &. ·01'0$ m)re (a'> lees·• MOTEt• B~eath the 8.\pl;l~lfe snd preQ9cl1Jlg tl» aclclOflletgement ts the tollot~ingt• "But it 1s trtipala-4 am agreed the. t it the $814 tau .. l?!> r-.aill& 'llf:ll. wf.te t1ll .DG" death th$ tbis deed is in lull to~ce and b·1lldiDS; othel"\'4ee vo14 and at non attectn., • 571 ~: Page· ---~-·--f----L- --, -----· ---- ----- ·-··-- NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION Abstract of Satisfied Mortgages or Deeds of Trust (NORTH CAROLINA) Below give language of release or cancelhition, and if by other than the original payee the authority must be shown by which the cancellation or -release is made. if-. F. PA~ and LOU P .Al'JlER , 111 s wi te 1. Kind_ of instrumentDe$4---0f.----TrUst -- - . - . -------- -- -- -- -· 2. Date of inst~menL . $ftiV:,;,l919 _____ __ --- - -- - --- ·----- :.l. Consideration $ 5000.-00 - - - -- - 4. Maturity date --7-.,..15-).919 -- 5. Is it properly executed? ·y-es __ to fi. Date acknowledged ___ 2-'!!1'/l'!i!'l.91~L __ ____ __ _ ·------ __ __ __ 7. Before what officer acknowledged .. .f-lJ ~- • ---- H. Was privy examination of wife _h eld? -Yes- --------------·------·· _____ ~ - Date of filing for record .. 5;,;,2,f).o.l9.19-__ __ J 0. Recorded in Book__ __ _ -- --2 . ____ _____ Page ____ _6]. __ __ __ __ _ --- ---------Hayt'-lOod--- --- -· -- ____ ________ :county. 11. Does thiR in s~rume nt form a link in the chain of title? ____ __ _ DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY lsl. T~_ o_tl•B:ETil1 ~ec_ --o- rded in Book of Deeds 33; page 57t d_eed trcm 0 Ma.l"y \Voody end h~lmld, s.t.woody- to J .F-. Palmer am vri:re 1 Lou ~ 'MmM.*t dete May 8tht- 1911 2 to v1hioh de_ed and reeo~d reference is -< b.ef'eby ll'U:lde for a full desompt ion• ~ 2nd Tt'aot~•BEIID same :prope~ty conveyed by Vh t, .Pal~r and Wife; t11 Milia Palmert by deed _bearing date January- 9t .189'71 reeotded 1n i off:ice Register •of Deeds fer HO!y\"~>od Co-unty1 Book of Deeds 1/81 ~ page 95Q, to whicll deed and reootd ~eference is h~eby made tor a ~ tull de$c·rtption; oontain1D(5 50 aotes more or least. ;; 3ra. 'rl*aotr-.. BEING same p:roperw oon-qeyed by J.R.Pal.mer and w1te z Polly Ann PaJ.mer to J , }!' wPalln3;r, by . deed bearing date 21st day ot ~ october• l893r said deed recorded i,n otf'iee of l1egister of Deeds o Qf 'Hf.WVI:> od CoUnty, t~ ,c. • in book of d.~eds 6 t page ~58t ~t eeq u w g; vmich. :Said de~d and record reference lS hereby nnde for a .full > de:Jwi:ptiont o~ns 1st1ng of 2 tracts • 55 eo :res •re , or less ancl 50 ~ ac-.x-es more or 1e ss.. ::o 4th t;eraot#,.DEIOO too sane lent1 eon:wyed by YJm•T~t-iolend and wite to~ J'•F•_Palmor by deed da:tt!id !8th of' November.-. 1695t and duly )l'egist"" t11 er"d in office of. ReBtmte~ o_t :oeeds ot llaymOd Cotmty, . Nic.~; Book ~ of nee~s a1page 09 et seq .. •to WhiCh reeord retel'enoe 1s her~by . z made for a full description,oont-s.imng 23 aeres more or lesth Ar..:.:. =a THE RELEASE OR CANCELLA'riON OF ABOVE MORTGAGE OR DimD OF TRUST IS AS FOLLOWS: m TM.s Deed of Trust with the note 1 b()th being mtal'ked "Paid J.n FtU.l," are exh1bi ted to 2 and I therefore, hereby• enter sa.tis• f'aot1on and cancel. ·crbi& october 2mh 1920 G _. W • Ilf!,'N$CN Regi ster o/ Dee de, ~ > ~ t"l All cases and authorities r elied upon to cure ahy defects in this instrument or proceedings thereoii or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut H I ,. Page .. ~ .. : .. :-:-__ ,_,_ ................ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION Abstract of Satisfied Mortgages or Deeds of Trust (NORTH CAROLINA) Below give language of r elease or cancellation, and if by other than the original payee the authority must be shown by which the cancellation or release is made. J, F. PW!m and LOU P~Rt his wi:te to J.M.MOCK; w, M. TA'l'i and W • . T • SHELTON 1. Kind of instrument ·Deed-- Cf:· ·i'rus t .. . . ........ . 2. Da~e of instrumentta-16•1918- . . ...... .. ... ... ........ .. ;). Cons ideration $1400.,00 · ---- · ............... · · ·· ·· ...... --·· ------ 4. Maturity date ·l2•21•19l.8 5. Is it properly executed ?Yes . ... ... ......... .. .. .. .... ... .. . G. Date acknowledged 12•16--l-918 ..... . 7. Before what officer acknowledged ..... J' .