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Calvin I. Kephart to Judge John W. Kephart, September 12, 1923, page 1


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • &|pV8 ii21 Interstate & m.^„. Washington, t*. ■ Sept. 12, 1923. Judge John W. Kephart, lb en s burg, Pe|*nn. Dear Judge: In response to yours of the 10th, irclosed is a list of the various G*bi»rt-K-2phart imcigrants who show indications of relationship, wi th data of arrival of eaoh and nasi© of ship and port of embarkation, in plaaaad that your brother in now in iurope %r£ will intereot himself in the work. Ha should be able to stir thing* uc and supplement ehat is: ■■" iri;>; done. .for* inte>r* lowing Dr. Arnold Lota, of las el, however, I believe it would be well for him to call on Dr. Lang, eeoretary of State Archives, JJarsatadt, «hd Hr. Gffbhart, deputy in the laden Diet, froia Hppingen. Th? latter ie en the southern fringe cf the Odenwald, in Sadon. nn4 I ae firaly of "; •■■■■ belief M o f th* e&ft* stock a* mi *r«, &£i line aimply not having' emigrated tc aria-ricH. Immigrant Johann Adase Kephart, wno oeaee with your Immigrant ancestor, . Johann George, mad* e visit in 17b-i tc hie fold hoi.a at Treuberg, Odenwald'5. Tradition in one- or two other lines shows Tad in as the juiBping-off place. I believe ou^ earllea aneeetort Iigfi S?aeel during the Thirty Yejeve' far gving the flrefc half or the i?th century -^nd located in the 0<3 vxnrnld; einoo tradition point;; to Switzerland! as the erlglsaX source,, but govern* 1 in in indicate £ade« latterly. I am asking Dr. Lot.? to await reettlte of the la-^n eearch before h# nndnrtafee* the extensive »err in Basel, if e* c.,r eetnolieh connection fey getting the nantes of thee§ who £igrttte4 fro« Swi iter lend to the Odsmrald, *e will be on surer ground in Berltnerlnno1. If Herren Lang and. 0ohhnr4 can etloe your broths the exact district in which ou^ i-rmi^ran:' kioss to m resided, he nay he interented in rraking tome eeiftprehene i v* bo tee of the eti*/4roiB&ent, their circumstances., ete.j alee photostat oopiee of tile church reeorde covering the en ewigrm to, oho t»"£rapli« of to oibe tones, cMrehes, graveyarfie, en«S ao on .may oe denCirahle. these people reap have cone into the faetnewsei of the Seh*ar»w%ld in ot^t .%». avoid the warring factions during the periods of reli-pLous strife. I have nJ^.ve'iwiy corupilad a e^nemsty of Swiee History to be te»erte4 in ouj eorh wheii.'the f^nily emtter ehall hare been asssewibled, priric.ip.j.ily fror« P^nniipisr' » book, which ie: very pood. The original eettl"'-- ■■■ no ftStewh .Switzerland, ae far «« ■history records, w«re & Keltic tribe named tli« f'elvetii. In bb they ier.f conquered by the ftomane. Tne Alwnanni, a T-^umic tris:,e from north of the Rhine, began to asBstil She ftem-ece) in W&Q A.D. in 406 completely triumphed, eneeylng away all ven-tignn of ^eeawi © ivlliaatlen. The aiananel, apparently our ancestors, established a purely S«"me*ie eivilii&tion. Xha*e people t»«ttie<i on iraatfi of 1-asid, an ntaraofeel by e sstprin^, •A»oodl*ind or other natur&l feature of the terrain, iherw % number aeseiJibled becace a hftj|hlet« Thi.a., in Ihurgau canton, comn 6 0-70 kilo«ietere east of i-asel, iip^ajrently uefors the ,vear 1100, a hacdet nmm& Gebah*trde*il wna located. Tne original forj« of cur nane'wae It in variously «hos?n as frebarateeeil and K.atarateewil. Thua the «»e of tha beginning *K* in our naoe dates back to theee • noeient times, i'ore tamann, in. hia Altdsutschee ^amencuch, states theee fo mis represent Gebhardeswil, in Thurgau. Of coirse, in those

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).