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Augustus Frank to Horace Kephart, June 28, 1919, page 2

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  • wcu_kephart-1794.jpg

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  • TELEFONO AUGUSTO FRANK MARMI ANTICHI PER COLLEZIONE E DECORAZIONE * ' < PIAZZA TRINITA DE' MONTI The property belongs to the wealthy gun club of Terni who go there only for the March and September wild pigeon shooting. We have already tramped all over the place and consider that it is ateout as far away from everybody and everything as you can be withing sixty miles of a big city. Our outfit is a dandy.Made by ourselves with ideas almost LU&ensils entirely suggested by your book. Everything for cooking and eating goes into a round wood veneer box. Fourteen inches in diameter and twenty four inches tall. One the top there is a half inch disk of chestnut that makes a chopping board. This is very useful.We have vegetable soup onee a day. Minestrone,its called. You chop a chunk of salt pork very fine.Add some garlic,onion,celery seed and other flavors to taste. When the onion is slightly browned start putting vegetables==those that take longest to cook.first. If the vegetables do not give off enough water,add some boiling water slowly. You can add rice or pasfca if desired. Before serving add some tomato conserve that has been disolved in hot water. Serve with grated cheese. Parma» for preference. Some of the very best Parma cheese I ever ate was made in one of the italian centers of == Colorado.Pasta ought to enter largely in the supply list of all campers. Its tas$y and all around good food. There are many ways of serving.I'11 mention a few. Cheese and butter; cheese(pecorino=sheep) and pepper; oil and garlicjand red pepper; tunny fish masked in tomato sauce; with stewed clams ;and of course various meat sauces; you dont need much meat ff the meat is chopped fine.You may not like it,but the best way of all is with chicken inwards.Add a few mushrooms to this and you have a disk for a king ==or a real hungry camper.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).