• p ,. . .......... .... ....... ....... . 8. Was privy examination of w:ife held ?Y.e.$ . . ... .. ............... ... .. \). Date of filing for record -- 12417•1-918-............ .... .... . 10. Recorded in Book .. .... - ~Zl' ... Page --25!3----- ....... .. --·· -----H-aywood --- ....... ......... ............ County. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title.? .. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY First T:mct: ... BEINGreeorded in Book of Deeds 33 1page 57,deed tte Mt9Y Woody an.d husband .s.L .• Woadrt to J .F.Falxner am wife tou Palnte:r,al'Jd r 8th day or :May 1911; · ~ seeo.nd Traett•BEING the some :property conveyed by W«A.Pa.lmer·and z wife Milia Palme:v to· J"F.J?alm.eJ? by dee~ bearing date Jan. 9 11,89'1 ,, n.e oo:rded in o:t:Uc;e ot Register ot Deeds tor RaywoOd county. book ot ~ deeds_ e P_age e_ ~o; to_. which dee_a and record reference _is hereby made ~ for _ a ful_l deeorl:ption, contain~ _ pO acres more or less, _ i ThUd Tractt•BEirD same property eon"V&y~d by J .R.Pa.lmer and wite• trJ Polly Ann Fal.me1', by used bearing date 21st day of Octobe;r t 1893t . ~ , said deed _re¢9rded :J.n office ot_ R~1ster Of Deeds• . Hay~Qd county-• ~ N.c, • 1n Book of Deeds 6, page 368,- et seq. to ·which said deed ana = reoord 1$ he'J.9eby made for full desor1ption,oons1st1ng 2 tractet35 trl acres more ar less and 00 aQte tracrt. ~ Fourth Traet:•BEING the sa,me property con'tleyed by wm,T-.Noland and ~ Wife. tQ J .• F~Palmer by dee.d dated the 28th day of l'Joverttber 1 1~95-t _ .. _ : aD'i duly reg1stel"ed in oftio~ of Register of D~eds or J:IaY'~od couat~ N._c. in Book at page 69 et sQq. • to Which re.cord tte:terence is he~9b7 t::l made fGsr deseriptionJ .eonta.1nin8 23 acres more or less, o THE RELEASE OR CANCELLATION OF ABOVE MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST IS AS FOLLOWS: The note tor 11hU); thi$ deQd ot trust was given to sec~e, to• . gether with the Deed of Trust 1 both being presented to me marked "Paid in tull" I therefore ente~ sa.tisf'act:ton and ca.ncell same_. This 21st day o~ DeQember• 1918. G, '~~ • Rfi:NSON t . Register of Deeds. 2! -=>-3 00 '"C > C'l t<l All cases :hid authorities relied u.{)ofi tu cure any defects ln this instrument ot proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet H ':J/.4 Page· ................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF MORTGAGE WILtiP.U A, PAtM:tilt an4 W1 to MlLIA. P.A.t.J.mB ant J~ :F, Jp~ Mortgagor to GEO, A. S~lUlt"ORD Mortgagee STATE .BANK GF V!RGUi!A a Corpora tton • NOTE :- In deeds of trust give name of third party. (NORTH CAROLINA) 1. Kind of instrument .... DG.$..d ... O.f ... 'l'l'ue!t ............... ........ ... . 2. Date of instrument... ........ 9:"'"9...-.16.9.7. ... : ............... ................ .. 3. Consideration $ .. e9.Q _ .,Qq ____ .................... ~ .................................... . 4. Maturity date .Q .. f.\l..M l~ ... il!\!, .. C, fi~t .. Q..?.t~ .. 5. Is it properly executed'? .. 'J~'~' ...................... . 6. Date acknowledged &~9 .-..l.B\1'1 .......................................... . 7. Before what officer acknowledged? ... .. .. 0, ... 8..,6._. .................... . 8. Was privy examination of wife held '? ... YeS .............................. . 9. Date of filing for record ..... G:-..9 ...... 18.97 ...................... ... . 10. Recorded in Book .... ~F!f: .... .... .......... Page ... . 589 ...... . for .... . ..... B~1Q-Q..d ....................................... County. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the · chain of title? . DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY seeond Traott ~y~ on the s pruoe Pine Branoh1 uater~ of Cntalooohee ~ c"*• contain!~ 55 e.o:r~s •re or l ess and bei ~ tho i'ia·$t t:raot. ~ descf'UJGd 1n a deed or oon-veymee ~~em J·.th:Palt!ler and wite, POllr c. Ann ~m=J~* to J • F. P~l$r., boalt1ng date 21st day of Oetobe~, 18931 ~ and · teg1sterelil in Boolt l~o,, 6 on. PflGe 358 ot OO<h, of ibe Reeoros of E-< Deeds o:r the said n~~ Od O<>unv t to which said da~d and :x-et~;renoe ~ is herElb;f made for a l'ft)re peljfeet descrt:pt ion of said .l.a.nd. ~ ThU:d T~otl 00 _acres ri10l'G or less end beill{! t}\e s3cond ~ tract . ~eaeribed .. -in th~ a;a1d deed fran :r. 1'. Palmer encl. w1te t PoUy ~ Ann Pall'l¥lft to.:,_ F, •;, by ~ee. d be~ing date 21st day ot Octob··~ e:r • 189~ end r¢8~ ~:a 1lered in_ Book N'WI'J.ber 6 on page 3tiS ~t eeq. ·of tb.e gs re_ co_ r~ ot Deeds of l!aywool __ Gounty1 . as af'aresa1d , to whicll. l.'ef'erence < 1s hol.'eby l! for a ~e pe:rte~t desoriJlt1on of said laDit ~ 0 Fourth Tl"acts• Adj·q1n1~ tne l sl'ide of G• L .. Pallnel' am .Love Speeul• E-< at1on 19cnds and ot~rs and (()ntairdng 23 acres :100re Qr less .~ and ~ be1~ the s~e ti'aet ot .lartd ~nveyed to t~ said J ... F, Pal,met- .by ~ W1llieun 'r• Nolan! and w1te r~aatott by deed dated too 28tll; day of ~ Nov~mb~t· 1~90.1 and :re.g1$t&:red 1n Book No. a on :page 69 .IJf t:ne . re- . ~ eord of Deeas o:r said . Oounty o.r Ilaym at ., to whioh said deed :referene~ 1s hereby nn~ :ror a m:.u~e pel:tect tesoription. of said land. ~ >< ...:l z 0 All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sheet C "~' ~.. ~ Page ....b...f..!.:..>... ....•................ ,. ,. .. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged r-----~------------~-7----~-----------------+---------------------- . · Deed 1. Km~ of Conveyance ............... ye·s·································· . 1860 . 2. Date of Conveyance ....... .. c .... ..•. •..•..... .. : ..•...••......•.•••••.•..••.. ..• 3. Is 1t. properly e:cecuted. .......; ·······'--·······clelfk··········· 4. 5. Before what Officer ackno'.~ledged ...................... : .....•..... Date of Entry and N 0 ............ . Yi .. : .................................. .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular ...... ~~ .... , ............................ . 7. If irregular, copy in full olb~~l-SSl"········ ...... . 9. Date of acknowledgement.. .............. : .......................... .. .... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .................-..~..·.. N .. :. .............. .. 10. wa~ privy examination of wife Ye&-------~ ............... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL. .............................................. .......... . 13. Does conveyance con..tain convenants- 12. Was order _of probate corrro-a•le&l .................. .. 14. Date of filmg iJt!~ecord ......................... 3f2 ............... .. ~~~ ;~"::~z~: ~-~~~~;:~::!:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: () · · t h · :No 15. :ooro~ .. ::::::::::::~~~~~::::::: .. ~:~~:::::::::~-~~~~;:··----····· c agai.ns en~um ranees .............. YeS ...................... .. 16. Does deed cont~dmy special limitations, provisions (d) agamst claims of all others ...................................... .. or restrictions .................................................................... .. 17 Raben TO HAVE AND W HOLD ... to .. nim.; ... tne .... oold ... ll'obeft ................ . .................. ~~i.a.~~-~~M~~~~>:~li:::::~~~~:~::::~~:~Y:~~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Exact Description of Property On the wat~r:s of Oa:ta \l:r:>eeJl:, tnQ,J.udi:ne the Den. B~G:nmnw en a \!bite <>ak near. a ansl). branch and :running a. 44 E, 45 :poles to a enestn.ut . u~~ eai4 ,®.l then $ • flO Tit 14 :pole$ \o a che$'tnut cak on a r1dgeJ 't;l;\en $ .. _ ~' · '" eo p<t,tes tt a chestnut~ tll&n 57 E • . BI p~ljs _1»· a. white walnut; · then s • . ·. 00 \f •'' ~2 Pt>ll $ ·t(). a stake I then ~, 51 lU • · ~ polen t& a &p~l$ /~>al,¢1. the:n. ~ . 50 ~v . _29 ·:poles to e __.c .neatn~t and .~ enlilbe,rt tben ~· 10 ll+_· . 28 :pole$ t~ .t;1 be~ between two holes, ~- · ~ . 4(l Vi.- 62 pol.tHJ 'bo a looost; then s, 88 "'I• 12 . l'Qle e to. a ehe "ta1lt . on tlla. tQI> of the Bear Pen r1daea the~ ~- 2'1 "'• &4 poles to a hic:W.%.7 <tA top ot sUd riqge; then Nt· 2 E• 110 ~lei to a ehe sttJ;utJ tb,en l'h 51 w., 45 p<>lee to · a stal(et then :Et ~ .. poles . to . the beg1nn1ns• conta.inill@ 100 aens U'Jr(; or l&S:Iil • Slte~l B :."t t ~= - r· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS l. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional, facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian· ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment .and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of ~11 plaintiffs and dCfendants. I. Courr_ _ _,SJ!F"J:!ll!OI'L----- County --HAYWO.QD _ ____ _ 2. Kind of ac tion~- .S~_Q.:l,rJ.. __ :t';r~O~(;}§litJ,g __________ _ VS 3. Date of filing ___ 4."'!4c"!~1. ________________________ _ :MAGGIE ltt 'MA.RSUA.LL and others 4. Date of filing lis pendens---------------------- ---------- 5. ~toecord!~~\~~-------7 ___ Page ____ 41_9 ___ _ PROCEEDINGS. ~EP®T , or SALE. To The Clerk ot the supartor court: ... . :PUrsuant to an Order ·or the s uperior Court of RaPQ04 Co'Ul'lty ~ Drld<\l in the !ilbQVe entitled proceedings• I 1 the under:s1grled Con:d,es~oner, _ SQld said land as hereinafter describedt at pttb.1.10 sale, on the 4th day of April, l92lt. after due adve:rtisenent, ao• eo rdi ng to lavn and , W!lEREAS t tl:Je sa$d Mrs • Lou Palmar - J'. F. l , be• Of.UD$ the last end bigheet biddet' for ·the su.m or $555•71, tor ~/'1 und1T.t.ded 1n:te~e$t in the land described as follows:• Lying and being on the waters ot eatalooohee creek, Catalooohee Town· ... ship, end in.oludi~ the den; contain• ing .100 aores nm-e or lEtss. Saic land is Dl)r • tully de$c~1tx;~d in the pati tioa~ I Cc.tlsider th$ b14. a ta:tr and :reasonable one and r.­Oomnt9nd that -tale :eai d sale be· eonfirlll' d • Th1$ Ul.e 4th dey ar A:prtl 1 192141 :R• Tt BOYD, Commisstone~._ All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. . Shut F NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS I. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmatim'l of sale. 2. \Vhen minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are requi red to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear th at all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. 1. CourL_ .$~2!10-r------ County --Hay.wo.od------ - .J®! li. BoYD et al .. 2. Kind of action __ [:pe.nia.L-Emc.e.eding ____ _____ _ vs 3. Date of filing ___ l-~6~-1.922--------------- - --~- ---- -- +. Date of filing lis pendens _____ __ ____________ _ __ · ______ _ 5. Judgment recorded in Book ____ ? _____ Page__4lg_ ____ _ PROCEEDINGS CONFIRMATION OF SALE TO lVIRS , LOU PAI.M:FB and J. F. P~~ This oe.use coming on to be beard, upon 'the !'ep:>rt ot the sale to Mrs, Lou Palme1" and J. :!.Palmer, by R. T. Boyd, Commis• sioner heretofore appointed to make s ales of the l~ds ,G>f which w. g, G. Bt BQYdr deceased and Elizabet h Boydt dec~asea,. died seized and Whicht u:pon the deaths of the s a id deceased Boyds;WhO died intestate, the sane descended to their h eirs who a.te all' the plaintiffs and ·aerenaant$ in -ttlis aet1on; t he :pl a intitffl s_nd de• ten.dants being all the he il"S or t re l e.nds hereinatter described. The eommissiorwr has sold to Mrs-. Lou Palmer and J .F.Pe.l:mer, 1s a part of the esta t e of w . J . G-.B,Boyd t deceased• and the lams hereinafter descri~d the said w.J.G.Bw.BO"Yd was t he o-m:er of 3/'1 u.ncU.vide·d interest in th,e sane; and, Y~EREJ\S t the saitl COI!ll!liss1oner sold the 5/7 undivided inter ... eat at publ5.o sale on the 4th day of April , 192lt attar due adver­tif. lentent ace()'ltding to law; and tlle s a id Mrs. Lou Palmer and ·J • . F. Palmer OOCa:QI.e t ne last am highest bidder in the. sum of $53f>t'/1 for , the 3/7 und.i v1 aec!i interest; ana· the eommissio~ J:i considering the bid a tair• adequatf;t and re asonabl~ . one, and. reoom.~nding that the s aid sale be confirmed; and tile said bid not having been raised after having been filed with the Court for rore than twenty dey"SJ lT rs 'Jll.EB}t'FORE1 on !1Pt1on of the said Commissioner, consid• ered1 C1l"dered ani adJud@ad and decreed by the Court tba t the said bid 'be; aDd the same 1s,. 1n all respects confirmed and appreved by the Court t'or the land dasor1 bed as followst • Lying and being 1n lleyv.ocil County. N. c ., BF.GINNING on a. Wh:t:be oak near a sna.U branCh• and running .s.. 44 E._ 45 poles to a chestnut near said branch; then s. 20 W • 14 p<>les to a eb.estnut All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made th erefrom. Sheet F ""'2 .. eak on a ridge ; thea B • 2'1 Et 30 pole e te a chestnut J then s. 5'1 E • 27 ,.le-s to a mite wal•Utl the-n s, 38 w. 22 poles to a cllH'l~lttJ ._en s. 10 Et 28 poles to· a. beeCh betweea· tw holes; thence 40 w, 62 vc>lee to a l,oeustf then s • ~. w~ l-2 poles t() a o~·$tn:ut on ·top of ;aeal' :JP$fl J1dSe; Ulen Nt 2'1 w. G4 pOles to a ldok~ on top ot eata ridgGttben Ne 2 JC• 110 poles to a ehe stnut f the 11 N • m w • 45 poles to a . stake ; then E, V5 poles to th~ begU1ntll6 .. containing 100 acres ~-e e;r les •• .tuu\; . IT IS .ADJUDGED, bl'. the Court that the sa 1d b1.d le 'b1ndi:ns 'betl'le~n al.l pt the J:vd.:.VI a.s tenants 1n eommon ana. the ~d Mre• Lou. Palmr and J. !i'• Pal•r and, , . IT IS . FURTHER ORDERED bV the Court that tlle said B. T. Bordt CommiNioner be"totore appointed in this oauee, is heJt,by auth~ized and direetea tf EtX.oute a deed in tee s.'Slllple for the land deec:rU.ed above, upon th$ pa.,m.ent ot the p\U"Cha.M ~1ee as abOve set forth, · . . . ~T l'S FUR'l'1ffiR ORDERED t that th¢ petit:lOUt re}»:r't ot . ~ne sal.e ~ ·~e bid a~ thit;1 newee, be enrolled 011 fal;e. Minute · Decket. and special ~oeeitn&$ o.f this court., . This the 6th day or Janue.ry1 1932• Ot A4 RAlNES t Cl.ei'k Of The Supario r Col;."t, HaywoOd county, N• c. , \~ ;,)1 07 Page ........... ..... ... , .......... .......... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged :R • T. BOYD l C()mis Si oner :a. T. BQY1) 1 0Gl'!Jill1s sio ne r R. T. BOY91 MRS • LOU PAUC'~ J. -F. PALMER 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... D..e.~4 ..................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ....... Y.~~t .................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... ... C .• S..-.C..-........ . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ................. . . 9. Date of acknowledgement...l;,o6,w.l922. . ..... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL .... J~C!I ..................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .. N.O ....................... ---···································· (b) power to convey ...... Ye.S ............................................ . (c) against encumbrances ....f .T.O.. .................................... (d) against claims of all others .... --1'!0-·-·······:;·/ ············· ssi oner 2. Date of Conveyance ...... l~§.~_lJil~2 .............................. . 4. Date of Entry and No ......... ...................... .................. ....... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ..... Yes .............................. . S. Did all grantors acknowledge .... ~~~----~--- · ·· · · ·· ·· ··· · · · ····· · 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .... !'!! ..... ""~-..,,. ____ _ 12. Was order of probate corr{lct ...... 'Y~-~---· · ·· ··· · ··········· ······ 14. Date of filing for record .. ~.,-.5.~~922 ....................... . 15. Book ..... 61. .............................. Page .......... 'l.O ................ . for .................. H~y.l'!Q_QQ, _________________ ........ County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions .i-. .. u:ndiv.1.4e4 .... 1.n:t~r.e.e.:t .... . .... to .... each .. g_r.ant,ee ............................................. . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... 'l'O .. H.AV.~ .. MUL.TO .. HOLD ... t.h~--- - .... lan~ . .f.---:wi.t.h .. J.t.~ ................ . ............... ap;purtenanc:e.s1 ... to .... the ... sa1d ... Mr.a •... .I.ou .. Pa.lmer .... an.d .. J ... F. • .PalJner., ....... . ................ h~1r.s ...a n.d .... a.s.S.lgn_~_ ___f: o;r _~v~r. 1 .... itl. .. aS. .. full ...a nc..l .. a:mp~e. ...m anner. .. .as ....t he. ............. . ........ said--R-•--- 'l' .... BQyd., .... CorrmissioneJr, ... as .. a.f.or.esai.d .... is ... aut.'lori.ze.d ... and ............... . Et".tpowered to convey the st:me • Exact Description of Property TlU S DJ&:ED made this ihe Gth day of J'anuary, 1922 • by R. T. Boyd; comnussioner Q.f the Com.. . t as he:reinBf't er oore speei­tieally s~t forth, Plt'W of tb.e first part, and tttr s~ tou r~lmer and J. F., Palmer, :t:a!.'ties af' 'tl1a secotld part• all of said· :parties Of Heywood Counw 1 N.c., WI'li'!ESSETH, Tba.t .1 WUFRE,flS, in a oortain prooeedi11g pendinG in the super• ior Com--t of H~wood County, State of t-Torth Carolina, entitl~d. Bohn A. Boyd et .aL., va ~ia$gie E •. 1\l!arsball et al. • the said. R. 'l'• Boyd vms appointed co:rom.istS-iont>r- with power and a.ttthtt:1ty CQtl.fer­red upon him t0 ~ke sale.s (1£ mid and all lands belonging to the estate ct w.,J,G.B.Boyd1 deeensea; and, \'illlk"'ili:AS 1: in o1hel" special proceeding pending in the superior Court <:1£ Eaywo«t Comrby J N.c.* enti tle;;d n.r ... :soyd 1n.G.A. LOvef Maggie 1'~ •. Ma:reb;al.l. ~ al. Ex Parte• tbs said ]h rr. Doyd was appointed Co:mm.1ss1o:ner to sell at public sale the interest that the said parties bad in the land as hereinafter desor1bedt as heirs at law of Reibe:rt :Soyd1 deoe ased; and t Wli:ifJa'EAS t the · said comm.iss1oner haVing beet1 appointed by the court to soll the 1nte;rest that tb.e heirs at law of \hJ•G• Boyd bad in the land.adve;rtis&d the said land according to law and, !" on the 4th day of April, 19211 sold said land a t public sale 1 at the court House door in the to1rm of WaynesVille, H.c •. , and the said Mrs, I.ou Pa•r an-1 J .F.Pel.Ioor became the last a:Od highet:lt bidder for tb.e sa;Ld. land, girt~ the sum. of $714.,29 for the inter­est of the heirs or Robert Boyd, deceased; and gi vine; the sum or Sheet B $5as.n f9r the interest of the heirs of W.J .G.:Boydt deeeasad; and• , lfliE.'flF.AS1 the ~a14 C'H.liJm!se1oner filed with tb,e Cle~k of the . S\'tl)e~or. oo,_..t: that lle had sold the .said lane}. bere.illa.ttef des• ¢~1btd to the s~d Mrs. tou PnlmeY. and :r" F. Palm~. and tbe eald two . rePQrtir;i havStJS been a..l.y (J;Jnfb•d bY t .he court · and the said 00\tl.'t ·hav!tiS direti)ted the aa1ll Conmdsstoner to execute a deed tor boU the le.n4 sold ln ~ pmoQedili8S and the interest 1n the two prcJoeed-• 1.!18$ ha"Ving been bought . b-y the a~ parties and tbe said R.T.Bott, being the Coillit11es1oner in bc>Ul proceedings and the purchase price haVing been. :mid in tull; · NOW 'IEEREFORE 1 et e • ~ LY1n6 ani b$1~ 1:n I~o.od. County s N .• c, t BEGINND>TG on a 1tl 1t e oak na ar a ana 11 bre:noh and run:n1ng s , 44 E 11 45 poleS to a chestnut ne~ said branch; thence s*' 20 w • 14 ~les to a ehe stnut. Oalt on a :tidge~ then $ • 37 E, 30 pOles to a Chestnut·! then s. 57 E• 2'1 ;poles to a white wl:llnttt; .then s. 38 w. 22 poles to a stake; tb.en N, 5~ E• 22 poles to a. epan1sh oakJ then s. 50 w1 28 PQlfUl to a chestnut; tllB s. 10 E• 2S :poles to a beech between two holest, tl'J.en S • 40 w _. G2 pcles to a leoul!t; then s. 85 w • 12 poles to a chestnut ·Qn top of B~a~ :Pen rid~ ; then N·• 27 w. 64 poles to a b1c kory 'On top of seid ridge-; then N. a E. 110 poles to a chestnut; then N• 2.Q w. 45 poles to a sta.D; then E* '73 poles to the beginning eontainill€5 100 acres mare or leas• . BY this deed t .he . 1nrty or t he first part conveys ve :Mrs, Lou Pal.D¥.al" a one!i~i:b.alf 1:111di Vided intere$t and to J • Ji' • Palmar a one•hal:t undiVJ.ded interest • F L 58l Page ................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION NORTH CAROLINA, ---I-L-~->-~Y--\- -V--O--O--·D-- ---------------COUNTY. SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT MRS.LOU I(I !~G 1J-TD 1n-:;a IWSHJuf"O Tl!OS,. NG IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF I LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ..............•.•......•..•..•...•. ·.········.·.············.·.··.·.··············.·.·:·.·········· ......... .J lES.!OllA~;,.:JJ .. :r±r.. . ~wmx ...~ .. :rMct~.... I AFFIDAVIT. ••.•..•. ~ .•. ll~~:. ~o~=bo .•.•.•..••••..••• j ----~~~-!!~_.q:_~----------------------------------------------------• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of _____ ~Y}"!_QQ4. _______________ County, in Book. _________________________ , Page _________________________ , That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to tM State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. ___________________ ll:_ __._ e ? __ w~------ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in . question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .. 3.0 .. , at $ .. J5.0. •. l.f ............. , in the name ......... ,~~~-~-~~---~J~~-- -··············and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19 ... ~~- ·········'~~~~---················································ 19.~.6. .. . .............. PA.I.D ........................................................... . 19....2...2... . ..........P...A....I.D..... ................................................ ............... . 19.~J.... . ........ .... ..f .A.:;p············ ······························· 19 ... ?.~. . ......... ~~.JP. ................................................................ . 19.~·-·· ............... :r~JP .......... ·--·--·····-·---------------------·--··-· .... . 19 ... ?~. . ......... l~.~---········································· 19.29.... . .............. P.A.I.D. ........................................................... . 19 ...2....6... .......... ?.~.~---························.········ ··· 19-30... . .......a ot .. P.AliL ............................................. ----- ASSESSMENTS JJot e:rq LES PENDENS Bot aD7 MECHANICS LIENS Jlot a111 JUDGMENTS Not &%17 SAIIt G '-.____/ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from '' and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : TX'aota 80& and 206b lira • Lou ltS.D& ................ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to tjte same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES , 1. Ta~•• tor the yar lg3o. 8. Mineral S.nterests 'OUtetandiq in J.ore Bei.rl tor T:raot Jfo. 206 This ...... ~~~---······day of ..... .P.~1 .. l. ................................................ , 19 .... 3.0 A•h•v 1lle N. c. Address .............................................. P. •.•.•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••.••••••••• "Attorney. Jlap No. 201 201-A 202 I-i -',1'"'···.' .:' i \ = '~ -~ . ~- · ~ . .f . . I 7. ,. / 203 ,/ 204 ,' / ~ -- l ; l · : ~- · ( ~ . . "-· . 206- ' 207-+ Z• L. Ca14we~ 11& •• , 60 Aore• ~tfiO.OO 5 room boxed ouse / pple lio'USe / · 3 stall ba.rri I.o._: House f Smoke O'USe Bar ~~~o:b :~~ d house 50 ores cultivated land C40.00 77 aores woodland : 10.00 2f> nores woodland ( 10.08 u. C. .uong ( 9fW7 1 room loc ;{loUl3e , \ 1(),': barn ! / . 65 acres dul.ti]S:ted , •40. 00 3~ norcs 7\?o9Cfiand \ 10.00 10 stall llol"n 6 room f 1ne house lO£: em ~F house Old r lJ / '\ 20 x .;4 lJ hollEl e 'y Caldw-~:=>l ~ol lot ,· ., :·; • l.I. 5utton niill~~ .,~ 48.45 48:.} nores \1.0~dland , 10 • . . . . I 1mriu L. PalmJr 101.61 ·,\ ~;o nores creel .'bt>.t ·~ omt::lOO. _,o 61 nores wo?M:'anQ. ··lo.op., J.Irs. Loll~~ ," J ~ J 3 ,... 93.02 2 r oom ~~ Xouse loc barn\,/ 2 , acre,~cul ti vated l and · 40.00 2b ao:;.es · field pasture @25.00 4b ucfres woodland . l !.J.O:) J!.rr;. :r.oui{l~ 60.13 20 acres b i·tt om land < 100. 00 20 aores ujlland • 60.00 20 ac r es woodland ' 10.00 6 B tall bt1/_X'n G room fl':li) .:d hou se . ·. ~. ,., f~ I!rs • . o inG '->.J~ 89.12 89 ac~ woodl~!i4!2.00 . ' I.) . - , ~.., . D. ·•. C ldw 1 / · , ~ 10 uor o tto11 laud 100.0 .:' 8 acre f .Lcld uri t i \7 oodland IIOO.oo 400.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2000.00 770.00 260.00 100.00 25.00 / j ·; , ; - c .. -. I : .. j7,b80.00 2600.00 . ~ \)" 335.00 ' ·. " 500.00 600.00 oo.oo 100.00 300.00 200.00 485.00 3000.00 610.00 lOC•.C:.> lUO.OCl 820.00 62b.OO 675.00 2000.00 10ou.oo 200.00 300.00 ,Ji"r BOJ .OO 1068.00 lOOU.OO 160.00 200.00 100.00 $4,310.00 ) .. ..,.. f I . 500.00 48b.OO :;):.>, tjlO.OO $2,4 ~!0.00 ji4, 300.00 ,;. ... l / I, I . 1,460.09;. l;:AP NO. 204 206 206-b 20? 207-a 209 209- a 210 211 , ..:. ' J...4.u..1 Ac-r JL .. t ~-- AlTRAISAL OF CATALOOCHEE PROFERTIES. u 0'.7NER ·.;. r.;. 3UTTO:·! HEIRS All .. oodland l.;R::; . I .CU U i7G 48 Acres cult i vated lnnd 45 Acres woodland Barn no use 89t Acres woodland D. ;-;. CAJ,Di.'E!,L 30 .1.cres r~rass l and 20 Acres ~o odl& nd Barn Log House 12 Acres Bottom land 6 Acres Upland 1 mvelling - log Barn JONATl.Ii,?f · .. ;.OODY 10 Acres grass rields 10 _,;,eros old fiel ds ~9 Acres . : o ~ dl and 14 Acres fl o.t land 20 Acres old field 58 Aores woodland Buildings n. L. ·. ;oo D~~ 15 "'eros o le: field s 32 ;;.ores Yioodl a nu l i'. · ..• ·.;oo:rr 1 00 ;;pple trees 25 Acres rollin:<: 1 ~·md 25 ~ere~ old f i ~l d 66 Acres vood1and Buildings ACRES 48 . 45 ~:: 1 0 . 00 ' 46.00 25 .00 ~ 15.00 .. ,, 35 .00 20. 00 ;)125.00 20.00 ,j 20.00 10.00 20.00 (:100.00 20.00 15.00 lO.OJ l fj.OO ' 40.00 20.00 15.0·:.; ~3.02 50. 38 18.60 50.38 02.11 46.?4 116 .18 I I ~-------------------------------~~~~ ,: 222 ~ ' i I \ , ! \ ' \ i i \ \ '-------"' L :-r. C "i.LD'. ::~LJ. 10 ..:..c r es bottom l and 5 ,-..cres bottom 12.nd 25 Acres Ol d field 30 Acres old fi elds 64 Acres r;oodland Dwelling house Barn Can house · Leat house .•:;pring house and shed Log barn and box house U ght plant and gara!'l;e : 1 :00.00 100 . 00 40. 0::; 25.00 · -. 10 .00 - 1 - '\. 1500.00 \ 500.00 \ 1000.0() . \ 75,0;00 '. 640.00 3.000.00 10.00.00 . 200.00 10<\00 1oo .'Qo 30o.o'o 410.0b i ; \ ! \' \ I \ I \ , ! .:10, 000.00 l , .{ 11' MAP NO. OWNER ACRES AMOUNT 48.45 .,., '. 206 MRS. L KIN 93.02 1 / / 207 2-room o Log b 23 acre cultivated land @ $40.00 25 acre6 field pasture @ 25.00 45 ac~s ~Odland . @ 15.00 i TAX VALlb.TION $695 • 00 @ , .<_. o o $ 100.00 100.00 920.00 625.00 675.00 '{'1 fM..i " 0 ~r-.r-vtL£c..,.,.L. / i -( J.· .. :-_.-:'! .~ a ~-.~f:· ~~~~li- ~4 • • /;. , ) ·1 l c. ~1!,._ (. ":·~ · ~ ':';! .. ~ . ..;. .' ~ ~ D • w • CALDY:rm.J.. I 2-room log ~ou~e 25 acres gra~ fields 25 acres woo~\and ' ' ; \ TAX VALUATIO!'{i (Se~Traot ( i 50.38 @ $60.00 @ 10.00 no. 207a) 100.00 1,500.00 250.00 +J-S" 10 acres bott 1 d @ 100.00 1,000.00 8 acres field woodland . 160.00 ~ 485.00 2,420.00 , , or. f ·.l){) - --- -- -- --- -- ..3' 'I S' J .o 0 1,850.00 207a D. W. CALDWELL ·~ 18.60 y / Barn 200.00 ; / Log house ./ \, _l;;.O"'"'o;..;.;..;o;.;;o_-.1.._.4_6_o_._o,_o_ .t~. . _ T~ VALUATION ' $1, 050':..~.0 to~ 65 acres. ,1/j.~./ • . ./ } ,..., - ~~- ,-· ~ _ .r_ .. ··· 'S'd""' (/ .:)/:._ .. ·(·r •• .rtt.,. \ 208 J"MiD!:S. CALDWElL \ / 30-acres culti~ted land /@ 20 acres field P¥ ture / ® 25 acres grass f~'lds / @ 76 acres woodland \ / @ 155.82 50.00 20.00 60.00 10.00 _, . . _.J, i :(_~ . .. -/ · .. { 209 209a 6-room framed house ; ' 3-room boxed house \ Barn ;'\ TAX VAllJ.o\.'riON l-. ~320.0~- __l j · ) ' ~c. T J/'rq .. ; ~\.< ?-S?T' J"ONATPJu:i WOODY 10 acre~~s fields 10 acres ol~~~ds 39 acres wq6dland \ \ 59.38 @ 20.00 @ 10.00 @ 20.00 l .TONATP.AN i'iOODY 92.11 6 acres f],at lapd @ 100.00 6 acres c tiv ted land .@ 50.00 20 acres old f lds @ 10.00 60 acres wood . nd ~ 20.00 ?-room frame Barn and j TJr TAX V.ALUA.TI¢' / $2,090.00 1,500.00 400.00 1,500.00 760.00 600.00 150.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 780.00 5,210.00 1,080.00 600.00 300.00 200.00 1,2oo.oo 41 r? Y 700.00 .;::;1-.25""'.'-'0:..;0;...__;;;.3 "-''1::.;:2~ 1 ~ t} 1 Bryson Cipy,H.c. Oct.~d,I928. .. s.heville, ]I .G. Mr.Sloan a sked ne to mail you list of ·r... • .. .•.i. .'·. t \ (I Catalo~ohee . \ h .ve bern c.O!'lputed.The \' e.rel.l.S :follJWf!:- I • • ;{f ........ ! .-_:.:·.:- .... J . r.~.C alch'H• ll ••••.••.•••••.••• . • 0:·.15 .nci'f'>:-J . . . · · • C • J.... J 0 !1£: • . • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • "9 4 ".." -,-~~ n ~ ;· ~' .. · ~ ald wA ll ~cho~l Lot •••••••••••••• 2.!6 ~ \ = .. : 'i . I.: .(;\<.tton Heirs ••.•••••.•••••• I7.4! '' · : _.·_.. 1\:e.ri. :::.h J.~. ;>almer • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 7. 24 : ~rs.Lou King tract ~ ! •.. . ~ .... 9 ~.02 II If tt f! .~! 2 • o • • • o • o 23 • 5 7 . •I:."i.t~a.ldwcll tr:..:; t T (hOI~. e) ••• I8.GO ·. n " '' · 2 • •••..••• 50.~~8 :- ·: .. , Jomes Cald'llell .................... !55. 82 · · · Jor~nathan :.voody ,.· I ••.... .. ..• 92.-II . ' •! ti t~ ••••••••• • • 59 .. 38 ~~ · .... i".~rs. ~-~ . J. /ooc1y ! •••••• ._ ••• i •• 74 .. ......... ~, • .'1 • ::·.· o \) 0..;/ • • • .. • • • • • • • • • - • • •• ~ I I 6. I 8 ·: :t:..:'- ·~ .P I l:itn. t.~- j ~ t} . 47.58 · -- --··· ·r ·. •: ••••••••••••• 46 .~7 ' '7'- c·l.,.'fr....! ~. ".'.;. n~· , . !: 1 ,.,.f: ll . !99 00 '--~::--'' ~ (,. .,....._. • • ~ . _,"f , '-""' .L\. ' I • . • • •• • • • .. t • • • • (jlt;. Eldrf"urre Ccld7Iell ••••••.••••• !22. 98 ·~~·~~· Geo. H.Ca. lti\'l~lJ. .. . . .. .. ... .. . , .!50.58 --- · J .F..Hall ..••.•••••.•.•.•..••• !2!.44 Inc~~. D.i'l C re(• k ~c ho ol lot ••• ·• • • • ! • :.: j :-. ·~·p<:.~ lr~e rs 'Chapel Church lot • • • • • I.i7 Mrs. •'f .i~ . !?ulnar •••••••.••••••• I45 •• 6 :: ' '· tV .A • .?almer • tr~ot !' I •••••••• . •. 52.~0 Linton Pulrr.or •••.•••••••••••• 47.55 Yourn v ~ry t ~1l y, ., ,, ,, ' I W"I :•· .• . It If If " If II ., " •• !f " " If )( tt It traota that -.... ~.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).